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March 27, 1977 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII No. 140

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 27, 1977

Ten Cents

Eight Pages plus Supplements

Jerry cometh
This time there will be no cheering crowds, no
windy, political stump speeches, and no renditions
of 'Hail to the Chief.' However, it is doubtful that
anyone will be any less excited when former Uni-
versity football star, Grand Rapids congressman
and, oh yes, President of the United States Jerry
Ford rolls into town April 4, complete with sun-
tan, golfclubs and lecture notes. As things stand
right now, adjunct professor of political science
Ford will spend approximately a week here lec-
turing to unspecified classes. Meanwhile, Betty
Ford will also be bopping about on her usual whirl-
wind schedule. Among other activities, she'll be
thefeatured speaker at the April 5 kick-off lunch-
eon for this year's Washtenaw County Cancer Cru-
sade. Too bad the Fords couldn't have come a few
days sooner. They'd be sure to receive an honored
spot at the Hash Bash.
Energy info
For all of you who are curious about energy
issues, Future Worlds and Washtenaw County
Friends of the Earth are sponsoring the Mid-
West Energy Conference, to be held March 27-29
here on campus. The conference will deal with a
wide spectrum of energy-related topics including
nuclear power development, energy conservation,
alternative energy sources, jobs and energy, and
energy policy in general. The conference will lead-
off on Sunday, March 27 with an Energy Fair from
noon-5 p.m. in the Michigan Union, featuring dis-
plays, presentations and films. Then on Monday
and Tuesday, March 28, 29; there will be a whole
slew of lectures, workshops and panel discussions.
To get the full schedule, contact coordinators Eric
Fersht, Dan Mendelson or Lisa Ross at 763-1107.
Start off today with a reminder that MSA is
looking for students interested in serving on sev-
eral key University policy committees. Deadline ,
for applications is March 30 and you can bring
them to the MSA offices in the Union ... today's
events kick off with the last showing in the Sev-
enth- University of Michigan Astronomical Film
Festival featuring footage from the Apollo 16 moon
mission. Today's film documents 4the astronauts'
trip to North Ray Crater ... then from 2-4, the
Ann Arbor Annual Powwow will be held at the
Huron High School gym, 2727 Fuller Rd. There
will be dancers, drummers, singers and artisans
on hand ... "What does it mean to have a gay
consciousness" will be the topic of the Sunday
Gay Discussion at 3 at Canterbury House ... at
4:45, tune into WVGR (104.1 FM) and hear the
second part of a three-part adaptation of Dostoev-
sky's "Crime and Punishment" ... in the evening
hours, Prof. Cheryl White will speak on the "Psy-
chological and Ethical View of Anger" at 7 at
the Wesley Foundation, 602 E. Huron at State
St. ... at 8, Victor Herman will lecture on "Politi-
cal Oppression and Prisoners in Russia" in the
Kuenzel Room of the Union as part of the Sym-
posium on Human Rights ... followed by Prof.
Herbert Paper's "Observations on the Soviet Jew-
ish Experience," also in the Kuenzel Room ... fi-
nally on Sunday, David Cohen, Jonathon Prasse
and Ron Gonsaulus will read their poetry at 9 in
the Red Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd Hall ... On
Monday, the day takes off at noon with a lec-
ture entitled "Impressions of a Recent Visit to
Iraq" by Amal Rassam in the Commons Rm. of
Lane Hall ... then at 3, Robert Kahan will speak
on "Development of News Photography" in Rm.
2040, LSA ... Kenneth Jochim will talk about "The
Assessment of Muocardial Contractility" in Rm.
7745 of Med. Sci. II at 4 ... also at 4, the Math
Dept. presents the film "The Kakeya Problem"
in Rm. 2231, Angell ... "Disorders of Gender Iden-
tity" will be discussed by Eileen Higham in Audi-

torium 4, MLB ,at 4 ... then at 7:30, the Symposi-
um on Human Rights presents Mikhail Agursky
who will speak on "The Soviet Jewish Question"
in the Kuenzel Rm. of the Union ... and, Vladmir
Kovlovsky considers "Nature and Direction of the
Soviet Dissident Movement" at 8:30 in the Kuen-
zel Rm. ... at 7:30, there will be a lecture en-
titled "Consciousness and the Fulfillment of Psy-
chology" in the Multi-purpose Rm. of the UGLI
... learn plant techniques at thhe Matthaei Botani-
cal Gardens at 7:30 ... and finally, Michael Serres
will deliver a lecture called "Le Jeu Du Lout"
at the Rackham East Lecture Rm. at 7:30. That's
all, folks.
On the inside...
Read about Cyrus Van'e's arrival in Moscow
in the Digest on Page 3 ... you will find the
Week in Review on the Editorial Page ... The
Sunday Magazine presents Kim Potter's view of
Hoolywood's Academy Awards ... and our Sports
staffers give you the hockey lowdown on last
nights Michigan-Wisconsin NCAA title game.
__ 0





Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Wisconsin's
Steve Alley's overtime goal
from right in front of Mich-
igan goalie Rick Palmer
gave the Badgers a 6-5 win
over Michigan and the
National Ice Hockey cham-
The goal, scored only 23
seconds into the extra peri-
od, touched off a boister-
ous crowd of over 5,000 Bad-

ger fans into a wild frenzy
streaming out onto the ice.
They sang their unique
"Varsity," while cheering
madly with one finger rais-
ed and yelling "We're num-
ber one!"
WISCONSIN'S win before 14,-
437 fans gave the Badgers their
second NCAA title in the past
five years.
Michigan fought valiantly to
erase a 5-2 deficit early in the
third period, but all thoughts of

CRISP. procedures

a ras
a Wolverine victory fell through
with Alley's goal.
"I told my kids, after the
overtime; that it will mean more
in ten years," said Badger
coach Bob Johnson.
"I COULDN'T say if this one
is more satisfying than the first
one," Johnson added, "but we
dreamed about this one since
Wisconsin only proved what
most of the nation already knew
the entire season - that they
are indeed the best team in the
Michigan coach Dan Farrell
smiled as he talked to reporters
and answered questions as
gracefully as a losing coach
"WE SHOWED a lot of char-
acter tonight. I thought we out-
played Wisconsin since the mid-
dle of the second period."
Both coaches expressed the
same opinion about the over-
time. "We were lucky the game
ended in a tieu" said Johnson.
"And when it goes into over-
time. (you) just have' to be
"In overtime, you can beat
anyone, even the Montreal Can-
adiens," Farrell said. but added.
"the game shouldn't have gone
into overtime. We had the puck
in the crease but there was no
one to push it in"
FARRELL referred to Dan

Hoene's dash down the ice with
a couple of minutes left in the
game. He took the shot, the
puck dribbled behind Wisconsin
goalie Julian Baretta and laid
in the crease, but a Badger de-
fenseman got to the puck first
and cleared it to the sideboards.
Baretta was later named most
valuable player in the tourna-
Wisco sin Athletic Director
Elroy "Crazy legs" Hirsch was
ecstatic after the game and
tears were visible in his eyes.
"I'm thrilled to death, thrilled
to death." he bubbled. "They're
(the Badgers) a great bunch of
kids and they earned the title."
OFF IN A little room adja-
cent to the Michigan locker
room, Farrell welcomed well-
wishers, including Michigan
Tech coach John Maclnness.
But, it was to the press that
Farrell directed his season-end-
ing statements. offering no alibis
for the defeat.
In the firstdperiod, Wisconsin's
Alley blasted a shot from :he
blue line that confused Palmer.
Palmer turned his head from
side-to-side, and when he heard
the cheering, looked behind him
and saw the puck in the net.
That goal, a power-play, gave
the Badgers a 1-0 lead just 2:29
into the game.
"RICK NEVER saw the shot.
See GALLANT, Page 8


Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
ACTOR ELLIOTT GOULD discusses "'Cinema and the
Role of the -Actor" last night at Rackham Auditorium.
Gould's appearance was part of the film and lecture fes-
tival honoring American director Robert Altman.
G;ould romps wit
Rac kham crowd
"I'm here for. excitement," said Elliott Gould, and he
provided plenty last night in a frequently madcap discus-
sion of himself and his long association with Robert Alt-
man, director of M*A*S*H and Nashville.
His right thumb covered with black tape, the unpredic-
table actor joked, theorized, and even sang his daughter's
favorite "driving-in-the-car" song for a Rackham Auditori-
um audience composed largely of acting and film students.
wide variety of questions about Altman, whom he called
"the father figure of American film people" and, in a non-
academic vein, pressed one spectator into service in a wild,
rambling interchange that eventually centered on the ques-
tion of faith.
"'Faith," Gould reminded him, "is unquestioning belief.
It's life, what we're all about."
Accentuating the positive, Gould talked about the identity
that acting helped him create, dismissing his critics by
See ELLIOTT, Page 5

While there will be no lines to
wait in for April CRISP appoint-
ments, the University has taken
measures to help students - pri-
marily seniors - who will be
handicapped by the new system.
In addition, the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly (MSA) and the
Administration will conduct a
survey at- MSA elections next
month and at registrationsto de-
termine what type of appoint-
ment system is most responsive
to student needs. Results of the
survey will be considered in de-
veloping a more permanent
CRISP appointment system to
be implemented next fall.
AS AN INTERIM solution to
the long lines and inequities in
the old system. a University-
wide scheme of assigning ap-
pointments on a random basis
within a series of eight alpha-
betic groups was adopted.
Although this system elimin-
ates appointment lines and is
more equitable for each of the
University's different schools, it
does not give literary college
(LSA) seniors priority for early
dates as did the previous sys-

To help seniors who fear being
closed out of their classes next
term, a special letter has been
sent to each LSA department
requesting members to take par-
ticular care that seniors are ad-
mitted to their desired courses.
"THE DEAN'S-Office has re-
minded departments that rhey
should be as responsive as hey
can to seniors, but it is hard to
predict how various depart-
ments are apt to respond " said
Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to
See MSA, Page 5

Class simulates conflict

You may not realize it, but Yassir Arafat was
assassinated last year by leftist Palestinians for
selling out to Western business interests.
All this happened over a gameboard, of course,
but it's just one of a number of possibilities when
60 political science students get together and play
a game designed to simulate the Arab-Israeli con-
THIS YEAR'S battle is taking place on the
second floor of the School of Education, and Ar-
mageddon - if it comes - is today.
The students, members of Clem Henry's Politi-
cal Science 353 class in the Arab-Israel conflict,
are using the knowledge they have accumulated
during the semester to take on roles of key Mid-
dlp East figures. The gahfe simulation projects
the players up to twelve months into the future,
probing the possibilities of that conflict.

Leonard Suransky, a graduate student in the
School of Education who designed the game, ex-
plained its intent: "We have the lectures, the
books and the history. But we take a dive into
the future. You've got some information to work
on, and you just take off and do it. But there is a
basis in hard fact."
THE GAME simulation concept was introduced
into the course through the collective efforts of
Suransky, Henry and Edgar Taylor, who once
taught the course in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
"Gaming takes the whole sort of deadness of
a lecture course and throws it out the window,"
Taylor explained. "Students become members of
their country in the first week or two of the
course and their roles are decided from there."
The first game simulation was brought into the
classroom four years ago and lasted only 90 min-

Battered wives discussed

"We think violence is like
drinking - a sickness," Erin
Pizey yesterday told a School
of Edu>cation audience who gath-
ered for an afternoon workshop
focusing on battered women.
Thanks to the efforts of Piz-
zey, founder of Chiswick Wom-
en's Aid -- a ref"ge for bat-
tered women - violence in the
home has become recognized as
a problem in England.
Chiswick house advocates an
"open door policy" and never
tlrrs anyone away. But she
added that the facility, which
originally received $50,000 in
g-vernment grants, is now des-
titiate because the money was
withdrawn for overcrowding.
Todavthe refuge operates on
the welfare funds which most of
the women receive. The rest of
the money must be borrowed.

lence" said Rose, who claimed
that most battered women and
their husbands come from fami-
lies that saw violence. "They've
never been mothered so they
don't know how to mother," she
The four women have been
visiting around the country

ting local groups together to
talk and deal with the problem
of battered women.
During the initial stage of the
Chiswick program, battered
women go to the central crisis
See WORKSHOP, Page 5

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Inflatable smile
Pound House children's center celebrated open house with a showing of the film
Balloon." But Dylan, the chuckling youngster above, found a "red balloon" all his

"The Red

own to capture his imagination and bring out a sunny smile.

jal set for tomorrow

After 19 months of FBI investigations,
harrowing legal battles and countless femi-
nist fundraisers, the trial of two nurses
accused of poisoning patients at Ann Arbor's
Veterans' Administration (VA) hospital will
begin tomorrow.
Leonora Perez, 32, and Filipina Narcisco,
30, are relaxed, in good spirits and eager
to begin the trial according to one of their
four defense attorneys, Thomas O'Brien.
"They feel1 as goond asvou can feel in a

we will have a fair trial. We're eager to
During Monday's session, U. S. District
Court Judge Philip Pratt, who has presided
over many months of pretrial hearings and
three-and-a-half weeks of jury selection, is
expected to brief the jury on its duties and
Assistant U. S. Attorney Richard Yanko
will give the government's opening re-
marks, O'Brien said.
PRATT IS also expected to view -he
medical records of Betty Jakim - a hos-

However, Jakim's husband, Emil, last
Wednesday agreed to release the records
to the government. In response, Pratt ruled
Friday that the spouse's decision was suf-
ficient for release.
AFTER VIEWING the records and dis-
cussing them with both defense and pro-
secuting attorneys, the judge will deter-
mine if the records are admissible evidence.
in the nurses' trial, Defense attorney Mike
Moran said yesterday.
Both the government and defense by law

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