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March 29, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-29

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 29, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Su




Meet the press
If you're running for a seat on the Michigan
Student Assembly and looking for a soapbox to
stand on, the Daily will listen. Tomorrow from 3
to 6 p.m, we invite MSA candidates and interested
listeners to meet with us in the Daily offices at
420 Maynard. We will be interviewing prospective
MSA officeholders-with an eye to endorsements
for next week's elections-according to the follow-
ing schedule: Independents-3:00 to 4:15; Campus
Coalition-4:15 to 5:00; ACT-5:00 to 5:15; MOVE-
5:15 to 5:45; SOC-5:45 to 6:15. If you're unable
to show up during your scheduled time slot, or if
you haven't heard from us yet, give us a call.
Talent hunt
Five new nominations bring to 28 the number of
candidates under consideration to replace Frank
Rhodes as vicerpresident for academic affairs.
Prof. Brymer Williams, chairman of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA)
reported that 12 inside and 16 non-University names
have been receivedsso far. "No nominations have
come from students," he said, and urged students
to submit names for consideration. Two women
are on the list, he stated.
Wait, I'm having a baby
It's better than saying your little brother ate it.
It even tops saying your grandmother papered her
canary's cage with it. Arffaella Nanetti, a Univer-
sity graduate student in Urban and Regional Plan-
ning, landed a postponement of her dissertation
defense this month because she was having a baby.
Nanetti's defense was scheduled for 3 p.m. March
18. But just two hours before her appointment
with her Rackham dissertation committee, nature
called and Nanetti was forced to attend to a rather
pressing matter-namely, the delivery of her child.
"We've given postponements on defenses for a
number of reasons in the past," said dissertation
secretary Mary Anne Wilkinson, "but never for a
reason like this." Nanetti has not been rescheduled
by the dissertation committtee so, for the time
being, the defense rests.
kick off at noon. Music at Mid-Day, 12 p.m.,
Pendleton Arts Information Center in the Union ..
Movies Out of Bondage and Plight of Soviet Jewry:
Let My People Go, 12-4 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose
Rm.. .. "The Psychology of the Soviet Official"
by Prof. Lev Lifshits, 3 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose
Rm... "Political Dissent in Poland" by Prof.
Andrew Phrenkreutz, 4 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose
Rm. . . . "Disorders of Gender Identity" by Dr.
Eileen Higham, 4-5:30 p.m., MLB Aud. 4 . . . "The
Common Heritage of Islamic and Jewish Philoso-
phy" by Alfred Ivry, 4 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. C
. . . the film Corporation, 4 and 7:30 p.m., MLB
Lecture Rm. 1 . . . G a me s Cl u b sponsors
"C.L.U.G.," 7:30-10:30 p.m., School of Education
Rm. 2358 . . . fitness and fun films, 7:30 p.m.,
Central Campus Recreation Bldg. . . . "The Strug-
gle for the Fourth International" by the Spartacus
Youth League, 7:30, Union Rm. 3209 . . . Meet
the Mayoral Candidates, sponsored by the League
of Women Voters, 8 p.m., City Hall council cham-
bers . . . "Zionism and Messianism" by Prof. Al-
fred Ivry, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill . . . "Songs of the
Soviet Underground," by Vladimir Frumkin, 9
p.m., 1429 Hill.
Marriage wrecking
New York Gov. Hugh Carey has been accused
by his more critical observers of playing a hand
in financially breaking his state's biggest city.
And, like a good, tough politician, he has taken
the criticism gracefully. But Carey's not accus-
tomed to being accused of breaking a marriage.
In a speech last weekend to a group of Demo-

cratic party women, the Democrat governor said
there were no Republican women in the state
legislature. Republican Assemblywoman Mary
Goodhue of Westchester disagrees. "If this keeps
up," she said to Carey in a letter, "you are go-
ing to get me- in deep trouble with my husband
who, for almost three years, has seen his Re-
publican wife go off to Albany faithfully every
Monday to represent her constituents. Now he
reads in the paper that she never got there.
What's a poor trusting husband to think?" Good
On the inside...
The Supreme Court agrees to hear Richard
Nixon's arguments against release of 30 of his
White House tapes. Details in the Page 3 Daily
Digest . . . Boston University Prof. Alexander
Yesenin-Volpin discusses the human rights issues
on the Editorial Page . . . PTP's Absurd Person
Singular gets a reviewing by Joanne Kaufman on
the Arts Page . . . and Bob Miller does a little
Pucking Around on thq Sports Page.
On the outside...
Couldn't ask for nmch more. Bright and sunny





AP Photo
The late Peter Finch captured the best actor title in last night's Academy Awards presentation
for his role as a demented anchorman in the movie "Network."
Best pctu-re

Special To The Daily
DETROIT - The trial of two
nurses accused of poisoning 11
patients at Ann Arbor's Veter-
an's Administration (VA) hospi-
tal began here today as the head
federal prosecutor opened by
stating his case rests primarily
on circumstantial evidence that
is "fascinating, complex and
very confusing."
Assistant U.S. Attorney Rich-
ard Yanko outlined his inten-
tions to the 16-member jury and
courtroom crowded with report-
ers and relatives, friends and
co-workers of defendants Fili-
pina Narciso and Leonora Per-
"THE EVIDENCE is circum-
stantial because in large part
these crimes occurred in a nor-
mal, everyday, sterile setting at
the VA hospital," Yanko said.
"People observed events and
they didn't know what they were
observing. No one said, "You
are about to observe a crime,"
he said.
As the defendants sat expres-
sionless, Yanko told the jury,
"History is in the making -
dark history, criminal history
. . . History which our descend-
ants will look upon with disdain,
as we outline a dreadful series
of happenings."

By AP and Reuter
"Rocky," a touching, sensi-
tive film about a third-rate box-
er who almost captures the
world heavy-weight title, won
the prize for best picture of
1976 in last night's Academy
Awards presentation.
Sylvester Stallone, who wrote
and starred in the Oscar-win-
ning movie, accepted the prize
from actor Jack Nicholson, ded-
icating it "to all the Rockies in
the world."
PETER FINCH became the
first actor to get the best actor
s eW li e
Despite previous divisions
over various methods of sewage
treatment, Ann Arbor City
Council last night unanimously
approved plans for the city's
new $40 million waste treatment
Although Couni members
had split during a previous ses-
sion over what method to use
in treating sludge (the final
waste product of sewage treat-
ment) they approved the plan
in its original form rather than
risk losing federal monies which
will fund the new treatment
plan. The city must submit the
plan to state and federal com-
mittees for approval by August
See CITY, Page 10

Academy Award posthmusously
last night when he won for the
disgruntled anchorman in the
television satire "Network."
Finch, like the anchorman he
plays, died of a heart attack re-
His widow accepted the award
and said, "I'll always cherish
this for him. He had said to me
'If I win I want to say thanks
to my fellow, actors who have
given me encouragement . ."
best actress Oscar for her role
as the ambitious television pro-
ducer in "Network."

Dunaway said she "didn't ex-
pect this quite so soon."
Other nominees were Talia
Shire for "Rocky," Marie-Chris-
tine Barrault for "Cousin, Cou-
sine," Liv Ulmann for "Face to
Face," Cissey Spacek for "Car-
JASON ROBARDS, the tough-
minded newspaper editor of "All
the President's Men," and Bea-
trice Straight, the discarded
wife of William Holden in "Net-
work," were named best sup-
porting performers of 1976 at
the 49th Academy Awards last

Perez, 32, and Narciso
charged with using Pa
paralyzing drug to mu
patients and poison seve
at the VA hospital dur
and August 1975. They
charged with9one coun
spiracy to poison patie
YANKO declined to
possible motive for the
but later told reporters
was "prepared to answe
tions concerning the m
don't want to discuss mo
It's not an essential par
government case" he sa
ever, he added, "If y
around, you may hears
The LSA Governing
narrowly defeated a prop
expanded English Com
requirements at a speci
ing yesterday. The plan
back by a thr.ee-vote
would have required un
uates to take at least thr
ing courses in order to g
Financial and time con
dominated arguments
the proposal.
"I DON'T like whatI
said Classical StudiesF
D. Cameron. "Everyone
unteering, but no one h
alistic view of how to d
He sat down amid a
Cameron estimated t

nurse s.
o, 30, are Yanko. who told the jury it
ivulon, a must rely on "inference and
rder two logic" in the trial said evidence
en others will be divided in o medical and
ing July factual testimony. In other
are also words, he said, "Was thereda
it of con- crime committed and who did
nts. it?"
Yanko told the jury to view
offer a his opening statements as "a
e crimes sneak preview" to future testi-
5that he monies, and offered various
ar" ques- clues to the series of mysterious
otive. "I breathing failures at the VA
otive . .. hospital.
rt of any
aid. How- A HUSH FELL over the court
*ou stick room as Yanko listed case by
some an- case the nature of each of the
Sce VA, Page 10
p roposa
DWIK could' spend 40 to 50 hours a
week grading papers for one
Faculty class of 40 studentsunder the
posal for proposal.
iposition The plan, based on research
al meet- by English Prof. Daniel Fader,
, turned would have required election of
margin, two classes defined as "frequent
dergrad- writing classes," in which stu-
ree writ- dents would have to write five
raduate. papers during the term. One of
these courses would have been
nstraints elected during the freshman
against year. The other could have been
elected at any other time.
A third class, taken in the jun-
I hear," ior or senior -year, would have
Prof. H. demanded at least seven papers.
e is vol- FIVE amendments were of-
as a re- fered and four adopted before
Jo this." the Governing Faculty turned
pplause. down the amended motion.
hat he Fader called the proposal "the

Experts investigate


jet crash

By AP and Reuter
Canary Islands - Investigators
probed flight records yesterday
for clues to the cause of the
flaming runway collision of Pan
American and KLM jumbo jets
that killed more people than any
aviation disaster in history.
Airline officials in New York
said 578 persons, most of them
believed to be Americans, died
when the two chartered jets fill-
ed with vactioners collided Sun-
day while preparing to take off
from the fog-shrouded runway.
The dead included all 248 per-
sons aboard the Dutch airliner
and 320 of the 396 aboard the
Pan American jet, officials said.
KLM said four of its passengers
were Americans.
PILES OF c h a r r e d bodies
were stacked up in rows on the
concrete floor of a hangar.
Nurses wearing white protec-
tive face masks tried to sepa-
rate the charred and twisted
Piles of wooden coffins stood

at one side.
PAN AMERICAN said most of
its passengers boarded the flight
in Los Angeles for a 10-day Med-
iterranan holiday.
Tenerife Gov. Antonio Oyarza-
bal said the two jetliners struck
nearly head-on as the Dutch
plane sped down the runway for
take off at 150 miles per hour.
Manuel de Prado, president of
Spain's national airline Iberia,
told a news conference the KLM
plane had been ordered to taxi
to the end of the main runway,
turn 180 degrees and prepare
for take off. The Pan American
jet was told to follow the Dutch
plane down the runway, then
turn off onto a taxiway to allow
the lead plane to take off, he
OYARZABAL s a i d officials
did not know whether the Dutch
plane had permission to take
off. "This is a key point of the
investigation," Ozyarzabal said.
Both planes had been diverted
here from Las Palmas after a

bomb blast injured eight persons
at an airport flower shop. A
Canary Island liberation move-
ment claimed credit for the
blast, but disavowed responsibil-
ity for the collision.
De Prado said four other
See TENERIFE, Page 7


5 abducted at

Five local women were ab-
ducted Sunday night and three
of them raped by a man who
forced them to drive their van
outside the city limits.
Ann Arbor police say the ab-
duction took place between
11:30 p.m. and midnight in the
Crisler Arena parking lot fol-
lowing a concert.
the abductor reportedly forced
the women to drive west of the
city. Winter said he did not
Daly pro-
to alterni
Economics Prof. Dr. Herman
Daly of Louisiana State Univer-

know where the actual- assaults
took place.
The three women who were
raped were examined at Uni-
versity Hospital and released.
The other two women were un-
Winter said there appeared
to be no weapon involved, and
only one man was responsible
for the assaults. He added that
police have a description of the
suspect, but he would not re-
lease it.
POLICE ALSO refused to di-
oses gradi
ative power
"WE HAVE embarked on the
path witholt viewing the alter-
natives " Daly told a crowd of
about two hundred. "We simply

vulge the names of the victims.
Police Chief Walter Krasny
said all five women were be-
tween the ages of 16 and 19. He
added that the assaults were in
"no way related" to a similar
incident which took place last
week outside the West Bank
Restaurant on Jackson Road.
In that case, three women
were abducted and one of them
raped at knifepoint. Krasny said
Sunday's assaults also appear-
ed to be unconnected with the
series of assaults which took
place on campus last fall.
Lal shift
time after," Daly said. "They
(the four criteria) are interde-
pendent, and answers to one
cause implications with the oth-

Candidates prepare
for Aril4battle
in city's FirstWard
As the First Ward City Council race grinds into its last week,
Democrat Kenneth Latta is guardedly confident, Socialist Human
Rights Party (SHRP) candidate William Wilcox is hopeful, and
Republican Val Jaskiewicz is looking for a light turnout.
All three candidates concede the Republicans will draw about
1200 votes regardless of individual candidates or issues. The race
will hinge on two questions: first, whether the Democrats can turn
out enough votes to top that total; and second, whether the aggres-
sive door-to-door campaign waged by Wilcox will cut significantly
into Latta's liberal vote.
"I KNOW the people are out there," said Wilcox. "Whether
they can be motivated is another matter."
Wilcox criticized both Jaskiewicz and Latta for "inconsistency"
and "lack of a program," adding that "their priorities are more
for getting elected than running a social program."
Whether Wilcox himself can be elected is a matter of debate.
The First Ward has historically been Democratic, but Republican
Wendell Allen wrested a seat from the Democrats last year and
HRP elected a councilperson from the ward four years ago.
JASKIEWICZ HAS chosen not to run an issue-oriented cam-
paign, counting instead on "solid" Republican residential areas to
deliver most of his vote. "In some of those areas, those people
see the name of a Republican down and they vote Republican," he
said simply.
The major issue in the ward, which has a largely student and
low-income housing population, is housing.
Latta sees the city's housing problem as one of supply. "Any
proposal must be considered with regard to how it affects the
supply of reasonably-priced housing," he said. "No one simple
answer presents itself.
LATTA FAVORS zoning changes, tax incentives to both home-
steaders and developers and "an intelligent use of federal housing
dollars." He advocates a complete review of housing and building
codes,but opposes rent control because, he says, it fails to address
the supply problem.
Jaskiewicz wants to build a senior citizens' housing - complex
and a downtown middle-income highrise, proposals advocated by
Republican mayoral candidate Louis Belcher. He opposes rent
control because, he says, it discourages development, but favors
tax incentives for builders.
Wilcox supports city-wide rent control, a "repair and deduct"
ordinance - which would allow tenants to make minor repairs on

best informed guess we can
Although the final vote was
close, most of the discussion was
critical of the new English com-
position plan.
See COMP, Page 7



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