.- I -.. . Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Saturday, March 26, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan With husband's OK VA nurse's psychiatric records should besubpoenaed The facts By KEITH B. RICHBURG on the Ren-Cen LAST WEEK, after much agonizing, we came to the conclusion that the psychiatric records of Betty Ja- kim - the VA hospital nurse who was in charge of the floor where sev- eral patients were poisoned - should not be released. It was a difficult decision to make knowing that the futures of Filipina Narciso and Leo- nora Perez - the nurses charged with the poisonings - might hang in the balance. But we believed that the bond of confidentiality between a doctor and his/her patient can not be violated under any circumstance. But the issue has taken a. surpris- ing turn. Wednesday, Betty Jakim's husband Emil indicated he wished to have the records released. His gallant act has not only, saved the courts an impossible decision, it may very well keep Narciso and Perez from rot- ting in a federal penitentiary. Betty Jakim confessed to a psy- chiatrist that she had actually com- mitted the VA murders, and before she committed suicide, she left a note exonerating Narciso and Perez. Should Jakim's psychiatric records be admit- ted as evidence, the accused nurses might be found innocent. Without those records they could face life im- prisonment. Since Betty Jakim is dead, and cannot give permission herself, Emil Jakim's signature on a 0I release form should be sufficient to admit the records to court. WE ARE NOT advocating a weaken- ing of laws protecting a patient's right to confidentiality, but in this case, where the patient is dead and her spouse'gives his permission, we believe the records should be re- leased. It is true, that the records may prove nothing Jakim's psychiatrist said he doesn't believe she commit- ted the murders. But in a murder trial, when the futures of two per- sons are at stake, is one doctor's opinion enough? Can any stone be left unturned when a 40-year prison term might be the punishment for the poor judgment of a single psy- chiatrist? And even if the records do prove nothing, they may convince the jury that there is reasonable doubt as to the guilt of Narciso and Perez, in which case the law stipu- lates that the defendants must be acquitted. Betty Jakim's psychiatric records may cause some embarrasment to her relatives, but her husband had the guts to bear the possible embar- rassment in an effort to see justice done. The courts should now show the same'concern for justice, by sub- poenaing the records. Filipina Nar- ciso, and Leonora Perez may thank them for it. THEY SAID IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. They called it a lost cause and they condemned it as the final resort of overzealous idealists. But despite all the verbal prodding and critics' condemnations, the Detroit Plaza Hotel of the Renaissance Center riverfront complex opened last week amidst ceremony and the gawking of curious onlookers. What Governor Milliken heralded as a new beginning for a dying city, some were labeling as the final blow to Detroit's economic decay. If the Renaissance Center is the coup de grace, then the upcoming riverfront stadium will be beating a dead horse. And likewise, if the Center is a new be- ginning, then the riverfront stadium will put Detroit in competition with Chicago, Lose Angeles, and "the great cities."~ At any rate, the Detroit City Council has approved the development of a riverfront all-sports stadium and ground-breaking is scheduled for April. Esti- mates as to the cost of the stadium vary, but sale of municiple bonds to pay for the project is already underway. And Detroit Mayor Coleman Young is revelling in light of another victory for his pet project of downtown revitalization. DESPITE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT however, Young's riverfront stadium still has an uncertain future. The Detroit Red Wings, the city's so-called hockey team, have said that they will not use the new arena, blaming the crime problem in the city and not their own pathetic record as the reason for low game attendance at the old Olympia Stadium. The Wings are contemplat- ing a move to the suburbs, leaving the new riverfront stadium without a team to use it. During the debate over whether to go ahead with the project, the Mayor emphasized that the stadium could house other events besides sports - i.e. con- certs, circuses and the ice capades. The truth of the matter .is that unless the Detroit Pistons are swooned from their cozy Cobo arena, the new stadium will not even pay for itself. Thus has been the problem for all of the downtown revitalization efforts, the Renaissance Center included. That is, any new riverfront developments must "steal" their patrons from the existing downtown locales, thereby contributing to the decay of the very area they are supposed' to be "revitalizing." The flip side of the same coin is that once you have projects such as the Renaissance and the stadium, the revenue from conventions and tourism can be funnelled back into the decaying areas of the city. WHAT IT BOILS DOWN TO IS A CLASH between long-range comprehensive planning, and the short-term incremental approach. The long-range planners see a revitalized Detroit bringing in more money for the entire city. The short-term planners say why not use the money being spent on revitalization and put it into the city's decaying neighborhoods in the first place? The clash is likely to be the major theme of this years mayoral race, with Young defending his stand on 'revitalization in his bid for reelection. Taking 'the other view will be City Coun- cilman Ernest Browne. Browne, who just recently announced his candidacy, says that Young is fore- saking the neighborhoods in the interest of downtown. And what it comes down to is a clash of images. Mayor Young, unmarried, projects the image of a "swing- er." Browne is a "family man." Young is caustic, prone to swearing and tactless remarks. (Example; After the Cobo Hall incident last August, Young was seen on the 6:00 news shouting that he'd be damned if he was r going to let "a bunch ofhhood- lums take over this goddamneda city!") Ernest Brown, quite to rn/K the contrary, is soft-spoken, and thinks that the mayor ,-'°- should be someone who sets al good example for the children. formed themselves into matters 72I of policy - Young is for build- ing downtown, Browne advo- cates building up the neighbor- hoods. PROPONENTS of "Ren-Cen" are claiming that the four of- fice buildings and the Plaza ho- tel will not affect downtown. They say that the center will attract its patrons from the ranks of suburbanites who de- serted the city over the years. They say that Detroit, with a blossoming convention business" (thanks to the Center) will be able to accommodate more than one hotel. The truth of the matter' is that many of downtown's older build- ings are losing patrons to the center, unable to compete with the lucrative office buildings on the waterfront. And the city has already lost the old Hilton hotel, while the Detroit Cadillac is cry- Ing out for aid. For the Renaissance Center to attract suburbanites, easy ac- cess to all the major freeways was made part of the plan. The Renaissance Center is far from- complete. The ground' hasn't been broken yet for the new stadium. There will be plenty of time to judge whether downtown revitalization is worth it. But if,,interest in downtown is a measure of worth, then based on the number of wide- eyed onlookers who showed up for the opening of the Plaza, then the Center has already paid for itself. ...and on the lighter sid--heRed threat By JEFFREY SELBST WELL, I SEE THAT THE STATE DEPARTMENT, in a grand gesture prompted T no doubt by the spirit of the, Helsinki Agreement, is going to allow Elio Gabbuggiani, the (gasp!) Communist Mayor of Florence Italy, a visit to Detroit; to help dedicate the Rennaissance Center and to confirm the "sister-city" or some such incestuous relationship between the two towns. That nets them the 1977 "nice guy" award. Of course, it is good business for Detroit to identify itself with that bastion of cultural supremacy, Florence, par- ticularly for a city with neither pretensions nor accomplishments of an artistic nature. In my opinion, this Rennaisance cities bit is a little strained. Lest I be immediately written off as a Detroit-hater, let me assure that this is not the case. But while on the one hand Detroit is trying, to effect a rebirth of sorts, particulary having gone through its own Dark Ages, (and apt com- parison - riots, pillaging, looting), I could scarcely begin to compare the Alex Pollack murals to the Sistine Chapel. f I Miranda ruling reprieve: Civil Rights last gasp. < t-- . THIS IS MORE THAN NIT-PICKING. The real issue has to do with the gov- ernment's flip-flop of the question of letting Gabbuggiani into the country. This all harkens backs to a) the law that prohibits wicked commies from visiting (re: corrupting) the fair shores of the New World, then b) the State Department's petulant decision to declare certain portions of the U.S. off limits to Russia in retaliation for (and in exact proportion to) the territory of the U.S.S.R. that is off limits to running dog Americans. It is no coincidence that Detroit is one such place, and everyone knows that a Commie is a Commie, right? Now I suppose there is something to be said for keeping national defense secrets a secret; but the Renaissance Center is hardly something that can be hushed up. A first strike it isn't. Well, I think I've' got the idea. Really, this goes back to last summer, when I visited the still unfinished Center with another Daily writer, to do a piece on the complex. We and a group of visiting German businessmen were shown a scale model of the projected Center, and the guide remarked to us that at 70-odd stories, the Plaza would be the world's tallest hotel. The businessmen began talking to each other in rapid German. My friend nudged me and whispered, "Next year, Frankfurt will have a seventy-five story hotel." THAT MUST BE IT. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT didn't feel that it could re- sponsibly allow the mayor of a Communist city in to steal the secret of How To Build A Big Hotel. God knows the Reds are all in cahoots. There will be a brassy new 80- story hostelry in Moscow by i1979.Built with compressed in- dustrial wastes. How's that for one-upmanship? Another possibility is that Gab- buggiani is setting into motion a Red plot to kidnap Ren-Cen architect John Portman, tie him un, and force him to see slides v1" of socialist realism architecture, brainwashing him into spreading the Communist aesthetic doc- trinle of Dominant Ugly across 'I -----the fair shores of our land. Insipid hogwash. Jimmy Car- ter has pledged to rid the gov- erment of stupidity, red tape, "'~ ~ bureaucracy, and nonsense. It occurs to me that a Kissinger- run Foggy Bottom would refuse '. \ Gabbuggiani a visa. The Carter crew, on the oth- er hand, is allowing him entry, a fact just released Wednesday. This is only proper. Which leav- es only one question at stake. IS THIS, IN FACT, a grand- standing attempt by Coleman ,Young, mayor of Detroit and alleged flaming radical in his salad days, to take on the pow- ers that be, win back the hearts of errant Motor Cityites, and capture the re-election he so desperately seeks? Oh, of course. Don't be silly. Young has everything to gain by identifying Detroit with Flor- ence. One wonders just what Florence hopes to gain by this dubious exchange (crass way to look at things?). Idelogical vic- tory of sorts? The Affaire Gabbuggiani has only made Page. 3 of the Free Press, which must make Young a little unhappy. Besides, " there never was any fight. It's hard to play underdog when nobody's oppressing you. Not to worry. Coleman Young has prevailed, and the Mayor of Florence will cut the ribbon in mid-April. At least let us hope that Young has the good taste to roll out the red carpet. Ho, ho. rJME SUPREME COURT has 'given the Miranda rule a reprieve. In ruling this past Wednesday to over- turn the murder conviction of an Iowa man, on grounds that police denied him the presence of counsel during questioning, the high court dashed hopes of lawmakers that the Miranda rule would be scuttled. Before the Court announced its decision, Miranda was given a very poor chance of survival. The conser- vative-dominated Burger court has been nullifying much of the crim- inal rights decisions of the Warren court,' its liberal predecessor. The court didn't actually uphold the Miranda rule; what it did was to evade applying it to the case, focusing instead, on the violation of constitutional rights by Iowa police. Recent decisions of the court have sharply reduced a suspect's rights be- fore and after arrest. Attorneys for Iowa, urged on by briefs filed by 22 states, implored the court to scuttle Miranda completely. We have oftentimes stated our po- sitions that the Miranda rule must stand. The implications to justice if it were abolished were made frighten- ingly clear by Iowa Attorney General Richard Turner when he claimed that a certain amount of trickery and de- ceit should be allowed during inter- rogation of suspects and prisoners, to find the truth. BUT WHERE IS THE LINE to be drawn? What amount of deceit and trickery is Turner and his kind advocating? And, to carry his line of reasoning one step further - if the trickery and deceit fail, then maybe certain amounts of torture and coer- cion might be necessary. The laws of this country are de- signed in such a way as to place the burden of proving guilt upon the prosecution. This is as it should be. While it is deplorable that people who are obviously guilty of crimes should escape free of punishment, because of a technicality, there is no reason that a police investigation cannot be conducted properly, and still achieve its end. If not, then the police are guilty of committing crimes on the same scale with those they are em- powered to deter. The Supreme Court has' allowed Miranda to continue for a while, at least. Civil liberties lawyers may breathe a temporary sigh of relief. But not for long. By not ruling on the case in terms of the Miranda rule, the court has left defendant's rights hanging precariously. If they allow Miranda to fall, can a police state be far behind? TODAY'S STAFF: News: Brian Blanchard, David Good- man, George Lobsenz, Stu McCon- nell, Jenny Miller, Patti Montemur- ri, Jim Tobin, Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Ken Parsigian Photo: Alan Bilinsky No! I don 't belle ye fdcbcL e~ AnteQ.feats rmet keep -fhe. motion an/ mtiu of I ,st IF ONE MORE PERSON sidles up to me and asks if I believe in salvation through Jesus, I think I'll plotz. The same goes for anyone who tries to enlighten me on the advantages of yoga or the benefits of "moon- ie" mind control. Enough I say! Why do people insist on ramming their religious beliefs down other people's throats? What right do they have to impinge on my right to follow a faith of my own free choosing? I recall an incident that occurred last summer. I was walking with a friend through Washington Square, in Greenwich Village. A large crowd was watching the Hare Krishna's exhibiting various aspects of their cul- ture and asking for donations to their coffers. A young Jesus freak in attendance approached us and asked: "Do you believe in Jesus?" We replied: "No, we're Jewish." The tone of our response implied that there was no more to say on the subject. Or so we thought. But the man persisted. "Why don't you believe in Jesus? Thinking our first answer sufficient, we repeated it. IT APPARENTLY didn't satisfy him, for he im- mediately launched into a diatribe, during which he assailed Judaism and proclaimed belief in Jesus as nor along the walk, we received identical verbal mug- gings to the one described above. You might pass this incident off as simply an overzealous group of people that we happened to run into on that particular day. And being that it hap- pened in Greenwich Village ... (9)p i to kill them if their demands weren't met. Prominent among these demands was that the movie, Muhammed: Messenger of God, not be shown by theatres. THIS METHOD GOES FAR BEYOND simple per- suasion. For the duration of the siege, the movie was indeed not screened. Bolstered by this success, what is to stop other evangelical sects from applying these coercive tactics? The ugly spectre of history, dotted with forced conversions and religious crusades, does not seem beyond the realm of possibility. When people reach the point where they start tell- ing us what we can or cannot view or believe, and are willing to enforce their wishes viouently, then I sug- gest that maybe a re-evaluation of their religious be- liefs is in order, and laws should be enacted to ban all forms of proselytizing. I have nothing against people getting into their re- ligion. I hold certain religious beliefs, and they are important to me. What I do object to is people try- ing to force their views on me, and people trying to convert me to their religion. I realize that some relig- ions have fundamental doctrines calling for their ad- herents to proselytize. I suppose that if they want to try and ,talk- to me, it is within their right to do so. But if I make it clear that I do not wish to discuss MICHAEL BECKMAN BUT IT WAS NOT AN ISOLATED occurence. On several occassions; in airports, bus terminals, and here in Ann Arbor, I have been accosted and asked - make that urged - to see the light and convert to the solici- tor's religion. This past week on the Diag, we have been treated to evangelical testimonials concerning