ACADEMIC FREEDOM See Editorial Page Y tiga a i I,# LEONINE High - 46 Low --36 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State r- Vol. LXXXVII, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 3, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Page! _-i i F ttUFE *16 6A'N CALL Z-Mi Spring Or schedule If you've been hibernating this winter, set your biol'ogical clock for 12:43 p.m., March 20. At that precise moment, just as you are stepping across a frozen crack in a Diag sidewalk, people in Ecua- dor will be abuzz with the news that the sun has reached the vernal equinox, crossing the equator on its way north. And that dramatic occurrence, according to University astronomer Hazel Losh, means spring. Anticipating the popular tumult which will result, Losh states "It will be said that the day and night are of equal length. This is not exactly true, however. Although they are tech- nically equal, the interval between the appear- ance of sunrise and sunset will be about eight minutes longer than the times from sunset to sunrise, due to the refraction of the sun's rays by the earth's atmosphere." Nitpicking, some would say, but blecause the sun takes 365.2422 calendar days to travel its cycle once, this year's spring will arrive six hours later than last year's, which arrived unceremoniously at 6 a.m. O Payment not forthcoming Uttering what will stand as one of the greatest financial truisms ever, Michigan Student Assem- bly (MSA) treasurer Jim Browne Tuesday night said "When you don't have any money, you don't have any money." And while it wasn't true that MSA had no money, it must have seemed that way for the student organizations clamoring for a piece of the MSA pie. MSA allotted $500 to vari- ous worthy causes, but requests for allocations totalled over $2,500, with $4,000 in outstanding re- quests still to be decided. Browne stressed that the student governing body is not "a United Fund to give away monies everywhere," but it didn't stop the Child Care Action Center (CCAC) from requesting a, $7,500 grant. The CCAC request was rejected. 0 Come lettuce reason The never-ending saga of wheter or not the dorms should boycott non-union lettuce took yet an- other turn yesterday as the Central Student Judi- ciary (CSJ) announced it would not consider the case until after spring break. CSJ further declared that the decision of the University Housing Judi- ciary - which last month ruled that the boycott must end effective March 3 (today) - would hold until a CSJ decision was reached. So, all dorms will serve non-union lettuce until such time as CSJ rules otherwise. Happenings..., go out and get cultured early today at a dance by "Bodyshop" at noon, in the Pendleton Arts Information Center of the Michigan Union ... the International Center, 603 E. Madison, goes na- tional at 3 p.m. with a slide and discussion pro- gram on travel in the U. S. . . . at 4 p.m. it's back to the Pendleton Arts and Information Center for a multimedia poetry show, including a magic and photo show . . . catch a potluck dinner with the Thursday Grad Fellowship at 6:30 in the Pine Room of the Wesley Foundation, 602 E. Huron, followed by a program on "Tapestry", a feminist counseling collective . . . at 7 p.m. confirmed Anglophiles can find out about getting a job in Great Britain at an International Center program .. the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship holds its weekly meeting at the University Reformed Church, with guest speaker Elizabeth Elliot discus- sing "The God Who Is" . . . also at 7:30 Hillel, 1429 Hill, sponsors a reading of the Megillah fol- lowed at 9:30 by a WRCN Disco party . . . people interested in finding out about the Intercoopera- tive Council's affirmative action program should flock to the Bursley Hall snack bar at 7:30 . . . round up your day with a dose of intellectual stim- ulation, as the Israeli Students Organization speaks on "The Israeli Perspective" at 8 p.m. in the In- ternational Center. " Beware the Coke bottle The Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MU- CC) are trying to persuade the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that things go better with glass - or at least better than with plastic. MUCC wants the FDA to ban plastic Coca-Cola bottles from shelves in Michigan. The FDA recent- ly withdrew approval of the plastic bottles be- cause it is believed that a chemical in the plastic. may contaminate the beverage inside. Studies in- dicated the chemical caused problems, including tumors, in test animals. MUCC, which sponsored the proposal to ban throwaway bottles on last fall's ballot, opposes the bottles not only as health hazards but as throwaways. " On the inside... a Soviet pilot says the Russians are build- ing secretunderground missile bases. See the Daily Digest on Page 3 . . . Maria Brazer reviews Mon- day night's program of Indian dance by Yamini Krishnamurti for arts page . Ricky Dutka dis- cusses the University housing rent strike for the editorial page's "Tenants Rising" . . , and Ikon I' union divided on strike effects 'The (hospital) floors are filthy . . . there's By BOB ROSENBAUM The University administration and cam- pus service workers apparently disagree over the current walkout's effects just as much as they disagree over wages. "Operations are going very well," Uni- versity Personnel Director Russell Reister said yesterday. "The morale is high, we're getting a lot of support from students, vol- unteers and supervisors ... they're doing a good job of keeping the University going." after day, or they'll end attacks." garbage all kp getting heart ove'-r. - Joel Block, prey of AFSCME 1583. silen t In addition, union members say the Uni- versity couldn't stay in operation if it weren't for "strike breaking" attempts by palice and campus security. UNION WORKERS have kept a constant vigil outside campus doorways and load- ing docks since they walked off their jobs eight days ago. The AFSCME strategy has centered on stemming the flow of food and s'pplies into the University. The University Hospital has been a bat- tlZ,round for both sides in the war of prop- aganda over the strike's effectiveness. "The floors are filthy ... there's gar- iage all over -... they're serving the pa- tients cold cereal and sandwiches ... the h spiral is hiring anybody who walks in looking for work," are just a few of the unron's claims. HOWEVER, REISTER said yesterday that the walkout was having "no detri- mental effects on the hospital." "There are some inconveniences," he said, "but people at the hospital have really come together as a team" and pa- tients are in no danger. As far as sanitation, Reister said "the hopital may have never been cleaner." MEANWHILE HOSPITAL officials have c )arged that striking workers have been harassing drivers of emergency vehicles and cars with incoming patients, as well as interfering with food and linen deliver- ies to the facility. 'The hospital may have never been cleaner.' -Russell Reister, Uni- versity personnel di- rector Local BUT REPRESENTATIVES of the strik- ing American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) claim otherwise. "We're having a large amount of ef- fect on the University," Union Local Presi- dent Joel Block said. "Supervisors can't possibly work 12 to 14 hours a day, day The union has denied any such actions, saying that they, in fact, have been making extra efforts to set up a system that would See UNION, Page 3 Court rules on g Social Security bias WASHINGTON Ii - The Supreme Court, further narrowing how government can legally discriminate between men and women, yesterday struck down a portion of the federal Social Security law. A 5-4 court majority said widowers or husbands of retired women seeking Social Security benefits cannot be required to prove they were financially dependent on their wives because the law makes no such demand on women or widows in similar situations. THE LAW fostered sex discrimination, the ma- jority ruled. Justice Department attorneys, in defending the law, had argued that striking down the proof-of- dependency requirement for men would cost $400 million a year and place "a severe burden on the Social Security trust fund's already-strained re- sources." After the court's decision, a Social Security spokesperson said yesterday his agency was try- ing to hastily draft a plan for an anticipated flood of applicants who had previously been turned down but who now are eligible for benefits under the law. UNDER THE LAW in question, a man could equal financial requirements, she would, in ef- feet, have to earn three times more than he did for him to be eligible for Social Security survivor benefits. The court's majority could not agree on just who was being discriminated against. Four of the justices who voted to strike down the law said in an opinion by Justice William Brennan Jr. that the law discriminated against female wage-earners because it provided their families less protection than families of male wage-earn- ers. Justice John Stevens, however, said in a sepa- rate opinion also striking down the law that it was the men frozen out of receiving benefits who felt the brunt of the discrimination. BUT A WINNING attorney in the case called the law an example of "double-edged" discrimi- nation. "This was a case in which both women and men had been treated unfairly," said Kath- leen Willert Peratis of the American Civil Liber- ties Union. She called the court's decision a major victory for women's rights because it breaks the stereo- type of women being financially dependent on their husbands. "The court has spoken on the policy issue of treating women as dependents across the board while men are treated as bread-winners. The court's reasoning should transcend this case to other laws with such built-in assumptions," she said. Coal miners unload debris bers blocking their path to One man is known dead as ing. For more details, see AP Photo from a mine buggy yesterday after hauling wet and broken tim- nine men trapped at the Kocher coal mine near Tower City, Pa. a result of sudden flooding of a shaft where the miners were work- story on Page 3, not receive benefits built up by his ing career unless the wife supplied his financial support. Assuming that1 wife's work- at least half the wife had LACKS FUNDS FOR IMPLEMENTATION: 'U' plans emergency phone lines By LAURIE YOUNG The University is studying a plan to implement a campus- wide emergency phone system which could be installed as soon as this September, according to Director of Safety Fredrick Da- vids. The phone system, designed to give immediate assistance to a person in danger or in need of help, is one additional measure of safety in the city where, ac- cording to Robert Cook, man- ager of Fire, Safety and Secur- ity at University Hospital, crime has been up significantly since 1970. "WE DON'T HAVE anything like this," said Cook. "I feel there is a need for a communi- cation system, a 24-hour service where people can get assist- ance." Cook added that he first brought the idea of a phone system to Davids over a year ago. "I am very concerned about the difficulties in the medical center with rapes and molesta- tions," said Cook. "I would like to see phones installed in park- ing lots or structures, perhaps on every level so that a person would not have to go any more than 100 yards without some means of assistance." Housing Security Director Da- vid Foulke added that the as- saults on local women last se- mester were not a major im- petus for the phones. "The as- saults have stopped and the po- tential suspect 'may have been caught. But, in fact, more work is being done now (on the sys- tem). We must not try to say, 'Well, now that the assaults have stopped, we don't have to worry about personal safety'." THE PHONE system would work like this: A person who needs help would pick up one of the designated phones around the campus, immediately caus- ing a light to flash on a control board at the Church Street Se- curity office. The officer on duty would take the informa- Non and dispatch the necessary help. But Davids said money is the main factor slowing down im- plementation of the phone sys- tem. "Time depends on when funds will be available. I am hopeful for this coming Septem- ber. But we just don't have that kind of stuff lying around." At present, Davids is looking at a radio-signaled, solar bat- tery-operated phone s y s t e m manufactured by the Motorola Company. Last week, Detroit representatives demonstrated a $45,000 system at the University. The system, which includes a control panel and 10 phones, also does a tape print-out- of the phone conversation, including time, date and location. BUT THE Safety Department cannot foot the bill alone. "Co- operation to share the cost will depend on other departments around the University," Davids noted, pointing to the Univer- sity Hospital, Housing and Park- ing. Cook and Foulke said they were optimistic and supportive of the phone system. but that no See 'U', Page 3 Kalanzoo DETROIT Sow &+ AuT This map shows the route used by enslaved blacks trav- eling north to freedom via the "underground railroad" of the abolition movement. By KEITH RICHBURG While millions of Americans thrilled to the adventures of Kunta Kinte in'the ABC-TV adaptation of Roots, far fewer knew that our own Ann Arbor was once a center of aboli- tionist activity. Ann Arbor's anti-slavery can be traced from the found- ing of the Michigan Anti-Slavery Society to the more illicit role of a "station" along the underground railroad "line" which transported runaway slaves into Canada. ALTHOUGH ACCURATE documentation is unavailable, the number of runaways actua'ly transported through Ann Arbor is estimated as high as 1,000 per year. However, it is known that Ann Arbor, one of the final stations on a vast network of railroad lines stretching north through Ohio and Indiana. wasthe last stop before Detroit, where fugiive slaves were whisked to freedom across the De- Grad student fin s glamor on Yost ie, By BOB MILLER Sitting relaxed, stroking his red begrd, Tom Lyons looks the part of a 28-year-old Chinese Studies graduate student. But instead of spending his nights pouring over books at the library, Lyons prefers to ride around on a Zamboni ice resurfacing machine, entertain- ing Michigan hockey fans during period breaks in games at Yost Ice Arena. "I ALWAYS WAS a hockey fan and I lived with three players," Lyons explained. "I got started two years ago working as a clerk at Yost, A