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January 12, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-12

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See Editorial Page


fri a"F

:4Ia it

High - 160
Low - 90
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 12, 1977 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages

Farrah Fawcett Majors. has taken the Ann Ar-
bor area by storm but there's some disagree-
ment among local stores which are selling the
television star's posters, as to who her biggest
fans are. "Our customers are mostly college stu-
:ents, and they're buying the posters as fast
as we can put them out, sometimes four or five
at a time," says a spokesman for State Discount
Drugs on campus. On the other hand Memory
Lane out at Briarwood is reporting as many
sales, but most of the takers there are pubescent
aged boys.
Griffin Fumble
When Senator Bob Griffin lost his race for the
Republican leadership of the Senate last week,
Michigan Democrats breathed a little prayer of
thanks. And now they're looking hard at 1978.
"That's it - that's the nail in his coffin and
Griffin can be beat," chuckled House Speaker
Bobby Crim, (D-Davison). Neither Crim nor any-
body else knows for sure whether Griffin's set-
back will really be the start of his demise, of
course. Buttherebarehplenty of aggressive young
Democrats who are eager to try their chances
against him. Most of them had been considering
the gubernatorial race against incumbent William
Milliken, but they may give that up to take a
shot at Griffin. Grim himself will probably run
against Milliken, so Senator William Fitzgerald
(D-Detroit), Sen. John Ottenbacher, (D-Grand Rap-
ids), as well as U.S. Congressmen William Ford
of Taylor and Robert Carr of E. Lansing are
licking their lips over the Senate seat.
... Nothing happening until this evening when
the Pi Lambda Theta honor education society
meets at 6 p.m. in the Michigan -League for din-
ner. Following that, Lois Hart will speak on
"Women in School Administration" ... UAC Mus-
ket productions will hold a mass meeting for
"Music Man" at 7 p.m. in the Pendleton Room
at the Union ... also at 7, there will be a weight
trainingclinic for any interested participants at
the North Campus Recreation Bldg. ... Project
Outreach will hold a mass meeting at 7:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium for students who would like
to do community oriented volunteer work for cre-
dit ... and at 8 p.m. the Jung discussion group
will begin meeting again at Canterbury House,
on the corner of Catherine and Division.
Gucci "Paper"
You've seen Gucci items, right? Like the purses
Jackie Onassis carries - with the initials, "GG,"
imprinted all over them so everyone will know how
wealthy and fashionable the owner is. Well, elitists
everywhere can cast aside their slick cigarette
cases and other "outdated" accessoriesto pur-
chase the ultimate - "GG" emblazoned toilet
paper. The high-toned tissue is being manufac-
tured by two New York firms, but the Gucci
people have ants in their pants over the whole
thing. They say the "GG" initials and red-and-
green stripe, their symbols of quality and pres-
tige, "will be ridiculed and become worthless"
if linked to toilet paper. In fact, they're suing
Entrepreneuse Enterprise, Inc. and 666 Cosmetics,
Inc. for selling the stuff, which is being' pur-
chased at $3.50 for two rolls across the coun-
try. A judge held up sales for the time being,
no doubt contributing to the constipation of some
highbrow types who were just getting used to
true style.
Sheriff Protest
Richard Hongisto, San Francisco's "hip" sheriff
may be forced to run the city's police department
from one of his own jail cells if a contempt of
courtsentencehanded down Monday, is carried
out. The 39-year-old Hongisto, who sports a peace
symnbol on his badge and describes local jail
conditions as "disgusting as hell," was convict-

ed for failing to carry out a court ordered evic-
tion of elderly tenants at a low-rent hotel, which
its owners want to tear down, despite community
opposition to the demolition. Hongisto is planning
to appeal the conviction. But even if he goes to
jail, it will not be the first time that he has
donned inmate's garb. In 1974 shortly after tak-
ing office, the reformist sheriff sought to drama-
tize the need for more jail funds by wearing the
tattered uniform of a prisoner.
Pardon or Punish
Convicted Watergate conspirators who are seek-
ing pardons have an advocate in Sen. Barry Gold-
water. "If he (President Ford) pardoned Nixon,
I see no reason why he shouldn't pardon the
others," said Goldwater in an interview Mon-
day with CBS. "I think all these men received
sentences way, way out of line with what they
On the inside*...
PNS reporter Roger Rapoport talks about faul-
ty dam construction in the U.S. on the Editorial

In a move to end the series of assaults and
rapes which have plagued Ann Arbor in recent
months, City Council last night voted $14,000 in
reward money for information leading to the ar-
rest and conviction of the person or persons re-
sponsible for the crimes.
The measure was not passed without highly vo-
cal opposition from some Council Democrats,
however. Mayor Albert Wheeler and member Liz
Keogh (D-First Ward) both voted against it.
UNDER TERMS of the Council resolution es-
tablishing the reward, informants would be paid
$1,000 for each felony warrant issued in connec-
tion with the assaults, to a maximum of $5,000
per informant.
The Detroit News has already announced a re-
ward of $3,000 for such information.
F r an-ttce

Wheeler expressed concern that the money
might be more effectively spent in rape preven-
tion programs and in providing transportation for
women at night. He also suggested that Council
members meet with po'ice officials to discuss
alternative me.hods of apprehending the unknown
rapist or rapists.
THERE HAVE already been many complaints
from black males who resemble the composite
photographs issued by police, Wheeler said, some
of whom have been detained and interrogated by
"I don't want to see us viola e the basic rights
of any individuals guaranteed them under the
Constitution," Wheeler said.

eward f
But Mayor Pro Tein Louis Belcher (R-Fifth
Ward), who sponsored the reward scheme, re-
plied that he had consul ed with the police al-
ready and said his plan was not "just something
on the spur of the moment."
A SIMILAR measure was presented to Council
at its last session by Belcher, but was not placed
on the agenda.
Keogh then accused Belcher of using the re-
ward as a "cheap political trick" to gain votes..
Belcher is the announced Republican candidate
for mayor, and is running against Wheeler.
Calling the reward idea "an insult to women
and to black people," Keogh told Belcher:
"You're not interested in preventing crimes,

you're just

interested in making political points."

AN EMOTIONAL Belcher replied that he had
been contacted by two of the rape victims al-
ready. "They said, 'Please, make sure this gets
through Council, we want to make sure this never
happens to anyone else,' " Belcher said.
"You weren't one of the victims," he told
Keogh. "You haven't listened to any of the vic-
tims. Well, I have."
Member Wendell Allen (R-First Ward) said he
was "insulted" by Keogh's "claiming to speak.
for black folks."
"AS A CITIZEN of color," said Alen, "I'll sit
here and tell anyone that I'm for law and-order
See RAPIST, Page 2

Israel condemns action
By AP and Reuter
PARIS - Abu Daoud, a suspected plotter of the 1972
Munich Olympics massacre, flew to freedom in Algeria
yesterday after a hastily convened French court re-
jected Israeli and Vest German demands that he be
held for possible extradition.
An outraged Israeli government immediately re-
called its ambassador to France in protest. West Ger-
man government officials said they regretted the de-
cision, and the United States expressed dismay.
ON ARRIVING in Algiers, Raoud said his arrest in Paris had
been "a political act if one considers that there are in France
organizations in direct contact with the Israeli intelligence serv-
ices." He was met at the airport by senior Foreign Ministry of-
In Tel Aviv, Foreign Minister Yigal Allon denounced the

AP Photo
Some like it cold
This Kodiak bear at the Cleveland Zoo revels in the abundant snow.
Carter plans welfare reform

court decision as "nothing but
a disgraceful capitulation to
the pressure of Arab states and
the threats of terrorist organ-
The Palestine Liberation Or-
ganization (PLO) expressed
admiration for French justice
and said the world should know
"that an attempt had been
made to undermine good re-
lhtions between the PLO and
THE WEST German Justice
Ministry said "the fight against
international terrorism has not
become easier" with Daoud's
Lawyers for the French gov-
ernment cited technical rea-
sons for the release. They said
a telegram request by a Mu-
nich judge that Daoud be held
identified him t "vaguely" and
was not made through offic-
ial channels, and that the Is-
raeli request was rejected be-
cause it concerned crimes by
non-Israelis in a third coun-
try, West Germany, that did
not involve French victims.
Allon, speaking in the Israeli
parliament, rejected this rea-
soning, saying, "We honored
the extradition treaty with
France in all its clauses.
France . . . did not behave to
us in the same way. The ques-
tion arises of whether agree-
ments with France have any
meaning or validity at all."

C ollsion near Sicil
Coiso gashes Liberian shi
MESSINA, Sicily (Reuter) -- The U. S. aircraft carrier Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, one of the largest American warships built dur-
ing World War Two, was in collision last night with a Liberian
merchant ship in the narrow straits of Messina.
Port officials here said there Were no injuris as a result
of the collision, which occurred in high winds and rough seas.
The U. S.. warship was undamaged and continued on its way.
BUT THE 28,000-ton Liberian-registered bulk carrier Oceanus,
carrying a cargo of barley, suffered a bad gash along one side
above the water line and anchored outside the harbor here for
examination of the damage today.
U. S. Navy officials in Naples said they were unable to
comment on the incident and the port officer here said the car-
rier's destination was not known.
The collision occurred at about 11 p.m. (5 p.m. EST) in rough
seas and strong winds.
LAST NIGHT'S collision came just over a year after a simi-
lar incident off the Sicilian coast between the U. S. Aircraft car-
rier John F. Kennedy and the American missile-cruiser Belknap.
Seven men died and 21 were injured in that incident.
Officials here said tonight's collision in the narrow stretch
of water which separates the island of Sicily from the "toe" of
the Italian mainland, occurred as the two vessels were steaming
opposite directions.
The Oceanus, heading south was about to enter the narrow
west section of the strait, and the carrier was heading north, they


ident-elect Carter flew to Wash-
ington yesterday for top-level
foreign policy and defense talks
and said en route that he will
create a congressional - White
House task force to deal with
welfare reform.
Carter also said he will an-
nounce his White House staff
Friday and that he has permit-
ted most staff members to work
out for themselves where they
think they can best serve with
the least possible friction.
porters on a wide variety of
subjects including energy reor-
ganization and the AFL-CIO's
reaction to his recent economic
recovery plan.
"They wanted a $30-billion-a-
year works program, and in my
opinion that's not feasible to

either initiate it or put it into
effect or administer it," Carter
said of the labor federation's
Carter said that soon after he
is inaugurated, he hopes to have
a "joint House - Senate - White
House and Health, Education
and Welfare task force and
work on basic welfare reform."
HE SAID the time schedule
will be announced in the next
few weeks but that his first
priority is a reconstruction of
the present system rather than
creation of a new set of wel-
fare benefits.
Both chambers of Congress
began work yesterday on Car-
ter'.; economic plan, with signs
that pressure is continuing for
more jobs than it provides.
Rep. Robert Giamo (D-Conn.),
chairman of the Senate Budget

Committee, told reporters he
forsees a struggle in Congress
over the proportion of tax cut
and job creation elements.
economists of different persua-
sions agree that some economic
stimulus is needed. Carter's pro-
posal would provide about $15
billion a year for two years.
Asked about his White House
,staff, Carter said he has ask-
ed each person going to Wash-
ington with him to reduce the
present support staff by 30 per
See CARTER, Page 2



Czech police harass
"tspoken dissidents
By The Associated Press and Reuter News Agency
VIENNA, Austria - More Czechoslovak intellectuals who
signed a recent human rights manifesto were questioned by
police yesterday in what was seen as continuing harassment

By AP and Reuter
picked to fill the top national
security and legal posts in the
Carter administration under-
went close questioning yester-
day about their past views and
the policies they would pursue
once in office. Carter's choice
for secretary of agriculture
won quick committee approval.
The Senate Agriculture Com-
mittee voted 9 to 0 to approve
the selection of Rep. Bob
Bergland to be secretary of
agriculture after brief, friendly
questioning of the Minnesota
the first prospective Carter ad-
ministration official approved
by a Senate committee.
Formal Senate confirmation
of the Carter appointees will
take place after the new Presi-
dent takes office on Jan. 20.
Cyrus Vance, named secre-
tary of state: Harold Brown,
Carter's choice for defense

liberals concerned about Bell's
record on civil rights issues.
Most of the questioning at
the opening committee ses-
sion focused on the nominee'sk k
civil rights record. Asked ;
about his support of the nomi-
nation, rejected by the Senate,
of G. Harrold Carswell to a
seat on the Supreme Court,
Bell said he and Carswell had
been law school classmates
and personal friends.
my record," he added. "I'll;, V.
have to stand on it. When I
die, I'm sure they'll have on
my tombstone, 'He wrote a let-
ter for Judge Harrold _Cars-
Bell insisted he had never Bergland
flouted civil rights legislation,
saying: "It may be we delay-
ed, but we never defied the
He disclosed that he was
recommending a black judge,
Wade McCree, to be U. S. So-
licitor General, who argues
the~ Pnvernmen~ft'. P!1se0 hjfnre' ~ .


of outspoken dissidents.
Informants reached in Prague said the authorities
moned at least 12 persons, including playwright Vaclav
who was back for a fourth day of interrogation. Some
were also repeat witnesses in what officials called an
tigation of suspected subversion.


c.' I ultze

AN EXILED DISSIDENT in Rome, former Czechoslovak tele-
vision head Jiri Pelikan, said in a statement that Czechoslo-
vakia's government risked "a spontaneous explosion" unless
it eased its repression and made some concessions to dissi-


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