Saturday, March 19, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PQge Five Saturday, March 19, 1977 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Five Settlement nearer? (Continued from Page 1) a reception being held in an the sessions seem to have, AFSCME's international parent adjacent room. brought the two sides closer to- union are staying. I utBoth University and AFSCME gether. The session began at six p.m. officials said they felt the teams yesterday when union bargain- would be working through the LOS ANGELES P'-The Curt ers sat down in one of the mo- night, if necessary, to obtain a Janssen collection of historic tel's banquet rooms and Univer- tentative agreement. It will then musical instruments at Clare- sity bargainers crowded into be up to AFSCME rank and file mont College comprises more one of the motel rooms n the to vote on ratification of the 'than 400 rare instruments en- opposite end of the building., settlement compassing the full range of Mediators moved back and forth' u brass, woodwinds, strings and between the two camps with , On February 22, union mem- percussions from throughout thej proposals, and union negotiators I bers overwhelmingly rejected a world. had to compete with noise from tentative agreement arrived at Music historians from acrossl - between the two parties. The the United States and many Baylor's football team has next day, almost all of the 2300 foreign nations come to the two weeks off from action be-, service workers walked off the scoolprcelds e ares and tween the Texas Aggie game job. lected by Janssen, who was aI Oct. 16 and the Arkansas game Since that time, negotiations Itrumpet soloist with the John Nov. 6. 1 have been sporadic, and none of'Phillip Sousa Band. ederal agents implicated in K g assassination plot Jury calls for deat penalty in Florida,, FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) - The jury that convicted Arthur Goode for the sexual assault and murder of a 9-year-old boy recommended yesterday that Goode should die in the electric chair.. Goode has said he wants to die for murdering Jason Ver- Dow. He told the jury from the witness stand that he killed the boy. "I DON'T HAVE any remorse for the, kid," Goode told a news conference during the 26 Min utes it took the jurors to reach their decision, which is not bind- ing on the sentencing judge. Judy Magid, a Detroit attorney who has represented wom- en at the Detroit House of Corrections in their attempts to gain prison reform, told a crowd at Mendelssohn Theatre last 'night that sexism is increased when women enter Earlier yesterday, Charles Ga penal institutions. Magid is one of very few attorneys jas a part of the Ann Arbor Te nationwide who represent women prisoners' concerns. been the major defense attorn Woran lawyer blasts {_By Reuter LOUISVILLE, Kentucky - A retired policeman has told Con- Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY gressional investigators he was rry addressed the Law School approached by federal agents each-In on Prisons. Garry has and police officials and offered ey for the lack Panther Party the job of assassinating Martin Lather King, a Kentucky Con-. R ± gressman said yesterday. Republican Representative -- 'Marion Snyder said the police- prsonsa :d rman had turned over a tape re- cording of one such meeting to By GREG KRUPA Many of the problems of wo- outside rarely see them. Magid tremely important in a prison the House of Representatives According to Judy Magid, the men prisoners stem from their said that the result i5 women because the prisoners ar, most committee probing the King and problems of women in our sex- small numbers, says Magid. who feel powerless, unwanted likely to go to them to asx for Kennedy murders. ist society. increase wien women One out of seven people iarrest- and ill-prepared to return to so- reforms. The religious are asoYA are brought into the criminal ed in the United States are wo- ciety as functioning members. able to serve as observers to SNYDER SAID: "le was ap- justice system. men. Women represent four per Sexual bias also plays a det- the injustices of our pris m sys-? proached to assassinate Martin "Men are screwed by the sys- cent of the inmate population of rimental role in the training tem. Luther King. He names three tem, but women are screwed the United States; and in Mich- programs women are offered. "Prison walls are not to keep FBI officers. He names three or even more." igan there are 13 000 male felons "Legislators don't view women prisoners in, but to keen the four prominent people at the MAGID IS a Detroit lawyer behind bars, while female felons as wage earners, so they give public out. If we knew what was time in the police department." who has been active in prison- number 350. the best programs to the me:c," going on in our penal institu- Snyder refused to identify the ers' rights litigation. A gradu- Because of their small num- says Magid. tions, we wouldn't stand for it." former policeman or say where ate of the University of Detroit bers, women prisoners are not The nation-wide average of oc- . he was from. He also would not Law School, Magid has set up cost effiicet, she adds. cupational training programs Magid said she would like to identify the FBI and police of- the Power egal Skills Program "IN MICHIGAN, each Female for men is 10.2 per institution, see a movement away from ficials involved. at the women's division of the ,prisoner costs the stale $2000 while women receive only 2.7 large statewide insti-ratons to However, he said of the po- Detroit House of Corrections more than a male nrisonar. The programs per institution. smaller community centers. The liceman: "I have talked with (DEHOCO). She spoke last institutions certainly don't re- "THE BOTTOM line on these community centers za-:e many him personally and in my opin- night at the second day of the fle-t this cost difference." training programs is that wo advantages: they are cheaper to ion he appears to be a respon- Ann Arbor Teach-In on Prisons Because of their sma1 :ium- men are being trained either for build. inmates would be closer sible citizen, and I think these to an audience of about '30 peo- bers most states only have a low-paying jobs or to retur Z to to jobs for "work release pro- kinds of leads need to be! ple at Mendelssohn Auditorium. single institution for women. the kitchen. Women prisoners wgrams"these programs alow checked out. "Far fewer women than men This presents many problems: are not ready to return to s omen to r t are brought into the legal jus- all prisoners are lumped togeth- ciety as productive citizens." nity during the day -nd redirn THE CONGRESSMAN, in his tice system because of the chiv- er irregardless of their back- Magid charged th it not to the istitution at nght), the seventh term from Kentucky's airy factor. There is .a wide- ground nr crime; maximum enough attention is given to Wo- women would be closer to their fourth Congressional district, spread belief in our society that and mi:'imum security prison- men's health problems, either. children. and the prison staff said in an interview that the women really don't commit ers live side by side with first- She said that the women's doc- would not become so ins*ituti)-In man wrote to him a few weeks crimes like men do." timers and chronic rewesters. tor at DEHOCO (Detroit House alized. ago describing the approacnes. Magid suggests that because "As a result;" Magid said, of Corrections) told the prison- "The future of women a.; Trrs- "He indicated that the offer of this belief, once women are "women who come in serving ers that he did not wan: to oners may be a little brighter,"! was made on two occasions in prosecuted they are generally time for embezzlement leave handle the medical pronlems of Magid said. "Women are begin- his automobile, where he had a treated worse than men. 'trained in armed robbery and a woman's world.. ning to scream more. Perhaps tape recorder - that he taped "PEOPLE THINK that when grand larceny." ' Support services are also lack- they won't put up witn wh 3t those items." Snyder said. a woman errs she must be real-' THE SMALL number of in ti- ing in women's 'penal institu- their sisters have been putting He said he put the man in ly bad. The stereotype of wo- tutions for women often meanst tions. up with for years." touch with Congressional inves- men as docile creatures meanst that families have to travel hun- "'THERE IS NO individral_ that they are easier to rehabili- dreds of miles to visit a loved psychiatric therapy at DEHOC O There IS d difference!!gou tate and therefore prisons are one who is serving time. Wo- and there is no full time chap- t the proper place for them." men who have children on the lain. Religious figures are ex- PREPARE FOR: Y a a a a U1 ,$i :+ , 4 r I tigators and one of the tapes had been handed over. SNYDER SAID he had heard the tape and that although parts were inaudible, it was clear the conversation dealt with assassin- ating King. He said investigat- ors were working to filter back- ground noise out of the tape so that it was more audible. He quoted the man as saying the other tape had been solen. On his refusal ' to idennify any of those involved, Snyder yaid: "I don't think I oughtto put him (the retired policeman) in jeopardy if it is not true." HE ALSO REFUSED to say if the man was from his own dis- trict, which includes mostly sub- urbs of Louisville. DAILY AT 7:00T9:15 I The Congressman refused to comment further, but said he was now in favor of the assas- sination investigation, whereas before he was highly skeptical. King_ assassinated in Mem- phis, Tennessee, in April, 1968. spent a lot of time in louisvfle in the previous year on behalf of an open housing civil rights drive there. Midwest's Largest Selection of European Charters Canadian and U.S. from $289 CALL 769-1776 .Great Places ,; . 4 TRAVEL CONSULTANTS 216 S. 4th Ave, Ann Arbor - t 1:00, 3:00, 5:00,7:05, 9:10 The year's. most shat- tering film event. NOMINATED FOR 0 ACADEMY AWARDS N ~Um~ J SAT E y MSA vetoes reapportionment By LINDA BRENNERS to the 17 schools was also knock- appointed representatives would ed down. be removed from the Assembly, At a special meeting last night, Many members said they leaving 18 members directly' a quorum of Michigan Student doubted either proposal would elected by all students. Assembly (MSA) members con- ensure active participation in On the matter of the Barbour/ vened to vote down a ballot the Assembly by graduate stu- Waterman situation, MSA presi- proposal calling for direct and dents. And opponents of Las- dent Scott Kellman said the Re- proportional representation of key's amendment expressed the gents reacted favorably to the students in the Assembly. view that it might undermine MSA report suggesting alterna- The amendment, sponsored by the credibility of MSA with the tive uses of the gymnasium area; MSA member Brian Laskey, student body. for student use. Kellman said would have altered the compo- "WE KNOW THIS system is the Regents gave him "unoffic- sition of the Assembly requir- workable," said member Mike ial verification that the Univer- ing one representative for ev- Tavlor. "Placing this before the sity would provide extra space' ery 1,500 students in the under- voters would add more uncer- for student activities." graduate, Rackham and gradu- tainty as to what MSA is really ate professional constituencies. about." LASKEY SAID the current Last April. Laskey filed a mal- constitution which provides for anportionment suit with the 18 representatives elected at Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) large and 17 appointees of against MSA. Monday, TaylorI schools and colleges within the had urged the Assembly to kill; University "violates principles the issue - "We shouldn't let: of democracy. The one-school- Brian's attempt at blackmail in- one-vote system denies LSA and' fluence us!" other large schools an equal' Laskey has remained confi- weight of the vote." dent. "I'm going to win this A compromise amendment case," he said. The CSJ hear- submitted by member Wendy, ing is set for sometime next' Goodman which would have ap- Wednesday. plied proportional representation If Laskey wins his-suit, the 17 ANN A UU0U uILM CC-C0 . Tonight in the Modern Languages Bldg. Saturday, March 19 THE GRADUATEr (Mike Nichol 1967) 7:00 ONLY-MLB 4 DUSTIN HOFFMAN stars as a college graduate who has his first sexual encounter with a friend of his parents, ANNE BANCROFT, and proceeds to fall in love with that woman's daughter. The first movie to deal with the "I refuse to feel guilty" youth theme. "The freshest, funniest, and most touching film of the year." I -Holis Alpert. 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Sw'r t 'TEST PREPARATION TI!TlAMANAIRUO FilL/NI rC71 L PU4 SCREENING INFORMATION: Screenings are held in the old Architecture and Design Auditorium at 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 p.m. daily- 1:00, 7:00, 9:00 p.m. on Saturday Winners and highlights are screened on Sunday at 7:00, 9:00 11 :00 p.m. in both the old Architecture and Design Auditorium and Auditorium A of Angell Hall Single admission is $1.25. Series: $16.00. Advance sales begin at 6:00 p.m. for that day only. Series tickets are on sale on Tuesday, March 15th at 5:30 p.m. ~PI I I YV NNIV H1 SPEC.IALlITS SINE 193 MS W Your last 2 years at U of M can be your first 2 years of management. Why wait until y o u ' r e ont of college to get practical manage- ment training'? Army ROTC is a possibility for anyone having t years of undergraduate or graduate work remaining. And leads you to an Army officer's coiumiis lion upon graduation. New Army o f f i c e r s take on instant leadership responsibility. They have to manage p)eogle and handle money and equipment. They have to make more important plan- ring decisions t h a n most young executives. So when Army ROTC students r e c e i v e their undergraduate or graduate degree, they enter active or reserve duty fully prepared for these management challenges. If you'd like to be getting man- agement experience after college, while others are getting manage- ment training, apply for the Army ROTC 2-year program by April 1. A Smil niginq A HAPPENINGS at the: SUDS FACTORY Monday: PITCHER NITE "LOTS OF PEOPLE, LOTS OF ACTION" Wednesday: LADIES NITE LADIES ADMITTED FREE -ALSO- FRATERNITY N ITE All Frot, members with Proper I.D. Admitted Free "PRICES REDUCED ON DRINKS" Thursday: DRINK AND DROWN "UNBELIEVEABLE LOW PRICES" WATCH NCAA REGIONAL FINALS on Our Giant 8' x 10' TV Screen (Also Other Major Sports) Friday & Saturday: HAPPY HOUR 7-9 P.M.-"PRICES REDUCED ON DRINKS" I1st 50 PEOPLE BEFORE 8 p.m. ADMITTED FREE EXCEPT THURSDAY II CARNAL KNOWLEDGE (Mike Nichols, 1971) 9:00 ONLY-MLB 4 Its examination of the lives of two friends, beginning with their college days in the 40's to their adult lives in the 70's, is a com- pelling, fascinating presentation of twp men. From sex-htngry young men to sexually bewildered adults. Sandy (ART GAR- FUNKEL) and Jonathan (JACK NICHOLSON) follow their human odyssey to destinations as opposite as their original personalities. "I've experienced only three or four movies that I genuinely was sorry to see end. I wa~s sorry to see CARNAL KNOWLEDGE end." -Vincent Canby. Admission: $1.25 sincile feature $2.00 double feature I 1 ir &l v.. ~..*." I lA00 Purlsatna ~l i t