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January 13, 1977 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-01-13

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Do you know your,
student government?

year old, but most students know scarcely more
about the body than what the initials MSA stand for.
S arting this week, a series of weekly articles written
by various MSA members will attempt to correct this
Most students seem to have two important questions,
"What purpose does MSA serve?" and "What can it
do for me?" MSA has two important primary func-
tions. First, the Assembly attempts to represent and
lobby for the interests of students to the faculty and
the administration. Secondy, the Assembly provides
support and direct services to students and student or-
ganizations. Thus, MSA exists to make the University
of Michigan experience as valuable as possible for each
and every student.
Over the past year, MSA has been working on behalf
of students in several important areas. Fighting to halt
rising tuition bills, the Assembly has supported and
participated in Students Associated for Lower Tuition
(SALT), a state-wide lobbying group dedicated to op'en-
ing Michigan public higher education to all those who
desire it, not just those who can afford it.
The Student Legal Advocate Program (SLAP) em-

ploys two full-time lawyers ,who have been working on
the enforcement of the federal anti-sex-discrimination
law-Title IX, and pushing for adequate grievance pro-
cedures, among other things. They have also been staff-
ing the MSA Housing Reform Project, which is working
to improve local housing conditions.
THE DIRECT SERVICES MSA provides for .students
are quite varied. In addition to administering the
student health insurance program and offering voter
registration, at aids and coordinates the activities of stu-
dent organizations. MSA helps student groups obtain
office space, offers them financial help, and acts as
their liaison with the administration. It handles the
scheduling of the film groups and other student events,
and most recently conceived the computerized system
of obtaining athletic tickets.
Of the 35 members of MSA, 18 are elected at-large
during elections held close to the end of each term. The
remaining members are selected by the governments of
each University school and college as their repre-
sentatives. Nine officers are selected by the body after
each election. They head MSA committees and make
up the Steering Committee, which takes care of routine
matters and screens items for the Assembly agenda. All
e c
5erv-,ce %

actions taken by the Steering Committee may be vetned
by the whole body.
. This term's officers are, President, F. Scott Kell-
man; Vice-President, Steve Carnavele; Treasurer, Walt
Borland; Student Organizations Coordinator, C h r i s
Bachelder; Budget Priorities Coordinator, Jim Browne;
Programs Coordinator, Dan Browning; Personnel Co-
ordinator, Blanche Trerice; Communications Coordinat-
or, Mike,.Taylori and Parliamentarian, Ronald Wilcox.
MSA mee s are held on alternate Tuesdays at 8:00
p.m on the third floor of the Michigan Union. The next
meeting will be held January 18th. Steering Committee
meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the
same place. All members of the Universi y community
are welcome to' attend the meetings. At 9:00 during
each MSA meeting, Constituents' Time is held, giving
non-MSA members the opportunity to set forth their
views on issues of personal concern. In addition, con-
stituents' views are welcome at all times during the
Assembly's regular discussions of matters before the
body. Please feel free to come to our meetings, and
to call any of our officers or members if you have
any questions.
Mike Taylor is the Communications Coordinator
for MSA.

Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48109

Thursday, January 13, 1977

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

French should have
extradited terrorist Daoud

fusal to extradite Abu Daoud,
suspected organizer of the massacre
of 11 Israeli athletes in the 1972
Munich Summer Olympics, is an act
of cowardice, and makes a farce of
Lawyers for the French Govern-
ment claimed that Israel's request for
extradition was denied because their
treaty with Israel did not concern
crimes committed by non-Israelis in
West Germany that did not involve
French victims. They also denied West
Germany's appeal, claiming that it
was not made through proper chan-
But is that the real reason? We
think not. We believe that France
failed to carry out its moral duty
for fear of reprisals by the Arab na-
tions and the Palestine Liberation
Organization. The Arab states are the
chief suppliers of crude oil to France
and are major buyers of French-made
mnilitary equipment. The Palestinian
methods for dealing with people and
countries that go against their beliefs
are well documented.
Photography Staff

QUESTION: Can a male who
has had a homosexual ex-
perience contract veneral dis-
ease? If so, how is it contracted
and in what way? What is the
percentage of gay males that
get V.D. and where can they go
confidentially to determine if
they have been exposed? What
is the usual medical treatment?
Please answer! Thanks! I need
to know.
Answer: All human contact
runs the risk of disease trans-
mission and sexual contact (het-
erosexual or homosexual) is no
exception. Unfortunately, t h e
lack of openness about sexual-
ity, in general, in our society
has led to a special stigma at-
tached to veneral disease, mak-
ing it dfificult for individuals to
receive prompt and non-j:idg-
mental diagnosis and treatneitt.
This in turn has contributed to
the significant increase of pon-
orrhea and syphilis in this cnun-
try during recent years. Irci-
dentally, this stigma also inhib-
its persons who have contracted
T.D. from informing sexual part-
ners of theircommon infection,
often leading to re-infection and
further unnecessary transmis-

Virtually the only way a per-
son may contract gonorrhea or
spyhilis is from vaginal, anal
or oral-genital intercourse with
an individual who is infected
with either of these diseases. As
the microscopic organisms
which cause gonorrhea and sy-
philis die very quickly o u c e
outside of the human body, it is
almost impossible to catch them
from toilet seats. towels, cups,
etc. that have been used by an
infected person.
We ,know of no data on be
percentage of gay males w h o
contract V.D. Similarly, we have
no data on the sexual preferenc-
es of individuals being treated
for V.D. as anal and oral-,eni'al
sexual intercourse are common
practices among heterosexuals
and homosexuals alike. We do
know. however, that any person
residing in Washtenaw ('osnty
(regardless of student statis)
can come to the University
Heal h Service for non-ji~grnen-
tal and confidential diagnosis
and treatment of either gonor-
rhea or svphilis. Our V.D. clinic
is fended by your tax money
under a contract awarded to the
University Health Service by
the Washlenaw County Heat.h
Denartment. and so its service.s
are free of charge.

IF YOU THINK that you have
been exposed to either of these
diseases do come in to be cst-
ed. This is the only way that you
' can be certain if you have been
infected as many individuals
with gonorrhea or syphilis are
asymptomatic (i.e., they display
no signs of disease). Syphilis is
usually detected by means of a
blood test, and gonorrhea, by
means of a bacteriological crl-
ture of the penis, vagina, mouth
or anus. If these tests indicate
that you do have gonor,-aea or
syphilis, both of these diseases
can be treated with aop-oprial e
doses of antibiotics. Do nro. how-
ever, be teifpted to medicate
vourself with antibiotics in the
hopes of either preventing mr"-
fection or curing an established
infection. In the case of gor-
orrhea, for example, self--nedi-
cation with inadequate or map-
propriate antibiotics. ma v cause
you to partially eradicate the i -
fection, only to develop (a n d
risk transmi'ting) a c:irolic in-
fection which is resistant to the
usual dosage of the anpropriate
antibiotics. Another hazard of
self-medication when symptoms
are present is that the symptoms
may disappear temporarily. This
makes accurate diagnosis Ot-
ficute for the physician and may

also make your labocatorr tests
So come in to our Hlestn Serv-
ice Veneral Disease Clinic as
soon as possible to b tested.
Then, if you have contrac'ed ei-
ther gonorrhea or syphilis you
can be treated, and if you have-
n't, you can at least put your
mind at ease.
Question: I have no lime to
prepare nourishing breakfasts
or lunch, so I usually go wilh-
out. As a result, I often fin.i
myself dizzy and weak during
my afternoon classes. Can S ou
recommend a comnromise be-
tween my studies and my
Answer: Never put vourself
in a compromising rnsiFon!
Both good health and good grad-
es are practically wi-Iin ,$"r
Plrasn with these words of wis-
riom from Ms: Irene Meber, cur
Heal'h Service nutri-i mist.
"Your dizziness and weakirx-
ed condilon are likolv zlue to :he
fact that yor cells -xe n v t
eetting the glucose reouired to
fPrnish von with enerey Fur-
thermore. protein is essential *o
provide you with the amino
acids necessary for reh'iiJdmin
ccl's which are consantly, in
need of repair.

These are some liyuid meals
which would provide nourish-
ment quickly like eggnog, sego,
etc. You could also eat fruit and
cheese, cereal with milk. or
roasted outs, sunflonvsc seeds
and soybeans with yo irt, all of
which need litile preparation.
Peanut butter or cheese sand-
wiches can be made ii advance
and carried in your pack. (If
you do not own a bark pack,
please do not feel con 3 'Mained
to purchase one. We condone
any convenient toting approach
you may desire.) Many of the
foods suggested can b: easily
eaten between your eatrlist
classes or perhaps during a
break. It is better to eit on the
run than not to be noarnshed at
Why not try some of these
s'iggestions and let our nutrition-
ist know how you're doing?
Send any questions on health
related concerns to:
Health Educators
U-M Health Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109


Pauline Lubens ..........
Brad Benjamin .............
Alan Biiinsky..............
Scott Eccker ..............
Andy Freeberg............
Christina Schneider .......

Chief Photographer
Staff Photographer
Staff Photographer
Staff Photographer
Staff Photographer
Staff Photographer

Editorial Staff
Rob Meachum..................

Bill Turque

Jeff Ristine . .........Managing Editor
Tim Schick ................... Executive Editor
Stephen Hersh...............Magazine Editor
Rob Meachum . Editorial Director
Lois Josimovich. . . .......... Arts Editor
Business Staff
Beth Friedman.............Business Manager
Deborah !Dreyfus ......... Operations *Manager
Kathleen Muihern .. Assistant Adv. Coordinator
David Harman............... Finance Manager
Don Simpson ............... Sales Manager
Pete Peterson ..... Advertising Coordinator
Cassie St. Clair .. Circulation Manager
Beth Stratford Circulation Director
Weather Forecasters
Mark Andrews ................... Mike Gilford
Sports Staff
Bill Stieg............Sports Editor
Rich Lerner.. . ....Executive Sports Editor
Andy. Glazer......Managing Sports Editor
Rick Bonino...........Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman,
Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock,
Bob Miller, Jonn Niemeyer, Mark Whitney.
STAFF W 11TERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell.
Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-
hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Don Mae-
Lachlan. Rich (vshinsky, Jim Powers, Pat Rode,
John Schwartr.

By refusing the extradition of
baoud,~,and by letting him leave the
country, France is promoting inter-
national terrorism. Its policy of non-
action is tacit approval of what
Daoud and his band allegedly did,
and by passing the buck and. buck-
ling to real or imagined Arab pres-
sure, they are refuting responsibility
for preventing such actions in the fu-
Countries hoping to advance their
own position by allowing terrorist
activities to prevail merely make
themselves more vulnerable to attack.
The present self-serving attitude
of individual countries is at the root
of the terrorist problem. Until these
countries are willing to sacrifice their
own material interests to the greater
interest of justice, we will live with
constant insecurity and fear of mur-
derers with a cause, who are allowed
to get off with a reception due more
a hero, than a possible murderer.
* It is hoped that one day soon,
some country won't shirk its ethical
responsibility as France did and will
stand up to terrorists. Meanwhile, Abu
Daoud, reclines in splendor in Algeria,
untouched by the hands of justice.
Editorial positions represent a
consensus of The Daily Editorial staff.
News: Janet Klein, Jenny Miller, Mar-
tha Retallick, JeffRistine, Tim
Schick, Margaret Yao, Barb Zahs
Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Rob
Meachum, Tom Stevens, Lisa Zisook
Arts Page: Lois Josimovich, Karen
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

To The Daily:
The October claim by the ad-
ministration that there was no
other course than government
by a strong executive did not
convince the voters.
The scars of the Vietnam trau-
ma are a dozen years old. A
very broad measure of am-
nesty, as advocated by Senator
Hart, is needed to balance al-
most two hundred billion dol-
lars spent, thousands of lives
lost and families grieved by in-
effectual war in Asia.
Since 1960 the Pentagon has
yearly tried to convince the
Congress and the public of
Russia's superiority in arma-
ments. By autumn critics have
found some defect in the Janu-
ary propaganda of the Depart-
ment of Defense besides exag-
Such methods adversely af-
fected business interests. As
Lord Salisbury said: "Even a
threat of war injures com-
merce.' The arms race has
brought even more dangerous
competition. At least seven na-
tions - including Israel -- now
have nuclear weapons and any
one of the smaller nations could
create a domino effect, which
could call on Russia or Ameri-
ca to defend the country under
attack. Since each power has
a second strike capability, eith-
er could recklessly resort to the
use of atomic or hydrogen mis-
Diplomacy is now confronted
with the choice between nego-

tiation and the greatly increas-i
d risk of conventional war-
fare, possibly followed by ther
use of so-called limited atomic1
The call for common sense
is clear.
The attitude toward the poor,1
minorities and women on wel-
fare in Michigan indicates to
me that consideration of crises
is not humane toward citizens,
perhaps to the rest of the world.
In Arlington Cemetery we read
the words of George Washing-
ton: "When we assumed the
soldier, we did not. put aside
the citizen."
Paul E. Hubbell,
Emeritus Prof of History,
January 7
broken promises
ro The Daily:
ministration and the Graduate
Employees Organization agreed
that the '76-77 UM-GEO con-
tract will include a provision
banning discrimination based
on "parental or pregnancy sta-
tus. Yet today's Daily carries
an ad from the Housing Office
listing the qualifications for
Graduate Student Teaching As-
sistant in Pilot Program for
1977-78, one of which violates
this new contract provision.
Qualification number 6 is "Ap-
plicants with children will not
be considered."
Why not? Besides contradict-
ing what the administration
agreed to at the table, this
blatant exclusion of applicants
with children appears quite un-
reasonable and unwarranted. Is
this merely the latest in a long
history of broken promises?
Dan Tsang
January 11
To The Daily:
W. L. SCHELLER'S "Perspec-
tive" of 12/3/76 is a consum-
mate gem of Swiftonian satire
and trenchant irony; and the
concluding paragraph is one of
the most astounding presenta-
tions of good for society-high
school counselour-mind control
rhetoric that I have ever seen.
I must confess, however, that
I nearly took Scheller seriously
prima facie. Upon reading the
piece again, though, keeping in
mind his ostensible cause of de-
precating the use of "poor lang-
uage", for some strange reason
I kept receiving visions of wo-


isn't one (or shouldn't be). He
also lets fly at those with "poor
ability to express themselves".
Adding irony to insult, he en-
gineers a literary coup by writ-
ing in the most exceedingly bor-
ing and vacuous prose, making
the piece a sublimely ironical
One thing concerns me, how-
ever, and not being acquainted
A co


pe prevention:
mmunity affair

with "Daily" policy, I hope I
won't be thought presumptuous
if I make a suggestion. Sinze I
almost took the piece- seriously,
I feel others might be apt to do
the same thing. And because do-.
ing something of that nature
(taking it literally) would ob-
viously be limiting in terms of
personal development, unless,
of course, you find didactic pro-

lixity edifying, I feel that it
would be wise to specifically
title Scheller's columns "Hu-
mour", or maybe "Humour by
W. L. Scheller", or something
of the like. In any case, I wii be
looking forward to his (if, in-
deed, Scheller is a He) next col-
umn, article, or whatever nie de-
cides to turn out.
-James Kooi


By Marnie Heyn i

. mw


,kT THE PEAK of the Random Rapist's ac-
tivity last fall, I found myself in a de-
sultory conversation with a pair of male Daily'
cohorts. Over the cacaphony of typewriters and
wire machines, we debated the merits of Susan
Brownmiller's theories on rape in Against Our
Will. It turned out that no one had read the book,
anly reviews, but the majority opinion (Heyn
dissenting) was that Brownmiller's central thesis
was that rape is the primary mode for the con-
trol of oppression of women, and that thesis
was bunk.
Whether or not the thesis belongs to Brown-
miller, I'm ready to argue it. Granted, as stated
above it is hopeless. Certainly it would be ex-
:raordinary for a middle-class father to tell an
adolescent daughter, "Be home by midnight or
['ll rape you," or for a normal hubby to threat-
en his wife with sexual assault if supper isn't"
promptly on the table. But if rape and myths
about rape and social and personal responses to
rape are related to aggression, ostracism,
thorough-going sexual role-differentiation, and
powher -totems (as any sane person might admit),"
then it is metaphorically, if not statistically,
accurate to use the "rape is control/oppression
of women" equation. It may be overoptimistic
to predict that rape can be stamped out, and
that doing away with rape might hasten the
achievement of full sexual equality in our so-
ciety. But in any case it's a nasty business which
all of us can do a few things to eradicate.
FOR THE SAKE of convenience, I want to
distinguish between "foreign" rape, the alley-
bus stop-dark corner-horny burglar kind, and the
domestic variety. Perhaps the theory of preven-
tion isn't different for the two sorts, but the
tactics work out differently.
First, some suggestions on civic awareness
and the prevention of foreign rape. Since it's not
possible for women to avoid darkness, the out-
doors, and strangers - they must work and

f their profits from those lights for more street
lighting or a similar project. Garages and sheds
should be closed and locked; trees and shrubs
should be pruned back from sidewalks. Rental
property owners should be held responsible for
flimsy security systems; and tenants should use,
lather than circumvent, those systems. Make
your own list of ways to -get rid of hiding
places for lurking meanies. But that's just, the
technical end.
THE PEOPLE END is much more signifi-
cant, and requires a larger investment of time
and attention. Once you are securely home, leave
your front curtains open (except for those strateg-
ic moments when they must be closed) and watch
the street and sidewalk near your home. This
is absolutely not the same thing as prying. Turn
your stereo or TV down, and listen to what
happens around you: a rapee may not be able
to overpower the Stones, or have time for i
second scream. Some organization like the Wom-
en's Crisis Center should organize block meet-
ings so that people know who their neighbors
are, and know where to go for help in a pinch.
This sort of program could extend to large,
bright window stickers to identify ports in a
THE AFTERMATH isn't so pleasant either,
but it can be improved. If you're. the victim,
get assistance: trustworthy friends, a Crisis Cen.
ter volunteer, the police (who've gotten better
about dealing with rape), medical and, if you
think you need it, psychological care. Don't 'be-
have as if you brought something horrible on
yourself, and don't feel constrained from talking
about it. And, obnoxious as it may be, prose-
cute, given that the prosecutor feels you have
a case. The notion that women enjoy rape is
supported by non-prosecution. And be comfort-
ed: there are lots of folks around who will
gladly support you.
That leaves domestic rape, which includes

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