RHODES, SUCCESSOR See Editorial Page LY L 3k1 itgan !!iatitii HALF & HALF High - 660 Low -- 380 See Today for details /' Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 30, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages 1F MU SEE N6S HAPPMN CALZ Ali Backward glance Ah, nostalgia. Bob Honigman, a Class of '58 business student, was back in town this week armed with a report he wrote nineteen years ago on housing in Ann Arbor. Rents were outrageous bacT then too - as much as $40-$50 per person average monthly rent - and the problems really haven't changed much since 1958 either. "Land- lords with an assured demand have let the quality of their units decline," Honigman wrote then. "Both students and University officials agree that poor quality is a defiinte problem in off-campus housing." He also suggested that the University buy land around North Can-pus and develop it while it was still inexpensive to do so. Now, Hoig- man advocates student election of three of tne Re- gents as the only real answer to the housing prob- lem. Hindsight is truly a wonderful thing. Sorry One important piece of information was left out of an article in Friday'- Daily on the settlement of the dorm rent strike. In addition to a nomal rent check. students -wo do not wish to have late rent fines assessed mut also present a Tenant' Union receipt at the Student Accounts Office. 04 Happeings... * . begin early today with a cookie sale sponsored by Local Motion in front of the Gi-ad Library at 9 a.m. . .. the Commission for Women holds a meet- ing at noon in room 2549 LSA Bldg. . . . also at noon, the International Center hosts a program on "Accommodations Abroad", including a bag lunch at 603 E. Madison . . . Dr. Gail Jones will speak on "The Afro-American Storytelling Tradition" at noon in the Center for Afro-American and African Studies. 1100 S. University . . . Center for the Con- tinuing Education of Women will hold a brown bag lunch followed by a Financial Aid Clinic from noon until 1:30 . . . Eileen Higham of Johns Hopkins University will speak on "Disorders of Gender Identity" at 4 p.m. in MLB Auditorium 4 . . . the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies will sponsor a panel discussion on Indira Gandhi's de- feat and the new Indian government in room 200 of Lane Hall at 4:00 . . . Six leading tax, experts will discuss "A New Tax Structure for the U.S." at 4 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Business Administration School . . . WCBN's "Women's Hour" will present a show on Melissa Manchester at 6:00 . , . at 7 p.m, practicing lawyers will be in room 150 of Hutchins Hall to discuss "The Prac- tice of Labor" and Discriminatin Law" . . . Ann Arbor's Morris Dancers will perform in the Cook Room of Law Quad MARC housing at 7 p.m... . at 7:30 you can quiz the candidates for City Coun- cil seats at a League of Women Voters Candidates Night, held in the council chambers of City Hall ... A free half-hour film entitled "Where All Things Belong" will be shown at 7:30 in the Michigan Un- ion Assembly Hall . . . a meeting to protest Uni- versity "reprisals" against striking service workers will be held in the Union's Kuenzel Room at 7:30 . .. part two of a worksthop on "Keeping A Psy- chological Journal" takes place at 8 p.m. in Can- terbury House, corner of Catherine and Division . . and all day long the People's Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) is accepting apoli- cations for its local board of directors at PIRGIM offices. 4106 Michigan Union. 0 Ward Two race k eys o n By EILEEN DALEY and BARBARA ZAHS With the City Council election only five days away, housing and road repair have emerged as the key issues in the student-dominated Second Ward. While Democratic candidate Leslie Morris fa- vors stricter housing standards, Republican Allen Reiner and Libertarian James Greenshields fa- vor easing certain housing laws in order to in- crease the number of available units. MORRIS SAID she would like to see stronger enforcement of quality in housing. She suggested the city hire more inspectors to enforce the hous- ing code and crack down on violators. Morris said she thinks more parking space is needed in student-occupied housing. "I think it's jest been unrealistic to assume that people who live close to campus don't own cars." She said she believes the University has an ob- igation to provide more student housing: "The housing University has been disgraceful in neglecting its responsibility to build housing." REPUBLICAN HOPEFUL Reiner, a financial consultant, said the city's housing woes are a problem of supply and demand. "Unless we have more units going up and more housing available the rent is going to go up," he noted. In order to provide more low-cost housing for students. Reiner suggests relaxing the city's hous- ing code so that landlords would be able to rent dwellngs that might otherwise be deemed un- inhabitable because of code violations. Specifical- ly he would ease set-back parking and basement reg'lations. Reiner emphasizes that he sees this as only an interim solution to the housing shortage until more units can be built. BUT HE SAID the housing code's biggest prob- lem is that it is not properly enforced. "To be effective, the city code has to have teeth." he said. "No one takes these landlords See HOUSING, Page 7 Democratic Republican candidate candidate Jlorris Reiner Libertarian candidate Greenshields N urses' Ia Defense links two oathersto'poisonings By LAURIE YOUNG Special to The J)Ml~y DETROIT - Defense attorneys for two nurses accused of poisoning nine patients, two fatally,,at the city's Veteran's Admin- istration (VA) hospital yesterday scorned the government's case as being based on circumstantial evidence. They said they would show that at least two other people could have been responsible. In the second day of opening arguments in Detroit's U.S. Dis- trict Court, Ann Arbor attorney Thomas O'Brien called the prose- cution's case against Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez "not unlike a house a young child makes out of playing cards." THE COURTROOM FELL calm and silent as O'Brien told the jury in chatty, familiar tones that he wanted to "visit for awhile to balance what you've been told." The nervous energy which had filled the crowded courtroom the day before now settled into quiet expectation of four months of testimony from more than 100 witnesses. "They said they didn't have a smoking gun. The government was right," O'Brien said, referring to Assistant U.S: Attorney Richard Yanko's opening remarks Monday. "For one simple rea- son-there isn't one. "The government is right," he repeated later. "There won't be any * direct evidence that these women injected poison into patients, but you'll hear plenty about the case from us. The defense will give you more understanding of this case than the government can," he said. See NURSES, Page 10 w yers scorn gov t case Doily Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER Democratic incumbent Albert Wheeler and SHRP can- didate Diana Slaughter faced .,. Doily Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER . Republican Mayor Pro TemLouis Belcher in a debate at The Daily yesterday. Sparks fly in mayoral debates Billy bugs out Teenage redneck groupies of Billy Carter will soon have to go well out of their way for a peek at the star. Billy announc'ed yesterday that he is packing up and leaving Plains, Georgia because he can't stand the tourists. "We have as many as 30 tour buses a day p1111 up into the driveway " said Billy's wife. Sybil. "They turn around. A lot of the tourists get out and come to the door knocking and wanting Billy to come out." That's what happens when you're a national landmark. Billy and fam- ily have bought a house nineteen miles outside Plains in which to hide from their fans. - Pictures and an exhibition A nude movie projectionist - just what you al- ways wanted, right? Well someone apparently U.es. because a Dallas firm has gone into business renting out projectionists to show X-rated films in the viewer's own home. For $30 you get the film. for $40 you get a tooless projectionist, and for $50 you get the projectionist completely nude. The pro- jectionists are giving the Dallas city attorney fits.. "The closest we could come to it is the ordinance preventing the showing of a pornographic movie within 1 000 feet of a church, school or residence." Ot tthe inside.. . Michigan liquidates its presidential primary- read about it in the Daily Digest. Page 3 . . . Boston University Prof. Alexander Yesenin-Voipin discusses the human rights issues on the Editorial Page . . . David Keeps recounts Monday night's Ramone'Sonics show at Chances Are . . . and on he sports page, Bill Neff takes a look at spring football. 4 S By LANI JORDAN and JULIE ROVNER As t~e April 4 municipal elections approach, deteriorating housing conditions in the city has emerged as the most explo- sive issue of this year's mayoral campaign. The three candidates - incumbent Democrat Albert Wheel- er, Republican Mayor Pro Tem Louis Belcher, and Socialist Human Rights Party (SHRP) member Diana Slaughter - faced off twice yesterday, first in a debate at The Daily and again last night at the League of Women Voters candidates' night. All have agreed throughout the race on the need for a dras- tic improvements in the city's housing condition, and have laid much of the blame for the critical shortage on the University's failure to provide enough space for students. BELCHER HAS proposed construction of high-rise dwellings in the downtown area to satisfy the need for both student and senior citizen housing. "We must use the city's bonding power to guarantee mort- gages (to private developers)," Belcher said. "If we can pro- vide 600-700 apartments downtown, we should."- Both Wheeler and Slaughter oppose the development of high-rise apartments in the central business district. '.If you put in an 11-story high-rise it'll stick out like a sore thumb," See MAYORAL, Page 7 40MMMMNIWAWM i FA CULTY BLASTS '73 FINDINGS: Speech Path. review under fire By PATTY MUNTEMURRI versity's curriculum. They SHS is funded by the Med Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN Moving Scotty Webster isn't a very big guy. You'll notice those heels boost him at least three quarters of an inch higher off the ground than his socks, and he still doesn't come close to the mid-way point on The Cube. But Scott has guts. We salute him. Speech and Hearing Sciences (SHS) faculty, desperately con- cerned -with the fate of their im- periled program, are having trouble cooperating with . the conclusions about their depart- ment made by a review commit- tee. They say the committee is poorly structured and is improp- erly influenced by the Medical School. Med School officials recom- mended in December that the program be cut from the Uni- based their decision on the find- ings of a 1973 review committee report and a Spring 1976 ac- creditor's evaluation. The SHS faculty members at- tack several aspects of the cur- rent review committee, each of whose three members sat on the 1973 evaluation committee. They say their department is not be- ing reviewed under the guide- lines set by the Office of Aca- demic Affairs, to deal with cut- ting programs. committee, the present lowing, was Med School. they are not their peers, stipulate. whose conclusions committee is fol- appointed by the SHS members say being reviewed by as the guidelines School but its degrees are grant- ed by LSA. The 1973 review Wheeler aide reports threats According to acting SHS di- rector Donald Sharf, "It is a question of whether a review committee appointed by the Medical School wouldn't be in- fluenced by the decision (to scrap the program." James McLean and Alphonse Burdi, both medical professors. and Robert Moyer, director of the Center for-Human Growth and development, are the mem- bers of the committee. SHS members have submitted the names of three other persons SHS faculty also take issue with the peer review commit- tee's function. According to Da- vis, the. committee is being re- established only to update the 1973 report. That report recommended SHS expand its research pro- gram. At the same time, SHS was urged to increase its doc- toral student enrollment and re- duce the number of masters stu- dents, according to SHS Profes- sor Lawrence Turton. But the review ignored the social issue behind the pro- gram's work, Turton said. With the University's concern for re- search, it sometimes doesn't "pay-attention to people," Tur- ton commented. Children with speech disabilities "constitute the most significant portion of the handicapped," he noted. Some argue that unless the By JULIE ROVNER and its driver blared the horn repeatedly. in politics." A st'dent worker for Mayor Albart Wheel- er's re-election campaign said yesterday that some~one threateznedl her.ove~r the tele- LACLAIR SAID she does not believe Belcher himself had any knowledge of the LaClair said she thinks the calls are re- lated to last week's endorsement of Wheel- er by Congressman Morris Udall (D-Ariz.). I I