Fridoy, April 1', 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Elva Frid0y, April ~I, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pt~e Five And Mayor's race: Wheeler WITH CONSIDERABLE reluctance, The Daily en- dorses incumbent Albert Wheeler for a second term as mayor of Ann Arbor. We have been dissatisfied with Wheeler's two-year tenure in the mayor's chair, and we find commend- able features in the campaigns of both of his op- ponents - Republican Louis Belcher and Socialist Human Rights Party (SHRP) candidate Diana Slaugh- ter. But we find Slaughter ill-informed and imprac- tical, and the prospect of a Council dominated by both a Republican mayor and a Republican majority {s not in the long-range interests of the city. Ann Arbor is facing critical problems - shoddy and scarce housing, an inadequate transit system, de- teriorating streets, and a wounded downtown area badly in need of revitalization. Wheeler has been too cautious, and has doire very little to meet the chal- lenge. THROUGHOUT HIS CAMPAIGN, Wheeler has claim- ed that the Republican majority on Council have hampered .achievement of°-his goals. But where are those goals 4n the first place? In two years as mayor, Wheeler has brought only six proposals before Coun- cil, and four of those came in the last two months. Regardless of the strong opposition he faces, how can he hope to solve problems without at least setting a worthwhile agenda? But we do find ourselves in agreement with Wheel- er's attitudes on the general philosophy of running this city. A 40-year resident of Ann Arbor, he has shown admirable concern for the quality of lives of city residents during his term as mayor. He is an outspoken advocate of human services, and has at- tempted to channel city and federal funds into parks and int6 making the lives of Ann Arbor's needy citi- zens better. If he has not always translated his con- cerns into policy, he at least has used his mayoral veto wisely. SHRP CANDIDATE Diana Slaughter has waged her campaign against "the two capitalist parties" and has called for a powerful emphasis on social services. She opposes construction of additional off-street park- ing structures, saying people should use more "buses, bicycles, and feet." That's a good idea. She also be- lieves that housing should be based on a cooperative system because "no one should be making a profit on something that is a basic human need." That may be a hard argument to quarrel with theoretically, but it would make for a hopelessly impractical policy pro- posal. While Wheeler has promised to create a de- partment of Human gervices, Slaughter says she would prefer to let voters themselves name the services they want. She would also guarantee funding to food co- operatives and other "people oriented" organizations. But for all her ideas, Slaughter is poorly inform- ed on many of the issues which will bear down an the next mayor. The office demands a sophisticated under- standing of all city matters, not just an idealistic com- mitment to some. LOUIS BELCHER, Fifth Ward Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem, is not dismissed so easily. Belcher is smart, well-informed, and energetic. He has outlined several proposals which address the city's problems forthrightly. Among his ideas are the construction of downtown high-rises to. ease Ann Arbor's housing crunch, at least in that part of the city; the elimination of much of the city's neglected Dial-A-Ride system apd a conver- sion to an expanded fixed-line bus system; the con- strection of additional, off-street parking structures to relieve congestion and promote the downtown business district. We think some of Belcher's ideas may be what the city needs. But in the past he has opposed preferential voting, opposed the $6 pot fine until recently. He has appeared uncannily moderate in this campaign, when we always knew him as a staunch conservative. We're just not sure we can trust him. The city may be able to benefit from some of.Lou Belcher's ideas. But let's keep Al Wheeler in charge. the envelope, please ... First Ward: Wilcox, N THE FIRST WARD The Daily endorses Socialist Human Rights Party (SHRP) candidate William Wilcox. While we disagree with his stand in favor of rent control and have some reservations about the immedi- ate feasibility of his more visionary policies - such as ripping up the downtown and turning it into a car-free mall - we feel he has addressed the major isues of the campaign more squarely than either Democrat Kenneth Latta or Republican Val Jaskie- wicz. Both Latta and Wilcox put first priority on hu- man services - day care, community improvement, health facilities - but Wilcox stresses the "human" half of the concept rather than the "services" aspect. He favors aid to coops and coop housing, all night public transportation, trash recycling on a large scale, citizen control Hof the police, and guaranteed fund- ing for legal and day care facilities. WILCOX WOULD ALSO put pressure on the Univer- sity - through the state legislature - to remedy the housing situation, and advocates a "hands-off poli- cy for city police in labor disputes such as the re- cent AFSCME strike. Admittedly, many of Wilcox's ideas are long-range plans and grand schemes, but we feel he is ready to work with other members of council in putting them into action rather than merely acting petulant and using Council as a forum fo debate as some previous SHRP members have done. Republican Val Jaskiewicz is a travesty of a can- didate, pushed forward by city GOP with hopes of not offending anyone, picking up a thousand votes, and leaving SHRP and the Democrats to divide the liveral vote. Jaskiewicz, though a student, is woefully uninformed on issues like housing and University re- lations - issues which directly affect the student com- munity. Pressed for a detailed position, he frequentl "hasn't thought it through yet," and when asked his priorities, Jaskiewicz lists streets, garbage collection and downtown development - in short, just what the city Republican Party has told him to list. DEMOCRAT KENNETH LATTA is a more attractive candidate. He favors many of the same things Wilcox does, but his approach is that of an admini- strator rather than an ideologue. His solutions are bureaucratic solutions - better administration of fed- eral housing dollars, consolidation of some city depart- ments, and revision of the city charter. Latta also tends to waffle on some issues: asked about parking, he says the city needs to use mass transit better; asked about the police he says only that citizen control is "important" and advocates the consolidation of the police and fire departments. Latta is by no means a bad candidate, and in the Democratic First Ward will probably win handily. But we feel that William Wilcox will best serve the stu- dents' needs, and he deserves our votes. Second W ard: Morris THE DAILY ENDORSES Democrat Leslie Morris for City Council in the Second Ward. Because she appears to be more concerned with human interests, and student issues facing the ward than her opponents, Republican Allen Reiner and Lib- ertarian James Greenshields, we believe she is the most qualified candidate for the council seat. The second ward is a heavily tennant populated ward, and if elected, Morris has promised to be a "tenant advocate, not an impartial judge between ten- ants and landlords." This is the kind of representa- tion the ward needs. She wants to see housing codes made more string- ent, while her opponents suggest that regulations be relaxed. REINER SUGGESTS THAT set-back, parking and basement codes be eased, and Greenshields wants all zoning regulations completely phased out. Although relaxing codes might make more units available, the resulting lack of quality in housing, particularly from an elimination of zoning, could be disasterous. Morris is also more politically experienced than her opponents. Although she has never run for an elected position before, she has been actively involved in Ann Arbor city government for the past eight years, attending most council meetings. SHE HAS PARTICIPATED in numerous lobbying ef- forts, and has been involved in such area groups as the Citizen's Asociation for Area Planning and the South University Merchants Association. She has also worked for the Democrats on every campaign in the Second Ward since 1971. Neither Reiner nor Greenshields have been ac- tively involved in the city's government prior to this election. Leslie Morris is knowledgable on the issues and has expressed agenuine concern for the problems facing the second ward. We are confident that she will work towards solving these problems, and for these reasons she deserves your vote. Third Ward: You pick, JN THE THIRD' WARD, we at The Daily find our- selves unable to endorse any of the three candi- dates. None show the capability or insight to bring about the real change so badly needed in this com- munity. In fact they aren't even aware, let alone sen- sitive of the problems we students face in this city. Democrat Les Seeligson not only can't distinguish himself on the issues, he can't distinguish himself from his Republican.o p p o n e n t Louis Senunas. In fact, when asked to explain their idealogical differ- ences, Senunas replied that there were none, and See- ligson offered no response. Though Seeligson and Senunas take almost identi- cal stands on the issues, neither seem to have any concrete or feasible solutions to the problems. THEY SUGGEST THAT the state reimburse the city for revenue lost from the University not paying taxes, but in the meantime propose few other alter- natives to easing the city's financial woes. Both agree that the student housing problem is "not the city's problem" but should be handled sole- ly by the University. And running in a ward with few students, they seem relatively unconcerned with this vital issue. While Senunas has proposed some high rise build- ings to ease the elderly and middle income housing shortage, he concedes he doesn't know where they would go." The two candidates concurred that many of Ann Arbor's difficulties are due to "too much growth, too fast," and that a careful look should be taken in the future. But beyond this "careful look," they again leave concrete solutions unmentioned. LIBERTARIAN BARBARA McKENNA is probably the best informed, most aware, and brightest of the three candidates. Unfortunately, her long-range goals - elimination of all taation, and the reduction of government's duties to protection of the borders, and maintaining a strong court system - are not just un- realistic, they are frightening. Her solution to the prob- lem 6f the nation's underprivilige. is not to support them with federal money, but to rely on altruists who will voluntarily support the needy. The naivete of this position is indicative of the limited scope of her entire party. Even in the. short term, she is a risk that none of us can afford to take. The only suggestion we can offer to Third Ward voters is 'wait'll next year.' Fourth 'a rd: Hemeryck STUDENTS, FOURTH WARD residents and the city -as a whole will best be served by electing Demo- crat Bob Hemeryck to City Council. Hemeryck's com- munity activities arid his campaign statements have shown a real concern for the needs of Ann Arbor's less affluent, less advantaged citizens. Republican Incumbent Ronald Trowbridge, although an articulate 'spokesman for his party, has not been a notable innovator on the Council. And although he has worked well with other Republicans, he has made few contributions of his own to city government. Hemeryck's long-time involvement in community activities in the Bryant neighborhood - his efforts to get better city services, improved housing, etc. - has demonstrated a willingness to put in the long hours and hard work to get something done. THE HOUSING QUESTION shows the difference be- tween Hemeryck and Trowbridge as clearly as any issue. Hemryck says the city has got to hire enough housing inspectors to see that landlords provide safe, healthy conditions for their tenants. Trowbridge says more inspectors would be nice, but isn't really practi- cal because of city budget constraints. Another issue separating the candidates is the quality and responsiveness of city government and its services. Hemeryck says city bureaucrats are often unresponsive and uncooperative when dealing with citizens' complaints and questions. Trowbridge is sat- isfied with City Hall's performance. THE FOURTH WARD is a swing ward, and it may verywell be the student vote that swings it this Monday. If student voters on Hill St., Forest and other areas south of campus get out and vote in large num- bers, their voice will be heard. If they don't, then the suburbanites will choose who represents us on City Council and our needs will continue to go unmet. The choice in the Fourth is clear. We hope stu- dent voters go out and exercise that choice. Fifth Ward: Hanks IN THE FIFTH WARD; The Daily endorses Democrat Judith Hanks for City Council over incuibent Re- publican Gerald Bell and Libertarian William Minaid. We feel her political insight will lead to respon- sible action and her personality will provide a city government which is more responsive to the citizens of Ann Arbor. Hanks will take the initiative to go to the people and concentrate on listening to them and bringing their thoughts to City Council meetings. Although incumbent Bell is quite knowledgable on the issues and the workings of the city, he is often overshadowed by other Council Republicans, and con- sequently has initiated no action in his two years on council. He follows the trend of Republican thought which emphasizes business deals and city services at the expense of bettering the city's social service pro- grams. IN HIS TWO YEARS on Council Bell has admittedly done nothing of importance and can't be expected to change if re-elected. Many of the people in the Fifth Ward don't even know that Bell is their elec- ted official, reflecting not only a lack of interest in city government by the citizens,' but also Bell's lack of interest in his constituancy. We believe Hanks will not let this happen, and will initiate citizen input into the workings of Ann Arbor. Ffth Ward Libertarian William Minald is not ac- tively campaigning for election and is not expected to carry much weight with the\ voters in the Ward The overall view of his party - abolition of taxes and reduction of government - make him an unsavory candidate. SINCE MOVING to Ann Arbor seven years ago, Hanks has been active in many local community organi- zations and city appointed groups. She is veheiently against the old tradition of relying solely on special- ists and professionals to set and implement city poli- cies. She believes elected officials should not have their hands tied by -city administrators and can be relied upon to combine residents and professionals in future city policies. Hanks' perspective is outside the tight knit group of people that have run the city in -the past. She has a concern for the people, not only for the Democratic party. She is willing to go out and teach people about the city and its gqvernment in an effort to better the city for everyone living and working in it. ISSUESPUniversity's ISSUES Ciy City Commitment to Social Bud Housing Transit Growth Parking Police Services the City Services Prior WARD FOUR Inspect each apart- Likes Dial-A-Ride, Many roads in Ward Opposes more down- Wants a tight policy Make bureacuracy Wants students on all More city money 1. Restruct ment when a new hopes it could run need repair. Unde- town parking struc- on police firearms more responsive to city committees, in- should go into day departmr B ) lease is signed. longer and be used cided between patch tures. improved pub- use. Citizens com- public,less arrogant. cluding Planning care, health care, save mo Finance system more. Line buses need repairs and major re- lic transit key to mittee should review Commission. More legal services and 2. Make su through steep fines on to be re-routed to construction. Build downtown revival, arms policy viola- University housing other social pro- enterpris landlords who break serve more people pedestrian mall/park tions. would loosen up the grams. ing struc housing code. better. "from one end of the Ann Arbor housing port, etc downtown to the market. More Univer- supporti other." sity support for city.. 3. Addition Favors better housing Calls for more effi- Repair present roads Favors more down- Says problems with Combine engineering The University should Wants new fire station 1. Assessm inspection, but city cient line bus system. before building new town parking. "When police arms use have departments in differ- pay more for police near south side of budget d Ronald rwbrdge( may not be able to Switch some funds ones. Voted against that will be and in died. Current arms ent city agencies into and fire, should town for quicker assessm' afford it. Federal from Dial-A-Ride to airport expansion. what form, I can't policy is "reason- one department. Road "promote housing," responses. Wants day rise. funds needed to line buses. tell you." able." repair, not construc- and give money for care center near 2. Road re finance low income tion. road repair. Forest Hills. 3. Conibina housing. ing and I terminal town. $get rties ure city ents to ney. re city ses-park- tures, air- .-are self- ng. al funds erits-keep owp so ents don't pair. tion park- AATA bus down- WARD FIVE Judith Banks (D) Gerald Bell (R) Proposes more hous- Needs'to be better "The crying need is Says that parking "Generally, pople feel Proposes road im- "They have to help Says city needs 1. Sewage treatment. ing, more inspectors "but it's a matter of housing." Doesn't structures downtown safe." Proposes no provements, but feels (the city) financially. "proper manage- 2. Roads. and updated training time." Questions object to growth would be "a waste of major changes. most services are Their employes can't ment" of funds, and 3. Human services. for inspectors. Favors Dial-A-Ride. "when it is well space." Prefers performed well. carry their burden." more federal money. modified housing code done." "efficient, peripheral for downtown. parking." "We've made it dif- Wants to connect "We have to encoura- "The car is here for a Supports police as is. Suggests getting more "U should be more Low priority in his 1. Streets. ficult for builders to downtown and State. age environmentally while so we have to federal money to keep concerned with hous- mind. 2. Sewage treatment. build here, we have clean companies to accommodate it." ' it going. Encourages ing students." Sup- 3. Basic city services. so many idealists." come to Ann Arbor." more youth employ- ports the state Proposes changing Encourages "eco- ment. Bursley Bill. building and housing nomic development