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March 26, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-26

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Saturday, March 26, 1977


Page 'Th'ree


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -The
government of Prime Minister
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrested
the chief leaders of the politi-
cal, opposition yesterday, one
day before a nationwide strike
to press their demands that
Bhutto resign.
The government, cracking
down sharply on a widespread
campaign of dissent, also warn-
ed that authorities had orders
to shoot those who were caught
looting, disrupting communica-
tions, cormitting arson or de-
stroying public property.
A spokesman for the opposi-
tion Pakistan National Alliance
(PNA) told a news conference
in Lahore, 171 miles southeast
of here, that PNA President
Maulana Mufti Mahmud, Secre-
tary - General Ghafoor Ahmad,
and top opposition leaders Sher-
baz Mazari, Maulana Shah Ah-
med Noorani and Malik Qasim
were arrested in the early
morning hours by police.

leader Asghar Khan, was plac-
ed under house arrest today in.........
the northern town of Charsad-
da, the PNA spokesman said.
Thirty persons were reportedK
arrested during PNA-organized"
protests throughout the country:
Thursday, and tear gas was
used in some cities to disperse#
opposition supporters.
Muhammand Ismail Chaud-
bry, a PNA leader, claimed
that men in police uniforms had
entered houses without warrants
and abducted a number ofr
men. He said that some de-"
tainees had been tortured and
many had not been allowed to.
meet with lawyers.
Congo execution
a Debat
public - Ex-President Alphonse special court martial of plotting
Massamba-Debat was executed Ngouabi's assassination along
early yesterday on grounds of with Kikadidi and the others.
plotting the assassination of Observers noted, however,
President Marien Ngouabi, fuel- that Massamba-Debat had lved
ing speculation that the stage in near seclusion in his native
is being set for a tribal blood- village of Boko southwest of
bath in the Congo. Brazzaville for the last seven
The government radio, be- years and appeared to be iso-
tween broadcasts of the Com- lated from political maneuver-
munist anthem Internationale, ing.
said the only way to deal with Nonetheless, in a "confession"
counter-revolutionaries "is to cut broadcast by 'Radio Brazzaville
off their heads." It was not on Thursday night, he recounted
known whether this method ac- in a monotone that he had nev-
tually was used against Mas- er forgiven Ngouabi for ousting
samba-Debat. him or denying him the -espect
Announcement of the execu- due to a former chief of state,
tion was made by the ruling mil- and read a list of politicians in-
itary committee, led by M a j. tended to be members of the
Sassou Nguesso, and including new government after Ngouabi
other members of the Mboschi had been eliminated..
and other northern Congo tribes.
It said Capt. Barthelemy K- N ew Indian
kadidi and another alleged
member of the four-man t e a m ot
that killed Ngouabi on Marchg n
18 have been sentenced to death NEW DELHI, India - Prime
in absentia and are being Minister Morarji Desai succeed-
sought. ed yesterday in ending -a rift
Massamba-Debat, Kikadidi in India's new ruling alliance
and Emile Cardinal Biayenda by bringing his defeated rival
Roman Catholic archbishop of and leader of the 85 million Un-
Brazzaville who was killed on touchables. Jagjivan Ram, into
Wednesday, were members of the government.
the southern Lari tribe. Ngou-An official statement said the
abi was a member of the north- A
em Kyoutrie wichbelngs68-year-old Ram was among 19
ern Koyou tribe which belongs j ersons named to Desai's cab-
to the Mboschi tribal family. 1esn amdt esiicb
Veteran observebs of th e net, athough their portfolios
Congo scene said they feared were not annonnced..
the latest execution and the kil- Desai had held up formation
lings of the cardinal and Ngou- of the cabinet for a day until
I abi are part of the same vio- Ram aoreed to join the govern-
lent siral that left hundreds of ment. The new ministers will
northerners and southerners be sworn in today, the an-
dead in intertribal bloodshed in noncement said.
1959. on the eve of the Congo's In Washington, a State De-
independence from France. nartment spokesman said t h e
They said revenge against United States has "noted with
Laris probably would escalate interest' 'a statement by Desai
now since the Mboschis firmly indicating a shift in India's mc-
hold the reins of power. lar nolicy more in line with
The Congo. formerly k n o w n the Carter administration's po-
as the French Congo, is the sition.
western neighbor of Zaire, for- Under Mrs. Gandhi. India ex-
merly the Belgian Congo. rloded a nuclear device .-n MayI
Massamba-Debat. who served 1974, but Desai said Thursday,
as president from 1963 until be- "We do not believe in nu lear
ing ousted in a 1968 coup led by weaons at all."
Ngouabi, was convicted by a President Carter wants a total

ban on nuclear explosions
peaceful purposes and an
to all nuclear testing.

for urged regional sewage plants,
end which would use decomposed
human waste to produce me-
thane gas.
Striking a common view heard
during the session, Paul Knight,
a Penn State student, recalledI
how during this winter's na-I

Ene e -tural gas shortage, he w o r e
sweaters, kept the thermostat
*citizenslow and used stairways instead
C of the elevators in his apart-
WASHINGTON - For three ment house.
hours yesterday, 19 ordinary cit- "The solution comes from the
izens told government officialssThes tins"mhe
how the nation can save in- simplest things, he said.
creasingly precious energy. Sev- Near the end, energy chief
eral made novel suggestions, but Schlesinger joined the meeting
most made points similar to and said that no matter how
those of the officials: It isn't simple things seemed, they were
going to be . not always easy for everyone.
Elizabeth Howell, a housewife No matter what is included in
from Pinckney, Mich., said the the Carter energy plan, he said,
biggest problem government has many persons will feel they are
in devising an energy policy is being asked to suffer too many
one of trust. "I don't think the hardships.
people can be depended on to ii
conserve energy," she said. Maine phon
''They believe the whole thing rt
is a put up job to increase
prices." 'AT,'VTTC'rA

Sex lures failed
BIRMINGHAM - Investigat-
ors seeking the ritualistic killer
of four suburban Detroit child-
ren Friday disclosed several un-
usuas attempts to catch the ab-
ductor and save the life of his
latest victim.
The efforts failed - however-
and the body of Timothy King-
11-was buried yesterday after
funeral services in this afflu-
ent residential community.
Of the seven Oakland County'
child killings the past 14 months'
- the deaths of Timothy - ano-
ther boy and two girls have been
linked to one suspect described
as a well educated sex deviate
with a fetish for cleanliness.
But before Timothy died -
searchers used a variety of un-
orthodox tactics hoping to trap
the abductor and save Timothy's

out the cooperation or know-
ledge of somebody," Tobia told
a news conference. "I think ev-
erybody on the task force be-
lieves somebody knows who the
guilty person is."
"We believe he appears sane
99 per cent of the time. There
is nothing that would pruijbit
a person in the medical or ieg-l
profession from coming forward'
with information in this case."
The chief added that there
were growing indications that
the main suspect might ha",c an,,
"From a lot of evidence that
we've compiled, it would seem
that there is more than oie per-
son involved."
PBB expert
CADILLAC - The state first
PBB trial was recesed suidenly
yesterday so defense attorneys
can question a Dutch biochemist
about his research on the ef-
fects of the toxic substance on
Judge William Peterson order-
ed a delay in the testimony of
Dr. Anjo Strik who had been
scheduled to tike the wi.ness
stand in Wexford County Circuit!
Strik was the first specialist
called to outline the toxic ef-
fects cf PBB, polybromnmn-tted
biphenyl, on livestock and ii-
Attorneys for the Falmouth
dairyman Roy Tacoma - who
is suing MichipAn Chemical Co.
and Farm Bureau Servic s for
$1 million - called Strix to the
But defens3 attorneys fo; the
firms blamed for the cont'amin-

ation objected and asked Peter-
son to delay testimony. They ar-
gued they. had not been told of
Strik's court appearance and
had not received 'ocume1s re-
lated to his re search.
Strik has also studieJ PBB
effects on quail and other ani-
mals and has concluded that
long term exposure to small
amounts of the chemical is dai,-

hap pen,

Since the March 7 national
elections, in which Bhutto's
Pakistan People's party de-
feated the PNA, scores of Pak-
istanis have died in political
The PNA has charged that
Bhutto won the election through
massive fraud and intimidation
of voters. The opposition lead-
ers refused to hold reconcilia-
tion talks with Bhutto and had
called for a general strike to-
day to protest the opening of
the National Assembly. Bhutto
was scheduled to be redesignat-
ed prime minister at, today's
The PNA also called on Pak-
istani President Fazal Elahi
Chaudbry to hold new general
Begum Wali Khan, the only
woman candidate in the March
7 national elections and the
wife of already imprisoned PNA

Another kind of distrust of , u', Minei- Its an Enticing advertisements were
government was expressed by old story: the telephony co-n- placed in sex magazines. Gay
William Morgan of Jackson, pany asks for a rate increase bars were staked out. A car-by-
and the Public Utilities Co- crso n erhcmag
Miss. car stop and search campaign
"I was amazed to get a call mission (PUC) orders a chsnge. in Oakland County last weekend
to come to Washington," said But this time ,the customers are involving 2000 vehicles and
Morgan. "I had no idea any- smiling at tne rate takin ef- pressure on police informants
body wanted to hear what I had feet today. the comnany :s nat. to provide leads also were part
to say"" It blew our socks 3ff when of the oeration.
But Morgan was among 20 we got rhis, continental Tele Every known sex offender was
persons invited to the White phone Co.'s Robert Niven sai interrogated, detectives said,
House to exchange opinions and of the rate decrease - up tc 45 and two persons were given lie
suggestions with government of- per cent - ordered by the PUc detector tests before they were
ficials responsible for drawing on monthly bills for many of the cleared. But the sweep resulted
up President Carter's planned ( company's 24 000 cust'niers in in arrests for several other -rc-
April 20 energy message to Con- Maine. cent child molestation cases.
gress. But Mrs. Ronert Swain of An- "I think the task force has
The 20 were selected from dover hailed the 22.2 ter cent sterilized Oakland County," Po-
20 000 persons who an- rate reduction in the monthly lice Chief Rollin Tobin said. "I
swered letters from President bill for party-ine service. don't think you'll hear of many
Carter's energy chief, James R. "It's the first good nems I've more child molesations in this
Schlesinger, inviting their com- heard." she said in a telephone co"ntv. We've talked to every
ments on solving energy short- interview. "It's just abomt the sex'ial nervert and deviate we
ages. The 19 who accepted the first thine that hasn't gene up know of. We've really snkrn,
invitation came to Washington in price. the b-shei"
at government expense. Continental anolied last tear A special t4;k force investi-
Simply put, they represented to the state PUC for a $S5M 000 gating the deaths has been
an American cross-section, stu- rate increase. Instead, it w-)uad swamned with :ips from the pub-
dents, housewives, a retired ' n with an over-all 17 per cent lic. Tobin said vital evidence
game warden. secretaries, a c"t in reveme, or about 5920 - probably is being withheid. p.s-
lawyer. a construction supervis- 000 less than 7t was exno ting. sibly by a psychiatrist, doct'or
or a retired cattle farmer. Joan Goslin of the northern or attorney.
Some of the themes were fa- Maine community f Eale "You can't keep a person cap-
miliar - build more mass Iran- Lake said she couldn't believe tive for this period of time with-
sit, encourage solar and wind the news, out added sie knew
energy devices, provide incen- what to do with the $1.95 a
tives for more insulation in month she'll be saving. I E49Th ANNUAL
houses. "I'll have to put the extia ACAdENy AWARd5
Others were less conventional. money toward the light bill, be&A
Norman Kraeuter, the retired cause that's eine up," the mo- Show 4
game warden of Holly Hill, Fla., ther of four said.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Saturday, March 26, 1977
WUOM: Lectures by Request, Alex
Haley interviewed by Mary Ann Wii1-
liams of Ohio State's Black Studies
Program, 1 p.m.
Music School: Mozart's "Cosi fang
tutte," Mendelssohn, 8 p.m.
Musical Society: Osipov Balalaikas,
Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
3200 S.A.B. -763-4117
Camp Cavell, Detroit YMCA lo-
cated in Lexington, MI: Will inter-
view Monday, March 28. Call office
for appointment.
Nippersink Manor: Large summer
resort In S.E. Wisconsin, wili inter-
view Tuesday, March 29 and Wed-
Volume LXXXVII, No. 139
Saturday, March 26, 1977
Is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan, News
phone '164-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a i ly Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 42r Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann

Y ' S i v=..re i' ::"....:.....am n ..::i:"i}v:{iti:v'rT:::'
nesday, March 30. Openings include structors, kitchen staff, camp secre-
waiters/waitresses, bus boys, maids, tary. Call office for appointment.
lifeguards, social hostess, playschool Iroquis Hotel, Mackinac, MI. 48757
teachers, many others. Salary plus seeks 6 males, 6 females for kitchen
room and board furnished for all and housekeeping; $300-325 plus
positions. Call office for appoint- room and board, from May 10
ment. through Labor Day. Also graduating
Camp Tamarack, MI. Coed: Will seniors with accounting background
interview Monday, March 29 from for front desk and night clerk,
9-5. Openings include general coun- through October 15. Send resume to
selors, bus drivers, arts/crafts in- Mry McIntyre, c/o the hotel.
ELD jT 9:00
___________________ HELD &9:30

BINGO March3O-Api2
SCENES Of MONEY And DEATH Wed.- Sat.. 8:00 p m.
Tickets at PTP Ticket Office Mendelssohn Theatre Lobby, Mon.-Fri. 10-1, 2-5
For Information Call: 764-0450

8:00 p.m.-Victor Herman: "Political Op-
pression and Prisoners in Russia"-Mich-
igan Union, Kuenzel Room
9:00 p~.Prof. Herber Paper "Obsra-
tions on the Soviet Jewish Experience" -
Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room
Noon-4:00 p.m.-Movies: "Out of Bondage"
(23 minutes) , "Pligt of Soviet .Jewry: Let
My People Go" (2 minutes) (continuous
showing) -UGLI Multipurpose Room
7:30 p.m.-Mikkai Agursky: "The Soviet
J e w i s h Question" - Michigan Union,
Kuenzel Roorm
8:30 p.m. - Vladimh Kovlovsky: "Nature
and Direction, of the S o v i e t Dissident
Movement"-Michigan Union, Kuenzel
Noon-3:00 p.m.-Movies (see Monday) -
UGL I Multipurpose Roomn
3:00 p.m.- Lev Lifsitz: "The Psychology
of the Soviet Official"-UGLI Multipur-
pose Room
4:00 p.m.-Prof. Andrew Erenkreutz: "Po-
litical Dissent in Poland-UGLI Multi-
purpose Room
9:00 p.m.-Vladimir Frumkin (tentative):
"Songs of the Soviet Underaround"-The
Ark, 1421 Hill Street-$1.OO
Co-ordinated By: AKTSIA/ Action For Soviet Jewry and
Human Rihts. Phone: 663-3336



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