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March 04, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-03-04

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M# 48109




Friday, March 4, 1977l
Edited and managed by students at the Unive

News Phone: 764-0552
ersity of Michigan

Questions for the President,
answers for the. public?

ON SATURDAY, the public will have
an opportunity to call President
Carter at the White House and dis-
cuss anything on its collective mind.
The Daily applauds the President
for breaking so radically with execu-
tive tradition in opening a chahnel of
communication directly with his con-
We hope that callers will make
good use of the time by asking Car-
ter about the promises he has stalled
and reneged on, such as opening Cab-
inet meetings to the press. A plea
to widen the scope of the draft-evad-
er pardon would certainly not be out
of place.
The President should be asked
about U.S. involvement in other na-
tions' internal affairs; specifically
Why pressure has been applied to the
Soviets over political dissidents and
not to non-communist right-wing
governments in South America and
One issue of Carter's presidential
campaign was criticism of Ford's par-
don of ex-President Nixon. But now
a Carter appointee is considering

commuting the sentence of Gordon
Liddy, one of the masterminds -of the
Watergate burglary. Presidential
Counsel Robert Lipshutz promised
Liddy's wife that he would "take a
personal interest in the case."' We
would like to see at least one call-
er demand that no more criminals
be set free simply because they wear
white collars.
We would dissuade callers from
engaging in cute conversations about
the President's social life or family.
That sort of inquiry can be left to
People Magazine and other such pub-
More worthy of attention are is-
sues which politicians seem to avoid
without exception, but which Car-
ter has bravely taken the chance of
being challenged with. Gay righ.ts,
the reality of oppression wielded by
the FBI domestically and the CIA
abroad fall in this category. We are
sure that informed questioners can
come up with more.!
The broadcast begins at 2 p.m. on
Saturday, March 5, and will continue
for two hours. The toll free number
is 900-242-1611.

Spring break offers escape
for the scholastic refugee

SPRING OFFICIALLY starts at 12:43
p.m., March 20, but spring break
officially starts today and spring fe-
ver unofficially started two months
Some people will be going home
to parents, to real food, and to long
nights trying to catch up on eight
weeks of Chaucer. But the true pil-
grims go to Florida, some to camp,
some to swim, and some just to look
at the alligators and brood over the
injustices of academic life. There are,
of course, better things to look at in
Florida than alligators and it was on
the reputation of the beaches as a
sort of combination good-clean-fun
and riotous debauchery center that
the Annette Funicello beach movies
were made.
But if you're going down south
simply to escape the tedium of Ann
Busness Staff
.90-PORAH DREYFUSS Business Manager
KATHLEEN MULHERN Ass't. Adv. Coordinator
DAVID HARLAN ... .. Finance Manager
DON SIMPSON . .. .sales Manager
C40SIE ST. CLAIR. Circulation Manaaer
BETH STRATFORD Circulation Director
Phoirgraphy Staff
PVTLTNE LUBENS..... Chief Photographer
ALAN BILINSKY . Picture Editor
BRAD BENJAMIN . StaftPhotographer
ANDY FREEBERG . . Staff Photographer
CHITSTINA SCHNEIDMR .... Staff Photographer
Editorial Staff

Arbor, be forewarned - you'll prob-
ably meet as many U-M students in
Datona as on the Diag. Students flock
into Florida from all over, but there
are usually at least a thousand from
this university roaming the beaches
as packs of Phi Gamma Deltas or
Theta Chis or simply as someone's
"packaged tour." One wonders wheth-
er people from Florida flock north
to watch the rivers freeze.
In any case, spring break - was
created as a holiday, a time to go
places. Don't worry too much that
there's nowhere in town to live next
fall, or that you're paying enough
tuition in four years to buy a Masera-
ti, or that the AFSCME strike may
have the dorms serving Spam on
crackers by the time the break is
After all, it's only a week.
onis, Stu McConn&1. Tom Meyer, Jenny Mil-
1er, Patti Montenmi-r. Tom O'Connell, Jon
Patisius, Karen Pau: Stephen Picklver, Kim
Potter, Martha Retallick, Keith Richburg, Bob
Rosenbaum. Dennis Sabo, Annrnarie Schiavi.
Eizabeth Slowik, Trn Stevens, Jim Stimpson,
Mike Taylor, Pauline 'Thole. Mark wagner. Sue
Warner, Shelley Weison, Mike Yellin. Laurie
Young and Barb Zahs.
Sports Stag
KATHY HENNEGHAN.............Sports Editor
TOM CAMERON ........Executive Sports Editor
SCOTT LEWIS......... Managing Sports Editor
DON MacLACHLAN ..., Associate Sports Editor
Contributing Editors
NIGHT EDITORS: Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-{
hardt, Rick Maddoct, Bob Miller, Patrick Rode,
Cub Schwartz.
ASST. NIGHT EDITORS: Jeff Frank, Cindy Gat-
ziolis, Mike Halpin, Brian Martin, Brian Miller,j
Dave Renbarger, Errol Shifman and Jamie Tur-
News: Phillip Bokovoy, Ann Marie Li-
pinski, George Lobsenz, Julie Rov-
ner, Pauline Toole
Editoriol: Stu McConnell, Ken Parsig-
ion, Joshua Peck
Arts: Lois Josimovich
Photo: Andy Freeberg

To the Daily:
Your coverage of the strike,
especially the activities at East
Quad, has been e x t r e m e l y
biased. As a resident of East
Quad, I am disgusted with the
recent events, and even more
disgusted when I read such an
unfair, incorrect a c c o u n t of
them in this newspaper. Your
coverage is damaging to the
University, the Ann Arbor Police
Department, and your readers.
At 7:00 on Friday morning, a
friend came running in to glee-
fully tell me that she had been
up all night (Thursday) playing
cops and robbers"and harass-
ing the police. At 8:00 on the
same morning a student raced
through the halls screaming
"Truck's coming, support the
strike. Block this truck." Much
of the problem at the Quad is
not, as the Daily reports, due to
AFSCME m e m b e r s and con-
cerned, sympathetic students
holding long vigils to politely
inform truck drivers that they
are on strike. Likewise, the po-
lice aren't' just cruising around
Ann Arbor, see that a truck has
been "slowed" at the loading
docks, and decide to release a
little energy by heating up stu-
1 am not advocating forced
c e s s a t i on of the strike. If
A FSCME has a complaint, they
should do what they can to get
it settled. But that does not
mean infringing upon ky rights
as a student, truck drivers
rights to perform their jobs, and
supervisors' rights to work also.
-Kelly Kinney
To the Daily:
I am writing in regard to the
AFSCME strike. As the Record
points out, the strike is illegal.
Given that most of the union's
employrs make a point of mini-
mizing their output per hour, it
is absurd as well. Since this is
done with University sanction,
I blame them less than I do
their several echelons of super-
visors. To all appearances, such
featherbedding is intrinsic to,
and inextricable from, the Uni-
versity system. In every depart-
ment, to varying degrees, there
are instances of petty theft and
misappropriation of funds; of
staff members whose job re-
quirements are so negligible, so
ambiguous or so little enforced
that half the time they must
either "look busy" or flaunt
their idleness in the faces of the
I subimt that it is unfeasible
and nerhaps hopeless, to expect
the University to terminate un-
derproducing or overpaid em-
ployes. However, if we ask that
AFSCME employes work with-
out the raise they demand; we
ought to ask non-union employes
tgive up their mos recent
raises, which they no more de-
served, as a rule. This would of
course include Mr. Fleming.
Again, it is not feasible to
hope the University would do
this. F r o m t h i s standpoint,
therefore, I must support the
AFSCME strike desite its pre-
dicted effect on the coming
year's finances. Chances are
that non-union emploves will get
less of a raise in September;
doubtless the students and tax-
pavers will find it within their
pockets to perpetuate the sys-
tem. This willingness comprises
the Regents' ultimate justifica-
tion for any stand they choose
to take.
-William Morris
To the Daily:
As a clericaltat the University
of Michigan, it saddens me to
learn that in many instances,
my fellow clericals are being
used to do various kinds of dorm

work in order to strengthen the
University's position in the cur-
rent strike of the AFSCME.
workers. For whatever reason-
need for' extra money, fear of
losing jobs, or just plain not car-
ing aboirt our fellow workers.
it is sad that we are so divided
that one segment of University
emoloyes stands in the cold in
order to gain a living wage so
they can adequately s u p p o r t
their families and another group
takes their jobs for perhaps the
same reason.
It also saddens me to think
that in this venerable Univer-
sity, where some of the greatest
minds of the contry are assem-
bled, such a thing should even
come to pas s-that with collec-
tive effort the Universityvcoild
not institute a rational and fair
nersonnel policy for all its em-
And it also saddens me that I
write this letter not bravely.
but fearfully, because I too,
need my job. And I wonder,
even as I write this, what I
wold do if I were annroached
ad asked to man a dorm.
nlease. God. that I
never have to rake such a de-
-Ms. Bella Leach
To the Daily:

senger service, we have had to
spend many hours hand deliver-
ing and collecting important
materials. These are just a few
of the problems.
It is obvious that the Univer-
sity couldn't care less about de-
partmental personnel, especially
since they will not attempt to
settle the strike before the end
of spring break. The students
can leave this mess but the rest
of us will be left here-with
Russel Reister to speak for our
-L. Lietz
Chinese Studies
* * *
To the Daily:
A large majority of University
clericals support the AFSCME
workers' strike. Most of us are
very familiar with their lousy
wages and benefits and really
bad working conditions, since
we share them. Moreover, Local
1583 is now the largest group of
organized workers on campus
and the only remaining union
with large numbers of unskilled
and semi-skilled workers. Hav-
ing succeeded-temporarily-in
their attacks on the clericals
and GEO, University manage-
ment now wants to complete its
union-busting job by destroying
Local 1583. The very survival
of unionism at UM is at sake
in the AFSCME strike.
Many clericals and other work-
ers have asked what they can
do to aid the AFSCME strike.
The following are some impor-
tant first steps:
1. Do not do AFSCME work!
At the Hospital, in the dorms
and in offices, clericals and
other non-AFSCME workers are
being asked to do AFSCME
work, including cleaning, aide,
transporter, porter and messen-
ger work, duplicating, coffee-
and food-making, etc. To do this
work is to scab! There are ways
not to do it. In most cases, re-
fusal works. The University can't
afford to provoke widespread
resistance f r o m clericals or
other workers during the strike.
Where refusal doesn't work,
other tactics may: a) Resist the
w o r k - quietly "lose" mail,
waste materials, disable equip-
ment, do a defective job, etc.,
so that supervisors learn we
don't do scab work. b) Slow
down, so that supervisors 'learn
that they can get one AFSCME
task done only at the cost of
not getting ten, clerical (or
other) tasks done. c) Call in
'2. Walk the AFSCME picket
lines. Picket lines are the de-
fense lines of a strike. If the
lines are strong enough, the
union can shut an employer
down. Even when the lines are
not iute strong enough for that,
strong lines show management:
a) The strike is holding together
and can't be outlasted. b) Other
workers support the strikers
with their resistance on the in-
side now and may soon support
it with a sympathy' strike- c)
The strike is reaching out to the
labor movement, patients, stu-
dents and the community, which
means it support will grow. In
addition, picket line support is
great moral encuragement to
the strikers.
3. Resolutions of support and
donations. Resolutions of support
from all labor and student
groups are important, because
they encourage the strikers, dis-
courage scabs, support resist-
ance to management inside the
University, and help to mobilize
strike support outside the Uni-
versity. Donations from labor
and student groups and indi-
viduals are critically needed to
help finance the strike (food,
publicity, etc.) and to help out
the -most severe hardship cases
among the strikers. There are
no strike benefits.

4. All-campus work stoppage.
The'AFSCME strike is definitely
hurting University management.
But in order to win the strike
quickly, AFSCME workers need
to shut the University down.
Fighting alone, they are not
strong enough to do this. The
problem is how to bring the
might of all organized and un-
organized campus workers and
students to bear on management
simultaneously. At the moment,
the non-AFSCME workers are
not organized to walk out in
support of the AFSCME strike
and their own demands. They
are unsure how far they can go,
how far their co-workers will
go with them. But one thing
most organized and unorganized
workers could agree on would
be a call for a one-day, all-cam-
pis work stoppage supported by
mass nicketing. For some work-
ers, the one-day work stoppage
would be a gesture of support
for the AFSCME strikers and a
threat of possible future action,
which might force manaeement
to come to terms with the
AFSCME workers. For others,
who are convinced that stronger
action is needed, the one-day
action would be a nreliminary
testing of forces. The Clerical
Strike Support Committee urges
AFSCME, GEG, the T r a d e s

sentatives of unorganized work-
ers and representatives of stu-
dents, to d i s c u s s AFSCME
strike support, including a work
-Clerical Strike
Support Committee
nuclear energy
To the Daily:
It's been said that yu don't
actually have to see the carcass
to know why something smells
fishy. And what smells 'on this
campus are a couple of inci-
dents, which when taken in the
context of what's happening in
the nation politically, indicate
where the dead body lies rot-
Last summer, the Nuclear En-
gineering Department sponsor-
ed, in conjunction with the
Energy Research and Develop-
ment Administration, a work-
shop on nuclear energy for area
physics teachers. Shortly after-
wards, PIRGIM launched one of
its famous letter-writing cam-
paigns, which led to a letter of
reprimand being sent to the de-
partmental organizers by ERDA
and-according to unconfirmed
reports - President Fleming.
The rationale of the wrist-slap
was that discussion of nuclear
energy was in fact promoting
the private interests of the urtil-
ity companies - which is like
saying that teaching computer
programming is hustling for
More recently, the U.S. Labor
Party approached the Engineer-
ing Council about endorsing a
bill in the Michigan legislature
memorializing the U.S. Congress
to fund fusion research at the
level of ERDA's Logic 5, which
is equivalent to $5 billion a year.
The reasons for. the necessity of
this magnitude of financing need
not be gone into here, since Dr.
Steven Bardwel of the Fusion
Energy Foundation adequately
discussed this in his presenta-
tion here two weeks ago. We ap-
proached the Engineering Coun-
cil because of the engineers'
historic identity with progress
in industry and technology. They
responded with excitement, and
agreed to arrange a poll of their
membership on the bill. Some
behind-the-scenes arm twisting
took place against theeCouncil's
leadership which forced Nancy
Smith, the Council president, to
drop her plans for the referen-
dum. If this decision is not re-
versed, a golden opportunity for
a sizeable segment of the stu-
dent population to register its
support for the American idea
of technological progress will be
This vote of confidence in the
human mind and its humanist
expression coming from the ma-
jor university of the Midwest
would remoralize o t h e r seg-
ments of the population which
currently feel isolated in the
face of Carter's zero-growth on-
slaught against American indus-
try and science.
For the context within which
these attacks on progressive
elements on this campus are
taking place is the stinking
corpse of the Carter policy to
dismantle U.S. energy produc-
tion and the industry which de-
pends on it in order to meet the
debt - service requirements of
Jimmy's Trilateral Commission
bosses at Chase Manhattan. The
keystone of the Carter/Rocke-
feller policy is an overt attack
on the sciences through promot-
ing such mind-dulling activities
as drugs, rock and roll "music,"
s e x u a l perversity, PIRGIM,
etc., ad nauseam, premising
this on the precept th'at stupid
and dull people can never know

' ow thoroughly they're being
taken to the cleaners.
The obvious solution to the
problem is education - to edu-
cate the population on the true
meaning of the American heri-
tage, on the development of the
monetarist mentality Which the
pathetic Carter represents, on
the questions involved in fusion
development, on the programs
which can finance this develop-
ment. To this end the Labor
Party has accepted PIRGIM's
challenge to debate the energy
issue. But more must be done.
We must mobilize the student
population to defend the idea of
progress, to create the environ-
ment within which real creative
study and application can take
place. Politically this means
meeting the Carter attack head-
on, with legislation that provides
for a massive escalation in nu-
clear research and development.
This can only be done by or-
ganizing the population around
such concrete proposals, and de-
feating the fraudulently-elected
Carter by demonstrating 'that
his program rnpresents nothing
short of a treasonous attack on
the American heritage of tech-
nological progress.
In short, to get rid of the
smell, throw out the fish.
-Martin Keller

r .

by NIC and KAiRE4

A DECISION NEEDS TO BE MADE. A problem hast been identi-
fied and the board, comprised of eight men and two women,
is meeting to determine the best possible, resolut ion. Shortly
after the meeting is called to order, the chairm in makes a
strong statement that shows he has a clear grasp k(the prob-
lem and the situation as it should be ideally. Thl7e L two men
offer statements supporting the course of action hiited at in
the chairman's opening remarks. Before long it ecomes clear
that contingencies offered by either female are- argued down
or generally ignored.
The situation becomes complicated when ar idea presented
by a female clearly surpasses a proposal by a i ;bse male friend
of the chairman. The chairman's friend defer his idea and
is given support by two other males.
What began as an attempt at problem scving for the good
of all has been reduced to a test of wills. Proposals are nrot
considered according to their merits or lacal ithereof. Logic, a
characteristic many med wish to show, is iwing used not to
solve problems, but rather to beat someone else's logic:
THE MEETING CONCLUDES. Very few' !members are con-
vinced that what has been adopted is the frst possible course
of action. The lack of commitment in turn. reuds to perpetuate
the original problem.
Have you ever experienced a situation 'like the one above?
Perhaps your last department meeting, .possibly some group
you've joined, or maybe the last time your family tried .to make
a group decision. Unfortunately power and dominance (often n
the form of money) supercede the coimtnir !good.
If we examine the constructs of this. cuture, we see that
traditional masculinity is represented in t irms of power. We are
socialized to believe that might makes right, that dominance
of others is desirable, that expressing eiwmtions is a sign of
weakness. Money is merely an example of onl's ability to dom-
inate others and has probably gained such an exalted position
in society because it allows us to m Masire the power of one
person or group against another.
W(MEN ARE IDENTIFIED as emti inal and therefore weak
and contemptible. Consequently, men tithihold displays of emo-
tion (save those associated with doniande). What happens when
men express emotions publicly? How %Ap you feel about a man
who cries in public? Would you vote 90r: him? Edmund Muskie
was forced out of a presidential race b eause of this.
When independence means streogt h and dependence means
weakness, how are we affected? rt at happens when men yout
know who need help won't let yo i help them? Is "cooperation
the rule when your city council m ents? How do special interest
groups affect you when your state. legislature considers a bill?
By recognizing the myth of the "superior" masculine, power
structure, we can initiate change t rough not automatically ful-
filling its sanctions.
"Sex Roles and Sexuality: ,,An experimental weekend" will
take place next weekend at the O lverine Institute on Hogback
Road in Ann Arbor. Warren Fa iel, author of The Liberated
Man, and Sandy Fortier Byls ma, 'M.S.W., and human sexuality
teacher, explain, "Participans will explore and confront the
gap between what they intelealually know they would lke to
do with their lives, and what they are doing with them, and
then bridge the gap."
The weekend will address. such questions as: How do we
work out concrete arrang"Aelats for alternatives like sharing
the breadwinning role, the -child care, the housework? How do
we create our own jobs? )esl with rejection? What is the im-
pact on the individual's sen"l awareness and her/his sexual
relationships? How do w e define pur unique sexuality without
the current fad defining itt for us?
FILMS ON DEFININ G and exploring sexual options will be
The weekend is opir r.. individuals and couples. It begins
Friday, March 11, from 7:0 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and resumes
on Saturday, March 12, :at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and con-
cludes on Sunday, Marc'i 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The fee is $40.00 p er individual, $75.00 for partners, and
includes lunch on Sature ky, snacks, and beverages. Enrollment
is limited so to register" or get more information, call Sandy
Forties Bylsma at 663-1 l67 or Wolverine Institute at 973-1480.
The Third National Cbmfeence on Men and Masculinity is
scheduled for the end 0f this month, Thursday evening, March
31, to Sunday afterno' ^April 3, at Drake University in Des
Moines, Iowa. The fir sr and second national conferences were
held in Knoxville, Te gness'e, and State College, Pennsylvania,
with approximately 30 l men and women in attendance.
THE THEME OF this year's conference is "Straight/White/
Male: Wrestling with the Master Culture." The keynote speaker
will be Glenn Bucherp who edited a book last year by the same
title. It is a collecti m of essays written by blacks, women, and
gays about their se K-awareness and struggles which inevitably

in Ann Arbor, if we are to con-
tinue to grow and mature as a
contemporary, vital, and cosmo-
politan city.
There seems to exist a stigma
attached to public transporta-
tion ... that through its imple-
mentation and use, the citizen-
ry gives up a bit of its in'de-
pendence, and further that this
independence evolves directly
out of the use of the personal
automobile. This simply is not
Public transportation benefits
so many people ... namely, the,
poor and the elderly, who have
to exist on a, fixed, small in-
come; the student, who, for
whatever reason, does not own
or have access to, an automo-'
bile; and even *downtown busi-
nessmen who would become ex-
posed to people who currently
have no way of getting down-
town to utilize the goods and
services offered there.
We need to move more peo-
ple - not more vehicles. We
need the following: to enlarge
intersections, if possible, there-
by decreasing present bottle-

necks, while not enc-raging
more traffic, as street widening,'
can only do.
We need to. implement pa$."'
and ride facilities on the perifer-
ies of the city, to encourage
commuters to take the bus t i,
their place of work or busiues:4.
This will require a re-edtac*-
tion process. We must mj e
the system a reasonable atr-
native to the personal autome -
bile as a commuter tool. lUsirg
public transportation does nlv t
infer the loss of the per sont al
automobile, but it does 'hnp ly
the most reasonable use f ti e
cities' already overcrowded
Further, it is energy-uis. A
but with 30 people aboae-d-, 'uses
less fuel, takes up less ptce,
and probably is less aC' klent-
prone than 30 individualE-auto-
In short, a well-planne i sys-
tem of public trans poi -tation
would benefit everyone, and I
support and will work t o see
a system of public trans porta-
tion implemented in A ian Arbor.
Alan. Riner

- - a O-OWSOM"



KEN PARSIGIAN ..............Editorial Director
LOIS JOSIMOvICH.................Arts Editor
JAY LEVIN .. ......Managing Editor
GEORGE LOBSENZ . ..Managing Editor
MIKE NORTON - Managing Editor
MARGARET YAO .............. Managing Editor
Magazine Editors
STrAF WRITERS: Owen Barr, Susan Barry,
Brian Bianchard, Mi1chael Beckman, Phillip
Bokovoy, Linda Brenners, Lori Carruthers, Ken
Chotiner, Eileen Daley Ron DeKett, Lisa Fish-
er, David Goodman, Marnie Heyn, Robb Haim-
e, Michael Jones, Lnt Jordan, Janet Klein,
(3: egg Kruppa, Steve Kursmin, Dobilas Matu-

Contact your reps
Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20510
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,

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