Sunday, February 27, 1977
Page Three
'Rebels' slain
NAIROBI, Kenya - Hundreds
of Langi tribesmen suspected of
plotting against Uganda's Presi-
dent Idi Amin were strangled
and clubed to death on the
night of Feb. 18 at Kampala's
military police headquarters, ac-
cording to a Ugandan refugee
who said he -was there.
"ALL THE HEADS had been
smashed in, and the floor was
littered with eyes and teeth,"
Mugabi was quoted as saying.
"During the previous night we
did not hear any shots, only
some thudding noises from the
adjoining rooms."
Amin claimed he uncovered
and crushed a plot to overthrow
him, two weeks ago.
According to the Ugandan
strongman, the plot was master-
minded by Chote and centered
among the predominantly Chris-
tilan Langis and Acholis.
THE REPORTS, and particu-
larly the death of Anglican
Archbishop Janani Luwum in
what the government said was
an auto accident, have drawn
howls of outrage from around
the world.
Amid the mounting tension,
Amin on Friday ordered all the
Americans in Uganda - about
240 persons, many of them mis-
sionaries - not to leave the
country and to meet with him
Monday at 11 a.m.
Moscow fire
MOSCOW - Soviet officials
were still giving no casualty fig-
ures yesterday on a, fire that
roared through an elevator shaft
of Moscow's mammoth Hotel
Rossiya and ravaged its north
wing and a central tower.
Unconfirmed reports circulat-
ing in diplomatic circles told
of bodies being carried from
the burning building Friday
night and said 30 to 40, Rus-
sians might have been killed,
but no foreign guests of the
3,200-room showcase hotel.
REPAIR CREWS using six
crane trucks worked through a
sleet storm Saturday to replace
exploded windows in the fire-
blackened wing, still draped with
sheets and ropes some guests
used in attempts to get to low-
er balconies.
Russian television did not men-
tion the fire and one evening
newspaper in the city covered
the story with two paragraphs
at the bottom of its third page.
Guests milled about the lobby
of the giant hotel the day after
the fire, and sat on wet and
smoke-damaged salvaged lug-
gage while they waited for new
"It's a mess up there on some
of the floors," said a Japanese
guest who had been allowed
back into the damaged area.
"There is smoke and no elec-
tricity and the doors are so
charred that it's hard to read
the numbers."
Egypt gets loan
CAIRO - Four oil-rich Arab
countries will provide Egypt
with more than $2 billion in
funds and deposits to help the
country through its economicl
difficulties, Egyptian and Saudil
sources confirmed yesterday. I
An official at the Saudi Arab-,
ian Embassy said the payment i
would be made within a month..
He declined to give figures but4
said "it is a huge amount"
An Egyptian source whose
ministry is involved said the]
package from Saudi Arabia, Ku-
wait, Qatar and the United Arab,
Emirates consisted of a $1 bil-
lion fund and equal amount in,
deposes in the country's banks;
to finance investment projects.
THE DEPOSITS will be for
10 years. Conditions and inter-;
est rates will be determined
later, the Egyptian said.-
The Saudi source said his gov-;
ernment also was trying to con-
vince other rich Arab govern-1
ments to extend long-term loans
to Egypt to "guarantee a stable.
economic situation for at least
five years."
Following food price riots in
Cairo and other cities last
month, President Anwar Sadat
told his people the country
faced four difficult years be-
fore his open-door investment,
policy would begin to work.
pull out
BEIRUT. Lebanon - Palestin-'
ian guerrillas have agreed to
pull back from south Lebanese
border regions abutting Israel1
to avert a showdown with right-,
wing Christians that could re-
kindle Lebanon's civil war, gov-
ernment sources said yesterday.
In return, the sources said,
Syria agreed that the Syrian-
dominated Arab League neace-
keeping army would not storm
tank-ringed Palestinian refugee,
camas in Beirut to disarm guEr-
rillas by force.
The sources said the com-I
promise was worked out be-
tween Palestinian guerrilla lead-
ers and Syrian President Haf-
ez Assad in Damascus Wednes-
day. A final agreement reported-
ly was worked out Friday at a
meeting between Lebanese Pre-
sident Elias Sarkis and Yasir
Arafat, head of the Palestine
Liberation Organization, at Sar-
kis' presidential palace.
Unvpr the compromise, the
sor"° reported, the Palestin-
ian- --Antually will be con en-
trnted in an area between Nab-
ativeh, Tyre and Sidon, a tri-
angle stretching to within 25
miles of Beirut in the north and
eieht miles from the Israeli bor-
der in the south.
The zone would be controlled
by the Syrian peace force. and
Sandi Arabia has undertaken to
build three "camp cities" to
house the refugees, the sourc-
es said.
lems are to be corrected," the show, visited Harvary Univer-
labor organization said in a re- sity to receive the Hasty Pud-
port on a year-long study. The ding Society's "Man of the
AFL-CIO suggested the gradual Year" award.
replacement of profit-making The presentation took place at!
homes, with non-profit or gov-, the premiere of the theatrical
erhment-run homes. society's 129th annual produc-I
tion, "Cardinal Knowledge," a
"THE FACTS are that non- spoof of medieval times.I
profit nursing homes spend_
more on patient care and more.
on staffing than profit-making
institutions and the results are
evidenced in better care for ::>
nursing home residents," the re-
port said.
The 14 million-member :feder-
ation said inspections of nursing,
homes by its state affiliates,
along with official government "
reports, showed negligence lead .' ,
ing to death and injury, unsani- e
tary conditions, improper med-
ical care, inadequate control of .,
drugs, reprisals against thoseI
who complain and widespread
for Reye's Syndrome and doct-
ors say Stephen was the first
patient at the Kansas hospital
to undergo radical head sur-
gery for it.
Bill McCracken, INR chemical;
engineer. "Tests of well water
samples in the area all show-
ed no detectable PBB level."
"He w yhTHE SAMPLES were t a k e n
"He was dying when th o- Friday from seven private wells
eration was performed" Mor- near the St. Louis landfill after
antz said Friday. "Now tsideDNR officials uncovered- thel
swelling of the brain is subsid- fact that tons of contaminated
ig" waste had been buried there be-
tween 1971 and 1973.
McCracken said yesterday
early indications showed no dan-
ger in the drinking water, but
added that more extensive test-
ing at higher sensitivity levels
was, scheduled this week.
"There are still a lot of ques-
tions to answer in the case," he
LANSING - Investigators with! said.
the Department of Natural Re-__ad. _
sources have cautiously report-.
ed some "good news" from in-
itial tests in a PBB pollution in-'
cident at a landfill in Gratiot l iNi
County. ,i
showed that surface water near
the landfill was contaminated;
with the highly toxic flame re-
tardant chemical.
DNR Director Howard Tanner
said his agency learned only re-
cently that Michigan Chemical
Co., which once manufactured
PBB at its St. Louis plant, had
dumped 269.000 pounds of chem-
ical waste into the landfill be-
tween 1971 and 1973 without a
Showtimes 1-3-5-7-9
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THE STUDY said that most of
the problems were found in
profit-making institutions.
While federal standards exist
for nursing homes, the report
said enforcement is left almost
entirely to the states, which"
have varying degrees of com-
In Michigan, for example, the
report said "standards for pet
stores are more stringently en-
forced than those for nursing
N.Y.C. still
faces default
NEW YORK - New York City,
unable to pay its March bills,
once again is facing default un-
less the federal government
floats it a $255 million loan, city
officials say.
The officials warn that t h e
city might have trouble acquir-
ing the cash which was formally
requested from the federal gov-
ernment Friday by the State
Emergency Financial Control
David Margolis, chairman of
Colt industries and a member
of the Board, says- the city is
now in the position of suppli-
cant, not "a credible borrower."
"I DON'T know how the Con-
trol Board can assure the fed-
eral government that this $255
million will be repaid," he said.
"The request should include the
fact that the city could go broke
next Friday."
By then, according to Camo-
troller Harrison Goldin, the city
will face a $20 million to $25 mil-
lion cash shortage, a sum he
expects can be deferred.
But, says Golden, the r e a 1
crunch will come March 11
when a $55 million payroll is
due. Two days later, another
$120 million in debt service must
be paid.
Carson: New jokes
"It's good news so far," said'4
KANSAS CITY, Kan. - Doc-
tors have removed the right half
of Stephen Ankenbrandt's skull,
and they are confident the op-
eration has saved his life from
a rare ailment, Reye's syn-
Dr. Robert Morantz, a neuro-
surgeon, in a four-hour ooera-
tion last Sunday removed half
of the 14-year-old's skull and
opened the sheath surrounding
the brain so it could expand
through the opening.
youth was unconscious Friday,
as he had been for a week. But
his doctors at the University of
Kansas Medical Center report-
ed he made significant gains
and no longer was in critical
Reye's syndrome strikes
children, damaging their livers
and producing severe swelling i
of the brain. It first was iden-
tified in 1963 by an Australian
There is no specific treatment
W, , a
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Openings for persons to participate in federally
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view Clinic.
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30 weekly sessions beginning in March
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Showtimes 1-2:25-3:50-5: 5-
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for management
The United States Army is interviewing
sophomores and other selected students hav-
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Pudding for
Homes for aged pddin
rated poor 1arson
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Tele-
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -Charg- vision host Johnny Carson says
ing that older Americans living he welcomed the election of!
spread "patterns of abuse," the President Carter because it giv-
AFL-CIO called yesterday for an es comedians fresh material.
in nursing homes face w i d e- "I'm glad they found a school
end to profit-making nursing for Amy," he told a news con-
homes. ference. "Now they're looking;
"Profit must be eliminated for one for Billy."
from the industry if its prob- Carson, host of the "Tonight"!
Applicants are required to participate in a
six-week summer program at Fort Knox, Ky.,
to qualify for college ROTC courses next
year. Pay for the six weeks is approximately
$500,=plus travel, room and board.
Students who complete the summer train-
ing and enter ROTC do not have to serve on
active duty upon graduation.
For an interview appointment, contact:
Cpt. Peter M. Bradley
U of M Army Officer
Education Program
China serenades its leaders
HONG KONG - It's a lot like
taking "My Way" away f r o m
Frank Sinatra.
The lyrics to China's No. 1
song - "Sailing' the Seas De-
pends on the Helmsman" -
were written to honor Mao Tse-
BUT he died.
So the only helmsman around
these days was the beneficiary.
Party Chairman Hua Kuo-feng.
Such is the fate of China's
popular music, which shifts and
changes like the political scene.
SOME SONGS, though, h a v e
stood the test of time - -mean-
ing politics and ideology.
One favorite has a country
and western flavor and needs no
Volume LXXXVII, No. 124
Sunday, February 27, 1977
is edited and managed by students'
at the University -of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published da ily Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-#
city year at 420 Maynard S tr.Ann
Arbor, Michigany4819..nSubscripton
rates $123Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters): $13 by mail outside Ann
Summer ssion published Tues-
day throu Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
political help staying on top.
It's a little ditty called, "Oh
How I Love to Carry Manure
Up the Mountainside for the
BUT, ACCORDING to a popu-
lar music chart compiled by
UPI, most songs now being play-
ed by Peking Radio and o t h e r
stations in China are newcom-
ers that have emerged since the
purge of the radical "Gang of
Four" late last year.
Example: "Indignantly c o n-
demn the Wang-Chang-Chiang-
Yao Gang of Four."
Some of the new songs eulo-
gize the late Premier Chou En-
lai, such as "The Esteemed and
Beloved Priemer Chou, the Peo-
ple's Good Premier."
But one song, very popular
only a few months ago, has
dropped completely off the
It's entitled: "Firmly Grasp
the Key Link of Class Struggle
and Talk About the Basic Line1
EveryaDay While Criticizing
Teng Hsiao-ping."
Tonight in Auditorium 4 of the
Modern Languages Building
(Luchino Visconti, 1942)
OBSESSIONE is the late Luchino Visconti's first film and a key
work in film history. Starring Massimo Girotti and Clara Calamat,
its classic plot-young wife and virile lover plan to kill her older
husband-is transformed into a study of obsession an guilt. The
location filming, the performances, and the direction of this
neo-realist film are fresher and more compelling than ever.
"Cannot be called less than a masterpiece, so flawless is it in
its conception and presentation of character, so admirably
controlled in its narration, and so consistent in its atmosphere."
-vernon Jarrett, The Italian Cinema. Italian/English subtitles.
(Luchino Visconti, 1954)
SENSO, an exemplary work of Luchino Visconti, reveals his early
fascination with history and with the baroque. The tone of the
story is cool, neo-classic, and detached; set against luxurious sets
and actual palazzos that underline the beauty of the countryside,
SENSO is an extraordinary account of Garibaldi's military cam-
pign in and round Venice and Verona in the 1860's as envisioned
by Luchino Visconti. "SENSO is beyond question one of the
greatest, and also the most Viscontian of all Visconti's films."
-Geoffrey Nowell-Smith. Italian with subtitles.
Admission $1.25 single feature, $2.00 double feature
Tuesday, March 1 in Aud. A, Angell Hall
University Towers offers you 24 hour security. We also offer weekly maid service
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PETER WATKI NS will appear with his latest film
'Director Watkins will speak about his compelling biography
of the Norwegian artist. Watkins has brought his consider-
able skills as a documentary filmmaker to this- dramatic
depiction and, as a result, has made a beautiful and intel-
ligent explortion of the process of artistic creativity.
At 8 p.m. Peter Watkins will also present his film on nuclear
holocaust, THE WAR GAME, and a video cassette; "A TRAP"
free at the Old Arch. Aud.
7:30 ONLY Admission $1.50
Fassbinder is a member of the German "New Wave." GODS
OF THE PLAGUE is one of his three maior meditations on
I~) K.