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April 02, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-02

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Vol. LXXXVI Mn 14S

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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturdov. Aoril 2 1977

Ten Cents

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In yesterday's election issues page, we errone-
ously stated the budget priorities of Leslie Morris,
Democratic candidate in the Second Ward. Mor-
ris' budget priorities are, in fact, road repair,
housing inspection and tenant services, and hu-
man services. We're sorry.
An arresting situation
Perhaps he should have been out campaigning
instead, but William Wilcox, Socialist Human
Rights Party (SHRP) candidate for the First
Ward, seized at the opportunity to emphasize
a campaign issue after his arrest at yesterday's
Hash Bash. City police, apparently unaware of
his candidate status, arrested Wilcox for dis-
orderly conduct.,Was he disorderly? No way, says
Wilcox, who explained that he only "showed con-
cern" for a busted pot smoker by inquiring into
the man's situation. Before he could say "City
Council," Wilcox found himself whipped away to
the station house, where he was fingerprinted and
released. Wilcox won't know until next week
after the election has passed - whether formal
charges will be filed against him, but he had a
few formal words to say about the police force.
In a statement released after the incident, Wil-
son declared: "The U-M has used Ann Arbor po-
lice as mercenaries, paid for by the people of
Ann Arbor, to break the AFSCME strike and in-
stigate violence at the Hash Bash. The city po-
lice must be brought under the political control
of City Council] If elected I will see that the
community exercises control over our tyrannical
police force."
Moving along
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA),
always on the prowl for better ways to move
people around the city, will use an upcoming $1
million federal grant to purchase some spanking
new vehicles and other paraphernalia designed to
make life easier for the harried commuter. Offic-
ials say they plan to add ten 45-passenger buses
and 8 new Dial-A-Ride vans to the city's trans-
portation fleet, as well as 20 bus-stop shelters and
radio communications equipment. The delivery of
the bucks will be delayed until 20% in local match-
ing funds (about $257,325) are assured by the city.
But insiders expect that delay to be a short one.
AFSCME aftermath
Washtenaw County Legal Aid has come to the
defense of six East Quad student employes who
lost their jobs for supporting the recent campus-
wide strike by AFSCME workers. In a letter to
East Quad Student Supervisor Darlene Chase, Le-
gal Air called the firings "discriminatory, unrea-
sonable, and violative of due process" and 'urged
that the students - Michael Taylor, Wendy Good-
man, Richard Rosenthal, Ramon Berger, Jessica
Briefer and Craig Allen - be rehired and offered
back pay for lost work days. If that action is not
taken, Legal Aid demands that each student be
permitted an individual hearing before an im-
partial body. Should no satisfactory action be
taken within ten days, however, Legal Aid will
resort to its number one weapon - legal action
- to correct what it terms a "flagrant injus-





i ~hd(
A patrol car passing b)
halted to a stop
Said officer McDougall in
The force can't do a decent
Cause the kids got no
respect for the law
today "
And blab, blab, blah ...
-Paul Simon "Sai e the
Life of My Child"
Despite repeated attempts
by Ann Arbor police to dis-
courage the festivities, the
sixth A n n u a 1 Ann Arbor
Hash Bash attracted over
5,000 people.
Encouraged by sunny skies in
the afernoon and the pungent
aroma of Cannibuis sative burn-
ing, young people, often very
yoing people, came from as-far
away as Nashville, Tenn.
"Hell yeah, people in Ten-
nessee have heard of the Bash,"
said Ruppert Brooke. "My little
brother was sick and didn't
come but he told me to take
The Ann Arbor police attempt=
ed to make good on their prom-
ise to enforce nuisance laws
and the City Ordinance concern-
N ing the use of marijuana, but
by the early afternoon it was
clear that efforts to stop the
proceedings were in vain.
As early as nine a.m., 25 po-
ice officers roamed the Diag
area, some in groups of fourtand
mo"five. Their presence and their
rhetoric were foreboding.
here and we're trying to break
this Hash Bash up," said one

officer. "If we find students
smoking pot we will confiscate
the marijuana and give them the
five dollar ticket. Outsiders will
be asked to leave."
Until about 11 a.m.. it seemed
that police presence had suc-
cessfully thrown a pall over us-
ual Hash Bash activity. A few
people between the ages of 13
and 17 roamed around the Diag,
sheepishly eyeing police, afraid
to light up. But by early after-
noon the sun had broken through
the clouds and people came by

the droves. Police were greeted
with cat calls of all varieties.
Clouds of smoke rose as the
smokers gained courage from
their number. Amid chants of
"Pigs off Campus!" people got
off on commercial Columbian,
hashish, amyl nitrate, mush-
rooms, LSD, mescaline and
large amounts of alcohol.
POLICE, CHIEF Walter Kras-
ny said the intent was not to
stop the Bash but to discourage
See HASH, Page 3

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It ain't like the I.'
,good ol' days' {
Once upon a time in the city of Ann Arbor, gentle peace-
loving hippies gathered to celebrate the town's new five
dollar marijuana law. Small-time artisans mingled with the
fun-loving freaks and peddled their wares. Hashish sold for
three dollars a vram and Colombian was as gold as the wrist-
band of a professor's Timex watch.
Ah, Nirvana!
BUT NO MORE. The Hash Bash ain't what she used to
The massive influx of Ann Arbor's finest is an omen of
bad things to come for the University's Nirvana fans. As an
. Ann Arbor police official said, "If it was just the students,
we could stay out of there. It's your campus, and students
generally know how to handle themselves when they're
The preponderance of children and outsiders has alien-
ated many Hash Bash regulars. Early yesterday a University
student was a rare commodity in the crowd.
See IT, Page 3
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Tohin' a'wa

Bell inactive in Fifth
W ard, challenger says

Unlike other City Council
races where candidates have
rallied around housing as the
key issue, in the Fifth Ward
Democrat Judith Hanks is push-
ing to make an issue out of re-
sponsible leadership.
Republican incumbent Gerald
Bell has been continually as-
sailed by Hanks for inaction
during his two years on council
and for his low profile in the
ward. "People don't even know
Jerr' is their representative,"
Hanks said in a recent inter-
view. "After two years, I think
it's time they did."
BELL HAS blamed citizens
for "not knowing who anyone
is," but also admits that his
record shows little of "any im-
portance or of any specific con-
sequence," during his term.
The third candidate, Liber-
tarian William Minaid, has not



. from morning 'til night, today's schedule
is awfully tight ... the conference on,"Time, Tense,
and Aspect" resumes this morning at 9, MLB Lec-
ture Room 2 ... likewise, the Midwest Regional
Conference of the Union for Radical Political Eco-
nomics continues at 9, Residential College, Rm.
126 ... the conference on "Work Content, Worker
Self-Motivation, ands Economic Democracy" re-
sumes at 9:30, University of Detroit Student Cen-
ter ... the University Skydivers host an all-day meet
beginning at 10, Tecumseh Airport. ... the work-
shop in Hungarian Dance picks up at 10, 2 and
8:30 p.m., at the Central Campus Recreation Bldg.
... The Medieval and Renaissance Collegium spon-
sors music from 14th and 15th century France,
at 8, Cook Rm. of the N. Law Quad ... the Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club chortles at an 8 o'clock
concert at Hill Aud. Tickets are available at the
box office ... the University Wind Ensemble pre-
sents a free "April Foolish" concert, at 8, Rack-
ham Aud. ... and PIRGIM continues to accept
applications for its local board of directors, un-
til April 6, at its offices, 4106 Union ... Have a
nice weekend!
On the inside...
..an outbreak of suspected botulism, believed
to be the largest in the nation's history, has sur-
faced in Pontiac. For details, flip to the Page 2
Digest ... Republican Mayoral hopeful Lou Bel-
cher answers the airport expansion question on
the Editorial page ... and Ernie Dunbar gazes
into his crystal ball for an advance on the Ken-
tucky Relays. Sports page has it all.
On the outside. ..
... Have we got a Saturday for you? We're afraid

Dailv Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
. .. taker away,

Off-beat names add
s ice to IM games
Who are the Psychotics. the Boneheads, and the Muff Divers?
No. they're not some new punk rock bands or next year's situ-
ational TV comedies but rather part of the seemingly endless list
of rib-poking Intramural (IM) sports team labels.
FOR YEARS, STUDENT teams have tagged themselves with
names that indica e some of the fun involved in sports competi-
IM Assistant Director Ken Nemerovski said team names have
always been slightly out of the ordinary.
"They've been strange the four years I've been working here
and strange the four years I was in school." Nemerovski said.
"We had a team named the LL Fan Club last year. They never
told us if the LL stood for Lois Lane or Linda Lovelace."
THIS YEAR'S CO-RECREATION volleyball league includes
such teams as the Thunder Chickens, Uncle Phil's Bar, Spiked
Punch the Goobers and the El Sereno Banditos.
In the independent recreational volleyba'l league some teams
choose to identify themselves as The Drunk and Disorderly, the
Derelicts, the Squat Guzzlers, Dazed and Confused and the Prom-
ising Over-educa'ed Unemployables.
The Graduate Basketball league netted some of its own zaniness
with Cream Lightening, the Biz Boys. Shanghai Radicals, Yellow
Cab, the Atomic Rooster and the court-trotting surgeons, .the Ward
C Carvers.

actively campaigned but was
able to obtain the 50 signatures
necessary to have his name
placed on the ballot.
His main concerns are pro-
moting private enterprise, de-
fending civil liberties and get-
ting rid of government bu-
Because of Minaid's virtual-
ly non - existent campaign
though, the race is centered on
Bell and Hanks. The tworagree
more housing is needed in the
city and believe that because
Ann Arbor can provide essen-
tial services such as sewage
and water, contractors will
soon choose to build inside city
WHILE BELL believes a
change in the city's housing
code is needed to ease the
pressure on contractors, Hanks
proposes to increase the num-
ber of housing inspectors and
re-educate them periodically to
ensure their enforcement of
f 0
Almost an entire crew of
Olympic Restaurant workers
were fired yesterday following
their Wednesday morning strike
to protest the owner's "emotion-
al" response to suggestions the
employes made during a staff
The workers walked out,
claiming they had been fired
after complaining about addi-
tional workers hired that morn-
THE OWNERS of the restau-
rant on the corner of Ann and
Main Streets. Tom and Gina
Stamdianos. denied that they

the housing code.
Labeling himself a "moder-
ate Republican," Bell has as-
sumed a traditional stance, em-
phasing improvement of city
services - such ac -he sewage
waste problem - above prior-
ities for increased social serv-
On the other hand, expanding
social services as cheaply as
possible is one of Hank's top
three budget interests.
SHE CONTENDS that before
any real change can be made,
a change in the responsiveness
of city department heads is ne-
cessary. "We need to shape
them up or let them out," she
Bell agrees, but says he is
reluctant to get rid of people
who have worked for the city
all their lives.
Concerning the Ann Arbor
Transportation Authority (AA-
TA), Bell says that unless bus
travel time is cut down to the
quickness and efficiency of
travel by car, no one will use
the system.
HANKS, THOUGH, defends
the transportation system, say-
ing it is still young and will
come into its own in a matter
of time.
Working from- a political
base she thinks she developed
during her council campaign
last year - which ended in a
loss to Louis Belcher - Hanks
hopes to upset Bell in the tra-
ditionally Republican Fifth
Bell has not taken his oppo-
nent's attempts for election
See HANKS, Page 3
LSA students have elected
Dick Brazee as their new stu-
dent government (LSASG) pres-
ident. Brazee defeated challeng-
ers Brian Laskey and G. J. Di-
Giuseppe, gathering 56 per cent
of the 568 votes cast.
Ballot counting c o n t i n u e d
through to the early morning
hours to determine which of the
17 candidates will fill the 11 at
large seats on LSASG.
Jodi Wolens, Brazee's running
mate on the Program for Edu-

M. . I w-

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