p®9@, 1wo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 29 1977 TH.IHGAAL7uedy ach2,17 CELEBRATE SPRING!!!! FREE, FREE, FREE 30 Minute Film! WHERE ALL TWNGS BELONG!!!! ... a hymn to the joy of humans guiding their own destinies in a context of univer- sal oneness, joy and risk is its main theme. Author/ educator/ futurist, G E O R G E LEONARD is featured." WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 7:30 P.M Michigan Union-Assembly Hall Sponsored by Office of Ethics and Reliigon r Fleming 's house inspected during energy gathering There IS a difference!! PREPARE FOR: rear MCAT@ DATO LSATO SAT- GRE 0 GMATO OCAT 0VAT Sur broad range of programs provides an umbrella of test- tng know-how that enables us to offer the best preparation available, no matler which course is taken. Over 38 years of experience and success Small classes. Voluminous home study materials Courses that are constantly up- dated Permanent centers open days, evenings & week- ends all year. Complete tape faciiities for review of class lessons and for use of supplementary materials. Make-ups for missed lessons at our center ECFMG 0"FLEX NAT'L MEDICAL & DENTAL BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours Write or calf: 1945 PAULINE BLVD1i' 41. ANN 66ARBO2 48103 4P N ts.* NY stete Only O~0 EDUCATIONAL CENTER CALLToN Fre s gU-I" -;oq tet.,e iaj0S itres d t.ug.oanoe St,and TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 By ENID GOLDMAN University President Robben Fleming is one of many Ann Ar- borites who could reduce the electrical bill at his home, ac- cording to members of the Mid- west Energy Conference who conducted a tour of the South University home Sunday. Leaders of the expedition, Brian Day and Diane MacEach- ern, suggested Fleming could perhaps turn off his electric coffee pot which operates throughout the day, and if he were more ambitious, re-posi- tion his refrigerator so it would r ssources Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN Visitors view varied ilterature available at exhibit takle during this week's energy conference. Join The Daily's INTRODUCING: Daly roosesgrai JUNIOR 1 I PROFESSIONAL I oallernative Dow HAIRSTYLIST no longer be subject to direct Commonwealth Edison nuclear heat from the adjacent oven. manager Cordell Reed, told a small group of disbelieving lis- "EFFICIENT and thoughtful teners that "not only are nu- use of appliances add up to' clear power plants safe, but they make a significant difference are safe with large margins for on your electric bill," explained commercial use." He said solar Day and MacEachern. and fusion energy are .alterna- "We were really surprised to tives for after the turn of the see how energy-conservative the century, but "all we have for Flemings are. There is no ex- ntw is nuclear fission." travagant use of overhead He systematically, amid audi- lighting, no central air condi- ence protest, denied the possibil- tioning, no leaky faucets, and ity of nuclear accidents or ter- the windows are covered with rorist sabotage, and assured the draft resistant yet translucent crowd that high-level wastes are curtains." "not dangerous and could be The presidential home tour stored by the year 2000 in a was part of the three-day con- space no bigger than one ten- ference which ends today, spon- nis court, if we wanted.", sored by Future Worlds and On the other side of the nu- Friends of the Earth. The Mid- clear fence was Richard Gross- west Energy Conference fea- man, coordinator of Environ- tured exhibits, literature dis- mentalists for Full Employ- plays, workshops, lectures and ment. Yesterday, Grossman told panel discussions on the current a small audience that "huge, energy policy and the feasibility expensive, wasteful, polluting of alternative power sources. energy facilities such as syn- "With energy constantly in thetic fuel conversion plants, nu- the news, we felt it would be ap- clear fission and fusion reactors, propriate to provide a forum ocean thermal conversion plants where the various economic, and fossil electric plants, are the ethical, societal and environ- last places that the nation mental issues could be discussed should want to invest billions of by citizens," Dan Mendelson, dollars." one of the coordinators, stated. "These facilities," he main- tained, "provide the least jobs SUNDAY'S keynote speaker, per dollar invested for any spending, except space explora- tionand non-personnel Defense items." "Increased energy efficiency plus viable solar alternatives of- fer sufficient energy for a pros- perous economy," he added. Other members of yesterday's discussion panel differed widely M ENTin their vision of energy poiies Sfor the immediate future. Fund- IM ENTing for citizen intervention in for men & women appts. 668-9329 Doscolo Barbers Liberty off State (Continued from Page 1) Daly discussed included solar energy which could be made more economically available if fossil fuel prices were raised. Daly indicated that manyI "SOLAR ENERGY would be- tradeoffs and implications lie come cheaper if we decide to de- ahead in the near future. plete the fossil fuels at half the "Obviously the transition to a present rate of depletion," Daly low energy level would be grad- contended. ual," he stated. "We could move He said that raising the price a considerable distance in that of depleting resources from I direction." their present capital level to their replacement level could Iceland has the oldest living curtail the rate of consumption. democracy, founded in 930. - - - - - - - - - RACKNAM STUDENT GOVEIRh v~$iII.4a4 u cpBL CA ,n M~qtS4LIL~ ELECTON All students who belong to Rackham, and Graduate Students in the School of Education will be eligible to vote. Voting will be for President and Vice President of RSG, for Division Representatives to the Executive Council, and for proposed changes to the body's by- laws. Polling places will be open at the following times and locations: u1' ra/d'e Mf --- (tQ i,fC .