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March 16, 1977 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-16

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Page Ten


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Good Stereo Systems "On The Cheap'

If you've always wanted a real component music The well-designed KLH Model 71 stereo receiver fea-
system, but never thought you could afford one, lured in this system is an excellent match for the
check out this sale-priced system with the Rotel 102 KLH 100 loudspeakers. Together, they reproduce a
stereo receiver, Studio Design 26 loudspeakers and a considerable portion of the audio range with the
BSR 2260BX automatic turntable., kind of accuracy KLH is famous for. The turntable
Studio 199 is the BSR 2260BX.
ri-iDes' ign ..2 5

If you're looking for exceptional value in a moder-
ately-priced system, be sure to check out this one
with a great Pioneer SX-450 stereo receiver, Studio
Design 36 loudspeakers and Garrard's eminently
capable 440M automatic turntable.

PIONEER u+ Design


Here's an, all-name brand system at a special sale
price that makes it almost irresistible. Famous KLH
17V loudspeakers (available in real walnut veneer
for only $20 more) are combined with a Marantz
2215B stereo receiver and a high performance Philips
GA427 belt-drive turntable.

While a far cry from "the best" in terms of price,
this sale system comes remarkably close when it
comes to performance. It includes the sophisticated
Advent 300 stereo receiver (with a highly advanced
tuner and preamp), top-rated EPI 100V loudspeakers
and the Philips GA427 belt-drive turntable.
ADVE\T EPE Philips $469

You just can't find a better-sounding system for the
money than this one. The scientifically-derived EPI
200 loudspeakers are excellent companions to the
superb Marantz 2220B stereo receiver. And we've
also included the handsome Kenwood 1033 belt-
drive turntable with a fine Empire 2000E III
cartridge. _ $
uu.: . of r.KENW1lOO D

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' ~The Best Place to Buy Stareo

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