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April 01, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-01

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Page Four


Friday, April 1, 1977

Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 1, 1977






Public City City Commitment to Social Bu
Hpusing Transit Growth Parking Police Services the City Services Pri
Supports modification Would like more di- Supports annexation Opposed to more sur- Proposed resolution Advocates waste wa- Is lobbying in Lansing Plans to implement a 1. Human
of the building code. rect and time-efficient of surrounding town- face parking lots. Sup- requiring police to be ter plan that would for a bill which would human services pro- 2. Streets
Alb r he le Says that the U is not AATA routes. Sup- ships which jut into ports current plan for residents. Supports not risk losing federal reimburse city for gram if elected, which 3. State r
providing enough ports public transpor- Ann Arbor. Advocates a parking structure to reorganization to get money. Opposes bond tax-exempt services would use some gen- reimbu
housing for its tation. Opposes any carefully planned and be built in conjunction more training and ci- issue on roads; sup- provided to the U. eral funds, but mostly
students. cuts in Dial-A-Ride. controlled growth. with a new AATA vilian input. Police ports plan for recon- Feels U is not carry- federal money.
terminal, should be accountable struction of some ing its share of hous-
to city. roads and repairs on ing, police, and fire
others. services load.
Supports high density Would place more em- Opposes any further Supports more off- Says there are too Claims at least $1 mil- "The U has shown a Should maintain social 1. Streets
housing downtown to phasis on fixed routes annexation. Supports street parking for many people in com- lion is needed per real willingness to services at their pre- 2. Code e
be paid for by city and a downtown bus new industries moving high density housing. mand positions. Fav- year for reconstruc- carry their load." sent level. 3. Refuse
bond referendum. Op- terminal. Would like in to help tax base. Supports plan for new ors more foot and bi- tion and resurfacing Proposes getting
poses rent control. Dial-A-Ride cut down parking structure and cycle patrols. Strong- of streets. Supports funds from the state
Supports turning St. drastically. AATA terminal down- ly opposes residency widening streets if to compensate for the
Joseph's hospital into town. requirements. necessary. services the city pro-
student housing. vides the U.
Favors new housing Supports building an Supports annexing Against any more Police should be more Supports street re- Feels that the U is not Opposes Wheeler's 1. Human
for lower and middle indoor AATA terminal parts of townships downtown parking. accountable to the pairs which are not fi- carrying its share of human services plan. 2. Housin
Diana S lincome groups. Advo- downtown. Would like wlich jut into Ann Ar- Advocates more bi- city and public. "The nanced by bond refer- the load, especially Supports guaranteed 3. Transp
cates cooperative more riders and bor. Opposes other cycle and satellite people should have endum. Opposes wid- with regards to hous- funding for current
groups running new AATA employes on growth and drawing parking with public more say in how they ening of roads. ing. cooperative services,
housing. Supports the AATA board. new industries into transportation down- want to be protected." such as the food coop.
streamlining of build- t*i area. town.
ing codes and rent
Favors zoning Favors adding line "Growth is inevitable "Special assessment Reduce administra- Should repair existing U should compensate Favors Human Serv- 1. Human
changes, tax breaks buses to Dial-A-Ride. -what it looks like (of downtown mer- tors; consider consoli- streets first. Widening city for services used. ices Department; in- 2. Housin
Kennefh ,aata (D) or homesteaders and Coordinate buses with and where it takes chants) is not the ans- dation of police and "only where urgent U should provide-stu- creased federal fund- 3. Mainta
potential developers, peripheral parking place is something wer." Encourage bet- fire departments. need exists." dent housing - 5,000 ing. city se
and "intelligent use of lots. Council can decide." ter use of public units over 5 years. with e
federal housing dol- Annexation of town- transportation. service
lars." Favors review ship "islands" is
of building and hous- "reasonable".
ing codes. Opposes
rent control.
Favors senior citizen Cut back Dial-A-ide, Must be in or around "We need growth, but Favors committee for Long-range program U should compensate Opposes Human 1. Housin,
3.33complex, moderate- replace with line downtown. Perimeter not irresponsible "citizen input" to to repair and recon- city for city services Service Department- modera
a lRincome downtown buses during rush parking, possibly growth," which "must police department. struct streets. Com- used. St. Joseph's services should be and se
high-rise. Opposes hours. . trolley or downtown happen near down- mittee should be hospital should be funded directly. 2. Streets
rent control because structures. Favors town." Encourage formed to study solid turned into dorm. 3. Solving
it "discourages downtown bus "clean, progressive waste management. problei
development." Wants -terminal. industry" and middle-
to offer tax incentives income tax base.
to potential
Supports city-wide Strengthen Dial-A- "Development, not Opposes downtown Outlaw use of mace Advocates water U should reimburse Supports guaranteed 1. Enforc
rent control. Advo- Ride. System of peri- growth ... we should parking structures. and hollow-point quality and conser- city for services used. funding for social human
illiam itaxn P}cates "Repair and pheral parking lots deal with what we've "The emphasis is on bullets by police. vation plan, city law City should insist on services. CDBG nance.
Deduct" law to fed by line buses got." Opposes annex- not using vehicles Increase use of foot guaranteeing mini- end to U DNA money should be used 2. "Impro
permit tenants to fix should be set up ation of towns ips. which use itydrocar- patrols. Tighten resi- mum utility service, research. to buy property for cal bal
minor defects at downtown. bon fuels." dency requirements trash recycling. non-profit legal and city."
landlord's expense. for police officers. health care co-ops. 3. Guaran
Favors "urban home- of soci
steading." Opposes
modification of build-
ing code.

evenues to
rse city.
g programs
ining other
rvice levels;
mphasis on
ate income
nior citizens
the waste
emery of
rights ordi-
ve ecologi-
ance d
teed funding
al services.

Leslie Morris (D)
Allen Reiner (R)
James Greenshields (Lib)

There should be a Favors expanding the Wants to annex island Believes one parking Parking tickets Road repair is top The U has an obli- Favors easing up 1. Road repair.
guarantee for better bus system. Wants townships because structure with a bus should be taken over priority here. gation to support the regulations to make 2. City services.
quality housing. More Dial-A-Ride to im- they are using city terminal should be by the parking de- city services it uses. it simpler for groups 3. Cut cost of city
U housing should be prove response time. services for which built downtown. A partment. More to start day care government.
built. Suggests turn- they pay no taxes. parking structure streetlights should be centers. Believes a
ing St. Joseph's hos- should be built by U up as a safeguard park commission
pital into a do-m. Hospital, and the U against rapes-it's made up of citizens
should provide a com- cheaper than adding should be started.
muter lot on North more patrol officers
Campus. to the streets.
Favors easing of "I think a public Basically opposes Doesn't want to see "I don't want (police) Says money that "I don't know what Supports most social 1. Road repair/
certain restrictions to transportation system annexation, but says new parking lots completely account- might be used for the effect the city will services, especially rebuilding.
provide more interim not only should be the city should annex constructed down- able to themselves. proposed circulation have-on the U since the Free People's 2. Human services,
housing space until implemented and those township town, would rather By the same token, plan should instead the money comes Clinic. "If the city
new housing can be used, but has to be." islands which use see fewer cars being I don't want them be used to rebuild from Lansing." Says has to fund it, it
built. Sees public transit as city services but don't driven, completely account- city streets. the U should provide should fund it."
an alterantive to the pay city taxes. able to the citizenry." more housing for its
city's proposed cir- Favors a joint police/ students.
culation plan. citizen review board.
"Strets.n.An .aroc s omtig teive oii ~ aesoi n u

Wants to phase out
all zoning. Opposes
rent control.

Favors more em-
phasis on'expansion
of mass transit pro-

"I absolutely refuse
to vote for initiation
of annexing land."

Opposes building new
parking structures.
Thinks they will
encourage cars to
come downtown.

More of the police
force should be out
on the streets instead
of "pushing pencils"
behind desks at City

"Streets in Ann
Arbor are horrible"
and will be his top
priority. Believes
most city services,
like fire department,
should be handled by
an outside agencv.

"If you use something
you pay for it." Be-
lieves the U should
pay for the services
it uses and consider
getting its own police

Believes social
services, like city
services, should be
handled by outside
agencies because
they would be "more
sensitive" to the

states only one pri-
ority: Cutting the
budget and the cost
of city government
while maintaining

Les Seeligon (D)
Louis Senunas (R)

Against rent control. Supports continua- "Expansion is in- Wants to increase Redirection of resi- Agressive supervision University should "We cannot lose sght 1. City services -
Believes the city must tion of AATA and evitable. We must convenience of public dential patrols. Re of expenditures on build more student of the need of all our streets.
rigorously enforce improvement of expect and plan for transportation and examination of WANT streets, street repairs, housing. It should residents." We sup. 2. Public transit.
code and occupancy Dial-A-Ride. a controlled mix of accessibility of l ng squad activities. garbage pick-up and cooperate with the port services at the 3. Police and fire
requirements to im- residential and com- term parking for Strongly opposed to maintainance of city city and state officais present level, subject budget.
prove housing con- mercial development downtown employes. WANT squad. properties. in providing equitable to close cost control.
ditions. without drastically Leave more short state support for the
changing the char- term street level city services to the
acter of the city." parking for shoppers. University commu-
"dpn 'll uitc LV

Wants to see senior,
middle-income and
single family housing.
Feels building codes
need to be upgraded
from present levels.

Would like to see the
system modiifed.
Against Dial-A-Ride:
says it's not an effec-
tive way of utilizing
transportation. Fav-
ors fixed-route sys-
tem and limiting
Dial-A-Ride to handi-
capped and senior

Ought to clean up
township pockets and
peninsulas where
people enjoy use of
city services. Bring
in light industry.

More parking in the
downtown area. Pos-
sibly redirect some of.
the Dial-A-Ride serv-
ice into a reliable,
inexpensive shuttle
service from outijing
areas. Supports addi-
tional structures
funded through gen-
eral obligation bonds

The WANT squad and
anti-burglary unit are
important and useful
units. Should seek out
the small drug push-
ers as well as the
large dealers.

Garbage pick-up is as
good as can be ex-
pected without a tax
increase. Snow re-
moval needs to be
improved. Fix pot
holes through general
obligation bonding or
federal money.

Inequitable for city
not to be compensated
for revenue lost from
the U not paying
taxes. Need strong
lobbying to "turn the
tide." U should meet
demands for more
housing, "but I don't
think they have
enough money."

bays wheeier has
used "bureaucratic
overkill" to smother
the money coming
principally from the
CDBG. Opposes
mayor's plan for
neighborhood centers,
questions whether the
money is getting to
the people.

-it s au reiauve. j
has to be taken in a
total budget context.
Allocate money as
it's available.'


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