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March 22, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-22

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s Er4g t
Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedoml
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48109

Tuesday, March 22, 1977

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Despte loss, Blue cagers
are still number with us

verine basketball team.
UNC-Charlotte, and "Cornbread"
Maxwell ended our hopes for a na-
tional championship with a well-de-
served 75-68 win Saturday.
To be sure,, that loss was a dis-
appointment to all Michigan fans,
and just as heartbreaking to the play-
ers -reserve guard Dave Baxter
cried after the defeat. But it would
be an awful shame to let the dis-
appointment of not being national
champions sour the memory of a
fine team that made us proud all
season long.
The Wolverines were ranked num-
ber one at the outset of the season.
They dropped to fifth during , the
grueling Big Ten season, but regain-
ed the top spot just before the tour-
nament with stirring triumphs over
Illinois, Purdue, and Marquette (with-
out the services of injured all-Ameri-
can guard Rickey Green).
Still, the feeling lingers around
campus that this team has not lived
up to its potential. Somehow, the
176-'77 Wolverines - while filling
Crisler every week -have disappoint-
ed their rabid fans.
This is a shame.
Even with Saturday's loss, this
Michigan team finished with the fin-
est won-lost record in Wolverine his-
tory. The quintet of Green, Grote,
Hubbard, Staton and Robinson-aided
by Baxter, Thompson, Hardy, et al.,

has come through with victories in
almost every big game.
THE HOME GAMES involving Indi-
ana, Minnesota and Purdue must
rank as some of the best basketball
ever seen in these parts. To forget
these moments simply because Mich-
igan fell short in the playoffs would
be a tragedy.
Many exceptional teams were elim-
inated from the NCAA tournament
before Michigan - Tennessee and
UCLA are good examples - and even
mighty Kentucky lost in the East
Regional finals. College basketball
has become incredibly well-balanced,
and just getting to the final eight
teams in the country should malte
Blue fans proud. The years of dom-
ination by one team - UCLA - are
gone. That we have made it to the
tournament four consecutive years
is as close to a dynasty as teams will
be able to get anymore, and we should
all be pleased.
Fans at Michigan have developed
a reputation of being front-runners.
And it has been tiring to see our
sports teams fall inches short in
championship games time after time.
But nothing, not even Saturday's
loss, should take away from the ex-
cellent season the team had, and our
hats are off to every player and
coach who made this year what it
was. Thanks to all of them - you
done us proud.

First of Five Parts
IN ISRAEL is is said there never was a "Palestine."
Prior to their state's birth in 1946, the Israelis
say, the Palestinians - were merely a "peasant" peo-
ple, with no national culture, no historical traditions,.
no special skills. Rather than being the victims of
Zionism, in the Israeli view, the Palestinians were
actually passive beneficiaries of it.
But - as both Israelis and Arabs have forgotten
to their mutual peril ever since 1948 - to drive peas-
ants from the land is to make them peasants no
more. To destroy a traditional society is to conjure
up a new one.
However valid the stereotype of the Palestinians
prior to 1948, the 1977 statistics show how different
they are today.
THE PALESTINIANS now have the highest litera-
cy rate in the Mideast, except for the .Israelis them-
selves, according to data assembled by UNESCO, the
Red Cross, the U.N. World Relief Agency and other
international bodies. They also have the highest pro-
portion of children in school, the highest porportion
of university students and the greatest ratio of skilled
laborers to total work force of any Arabic-speaking
Like the Israelis, the Palestinians have become
a nation of apartment dwellers; together they, are
the two most urbanized peoples in the Mideast. Next
to the Jews, the Palestinians are also the most so-
cially mobile, the most geographically dispersed and
the least traditional people involved in the entire Arab-
Israeli conflict.
Despite being divided for 30 years by the lines
of military confrontation, the Palestinians have be-
moce an increasingly homogenous nation.
THE IRONY IS IMMENSE. While fighting along-
side the Arabs, the Palestinians resemble Arabs less
and less. But while combatting Israel, they are com-
ing to resemble Jews more anti more.
Even the stereotype of the Palestinians as a peo-
ple of the refugee camps is no longer valid. Of the
more than two million Palestinians living outside Is-
raeli-controlled territory, only 448,278 - about a fifth
- actually inhabit refugee camps. And the vast ma-
jority of those are women, children and old people,
many of whom are refugees not from 1948 but from
the 1967 Six Day War.
Thus the real problem for the Palestinians is that

of the declining role of the camps, in spite of the Palesti
rising incomes - which now often exceed the nurtured Zioni
among whom they have settled - they re- it - the polit
people who the more they wander the more parallel.
am of returning home; the more cosmopolitan Just as th
some, the more they want some small corner strength not fr
arth to call their own - much like the Jews lem rule but f
ael. ment that pro
former population of sedentary peasants has or the camps1
a nation of itinerant scholteachers; this sup- across the Ar
4bal of saboteurs, now is the principal source a scarved rev
i labor and trained management for the non- The conse
ist world's most important, oil reserves. LIKE TH
ion before it,
RLY A QUARTER-MILLION Palestinians work ment shelterin
it; the oil would stop flowing to the factories and the victi
and West Germany without them. The Pal- have in comm
are also the single most numerous group Some time
cians and teachers in Saudi Arabia, the small etinian lawye
tes and Libya. \ house. "This i
result is that, deprived of their own land, the me when we v
ans have become an increasingly powerful parable of Mo;
other lands. Denied nationhood, they play a it will comei
international role than many fully sovereign Under thei
yearbooks. Pal
y Palestinians comprise two-thirds of the popu- live. Instead ti
Jordan, half the populations of the Israeli- they have nex
lands, a third of the population of Kuwait Palestine; Jaff
ut 12 per cent of the population of Lebanon.
are a key ingredient of not only the Arab- AS THEIR
onflict, but the confrontation between the in- two peoples re
red and Third Worlds and the relationship one is left, in1
uperpowers. And what ever happens in the tinians, but o
:ure, this is quite unlikely to change. for a future c
of the past.
N IF THEY GET their mini-state, the Pales- Haunted b
re likely to remain a nation whose popula- the Jews have
influence continues to lie largely outside its and Judea.
Resisting t
:ed with expulsion and exile," observed Prof. tinians have b
haath of the American University of Beirut,
:stinians turned to "education as a means to Tomorrow: Th
self-preservation." Encountering the Arabs'
tility to the strangers in their midst, the Pal- Dr. Aliman,
"had to study hard to enhance his personal ford, England,
ive power and overcome the disadvantages ship at the Co
ig from his 'refugee status' as well." ten on the Mi
A WORLD FORCE 1970's for such
>th the social origins and human consequences "Guardian" an
To the right,
By CHUCK ANESI orientatic
ONCE AGAIN, "To the Right, March!" is forc- a major
ed to reply to the railings of someone who from th
pretends to know the truth. and from
eThis refers to the March 17 letter to the gram to
Daily of James Phillips, a Department of Popu- Rapid
lation Planning (DPP) student who takes issue problem
with the March 2 "To the Right, March!" which health p
soundly chastised the DPP studiess
Phillips states that, contrary to the information lems is p
presented in the March 2 column, "the 'fetish put its o
with third world problems' stems from the ob- study th
vious fact that rapid population growth is primar- large, i
ily a problem of the third world." glectede
wastes t
- HE ALSO SAYS that "We are not a family plan- studies.
ning department, and nowhere in the Review Re-
* port was the "family planning versus population PHILL
control' debate discussed." ing in 1
For his own enlightenment, Mr. Phillips should schedule
consult the Report of the Committee on Review of question
the Department of Population Planning, Pages be obtai
2 and 3, where the following text appears: negative
"3. In attempting to get a perspective on the After t
Department's problems, the Committee identified informal
some of the significant underlying issues. For "To the
e the most part, they can be regarded as problems proconc
of allocation of emphasis in the following cate- tion . .
gories: "third world" versus domestic problems, a compe
t professional versus academic training, doctoral
level versus master's level education, family plan- A cor
ning .versus population control." tial sour
Which clearly shows that Mr. Phillips is abso- formati.
lutely wrong. on the a
liable i
AS REGARDS the "third world" problem, the average
Committee recommends that "there be a re- ed to be





nian dispossession resemble those that
ism, so - though neither side admits
icAl results have also run increasingly
e Zionist movement derived its initial
om the Oriental Jews living under Mos-
rom Jews living in Europe, so the fer-
duced the PLA began not inside Israel
but among a Palestinian elite scattered
b world. Yasser Arafat started not as
olutionary but as an engineer in Kuwait.
quences have also been similar.
E INTERNATIONAL Zionist Organiza-
the PLO today is an umbrella move-
g radicals and reactionaries, terrorists
ms of terrorism - not by what they
ion - but in what they lack.
ago in Amman, Jordan, a wealthy Pal-
r showed a visitor around his lavish
s not my home," he said. "My sons ask
will go home and I remind them of the
ses. If it does not come in my lifetime,
in theirs."
r graduation photographs in Arab school
lestinian students do not say where they
hey list, as forwarding addresses, cities
ver seen: "Jerusalem, Palestine; Acre,
fa, Palestine."
HISTORICAL quarrel grows deeper, the
semble each other more and more, and
the end, neither with Israelis nor Pales-
nly with people - people whose quest
ondemns them to constantreenactments
y the concentration camps of Europe,
become the masters of Gaza, Samario
he Judaization of their land, the Pales-
ecome the new people of the Diaspora.
e Palestinians in the occupied territories
a member of St. Antony's College in Ox-
recently completed a research fellow-
uncil on Foreign Relations. He has writ-
ddle East and Indochina since the early
publications as "The New York Times",
d "Le Monde diplomatique".
on of the overall teaching program with
shift of emphasis in two directions:
e international to the domestic scene,
n the master's professional training pro-
the doctoral academic program."
population growth is, of course, an acute
in third world countries. Most public
roblems are. But to say that public health
should concentrate on third world prob-
phantasmagoric. The United States should
wn house in order first: the DPP should
ie very real problems which result in
npoverished American families, and ne-
and abused American children, bafore it
ime and energy on fanciful third wud
IPS ALSO says that the loss of AID fund-
978 came as no surprise, because it was
d to expire anyway. This is true. The
, however, was whether more funds could
ned from this source, and the answer was
this carnical of misinterpretationand mis-
tion, Phillips suggests, that the March 2
Right, March!" was "based on shallow
eptions rather than a careful investiga-
." and that "We invite the Daily to send
tent reporter to the DPP."
ipetent reporter determines which poten-
ces will give him good and accurate in-
n. My assessment was that DPP students,
iverage, would give me biased and unre-
nformation. If Mr. Phillips typifies the
DPP student, this assessment has prov-

Letters to the Daily

Sun sets on Gandhi regime

INDIRA GANDHI and her reign of
despotism are no more.
In the culmination of one of the
most puzzling political gambles in re-
cent memory, Gandhi and her Con-
gress Party were denied the majority
in the Indian Parliament that they
sought. Gandhi lost her personal bid
for re-election by over 50,000 votes,
and he son Sanjay, seeking election
for the first time was thrashed by
over 70,000 votes.
The Janata opposition party has
taken an early lead in the voting, the
results of which are not expected to
be in until this evening. It appears
certain they will be able to form a
coalition that will give them the ma-
jority necessary to keep the Congress
Party from power for the first time
since Indian independence was de-
clared 30 years ago.
It is a happy day for the Indian
people. Twenty-one months ago,
Gandhi declared a state of emergen-
cy for the country, instituting cen-
sorship of the press, and incarcerat-
ing members of the opposition par-
ties and other "dissidents."
Then, this past January, just as
quickly as she slapped the cordon on
Indian rights, she lifted many of the
restrictions, and announced a gen-
eral election. Gandhi gambled that
she still had sufficient support to
win, and silence her critics.
From there it was all down hill.
The opposition parties rallied and
began a vigorous campaign to oust
Gandhi. The crushing blow came last
month when former Agricultural Min-

ister Jagjivan Ram resigned from the
government, lambasted Gandhi and
formed a coalition with the Janata
WITH THE VICTORY, acting Presi-
dent B. D. Jatti officially ended
the state of emergency, and the Ja-
nata Party called for Gandhi's im-
mediate resignation as Prime Min-
ister. As of yesterday, she was ex-
pected to comply.
The past two years have been very
tumultous and trying for India. The
outcome of the election can only be
seen as an optimistic sign for the
world's second most populated coun-
It is imperative that the Janata
party reintroduce some semblance of
political normalcy to India. Indira
Gandhi is gone, and along with her
go two years of tyranny. But notice-
ably remaining are the serious prob-
lems of overpopulation, undernourish-
ment and poverty., These are prob-
lems that the new coalition will have
to deal with. It is hoped that they
will not devote an overabundance of
time attempting to de-Gandhize In-
dia and will instead concentrate on
dealing with these more pressing
It is further hoped, that Gandhi
will not fight to keep her post as
Prime Minister, but will resign grace-
fully, making the transition of pow-
er as smooth as possible.
Finally, it is hoped that the new
goyernment will put India back on
the track that Mahatma Gandhi set
for it back in 1947.

To the Daily:
In light of the recent
concerning the decision1
solve the Department of
lation Planning, (DPP),
lieve that as the officials
organization within the
of Public Health we mu
clare our position on th
Our purpose is not to<
whether or not the decisi
a justifiable or good one
a concern is beyond the s
our organization. Ho
whenever the rights of s
are violated,then the iss
definite concern for us.
fically, we address ourse
the manner in which the
ion to terminate the DP
To conduct meetings of
a significant matter with
fying the students and
of the proceedings is wr
fact, it is deplorable. T<
these people the right toI
their case, let alone to
formed of the proceeding
injustice that violates C
tional rights. We find it
prehensible that such c
tine operations could ha
We also find the Cam]

DPP proceedings incomprehensible
given the precedent established
by the former dean and his
openness about dealing with a
events similar financial crisis just a
to dis- few years ago.
we be- When viewed on a larger
student scale, the actions of the Execu-
School tive Committee causes g r e a t
ust de- distress about ,future decisions
is mat- of import. If all significant de-
cisions are to be made during
contest "closed door" meetings, control
on was of the School of Public Health
e. Such will be in the hands of a power-
cope of ful few who will be unresponsive
)wever, to the needs of the students and
tudents faculty. After witnessing t h e
,Speci- events of the past few weeks,
elves to such a situation is not infeasible.
decis- .
ep was Therefore, we, the Public
Health Student Association de-
mand that the Board of Regents
)ut n.uc of the University of Michigar
faculty reopen the issue of the existence
ong. In of DPP and allow the depart-
o deny ment the right to present a case
present in their defense. Only in thai
b e in d
be in- way can the process be a demo-
-s isan
onstitu- cratic one.
incom- -Robert Palmer
landes- Catherine Feldman
James Behrmann
mittee's Ronald Gentile

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