t 3f itgan Dactj Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Sunday, February 20, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Frst Ward: enneth Latta SHE DAILY endorses Kenneth Lat- ta in the Democratic First Ward City Council primary Monday. Latta, a graduate student who works in the University's Office of Academic Planning, is a student of government - with all. the advant- ages .and disadvantages that entails. His solutions to the city's prob- lems concentrate on administrative reorganization - revising the city charter, pressing the federal govern- ment for development funds, more power for the City Council instead of the city administrator. Latta has a good administrative background. He is able to compre- hend the fine points of a budget and offers help in applying for federal monies for the city, something al- most all council candidates promise but none have so far delivered. Latta advocates a downtown de- velopment authority, expansion of the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA), and measures to help re- lieve the housing shortage. Latta's opponent, Zane Olukalns, comes to some of the same conclu- sions about city problems, but does so from sheer inspiration, not as a result of expertise. Olukalns, an advo- cate of "creative" government, favors a downtown free ofcars, opposes de- velopment of some neighborhood parks, and wants "more communica- tion" between the University and council. "The council misses solutions by making problems so complex in their own heads," Olukalns has said. Her drawback as a candidate is that she does not realize that some of those issues - such as downtown parking and housing - are just as complex as anyone has made them out to be. The prime difference between the candidates is one of style. Olukalns is concentrating her campaign on re- lating to people, door-to-door canvas- sing, and being, in her own phrase, "a catalyst." Latta emphasizes his planning experience and his exper- tise. Liz Keough, whose seat Latta and Olukalns are vying for, calls Latta "a bureaucrat;" it is true that ex- perience in planning doesn't always carry a concern for human rights and individual problems. But Ken Latta's "bureaucratic" proposals are aimed directly at help- ing individuals - a Human Services Advisory Board, federal money for low-income housing. An "orientation towards people," which Olukalns claims as a major asset, is not worth much without the ability to translate that orientation into specific pro- grams. We feel Ken Latta can be a good member of Council. r 1 LOOKING Cuttingoff bone IT ALL CAME down like a thunderstorm - d a r k clouds, a rumbling, then a deluge. And it ap- pears that the storm has barely begun. Robben Fleming kicked off last week's program of financial ill tidings with his speech Monday night on "The Role of the University in the Future," which might have been subtitled "That Is, If It's Still Around." Fleming put the phrase "mild-mannered" in the book, but his words were grave. He predicted a trend which would see the University fighting for state appropriations in the face of rising inflation, hiking tuition to the sky, and sending deans and departments out with scalpels in search of programs to cut to the quick. He wasn't kidding. At Thursday's meeting of the Regents, a good bortion of the Population Planning department of the School of Public Health trooped in to air their opposi- tion to the decision to axe their program. They got more than they bargained far - a description by Vice- President Frank Rhodes of the whole process being developed to review, cprtail, and cut such departments as their own. "In times of economic hardship," Rhodes said, "it is better to be wi'ling to make harsh decisions than face a general decline." Rhodes's own office will be responsible for most of those harsh decisions. Pro- grams up for review will be weighed by their school or college, then turned over to the Office of Academic Affairs, where the final recommendations to the Re- gents will be drawn up. The fate of the Population Planning department is undecided, but all bets in its favor are certainly off. That, of course, wasn't enough. The Regents got back together on Friday and approved Housing Direc- BCK THE' tor John Feldkamp's request for an 8.4 per cent hike in dorm rent rates, sending the cost of living in a double dorm room to $1,638 per year. According to a high University source, students will probably be hit by -a tuition hike at the same time. Regent Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) put it all to- gether. "This is the fourth year of budget stringency. Now we're not just cutting off fat. We're cutting off bone." tring- to live with it ART ANDERSON, chief negotiator for the American' Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME, Local 1583) walked out of the negotiating room after his b argaining team had agreed to the University's final proposal to settle the parties' ,raging contract dispute. "We can live wih it," Anderson said. But can test rest of the union? After giving their bargainers full power to call a strike last week, the' rank and file of the campus' largest union were divided on the terms of the new settlement. A strike was avert- ed after union negotiators extended their strike deadline on Wednesday, but now the members may send the team back to the table. Union president Joel Block called the University's proposal, which offered a 55-cent raise over two years as well as some incremental pay hikes, a "totally unacceptable, dirt-cheap offer." He said members should reject the settlement at their ratification vote this Tuesday. "He (Block) says we should have gotten more," Anderson said. "But you can always sit out there when. you aren't at the table and say, 'I could have gotten more' . . . It's a different ball game at the table." Block is careful to say that his quarrel is not WEEK IN REVIEW with his own AFSCME negotiators, but with the Uni- versity's offer. At any rate, the union is faced with a dilemma: its bargaiping team has a tentative con- tract in hand; its president is rallying supoprt to re- ject that contract. Hanging in the balance is the threat of a campus-wide strike, and it all depends on the de- cision the members make on Tuesday. help wanted HELP WANTED - Someone to fill rather large shoes of departing University vice president. Im- pressive Oxford accent would be nice, but not ne- cessary. See Robben Fleming, sixth floor, Admin- istration Bldg., Ann Arbor. An Equal opportunity employer .. .sometimes. Fleming probably won't handle the search for a new veep quite this way; in fact, judging from what he said last week, he may not advertise for the position at all. With Frank Rhodes now on his way to the Cornell presidency, it's time for the University's tal- e, t hunters to search out a replacement for the aloof Rhodes. But according to Flemihg, who spent the weekend working out a plan for choosing the succes- sor, the vice presidential selection "is usually done with my own heavy involvement from the very beginning. There will probably not be a search committee." As, we've seen in the past, this could mean trouble for the whole kit- n'kaboodle of University admifistra- tors. A secret search -is rarely a safe search. If Fleming allows professorial as well as student in- put into choosing a new vice president - as the admin- istration at Cornell allowed when choosing Rhodes - the choice is bound to be one the entire campus com- munity can live with. -Ann Marie Lipinski and Jim Tobin, Editors-in-Chief /e Letter s to the Daily second Ward: No choice THE DAILY makes no endorsement in the Second Ward primary elec- tion. We feel that neither Allen Rein- er nor Richard (Dr. Diag) Robinson, both Republicans, is capable of serv- ing the community's best interests. Neither candidate has displayed an adequate understanding of the - problems facing the city, nor offered solutions to those problems. While Reiner, a 30-year-old finan- cial consultant, has an impressive background in economics, we feel he lacks- sensitivity to student housing needs. his proposed solution to the area's housing crunch is to relax the city's inspection code in order to pro '- vide additional space in units pre- viously deemed unliveable.' Reiner -insists that he does not favor an "across-the-board relaxa- tion" of the code. He also says that students should not have to pay "$300 a month for a broom closet." But what Reiner proposes, in fact, is. to rent all of those broom closets-at a lower rate. This is essentially a pro-management stance. Reiner's opponent in Monday's pri- mary, Richard (Dr. Diag) Robinson, the famed campus orator, does not comprehend the city's pressing prob- lems, much less propose solutions to them. Robinson is -either unwilling or unable to discuss the .issues of the campaign, and cannot seem to con- centrate on one subject for more than a minute before leaping, without warning, to another topic. Robinson, 36, says the solution to the city's spiraling rents is to have students turn off lights when a room is not in use so the University will not be forced to raise dormitory rates. He says that, if elected, "moving a few trashcans" would be among his top priorities. He added that he would "fire some cops" and take other pa- trolmen out of cars and put them on the streets because "they're get- ting fat." The Daily fears that some voters may be tempted to cast their bal- lots for Robinson because of his color- ful personality. We hope, however, that those who do choose to vote Re- publican in this primary will take the, decision seriously and not waste their vote on a candidate who cannot meet any of the job's requirements. Population Planning To The Daily: AS REPORTED in The Daily on Feb. 2, the Dean of the School of Public Health issued a report which called for the dis- solution of the Department of Population Planning effective Spring 1978. Financial reasons were cited as primary in Dean Remington's report. Yet the re- port comes at a time when the number of faculty in other Pub lic Health departments is being increased. We in the department are aware that other issues influ- enced the Dean's decision. The departmen thas committed it- self to addressing and resolving existing problems. The Dean's decision reflects an attitude of benign neglect to- wards women's issues. We believe that our work on and commitment to women's issues justify the continued ex- istence of the Department of Population Planning. For the past eleven years, the Department of Population Plan- ning has addressed itself to the problems of population growth and related issues. The depart- ment has trained 101 master's students who serve in 39 foreign countries. About 150 alumni work in United States family planning programs. The department has enjoyed an opportunity to train profes- sionals to deal compassionately with issues which impinge most strongly upon women. Gradu- ates of the department-whether program planners, family plan- ning n u r s e s, evaluators, re- searchers or advisors - are in- volved in work which affects women's status in developed and developing countries. The impact of family planning upon women's roles cannot be overestimated. Family planning is seen as more than the provi- sion of contraceptive services. The department's commitment has been to changing women's status, allowing women oppor- tunities for personal develop, ment as well as significant roles in international development. Research projects undertaken by staff and students have con- sistently underscored the impor- tance of programs which include as a goal the improvement of women's status. And research undertaken here has tried to illuminate the social and cul- tural influences which often seem to choke off opportunities for women outside the mother- hood role. In the U.S. women are the primary consumers of health care. A majority of women rely upon t h e i r gynecologists for most of their health care needs Students, staff an graduates of the department are in a posi- tion to influence health care providers to be more responsive to women's needs, as well as to help w o me n to be assertive about their needs. Family plan- ning counselors, educators and nurses are helping women to demand their rights to quality health care. And this depart- ment serves as a liason between the medical research commu- nity-the developers of contra- ceptives-and women, who con- sume their product. in the Department of Population Planning are in a unique pisi- tion to do so. -Alison Geist -Ida Green -Herb Guerry -Joy Wilson -Anna Cirino (for the) Population Planning Student Association Feb. 15 union solidarity To The Daily: THEI- TENANTS Union would would like to express its sol- idarity w i t h all prospective strikers in AFSCME Local 1583. At a time of skyrocketing prices and increased employer hostility toward the economic and social demands of working people and the unemployed, it is particularly important for all of us to support organized labor in their demand for a decent standard of living and a toler- able working environment. Anyone who has ever worked in a sweat shop like the hospital laundry, in a lower level cleri- cal classification or pushing a sponge through the University bathrooms knows exactly what we are talking about. Without a union contract, there is very little protection against poor working conditions, low pay and unbridled speed-up. The Tenants Union stands shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in AFSCME Local 1583 in their fight for an improved cost-of-living escalator clause, a modest wage increase and more rights for union reps in the work place (especially in r e g a r d to handling employe grievances). But it is with this same force of conviction that we denounce University Man- agement's current attempts to under-cant and d e s t r o y these modest demands at the bargain- -ing table and through its at- tempts at unprincipled strike preparations such as hording food in the dorms and illegal crack-downs on active union stewards. Why is the University admin- istration preparing for war if it does not want a strike, as it claims? The indignance express- ed by union officials in regard to these provocations is com- pletely warranted. One would think they were calling for a w o r k e r s' government rather than basic trade/ union de- mands! Fellow tenants, workers and students: Help the union by not scabbing on striking workers. Don't do the Administration's dirty work. Honor the picket lines!- Strikers: The Tenants Union is at your disposal for protection against landlord harrassment and eviction attempts during the strike. -Ann Abor Tenants Union Feb. 17 proper atniosphere To The Daily: YM THANKS to the resident "advisor" for his or her en- lightening suggestions on the maintenance of a "proper at- mosphere" in a dorm room. His The comments made by this R.A. along with those by others regarding the President's re- quest for energy conservation ("Carter," front page, Jan. 26) suggests to me that the students of 1977 are willing to spit in the faces of those who, just a few years ago, fought so diligently to develop a rational and re- sponsible attitude toward other people and toward our environ- ment. While many people in this nation are suffering a severe energy shortage, may our resi- dent advisor enjoy his insen- sitively selfish "proper atmos- phere." His title notwithstand- ing, I hope that the residents of his floor will not accept advice based on such moronic apathy. -John Robert Deller, Jr. Joe Egg To The Daily: AM BOTH surprised and dis- appointed at the way in which the Michigan Daily ignored the recent studio production of "Joe Egg" (Feb. 10-12). On the basis of your pastttheater reviews, I have come to believe that the ]Daily finds most speech depart- ment productions pretentious and unsuccessful. "Joe Egg" was an experiment in and de- parture from the usual Univer- sity repetoire. It was performed by a small repretory like com- pany under therberest of studio conditions without the aid of even a minimal budget. The concerns of the cast and crew were focused on the quality of acting and the ability of this small group of people t inde- pendently conceive of and pro- duce good theater. There was no admission charged and the only donations accepted went to cover the royalties. Although every aspect of the ,how was in some way affiliated with the University, "Joe Egg" was virtually ignored by cam- pus publicity (radio, University Record, etc.). In view of the Daily's criticisms, I was shock- ed by your own suctessful de- cision to evade this production. I myself have in the past writ- ten for the Daily. I know that you are understaffed and that stories are sometimes shuffled to the bottom of current priori- ties. "Joe Egg," however, did not even receive a mention in the day's happenings, let alone the weekend calendar of events. As a mermiber of the cast, as well as the Ann Arbor commu- nity, I feel that the Daily's at- titude towards "Joe Egg" was irr e spon si be and biased Through your own decision you have deigned to cover only "le- gitimate" University e v e n t s. You make it seem as if it is only to your avantage to review a theater production when you can feel yourselves sure of put- ting it down. -Jane Siegel Feb. 14 discrimination To The Daily I am captain of an organized women's intramural basketball team and write on their behalf. During the past two months we have regularly reserved courts in the campus gyms in order to practice skills. The Not knowing. the limits or source of this conduct, we have feared the potential violence of these confrontations. Only by .requesting assistance from floor supervisors have we been able to avoid this and finally secure our courts. We strongly feel that we have the right to use decent, well-maintained recreation facil- ities without having to fight for them. These confrontations over the courts have spoiled our en- thusiasm repeatedly and, even when resolved, are followed by hassling, the most mild and least personal including such comments as why didn't we get off the couirt so a "real" game could begin. It no longer is a mystery why so few women participate in, sports or why it is so hard to recruit active women for our teams. In all of our practice sessions, we have only observ- ed one other women's team practicing on a court. After talking amongst our- selves and with other women's team members, we have the following observations: (1) The system of challenging is obtiously discriminatory. Af- ter being subjected to the male reaction to women wanting to claim legitimately reserved courts, I can imagine that a direct challenge would result in considerable "acpidental" dam- age to female players. (2) Reserve time should be ex- tended in the evening and/or women should be given priori- ty on one court per gym, and be able to claim a court with 6 women. Needless to slay, it's not a place womep feel com- fortable hanging out and it's been difficult to convince wom- en of the desirability of endur- ing these conflicts just to play. (3) If the challenge system continues, co-recreational rules should be effective and enforced when women challenge a men's team eg. no men in the key. Obviously the rules are neces- sary to prevent harm to wom- en who are playing with men who want them there; they are crucial in a court challenge.. We've complained about this problem in every gym on cam- pus, with some co-operation from floor managers and en- couragement from other per- sonnel to play with the men and to realize that they hassle each other too. The obvious fallacy of the first suggestion has been pointed out. Regard- ing the harrassment, we feel that the resentment towards us is very different and more ex- treme, and that we should not have to interact with anyone in this manner or encourage this behavior. It is somewhat defeating to have to appeal to floor managers every time we want to secure our reserved court, but we would suggest that other women's teams do this too, rather than attempting to handle the confrontation them- selves and risk spoiling their evening. It has been really enjoyable playing intramural basketball. It is very disappointing to real- ize that the limits to our ath- letic growth are externally im- posed by inequal and highly re- sented access to facilities. Mary Ellen Frank dubious thaxnkyou To The Daily: jUST A LETTER to says "thank you" to the Univer- sity. It is certainly as fine a school as I thought it was-al- though I must admit I've iearn- ed much more outside of classes than in them. I've learned a few things that the "Welcome to Michigan" booklet quite oddly neglects to mention. Things like skyrocketing tuition, less than substandard housing at astro- nomical prices and, most im- portantly, impossible-to-get fi- nancial aid. I think I speak' pretty frankly for a very large part of the student population at this school: a middle class group whose p a r e n t s, after years of cutting corners, make just enough money to retire with some small degree of com- fort, yet cannot, because they're expected to pay their child's way through this University. In my years here, I think I've becometa lot- more realistic about-and tired of-what goes on at this school. Tired of see- ing my parents bust their ass paying thousands a year in tax- es to support this place, yet the University sees fit to give the money in scholarships to out of state students who pay no taxes here, while we mere Michigan residents go in debt to pay for our schooling. Tired of seeing this school cater to the whims of Bo's alumni and the rest of the jocks at this school, spend- ing millions of dollars on new sports facilities we don't even:. need (I haven't studied in one yet) but when I apply for any kind of financial aid, even a loan, there's suddenly no money. Bitter? You're damn right I'm bitter. My parents and thou- sands of others just like them work hard and pay a lot of taxes to support this place. This is one 'of the finest universities in the country, probably in the world, but it is a state univer- sity, not a private one, and as a Michigander whose parents' tax money supports this place, I think I, and thousands of others just like me, deserve a lot more consideration than I'm getting from this University. -Herb Schewe Fifth ward: Ken Ludwig ENNETH LUDWIG receives our en- dorsement in his primary race against Judith Hanks for Fifth Ward Democratic candidate for City Coun- cil. Ludwig, an antique restorer, Is sharp on the issues and knows - the city well. Ludwig has worked for the city and became involved in- politics through his independent investiga- tion of the Water Commission. Although vague on his refusal to support Mayor Albert Wheeler, Lud- wig remains in basic agreement with the Democratic party platform. Both Ludwig and Hanks agreed on the issues, which include better hous- ing for- low-income families, mainte- nance of streets, better public trans- portation, parking and zoning prob- lems, investment in the downtown area and upkeep of old homes. Ludwig has his own ideas and is not apt to merely rubber-stamp Dem- ocratic proposals, as Hanks might. Despite the solid base Hanks gain- ed with city -Democrats in her un- successful 1975 bid for ,the seat, Lud- wig appears to have a better handle Ludwig faces a tough fight in a traditionally Republican ward. We hope he wins. Editnrial Staff Co-Editnrs-in -Chief ANN MARIE LL PINSKI and JIM TOBIN KEN 'ARsKIAN......... Editorial Director Managing Editors TAY LEVIN, OVCRGE LOBSENZ, M!EE NORTON, MARGARET YAO LOIS b'MOVICH-------- - .... Art Editor M~.-azine Editors SUSAN ADES and ELAINE-FLETCHER 3rAFF WEITERS: Owen Barr, Susan Barry, Brian Blanchard, Michael Beckman, Phillip JBoikvoy, Linda Brenners,,-Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Dale? Ron DeKett, Lisa Fish- er, David Goodman, Marnie Ileyn, Robb Haim- es, Michael Jones, Lini Jordan, Janet Klein, Gregg Kruppa, Steve Kursman, Dobilas Mat - xonls, Stu McConnell, Tom Meyer. Jenny Mil- ler, Patti Montemiri, Torn O'Connell, Jon Parisius, Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Kim Potter, Martha Retailick, Keith Richburg, Bob Rosenbaum, Dennis Sabo, Annmarie Schiavi, Eilzabeth Siowik, Tomn Stevens, Jim Stimpson, tike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Mark Wagner, Sue Warner, Shelley Wolson, Mike Yellin, Laurie Young and Barb Zats. Business Staff .OEBORAH DREYFUSS Business Manager. KArHLEEN MULHERN Ass't. Adv. Coordinator DAVID HARLAN--------------Finance Manager DON SIMPSON-- Sales Manager PETE PETERSEN Advertising Coordinator CM2SIE ST. CLAIR Circulation Manager Contact your reps Sen. Don Riegle (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.