LOCAL MOTION See Editorial Page wo A6F AOF ~E~aitj DISPARAGING Hi - 32° Lo - 120 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI I, No. 1 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 19, 1977 Ten Cents Six Pages Movie Correction The Daily had indicated that tonight's Mediatrics movie in the Nat. Sci. Bldg. was Little Big Man. But tonght's attraction is, instead, Lead Belly, which you can see at 7:30 and 9:45. Carter oft the line Two University students calling a friend in New York were put on hold yesterday- and heard wha they claim to be a White House party line com- plete with ol' Jimmuh himself on the horn. "The voices had a southern accent, and it struck me as odd," said Rackham student Richard Winer, who listened for over a half hour following his request to be kept on hold. "And all of a sudden someone said Mr. Carter and I went hysterical." Winer said he heard a voice mention something sounding like, 'Mr. Carter, if we're going to tell everybody else, we ought to turn our own thermostats down' as well as 'Do you have a 50 channel CB in your presidential pick-up truck?' Winer also claimed hearing the words "Billy" and "Moscow" bandied about. Winer later put his friend Joy Huber on the line, who claims she heard someone ask the President, "Are you thinking of bringing Liz Ray (of all-sex, no-skills fame) back to your Cabinet to keep your peanuts brittle?' To which our Presi- dent reportedly replied. "Oh, that woman has quite an imagination." Unless some folks were playing an authentic joke over Bell Tel wires, we now know what brand of drivel passes through the White House channels of communication. Sorry In Thursday's Daily, we told the story of Stew- art Mandell, the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) member who lost his seat. Well, we got a few things mixed up in the process. Mandell missed three MSA meetings (not two) and MSA Presi- dent Scott Kellman did not ask the body to expel Mandell when he missed his third meeting - he automatically lost his seat through MSA rules. Man- dell has filed suit with the Central Student Judi- ciary (CSJ), claiming he did not receive sufficient notification of the meetings. CSJ will hear his case on Monday. Sorry. Happenings. . . . . are for squares today - square dancers, that is. You can swing your partner at 8 p.m. at Xanadu Co-op, 1811 Washtenaw. Admission is two bits . . . after the dance, drop by the University Club in the Union to, hear the Roots Jazz Trio. Show runs from 9:30 to 1:30 and there's no cover Have a nice day and do-si-do! " Divorce, British-style Doris May, 46, of London was granted a divorce yesterday, but not without some pretty kinky tes- timony spicing up the court hearing. Doris testi- fied that her husband, Albert, had a penchant for prancing outside their home in the buff when she rejected his sexual advances. But Albert claimed his wife applied the old supply and demand formula to their sex life, and made him fork over $8.50 for a week's worth of bedroom fun. Doris sued Albert on the grounds that their 26-year marriage had irretrievably gone down the drain. In granting the decree in London's High Court, Justice Tudor Evans concluded that Albert was "obsessed with. religion", and had neglected his job as a sewiing machine repairman in order to hit the street- preaching circuit. The couple lost their home and had no money for food. the justice said, and when their financial situation became dire, Doris began putting a price tag on her services. Doris claimed the $8.50 was the only income she could muster for food and other expenses. Poor, poor Dors. Gotta dime? When Mother Nature calls, it can be downright embarr ssing to be caught without a dime in some public buildings. However, help may be, on the way. Pennsylvania's Public Utilities Commission voted 3-2 Wednesday to find out if it can order airline, bus and railroad terminals in the state to provide more free restroom toilets. Presently, Philadelphia International Airport's 126 pay toilets, where patrons pay a dime each time, bring in about $22,000 each year. The syrmpathetic agency hopes to convert 52 of these toilets into free ones for an equal number of each type. What a relief. On the inside .. . . . .the Daily Digest on page 2 offers a story on the recommendation by state public health of- ficials that Michigan residents avoid purchasing Coca Cola in plastic bottles . . . Michael Beckman, who's always "On the Level", writes about Local Motion on the Editorial page . . . and our friends from Sports feature John Niemeyer's hockey re- port from beautiful Minnesota. Regents up dorm rates 8.4% . f fl* S: 4 ' $y I oo Daily Photos by BRAD BENJAMIN ANN EDMUNDS HELPS out with the fun task of teaching English to a melting pot of youngsters. Teacher Ellen Kolovos crouches at the right. A elting ot oftodd es 'y Tentative procedure for department cuts adopted By MICHAEL* YELLIN The University Regents yesterday unanimously voted to increase dorm rates an average of 8.4 per cent, while also tentatively approving a set of procedures for drop- ping whole departments from the University. The dorm increases will raise rates to $1,906 for sing- les, $1,638 for doubles and $1,444 for economy doubles and triples. THE HOUSING COST increases are likely to be ac-. companiedbya tuition hike this year if the University cannot get more state appropriations, a high University administration source also said yesterday. A tuition in- crease may be averted, however, if the state legislature "This is the first time that we haven't had the 'general pop- ur n saying, 'don't raise dorm, rates. I have to as- sume everyone fels the same way wse do. We hate to do it, but -Regent Thomas Roach tacks on another $5 million propriations. But it appears unlikely, ac- cording to Vice - President for State Relations Richard Ken- nedy. "I can't remember a time when we got that much money, but I wouldn't want to give up hope," he said. University of- ficials will go to Lansing to ask for more money early next month. The University's bleak finan- cial status is responsible for the procedural guidelines on cutting out complete depart- ments and programs that were tentatively approved by the Regents yesterday. P R 0 P 0 S E D by Vice- President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes, the guidelines indicate that a program must first be reviewed by its own individual school or college. Rhodes' office will then review the school's decision and make See REGENTS, Page 3 to its present proposed ap- SACUA to assist in hunt for. new V eep. $y DAVID GOODMAN The faculty's Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- fairs (SACUA) will apparently serve as a review committee for the selection of Frank Rhodes' replacement as academic affairs vice-president. Student government officials from the various schools and colleges will probably also play a role in nominating and screen- ing candidates for the job, but the ultimate decision will be re- served for University President Robben Fleming. THESE CONCLUSIONS ARE BASED on University Regent Thomas Roach's (D-Detroit) report that the administration plan, to follow the same process in finding Rhodes' successor as it did to pick Rhodes in 1974 as replacement for Allan Smith. See SACUA, Page 3 break the Engxlish barrier By JAY LEVIN As in any good language class at the University, Stephanie, Kazu, Edmundo, Tony, Leonar- do, Camila and the gang sit facing one another in the bright, airy classroom, carefully mouth- ing words in unison while keep- ing their eyes fixed on two ' smiling teachers. But when the students are through practjcing English for the day, they don't stroll back to dorms nor do they drop by Dooley's for a drink. Their mommies take them home. SUCH IS LIFE when , you've passed the diaper age and are learning to perfect the English language at the same time. Two weeks ago, a group of nervous little children -,rang- ing in age from two to five - sat in small, wooden chairs, staring apprehensively and pass- ing few words between one an- other. It was 'their first day of class - a twice weekly Eng- lish session held by the Univer- TWO-YEAR-OLD CAMILA tries her tongue at the word sity's International Center for. 'pear'. See TYKES, Page 3 Censored o claims CIA paid foreign heads WASHINGTON OIP) - A still- secret manuscript names Jor- dan's King Hussein along with Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Ngu- yen Van Thieu of South Viet- nam, Joseph Mobutu of Zaire, Forbes Burnham of Guyana and Willy Brandt of West Ger- many as foreign leaders who received secret payments from the CIA, according to sources who have seen the manuscript. The CIA went to court in a successful effort to have the claimed that publication of the deleted passages would "result in grave and irreparable injury to the interests of the United States." REPORTS OF CIA payments to Jordan's Hussein have cloud- ed an apparently successful ef- fort by Secretary of State Cy- rus Vance to move Egypt and Israel closer to a compromise on the Palestinian issue yester- day. names and other por the ,manuscript delete the book "The CIA and of Intelligence" by Vict chetti and John Marks.' STUDENTS WHO GUIDE STUDENTS: Peer counseling a mixed bag By ELIZABETH SLOWIK Joe is a graduating senior who needs to add two more credits to his already heavy load. He would like an easy class, some- thing .that would be fun and not time-consuming. What does he do? Joe is the typical student who_ walks into the Student Counsel- ing Office (SCO) at 1018 Angell Hall every day to receive help offered by his peers on course and instructor evaluations or in- formal counseling. BUT THIS PEER counseling has caught criticism in Univer- sity counseling circles, accord- ing to Jamie Catlin, associate' director of the LSA Counseling Office. "What it (SCO) does is for- malize the grapevine," she said. "But it doesn't replace LSA counseling." LSA Counselor Richard Vid- mer cautiously supported the students' office, saying: "You have to take the bull by the horns a bit. You've got to ex- plore the universe of counseling services available here. Stu- dents can help with instructor evaluations - that's stuff people here (LSA) can't do. "BUT SCO MAY know little about other things like concen- tration requirements, career planning, regulations, and poli- cies," he note'd. "It's hard to beat people who deal with those things day in and day out for bread and butter." "We have a book, that states what to do in specific cases," countered SCO coordinator Mike Rosenblatt. "It was given to us by LSA counseling. If w know, we check. As fa reer planning, that's w Career Planning and Pi Office is for." "Counseling is about cent of our job," coo Jeff Baker said, addingt dent counselors use th experience and backgr SCO. "We're constantly{ ing and revisIng servi student needs. The need students are changing. See PPRER, Page tions of The reports, published by the d from Washington Post, that Hussein the Cult has received'millions of dollars for Mar- over 20 years, were rejected by The CIA the Jordanian government as "a - -- combination of fabrication and distortion." The Post story said the CIA began supplying Hussein with money in 1957, when the king was .21. Former President Dwight Eisenhower was in of- fice at the time. e don't * INITIAL PAYMENTS ran in- r as ca- to millions of dollars, but di- vhat the minished to $750,000 last year, acement the newspaper said. The Post said the CIA claim- 50 per ed that in exchange for the )rdinator money, U. S. intelligence agen- that stu- cies won permission to operate eir own freely in Jordan over the ound at years. devolop- The money, usually in cash, ices for was sent to Hussein under the s of the codeword "No Beef" with the This of- king normally receiving the 3 payments in cash from the CIA station chief in Amman, ac- cording to the Post. "HUSSEIN himself provided intelligence to the CIA and for- warded money from the pay- ments to other government of- ficials who provided intelligence or cooperated with the CIA," the paper said. The Post said the payments were made outside the normal channels of military and eco- nomic assistance, although Hus- sein regarded them as another form of U: S. assistance. President Carter's press sec- retary, Jody Powell, declined to confirm or deny the Post re- port. P 0 W E L L, issuing a state- ment on the subject, urged re- porters to "pay. close attention to detail and nuance" in the White House pronouncement. "I can't tell you what con- clusions to draw," said Powell. The statement said that any comment on published reports concerning alleged secret ac- tivities "would be a contradic- tion in terms since the opera- tion in question would no longer be covert or secret." A FORMER U. S. intelligence officer said that the CIA sta- tion chief in Jordan during the late 1960s and early 1970s was John O'Connell, now a Wash- ington attorney who represents the Jordanian eovernment. See POST, Page 2 Alice Lloyd dorm to get feminist hail By JOAN CHARTIER A proposal to institute a corridor for feminists zipped through the University's bureaucratic maze so fast that it will be ready for residents next fal. Margot Morrow, the director of Alice Lloyd, and Bette Skan- 5th Ward Dems face off By SHELLEY WOLSON and MICHAEL YELLIN Democrats in Ann Arbor's Fifth Ward will choose between familiar face Judith Hanks and intense Kenneth Ludwig in Mon- day's primary for the April City Council elections. Hanks. 37, lost a 1976 bid for a Fifth Ward seat to Republican Louis Belcher; who is vying this year for the mayor's job. She feels she has a better chance of victory this year "because of my name recognition and the base I built up from last year - tr y A ........d.... ....4...... t....a..... $1 v