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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 137
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 24, 1977
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
MSA re presentation
The presence of school and college student gov-
ernment representatives on the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) was declared unconstitutional last
night. The C~ntral Student Judiciary (CSJ) gave
MSA until after its Fall, 1977 election to correct the
defect. CSJ said this could be done by deleting or
replacing the so-called "equal weight of vote"
clause of the All-Campus Constitution. Presiding
Justice Bob Morton said CSJ agreed to the delay
because "immediate implementation would de-
stroy the student government." MSA President
Scott Kellman termed the finding "very reason-
able." He added, "Legally, we were wrong. We are
not lawyers." MSA. member Irving Freeman
brought the suit on behalf of himself and several
other individuals.
VA jury selected
Following four weeks of interviews, a 16-mem-
ber jury for the Veterans Administration Hospital
murder trial was seated yesterday. The jury, which
includes four alternates, is composed of eight wom-
en and eight men. Three of the jurors are blank.
Testimony in the trial, in which former VA nurse
Leonora Perez and Filipina Narciso are accused
of murdering two patients and_ poisoning seven
others during the summer of 1975, is slated to
begin next Monday.
Takin' care of business
National d
By LAURIE YOUNG She had bee
One of the nation's largest, multi-million dollar Dr. off S. Gr(
heroin operations was broken up yesterday with added.
the arrest of 21 persons across the country, in- t The ring, wl
cluding two suspects at the ring's headquarters four pounds)
in Ypsilanti, a federal agent announced. iced Michigan
Allan Pringle, deputy regional director of the land and Was
U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration, said that "This parti
Richard Phillips of Los Angeres, head of the or- nificant becau
ganization, and the rest of the gang's members were involved
had been apprehended following an 1-month in- compare this
vestigation, right up at th
PHILLIPS, 33, WAS arrested on Tuesday along ACCORDIN
with Roberta Shaw, 26, a key member of the ring, heroin from
at her Ypsilanti Township apartment Pringle said. took to (Los
Carter -hop4
establish ftr
ru ri
n living at 2483 Lake-in-the-Woods
ove Road for the past two years, he
which handled over $50,000 worth (or
of Mexican heroin each week, serv-
n, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, Mary-
hington D.C., Pringle said.
cular organization was rather sig-
use of the volume of activity they
d in," Pringle explained. "When you
with other organizations, they'd be
e top."
G TO PRINGLE, the gang smuggled
Mexico into California which they
Angeles. From there, a courier
e sto
brought the heroin to the Ypsilanti headquarters,
where it was prepared for interstate distribution.
The arrest warrants originated in Baltimore,
where evidence was collected from a series of
telephone .tappings, Pringle said. Local phones
were also tapped, but did not yield the pertinent
evidence which led to the arrests, he said.
Pringle said evidence collected for-the present
indictments covers crimes believed to be com-
mitted during the period between June and No-
vember of last year. They suspect the ring had
been operating prior to that time, but have insuffi-
cient evidence for an arrest warrant, he said.
BOTH PHILLIPS and Shaw were arraigned
Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Detroit. Phi lips
in Isi
presently is being held in the Federal Correctional
Institution at Milan' under $100 000 bond. Shaw
was released after she posted $10,000 bond. Both
suspects will be tried in Baltimore.
Pringle speculated that the dealers used Ypsi-
lanti as the center of their -operations because it
is centrally located.
Pringle would say only that the suspects used
"the usual methods" to smuggle heroin over
the border. These mehods include using "body
carries," automobiles, or flying small p'anes
which can be flown low enough to avoid detec-
tion by radar, he said.
Two other suspects were also picked up in Mich-
igan. Marzell-s Wilson, 3., and Elene Johnson, 33,
verc arrested in Grand Blanc near F int.
b Vi
Officials from the University and the Ameri-
can Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) will meet at 11
this morning to sign their newly agreed-upon
two-year contract. Campus service and minte-
nance workers struck for 26 days before the two
sides reach an agreement. The controversy may
not be completely over though. Twenty-two union
members are being accused of "serious miscon-
duct" in connection -with the walk oit and may lose
their jobs altogether if administrators win their
case. AFSCME bargaining leader Art Anderson
says the University will present its side by the
end of the week. The University will also act to-
night to offer the Tenants Union a settlement to
end the dorm rent strike which developed during
the walkout. Students placed thousands of dollars
in escrow as a protest to the cutback in services.
start happening at noon. Music Man previews,
12, Pendleton Arts Information Center ... Coffee
hour followed by "Human Mineralogy" lecture,
3:30, 2501 C.C. Little ... Wesley Foundation fem-
inist counseling session, 4-6, 602 E. Huron ... "Vis-
ions of Jerusalem in Recent Israeli Literature,"
4, Lecture Rim. 1, MLB ... performance of "Ri-
ders to the Sea," 4:10, Arena Theatre in the Frieze
Bldg. ..Wesley Foundation Grad Potluck and
Grad Program, 6:30 and 7:30 respectively, 602 E.
Huron ... lecture by Director of Housing Informa-
tion John Finn, 7-9, Trotter House lounge ... free
First Jump Course offered by U of M Skydivers,
7, 1042 E. Engineering ... Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship meeting, 7:30, Michigan League ... "The
Contemporary American Family: Changes and
Prospects" lecture, 7:30, Ann Arbor Public Li-
brary ... poetry reading by Barbara Abels, 7:30,
Guild House, 802 Monroe ... "How to Build a La-
bor-Science Industrial Alliance for a Fusion-based
Economy," 7:30, Rm. 3207 in the Union ... infor-
mation session on ICC's minority recruitment pro-
gram, 7:30, Afro Lounge, South Quad ... "Political
Repression of U.S. Citizens in the U.S.S.R.,' 8-9,
603 E. Madison .:. deadline for student applications
to University policy committees is March 30. Ap-
plications are in the MSA offices in the Union.
Pennsylvania Gov. Milton Shapp has belatedly
settled a bet he made last year with Ohio Gov.
James Rhodes on the Ohio State-Penn State foot-
ball game -- but he's not paying off the Buck-
eye with bucks. Shapp has sent the Ohio politician
some Pennsylvania mushrooms which he teasing-
ly said were only a consolation prize "since we
beat you at that new game called 'Volkswagen',"
a reference to the German auto manufacturer's
decision to locate a plant in the Quaker State in-
stead of Ohio. Rumor has it Rhodes is holding
out for a side of Wolverine. It'll be a long wait,
On the inside...
Richard Nixon starts his series of taped inter-
views with David Frost. Details in the Page 3
Digest ... Co-editor Jim Tobin premieres his col-
umn Swamp Gas today on the Editorial Page..
Art's Page reviewer David Keeps interviews soap
star Tony Craig from the Edge of Night, who is
appearing in PTP's Absurd Person Singular ... and
the Sport's Page features an advance of the Michi-
gan vs. Boston University semi-final NCAA hock-
ey tourney in Detroit.
Presilent Carter announced
yesterday that the United
States will resume negotia-
tions without preconditions
or delay to establish friend-
ship and normal relations
with Hanoi, its enemy in a
decade of war.
The President made pub-
lic a report from his Com-
mission on Missing in Ac-
tion, which returned from
a visit to Hanoi on Tues-
day. The report said: "Viet-
,nam is prepared to estab-
lish diplomatic relations
with us."
Carter credited with establish-
ing a bridgehead for the talks,
said the Vietnamese declared it
would help normal relations if
the United States ends its eco-
nomic blockade and drops its
veto of Hanoi's entry into the
United Nations.
The commission said Laos,
High' court upholds
Miranda decision
too, is "clearly interested in
establishing a new and friend-
lier relationship." But there
was no indication of any imme-
diate diplomatic steps in that
Generally, the commission re-
ported a softening of Vietna-
mese and Laotian attitudes to-
ward the United States, saying
leaders in both countries "ap-
pear to view the present U. S.
intentions toward them as more
positive than in the past."
to expect "a significant-U. S.
contribution to their post-war
economic reconstruction," the
~commission said, but appear
willing to discuss it in himani-
tarian and moral terms instead
of demanding it under peace
However, the commission said
Vietnamese "almost certainly
have at least some additional
. . . information available"
about missing Americans and
"did not provide it to the com-
mission during its visit."
"For reasons of terrain, cli-
mate, circumstances of loss and
passage of time, it is probable
that no accounting will ever be
nossible for most of the Amer-
icans lost in Indochina," the
commission report said.
the resumption of talks,
said normal relations afford
the best prospect for obtaining
See U.S., Page 2
Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
YOU DON'T have to go to Hollywood to enj oy all the glamour of show biz - Ann Arbor
Inn is near enough. Three local women looke d on last night as Betsy Alber auditioned be-
fore Director William Martin for a part in an upcoming film based on the John Norman
Co ins murders. If chosen, they will play the parts of coeds who were Collins' victims.
Ya ouglhta be in pictures
sharply divided and unusually
emotional Supreme Court, ignor-
ing prosecutors' attacks on the
Miranda rule, vesterday over-
turned the murder conviction of
an Iow rnmn who had led po-
li-e to the body of a young mur-
der victim.
The j'lstices voted 5-4 that
Robert Williams was unfairly
co'vict- d bhase police Pffec-
tivlV die-i him the right to
have an attorney present dur-
i9 rr,-t 1ina.
THw Is held great interest
for l-v e-forcement officials
and civil liberty lawyers be-
cause Iowa prosecutors had used
it to attack one of the Sunreme
Cort's most controversial deci-
sions, the Miranda ruling.
Handed down in 1966 by the
liberal-dominated court under
former Chief Justice Earl War-
ren, the Miranda decision told
police that a criminal suspect
in custody must be informed of
his rights to be represented by
an attorney and to remain si-
The current court's more con-
servative makein under Chief
Justice Warren Burger has re-'
stricted use of the Miranda doc-
trine, and many legal experts
believed the court would use
Williams' case to scuttle it com-
Richard Turner urged the court
to do so, arguing that Miranda
stands as an kinnecessary ob-
struction in what he called the
seurch for truth.
Turner said a degree of trick-
erv and deceit should be per-
mitted in police interrogation
is long as it's aimed at getting
the truth.
Twenty-two states filed briefs
with the high court in support
of Iowa's argument.
THE COURT'S decision, how-
ever, discussed only fleetingly
the Miranda doctrine and fo-
cused instead on Williams' con-
stitutional right to be represent-
ed by an attorney.
Williams, 25, was arrested in
Davenport, Iowa, for the mur-
der of 10-year-old Pamela Pow-
ers of Des Moines on Christmas
Eve 1968.
Williams surrendered to po-
lice after becoming a suspect
in the young girl's disappear-
ance and was advised of his
See HIGH, Page 2
"No, no, no" says the graying, paunchy
figure in the chair to the nervous would-be
starlet in front of him. "You're moving your
head, around, you're anticipating."
"What you've gotta do," he says with a
grand sweep of his arm, "is take a line the
writer's written down and turn it into honest-
to-God expression."
THE MAN IN THE CHAIR of the Ann Arbor
Inn last night, flamboyant producer/direchor
William Martin, plans to shoot a film based
on the slayings of eight Ann Arbor and Ypsi-
lanti women in 1969 and 1970. John Norman
Collins is currently serving a term in Jack-
son Prison for the murders, but the film is
simply "a fictionalized treatment of murders
taking place in Washtenaw County," accord-
ing to Martin.
See PRODUCER, Page 2
rrin e r ww a wn na
Dems eye
The changing face of the tra-
ditionally Republican Fifth
Ward has spurred on a confi-
dent Democratic hopeful, Judith
Hanks, while the Republican in-
cumbent Gerald Bell is more
cautious about claiming victory
than he was two years ago.
Bell and Hanks, along with
William Minaid of the Libertar-
ian Party are vying for the Fifth
Ward seat in April 4's city elec-
ALTHOUGH Republicans have
controlled the ward's City Coun-
cil seats for nearly a decade,
Democrats George' McGovern
and Ed Pierce carried the Fifth
in the last two national elec-
tions. High voter turnout appar-
. .
ently has been a plus for the
Democrats in the ward.
Bounded by Maple Road, Paul-
ine Boulevard, and Seventh
Street, the ward contains middle
and upper income areas, inter-.
spersed with clusters of lower
income and senior citizen hous-
Students in the ward are most-
ly confined to precincts in the
Old West Side (west of Main
Street and north of Pauline) and
make up roughly 30 per cent of
the population in this neighbor-'
HOWEVER, Bell contends
that his frequent involvement
with Republican caucuses and
local groups will keep him in'
Council for the next two years.
But he admits that he has "not
really introduced legislation of
any importance or of any speci-
fic consequence." Bell says he
is relying on his political base
built up from his two years of
experience, coupled with a po-
tent door-to-door campaign in
his bid for re-election.
Hanks, who ran and last a
council race to Mayor Pro- Tem
Louis Belcher last year, claims
that the loss served to establish
herself in the ward. And sloe
contends that her chances for
victory have increased this yEcar
because "nobody in the ward
knows who he (Bell) is. Bell's
a follower - he doesn't initiate
things himself."
Libertarian Minaid is aiming
his campaign at educating the
people, as- this party takes its
first step into the ward. He
hopes to increase voter aware-
ness of his party's idealogy
which focuses on freedom
through enterprise and an end
Hetrained 3years
but never played-
Woody Brown stares ahead at the blank walls of the Track
and Tennis Building, oblivious to the other football players who.
surround him as he intently jumps rope. A whistle sounds; Brown
heaves a sigh of relief, then drops the rope and jogs. across the
track for another series of drills.
But thus far the hours of grueling workouts have all been
for naught. In his three years on the football team, Woody Brown
has yet to see a single second of playing time in a game.
SOME ATHLETES would just hang up the towel after three
seasons of benchwarming on Bo Schembechler's prestigious squad.
But not Brown.
"I can't see quitting anything," the muscular safety says. "The
old saying's true - you don't like to be a quitter."
That's not to say that the thought of giving it all up has never
entered his mind. However, Brown says quitting is "an easy way
out," and has resigned himself to countless hours of arduous prac-
tice in hope of someday earning an opportunity to demonstrate
Tron suit clarges
TU coerced tenants
Irony Management Company is reviving a one million dollar
lawsuit against the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU), charging it
witlf coercing Trony tenants into withholding rent and trying to
obstruct business.
The suit charges TU with inducing, tenants to withhold their
rent by means of "moral and social pressure."
TRONY INITIATED the suit in March, 1976, but did not take
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