See Editorial Page
Sir A
:43 t t
See Today for
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol, LXXXVI!, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 31, 1977 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Boo Hoo!
Though it hardly ranks as one of the most tragic
events of the year, not to mention the week, all
of us here at the Daily are feeling rather poorly
about it. After almost countless years of disgorg-
ing her famed Sc cokes to parched Daily staffers,
Betsy the Coke machine has fallen victim to in-
flation. From now on, Betsy will bestow her favors
only on those patrons who feed her dimes. Though
we have long been loath to take this fateful step,
thereby abolishing a cherished Daily tradition, the
financial powers-that-be made it clear that the
time had come. An era, of sorts, has ended.
Several leaders of the American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) have charged that
local President Joel Block deliberately "misled" some 2,100
service personnel several times during their recent month-long
Block's lack of "concern for people" prompted members of
the union's Executive Board to ask the president to resign "numer-
ous times" during the walkout, but with no result, according to
AFSCME bargaining chairman Art Anderson, a member of the
Executive Board and one of the union's vice-presidents.
BLOCK SAID last night only that he was "absolutely- denying"
the charges made by the officials.
"It dignifies garbage to respond to it, and that's what it is,"
Block said.
m isleadin
Anderson. who may run for re-election to his post as bargain-
ing chairman in the union's May elections, said in an interview
March 25, "The best thing for him (Block) to do now would be to
resign and get out of town. That's nmiy feeling. He would help this
union tremendously if he would be a man, resign, and leave."
ANDERSON himself came under attack from union members
just before AFSCME walked off the job Feb. 23. Anderson and
the other members of the union baragining team had recommended
that the members ratify a tentative settlement which wouldhave
provided, among other things, a 55 cent per hour wage increase
over two years. Union members overwhelmingly rejected' the
tentative settlement, and the strike began. After nearly a month
of picketing, workers accepted a 60 cent per hour increase and
went back to work.
Union officials-including Anderson, Walt Oliver, president of
LSA elections
Hear ye, Hear ye! Today and tomorrow, elec-
tions for president and at-large representatives to
LSA student government will be held. All LSA
tuition-paying students are eligible to vote. In ad-
dition, you can also register a yea or nay on
a ballot question on opening all faculty meetings
to students. The polling locations and times are as
follows: Today you can vote from 8:30-4 p.m. in
the Fishbowl; from 1:30-7:30 in the UGLI; from
1:30-6:30 in Markley; from 4-6 in Mosher-Jordan;
from 10:30-1:30 and 4-6 in Alice Lloyd; and from
3-7 in Bursley. Tomorrow, the times and places are
8:30-4 in the basement of the Michigan Union;
from 1-7 in the UGLI; from 10:30-1:30 and 4:30-
6:30 in East Quad; from 11-6 in South Quad; and
from 1:30-6:30 in West Quad.
Happenings ...
Start off today with a passle of reminders . . .
Drug Help is interviewing volunteers interested in
working on crisis phones from April 4-11, call
994-HELP ... . also PIRGIM is accepting applica-
tions for its local board of directors from now
until April 6' in their office, 4106 Michigan Union
. . . finally, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra is
looking for 400 silver-throated singers to perform
in Mahler's "Symphony No. 8" on June 23 at Mea-
dowbrook, if you're interested, contact Dr. Bryant
on Friday, April 1 from 9-4 or Saturday, April 2
from 9-12 noon at rm. 111, Hill Auditorium . . . now
for the day's events . . . Local Motion will hold
a cookie sale at 9 on the Diag, all proceeds going
to non-profit Ann Arbor human service organiza-
tions . . . then at the noon hour, go hear Rich-
ard Burgwin read the poetry of Theodore Roethke
in the "Open Hearth Series" in the Pendleton
Rm. of the Union . . . from noon-5, there will be
a demonstration of the Xerox color-copier in the
Union . . . Mayoral candidates Al Wheeler, Lou
Belcher and Diana Slaughter will be in the Union
Ballroom from 1-3 to answer any questions you
might have . . . and if you're in the mood, you
might go listen to Dr. A. Kay Behxgensmeyer talk
about "Paleoecology of Recent Bone Assemblages:
A New Look at Plio-Pleistocene Vertebrate Com-
munities in East Africa" in Rm. 2501 C. C. Little
Building at 4 . . .take a break for dinner and then
attend an informal meeting of the Undergraduate
Women's Organization at 7 in Rm. 3411 of the
Union, the Women's Advocate Office . . . then,
as part of the Trotter House Speaker Series, Dr.
William Cash Jr. will speak on "Academic Af-
fairs" from 7-9 at Trotter House, 1443 Washtenaw
. ..at 7:30, John Bunch, Glen Treisman and Bill
Farmer will read poetry at Guild House, 802
Monroe . . . there will be a panel discussion of
"The Arts: Elitism, Culture and the Community"
at'7:30 in Rm. 126 of East Quad . . . also at 7:30,
the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will meet
and discuss "Samaritan" in the Michigan League
. . . at 8, the University Concert Band will per-
form at Hill Auditorium for free . . . The Ann
Arbor Libertarian League will show the, movie
"The Incredible Bread Machine" at 8 in the Michi-
gan Union . . . finally, hear the Prologue and Act
I of Monteverdi's "Orfeo" at the Collegium Musi-
cum concert in Rackham Auditorium at 8. That's
it, gang.
A stab in the dark?
If this were the Middle Ages, some might accuse
Lee Fried of witchcraft. About a week ago, Fried,
a Duke University freshman, peered into his crys-
tal ball with the aim of predicting headlines in lo-
cal newspapers. On March 21, Fried sat down and
wrote that he expected to see this headline in the
Tuesday morning edition of the News and Observer
of Raleigh: "583 Die in Collision of 747's in Worst
Disaster in Aviation History." The prediction was
immediately sealed in an envelope and locked in
Duke President Terry Sanford's desk. On the fol-
lowing Monday, the morning edition of the News
and Observer had this headline: 530 killed as Jets
Collide in Fog," with an overline reading: "Worst
Air Disaster in History" The death toll has since
risen to 577. "I kept hoping I was wrong." said
Fried Tuesday, "I've been wrong so many times
before. If I told someone. I didn't think they would
believe me."
On the inside...
Read about the new energy policies Carter is
considering in the Digest on Page' 3 . . . Chuck
Anesi discusses Republican mayoral candidate Lou
Belcher on the Editorial Page . . . Karen Paul
reviews Tuesday's night's Mahler concert on the
Arts Page . . . and on the Sports Page, 'Bob War-
ren writes about the women's tennis team.
p 0 9
AFSCME Council 11 (the union's regional council), and Council 11
representative and bargainer Dave Mitchell-charged that Block
misled union members through these actions during the strike:
* Block told union members they were losing their birthdays
as paid holidays beginning in 1978, but did not explain that the
union was actually gaining two holidays, according to Anderson
and Mitchell.
* ANDERSON said Block assured workers the strike would
last two or three days, while readying his strike committe for a
much longer walkout.
" At one membership meeting during the strike, according to
Anderson, Block drastically oversimplified a 'consideration of the
University's proposal of a 60 cent per hour increase. Anderson
claimed Block "tried to bind" the bargaining team to a 70 cent
See DID, Page 3
s proposals
President threatenS
weapons build-up
US. .
WASHINGTON ( A) - A divid-
ed House voted yesterday to
give its beleaguered assassina-
tions committee two more years
to probe the murders of Presi-
dent John Kennedy and civil
rights leader Martin Luther
The final vote on continuing
the existence of the committee,
which has been in hot water
since the first day of the current
legislataive session, was 230 to
181. Without the approval,, the
committee would have died at
midnight today.
COMMITTEE Chairman Louis
Stokes (D-Ohio), said after the
vote he believed the approval
came only because the commit-
tee's controversial chief coun-
sel. Richard Sprague, resigned
earlier in the day in an effort
to save the investigation.
The assassinations committee
accepted Sprague's resignation
by an 11 to 1 vote at a meeting
hours before the decisive House
vote. Several committee mem-
See KENNEDY, Page 3
MOSCOW (R) - Soviet leader
Leonid Brezhnev rejected Amer-
ican nuclear arms control pro-
posals yesterday, shattering the
latest U.S. effort to reach a new
strategic arms limitation treaty
Secretary of S t a t e Cyrus
Vance, who had waited three
days for a response to his SALT
proposals, said both a compre-
hensive and a more limited ap-
proach had been offered but the
Soviets "did not find either one
Carter said Soviet failure to ne-
gotiate "in good faith" in the
next round of arms talks in May
could force a speedup in U.S.
weapons development.
After receiving news of the
Moscow breakdown, Carter told
reporters that if, following the
May discussions, he feels "that
the Soviets are not acting, in
good faith with us, and that an
agreement is unlikely, then I
would be forced to consider a
much more deep commitment
to the development and deploy-
ment of additional weapons."
The President added, "But I
would like to forego that deci-
sion until I am convinced the
Soviets are not acting in good
faith. I hope they will."
EARLIER, T H E President
told a hastily convened meeting
of congressional leaders that al-
though the American proposals
had been rejected, the Moscow
talks "were productive."
Flanked by Vice President
Walter Mondale, the President
said a forthcoming joint com-
munique summarizing the Mos-
cow talks would note that "the
most important and time-con-
suming" discussions had dealt
with strategic arms limitations.
Vance denied the proposals
had been turned down because
of S o v i e t unhappiness over
American human rights criti-
cism. He said the Russians' re-
jected both proposals because
"they did not coincide with what
they consider to be an equitable
THE CARTER administration
has stressed its commitment to
human rights around the world,
and Brezhnev has warned pub-
licly that U.S. criticism of in-
ternal Soviet affairs could inter-
fere with arms talks and other
efforts to improve relations be-
tveen the two countries.
Vance said he had been un-
able to reach even his minimum
goal of setting up a format for
continuing SALT talks.
He said he would bring the
arms control matter up again
See BREZHNEV, Page 10
In the midst of this busy po-
litical season, tomorrow's elec-
tions for the literary college stu-
dent government (LSASG) have
gotten buried beneath the
mounds of publicity granted to
more prominent local politi-
But the three candidates vy-
ing for the LSASG presidency
believe that campus politics
merit more attention.
ALL THREE contenders -
Dick Brazee, Brian Laskey and
D. J. DiGuiseppe - have been
active in student government
over the past three years.
Brazee, a junior, served as an
LSASG member-at-large from
September, 1975 until Decem-
ber 1976 when he became vice-
president of the organization. In
addition,Brazee has served on
the LSA Student Grievance Pro-
cedure Committee and as a peer
counselor in the Pilot Program.
He has also been active in the
area of student legal affairs.
See LSASG Page 3
Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
Music men
This flashy foursome from "The Music Man" polishes up its song and dance routine in
preparation for tonight's opening performance.
Literature prompts accusations
At, the outset of the mayoral
race, the two major candidates,
Democrat Al Wheeler and Re-
publican Lou Belcher promised
to wage a clean, issue-oriented
contest. However, as election
day approaches, workers for
each candidate have exchanged
salvos over campaign literature.
Most of the accusations have
not implied that any lies were
actually printed, only that "de-
ceptive literature" was being
passed out.
LAST WEkK, a piece of Bel-
cher literature was distributed
across campus containing the
headline "From Udall to Bel-
cher . . ." Although the text of
the leaflet did not imply that
Udall supported Belcher, there
was enough question to prompt
a Wheeler worker to call Udall's
Washington office. The Arizona
congressman responded with a
telegram endorsing Wheeler.
This week, a piece of Wheeler
literature, headlined "Will the
Libertarian differs from Dem,
GOP hopefuls in Third Ward
If itweren't for the presence
of Libertarian candidate Bar-
bara McKenna, Third Ward
candidates in this year's City
Council race would barely be
All three contenders basical-
ly focus on the same issues,
with Democrat Les Seeligson.
and Republican Louis Senunas
proposing almost identical plat-
forms. Only McKenna appears
to offer the voters a choice.
publican hopefuls are both con-
cerned about the city's rapidly
expanding growth. Seeligson
favors a policy of "growth but
with controls."
"The city of Ann Arbor is
not going to stay where it is
today, it's going to grow," he
said. "But if the city doesn't
plan for that type of growth
from the east, it's inevitable
that suburban development is
to be as carefully controlled as
her opponents contend.
"It is wrong to artificially
suppress what growth would
naturally take place," she said.
She explained that stringent
regulations against new busi-
nesses "strangle any new
growthein the city."
McKenna blamed the current
housing shortage on the city's
"callous no-growth policy."
"Housing is the A-number-
one problem in this city," she
asserted. "In my opinion this
problem is deliberately created
by the city government."
nunas agreed that housing, par-
ticularly student housing, is a
problem. But in a ward popu-
lated by few students, both are
See THIRD Page 10
REAL Lou Belcher Please Stand
Up?!" was a 1 s o distributed
across campus, prompting Bel-
cher workers to accuse the
mayor's organization of deliber-
ate deception.'
One of the issues addressed
in the literature is Belcher's al-
leged inconsistency on the $5
marijuana law. The flyer claims
Belcher told students that he
favored the law, but that he
voted against it on the City
"LOU HAS publicly said that
he has changed his stand be-
cause he now sees that the law
works," said Belcher student co-
ordinator Mark Straton. They're
(Wheeler's people) insinuating
that Lou has said one thing to
students and another to the
townspeople, but he has admit-
ted that he was wrong and now
is saying the same thing to
Another source of controversy
is an orange piece of literature,
entiled "Why you shouldtregister
and vote in Ann Arbor." The
piece mentions the mayor's
same favorably in many places,
but does not say anywhere who
published the flyer.
"What bugs me," said Strat-
on, "is that it has no disclaimer
on it at all, and that's a clear
See CAMPAIGN, Page 10
'U' not lkeytoget
$20 million request
Despite President Robben ,Fleming's pilgrimage to Lansing
last week, University officials do not expect to receive the $20
million in new funds which he requested.
Fleming, who made the request in front of the joint subcom-
mittee on higher education appropriations, described the chances
of meeting the $20 million figure as "zero." He called the request
"our duty to show them how much is needed - not to make a
political decision of how much we should get."
VICE PRESIDENT Frank Rhodes said he felt failure to get
the money pointed to a tuition increase. He added, "We've had
See LAWYERS, Page 3
VA ,defense lawyers
grl'l gov 't witnesses
The .first four of what is expected to be a long parade of
government witnesses were grilled by defense lawyers yesterday
in the trial of the two nurses accused of poisoning patients-two
fatally-at Ann Arbor's Veteran's Administration (VA) Hospital
in thep summenrof 1471;
.w::4 :":.... ;y.,..A...S .
Yesterday's Daily carried a
blatant error, and we sincere-
ly apologize for it. We ran a
?~4~ ~