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"Mari- juana's just fun," a friend of mine said recently. "H e r o i n 's addictive. Why would anybody want to use that stuff?" The easy answer to that question is to label the heroin user as unstable, addictive personality escaping from an oppressive life. All this may be true, but without deifying the drug addict I want to say I believe he or she has taken the rap for a number of long-term developments in Ameri- can society of which heroin addiction is only a natural, if unsavory, out- growth. IN 1893 FREDERICK Jackson Turner, the g r a n d old man of American frontier history, wrote "The Influence of the Frontier in American History," an essay in which he contended that the availability of free land to the west had profoundly affected Ameri- can character. With the disappearance of the fron- tier around the turn of the century, Turner fel', the domination by Ameri- cans of eternal space was at an end -the new era would necessarily be one of c altivation, development, and improve nent. Turner's primary worry was whether the end of the frontier might also lead to the downfall of d e m c r a t i c institutions and high ideals. His fears have proved somewhat unjustified. True, the dissenter and ',he free spirit can no longer flee to an unoccupied prairie, but neither has there been stagnation and apathy on the scale he feared. What has altered significantly is that many have large- ly turned away from the conquest of external space towards the mastery of inner space--of the human psyche. There is still outer space, of cour'se, but despite the burlesque race for the moon between the U.S. and Russia, little about the space program has excited the minds-and pocketbooks --of 20th century people to conquer outer space in the form of dusty aste- roids. For his or her frontier, the modern American has had to turn in- creasingly to the uncharted territory of the mind. The trek inward has nothing akin to the ranch, which is easily defined, claimed, and fenced in. Consequently St McConnell is a D'a zly Managing editor. the search takes many forms--self- analysis, freethinking, sexual libera- tion, and, yes, drugs. All are ulti- mately directed not to the question "Where am I?" but to the question "Who am I?" The heroin addict, then, is simply on the outer fringes of that search for self which includes many others, drug users and abstainers alike. ,1 "1 f "5 a e-r ISI I Lf " ONCE AGAIN, I make no excuses for the heroin addict. I simply say that the compulsion for a very high "high" and through it some insight into the self, is a compulsion which exists in many of us to a lesser degree. My friend Chris, who had a friend die of heroin overdose, told me about yet another friend who dabbled in dan- gerous drugs. "I asked him about heroin once," Chris said. "He said, 'I never want to take heroin because I know it would be great.'" Supressed envy of the addict is dis- played sharply in Andy Warhol's film Trash when a bored yo u n g profes- sional woman ("a gradaute of Grosse Pointe High School," she tells us) gets a thrill watching the film's junkie hero, Joe, shoot up in her living room. "Oh my God, what is he doing?" she asks with a titillated giggle. And even heroin addicts, perhaps, have some conception of themselves as pioneers. Lou Reed, a rock and roll showman who sometimes champions the cause of street punks, dope fiends and other social outcasts, wrote a song entitled "Heroin" several years ago. The lyrics of this rather eerie tune are, in part: I wish that I was born a hundred years ago/ I wish that I had sailed the darkened seas/ In a great big clipper ship, Going from this land here to that. 'd put on a sailor's suit and cap. JUST BECAUSE heroin addicts may consider themselves heroes or ex- plorers does not make them so. To deal with heroin addiction as a per- sonal medical or psychological prob- lem, while it treats the symptoms, does not strike at the root cause, which is depersonalization - charac- teristic of a modern, bureaucratic so- ciety like ours. That isolation is real for many peo- ple, not just the junkie. Lou Reed, after all, sells a lot of records to non- addicts. (Once again from "Heroin": Away from the big city/ where a man cannot be free/ of all the evils in this town/ and from himself and those around"). , Moralists call that sense of root- lessness "decadence." Simply cut off its sinful limbs -- drugs, radicalism, free sex - and the problem will be gone, they say. Then we can get on with the building of an ideal com- munity-much the way Turner saw a nation of yeoman farmers happily tilling the soil of the conquered ex- ternal frontier. But once the frontier is closed, it is closed. I doubt if even the opening of the planets, the development of space colonies for settlement could bring back the sense of an unlimited land frontier Turner discussed. For better or worse, we have begun to look inward at ourselves. And for better or worse, the heroin junkie is looking with us. Best actress: Ullmann? By CHRISTOPHER POTTER SINCE THE HEAT, alas, is off for Monday's basketball finals, those locals still desirous of tumult and carnage might be advised to tune over to Hollywood's annual ritual of self- congratulationsand - back - stabbing known as the Academy Awards. Of this annual exercise in gamemanship and ofte.n t e d i o u s showmanship, which is perhaps rivaled only by the Miss America P a g e a n t in kitsch Americana, only three things can be guaranteed: 1. The best film won't win. 2. The show will run 45 minutes over its time limit. 3. Bob Hope will be obnoxious. Actually, this year's O s c a r orgy may be just a bit more palpable, and perhaps recommendable viewing to more than film fanatics an'd insom- niacs. T h e unflaggingly gruesome Chr;stopher Potter is a Daily Arts Page fill critic. repartee between award presenters will reportedly be held to a bearable minimum, the show's directors have promised a new format for the eve- ning's traditionally bloated musical numbers, and Bob Hope will make qply a token appearance. But perhaps most intriguingly, what appeared at first to be a one-sided runaway for Best Picture honors now promises to be a corker of a close contest. This year's list of finalists (voted m o s t ly by entrenched technicians whose average age, I'm told, runs somewhere above 60) typically omits a number of decided worthies (Seven Beauties and The Man Who Fell to Earth spring immediately to mind); but considering the general barren- ness of last year's film output, the select group of five which advance into tomorrow night's finals must be termed an interesting bunch. Of this chosen quintet, the Big Prize hopes of two of them may be dispensed with swiftly--an ironic fact, since one of those two, Taxi Driver, is arguably the best of the c u r e n t nominees. Martin Scorcese's dazzling excursion into urbanized Hell through the eyes of a disaffected half-mad, half-saint New York cabbie, towered head and shoulders above most of the regurgitated fare served up last year by an increasingly timid, commercial- conscious film industry. Despite the picture's occasional melodramatic ex- cesses and the nagging motivational inconsistencies in i t s protagonist (nonetheless brilliantly mastered by Robert De Niro), Taxi Driver bore the sizzling mark of a d i r e c t o r brave enoueh' to eXneriment, to take risks, to apply an often white-heat innova- tion to an increasingly stagnat art form. UNFORTUNATELY, this very inno- vation will d o u b t 1 e s s do Taxi Driver in at the Oscar sweepstakes. The patriarchal conservatives of The Academy don't trust Scorcese: like Orson Welles some thirty-five years ago, Scorcese is too much the Easten- er, the outsider, the weirdo-conveyor of strange emotions and perverse de- sires. Taxi Driver is plainly too down- beat for the Hollywood establishment; "send-'em-home-happy" was and is the omniscient econo-artistic com- mandment for t h o s e celuloid high uriests since films began.. Doomsayers like Scorcese must be tolerated, see- But would you die foit Y again f, ing as how their films often (gulp) make money. But tolerance and ac- ceptance need hardly be synonymous. Thus, while Taxi Driver managed to Best sneak in a best picture nomination, Scorcese's name is glaringly absent on offending from the best d i r e c t o r list, as is history accu writer-collaborator P a u 1 Schrader's Certainly from the best screenplay category. velopment i The Clique's message is clear: just the acknowl like Welles and Citizen Kane three tion of All decades ago, Taxi Driver is too daring months ago to win. Take that, you misfits. dissection s Monday's o t h e r more-than-long- Best P i c t u shot, Bound For Glory, suffers from cinema year similar handicaps due to the social most one's X outcast status of director Hal Ashby it. But since and star David Carradine, but Bound out-of-sight For Glory's main problem is that it's has apparen just not a very good film. Purporting film peaked to chronicle folk singer-radical Woody almost a ye Guthrie's formative early years, Ash- voked a deg by's f i n i s h e d work is a rambling Oscar voters (nearly three hours worth) Depres- a f a i r nun sion whitewash, casting Guthrie as California N an aw-shucks down home country members). boy while it determinedly blankets his far-left politics to the point of TJHERE IS invisibility. Glory's backers poured a film to millions of dollars into their project- torical event obviously too many to take a chance II {,.t / / 1- By JIM TOBIN (=ENGHIS KHAN must have had it good. Out there on the Gobi Desert in Mongolia (and most of the rest of Asia at the time), there wasn't a whole lot to bog a guy down. War, conquest, glory-you might'get killed, but there was very little about it all that was boring. The sting of the desert wind, the jubilant cries of your comrades, the flashing swords and flying spears, and a blood-red sun on a distant horizon. . Come now. Wouldn't you love the life of adventure, just for a little while? And isn't there still, down in some oppressed p o c k E t of our twentieth century selves, a dying but desperate drive to reach for the sky and shout our willingness to die for a cause? Don't you hear a voice out of his- tory that cries- "Fool! You would trade the roll of the sea and the wrath of the sky for . .-. for business administration?! You would exchange the pursuit of icy Himalayan peaks for law school? Where is the com- mitment to great goals and ideals? Where is the thrill, the danger, the hellish excitement, ,for God's sake? Don't do it! Don't cast away your life!" Now, I don't suggest that anyone j ni T-bin 1ives the mundane life of a Daily co-editor-in-chief. really do it. You'll go ahead and cast away your life on some career or other, and so will 1, and neither of us will suffer through anything harsher than dullness for the next fifty years or so. And that will be all right. But that is probably all it will be- all right-and that is more of a shame than we of these lethargic times are willing to admit. There is simply no adventure any more, and the essence of true adventure is the thing which demands our willingness to struggle, to fight, even to die. "A man who won't die for some- thing is not fit to live," said the late Martin Luther King. But what is there to be brave about) No, no, I am no suicide, no death- wish-ridden fanatic. I enjoy not being dead. But sometimes one wonders if one is really alive. The great adven- ture in o v i e s of recent years draw crowds of people yearning for vicari- ous feelings of da-oger, but if the roads are slippery they stay at home. IT'S HARD TO RISK anything be- cause it's hard to believe in any- thing. The New Left, the Old Left, the Right Wing, the Women's Movement, the Gay Movement, Big Labor, Big Business, Big Reliigon, GEO, AFSCME, DPP, VFW, UFW, DAR, the Old South, the New South, the Black Panthers, the Weatherpeople, the Rainbow Peo- ple, the American Legion, the Lunatic Fringe-who can choose? Forget it all for a moment. Let the imagination slip a w a y from these days of ambiguity to times when the choices seemed clearer - to exotic lands and circumstances which we dullards will never know, to the ca- reers for which there is no proper major. Be a Berber on the hot dunes of Morocco. In all directions lies the Sahara, an o a s i s of oil which all Europe seeks to t e a 1 from you. A shining saber dangles from your belt. The tense horse at your side is an- xious for the chase. The infidel must die, you say, and the time to fight has come. Be at Lenin's side as St. Petersburg rings with revolution. The bourgeoisie must fall! Hail the proletarian revolt! The Baltic Sea wind bites through the night, but there is victory in the air. Be on the streets of Nazi-occupied Paris as a member of the French Un- derground. What more heroic than the stealthy infiltration and sabotage of the German war machine? What morality more clear than the subver- sion of Hitl'r's minions and the de- struction of his tyranny? Or be with The Khan of All Khans himself as his Mongol hordes sweep westward over the Russian steppe. Oh yes, t h e r e is a fair amount of plunder and pillage and so forth, all impossible to approve. But the bright colors of the banners, the pounding power of the mounted armies .. . Well, this is all rather futile. Let us get back to passing courses and find- ing jobs--the adventures of our time.