Tuesday, January 11, 1977
Page Seven I
Tuesday, January 11, 1977 THE MICHiGAN DAILY
* Inside StraightI
Andy NGlazer
nA laeAthletic tradition ..
* Michigan not unique
REMEMBER THE FIRST good report card you ever brought
home? Marvelous reaction, right? Congratulations all around,,
you were top dog for a while and everything was aokcoolgroovy-
neato ...d
. Until you found out that the standard of excellence was
now higher and you were expected to do it every time from then
on. This is the "behind every silver lining there's a dark cloud"
Well, it seems that every time you put a ball into some-
one's hands and put an "M" on his jacket around here, he
and his fellows beat up on the oher guy. Football, basket-
ball, baseball, tennis, cross country, gymnastics and to a
lesser extent damn near every team at this school.
That's not so strange. With the financial resources at he
University's disposal, and a genius like Don Canham at the top,
it's not surprising at all that Michigan can run roughshod over
its poorly neighbors.
Every once in a while, though, the mighty Blue venture out
of the relative comfort of the midwest and take on schools with
traditions of their own. Schools like Alabama, Nebraska, Okla-
homa, Texas . . . or USC.
Asuperior feeling
Ann Arbor is not the center of the collegiate sports universe,
no matter how much we like to think it is. But I must have had
20 people remark to me how "lousy" Michigan played on Janu-
ary 1.
People around here just naturally expect Michigan to
win every time even if its opponent has (shudder) an equal
amount of talent and/or motivation.
We're not alone. There is an eastern race called New Yorkers
that are infamous for thinking New York the best in everything.
And while it might not seem that way, it's normally an uncon-
scious process. New Yorkers don't think New York is superior
it's just that, well, how could anyone not live in New York?
Everyone lives in New York.
How could Michigan not win? I mean, Michigan always wins.
There has to be a reason, a scapegoat.
In all four of my years here, that scapegoat has been the pass.
"Oh, if we could only pass," we cry. "Why doesn't Bo
pass more against these weak teams?" we ask. 0. J. Simpson
labeled Michigan's offense as "one-dimensional" in explain-
ing his alma mater's glorious conquest.
Certainly an improved passing attack wAld make Michigan's
affense more dynamic. But you just don't wish for an improved
passing attack and get it for Christmas. More time must be
devoted to the pass in practice, and it must be used in games.
But practice time is finite; any additional time spent on
the pass means less time spent on the run. You can't get some-
thing for nothing. And we all remember all pass-no run Stanford,
all 51-0 of them.
It's hard to pass
And as to throwing more in the early games, of course the1
passing attack would then improve. But all it takes is a couple
early interceptions to fire up an average team.
Give a team an inch and instead of demoralized Navy you .
get fired-up Purdue.
These arguments are just as extreme and one-dimensional
as most of the pro-pass arguments; there is a middle ground
where the true answer probably lies. But they serve a purpose.
Michigan fans want the pass. They want their cake and
to be able to eat it too. They want to beat the living $&! ?*! out
of every team Michigan faces.
And it won't - can't - happen. Some of those other teams
are just as great as Michigan, and the Wolverines can't win
every game they play.
The pass can help Michigan, but it's not the Holy Grail. The
next time you remember how "lousy" Michigan played on Janu-
ary 1, consider how superbly USC played against Michigan.
So root for Michigan and have fun doing it. But remember,
those other guys aren't always "other guys." Sometimes they're
pretty damn good.
w "
Eni,, payment in, lull wth t rder, r rtnit 0%witht rder, balance CO.O.
T h Winter 77-78 and for Spring-Summer 1977 are
now available in Room 1220 Angell Hall.
To qualify for scholarship consideration, a student must
be an LSA undergraduate and have attended the LS&A
f o V College of the U of M for at feast one full term. Sopho-
By DON MacI ACHLAN put up a shot while I was fall- marked. "I think I've got a well at times, rebound well at mores must have a U of M grade point average of 3.7 or
Joel Thompson has waited a ing to the floor. It almost went pretty long range, but I am times and play good defense better and Juniors and Seniors must have -at least a 3.6
long time to gain a berth in in - damn, I wish I had made kind of conscious of when I put at times but rarely did he put GPA in order to apply for a scholarship. Students must
the Michigan starting line-up, that shot."up those long jumpers. I usu- them all together. Now he is alsoapply to the Office of Financial Aid as part of their
Sixty-six varsity games to be AFTER TWO frustrating sea- ally take a look over at Coach doing it. Joel has the potential LSA Scholarship application. The awards are based on both
exact. One New Years Eve, sons of warming the bench, a Orr and see his reaction. I used of becoming a great player be- cations must be returned to 1220 Angell Hall by Feb-
1976 Thompson finally got the good attitude and more confi- to be looking to pass the ball, fore he leaves Michigan," Fried- ruary
good news. dence have made Thompson a but now if I have the shot I'll er said.
"I was really surprised," much improved player. take it."
Thompson said. "Coach Orr "When I found out I wouldn't "I think my percentage has
told the team I would be start- start at the beginning of the improved because I have bet- The Top 0d
ing and I began to look for- season I decided I wasn't go- ter shot selection," Thompson ____p_________________ff _________
ward to that South Carolina ing to get down - I was just added.
game." going to play as hard as I Last year the junior skyrock By The Associated Press - MCAT-LSAT - DAT
WHEN THE BALL went up in could," Thompson said. et would block opponents shots 1 1. san Francisco 39 17-0 1084 . GMAT * CPAT " VAT " GRE " OCAT * SAT
Columbia the following Sunday, "I talked to some older peo- - and get a piece of the play- 1. Kentucky 8 5- 0 4. NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS
Thompson was ready to play. ple who thought I might have er at the same time. After two , 4.Alabama 1 12-0 738
In front of a national televi- a good season," Thompson add- such fouls, kerplunk, and Joel 5. North Carolina 3 10-1 688 ECFMG .*FLEX
sion audience the 6-8 forward ed. "They told me to play hard was back on the bench. 6. MICHIGAN 1 9-1 546 Flexible Programs and Hours
7. Wake Forest 11-1 484 Oe 8yaso xeineadsces ml lse.Vlmnu
pumped in 17 points before foul- when I get the chance and I "I think my defense has im- 8. Nevada-Las Vegas 13-1 385 Over 38 years of eperience and success. Small classes. Voluminous
ing out late in the second half. made up my mind that was proved but it is not as good as 9. Minnesota 10-0 334 home study materials. Courses that are constantly updated. Centers
The junior from Flint has not what I was going to do." I would like it to be," Thomp- 10. Arizona 11-1 288 open days aesnd s all year. Completetape facilities for review
really had that much exposure "I worked on my game to son said. "I am trying to get 11. Marquette 9-2 254 missed lessons at our centers.
to pressure while at Michigan. make me a more complete, in my mind that instead of just 12. UCLA 11-2 247
His first real test came in player," Thompson said. "I boxing out, -I have to box out 13. Louisville 9-2 163 Write or caIl:
the Providence game when practiced shooting regularly and and get in a rebounding posi- 14. Maryland 10-2 98 1945 Pauline Blvd.
Thompson replaced Tom Staton knew my offense would be good. tion." 15. Providence 10-2 92 Ann Arbor 48103 T"
and played most of the second I worked on boxing out oppo- DOCTOR DUNK a longtime 16. Arkansas 10-1 65 62-3149 SPECIALS SINC 1938
boxin-DOCOR DUKCIALtISTS17 CleCon 1-236
half and in both overtimes. nents and improving my de- fan favorite, is happy he has 17. Memphis 10-23
With one second remaining in fense by guarding smaller and findly made it into the start- 1. Memphis state 13-1 S Call Toll Free (outside NY. State) 80 - 221-9$40
fthe second overtime guard Steve quicker forwards." ing five. 0. Oregon 11-2 44 Affiliated Centers in Major U. S. Cities
Grote lofted a long full court Now that the season is al- "It is a very nice feeling to
pass in the vicinity of the bas- most half over, Thompson knows be in the starting lineup now,": ---r ____
ket and Thompson nearly man- he still has some facets of his Thompson said. "There's prob-
aged to tip it in and keep the game to work on but he ishap- ably not much difference in my'
Wolverines undefeated. py with his offensive perform- playing time because I'm still
"I went from the corner and ance to date. In his first two playing about the same but it's :r
ran towards the basket," seasons Thompson hit on only a good feeling to be starting."
Thompson recalled. "I jumped 44% of his field goal attempts Assistant coach Bill Frieder
for the ball and the next thing but this year he is hitting at feels Thompson is a more com-
I knew the ball was in my a 62% clip from the field. plete basketball player now,
hands. Then a guy pushed me "I DON'T WORRY about my playing both ends of the court. Bell Midrasl
while I was in the air and I shots anymore," Thompson re- "In the past, he could shoot C
PREPARE FOR BIG TEN 4R W t R:iJIC A--P_.-, ^,,,.
Tankers strive for perfection
By TIM PFOHL to Champaign for a 7:30 meet
If you heard a sigh of relief against Illinois the next night.
coming from Matt Mann Pool Purdue, in the midst of re-'
yesterday, it was probably the building its swimming pro-;
men's swim team completing gram, has shown improvement
nearly two weeks of two-a-day over last year.,
drills in preparation for the up- Stager isn't taking Illinois
coming Big Ten schedule. lightly though as the Illini1
In their first action of the turned in a strong showing+
new easy ineMichi Oakland last against Wisconsin last week.I
Saturday night. Coach Gus Coach Stager feels however.
Stager felt the Wolverines were that senior sensation Gordon
well - prepared for the meet, -
but were hampered because Women cagers
three of their top swimmers,
Gordon Downie, Rob Helt, and face EMU
Bob Bauman, stayed at home The Michigan women's
writing grad school entrance basketball team hopes to
exams. make its first mark in the
"Realistically the compet- win col-mn tonight when
tition was only fair, and I they tnke on the Eastern
was somewhattdisappointed Michigan Hurons in an 8:00
with some of the boys who p.m. game at Crisler Arena.
lost when they shouldn't Coach Carmel Borders'
have," Stager said, squad is 0-3 this season, los-
Diver Matt Chelich, who fin- ing both games i the
ished in the NCAA Top 40 as a Wayne State Christmas
freshman last year, qualified Tourney along with their
for this year's regional post- home opener last Thursday
season meet bysscoring an ex- 'against Grand Valley. To-
cellent 335 points against Oak-j night's non-conference con-
land. test is Michigan's last be-
The squad opens their Big fore they begin Big Ten play
Ten season with two meets in at home against Purdue on
two days. They travel to Pur-I Jan.1S.
due on January 21st, then driveI
Downie could win almost every ;
event he enters, but knows
that he is unable to use his
ace in back to back events. I
So thanks mainly to the .
schedule makers and the ab- I
sence of more than one star, ,
the Blue seem to have a close
contest awaiting them early in
the Big Ten race.
Washington 2, DETROIT 0
New York Islanders 8,
Philadelphia 3
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