Friday, February 18, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Puee Seven %aya acrcr l. - 1, Mixed reaction greets f iSx ruling. on lawyer- ads By BEVERLY GOLD al of the Bar plan "a major According to the new plan, calls the ruling gain for the public interest. lawyers will list information saying it is liable A recent Michigan Supreme such as office hours, areas of sell media wars. Court ruling making the state "FINDING A GOOD lawyer specialization, and fees charg- one prominent l the first to permit attorneys for a particular need has rare- ed for an initial conference in Detroit area, "T to publicly list biographical, ly been a problem for business the Yellow Pages. tice is primarily educational, and professional in- or professional people, who have "It is our hope that other pro- and secondarily a formation about themselves in many contacts anyway with fessions will eventually follow more you allow co the Yellow Pages of the tele- lawyers," he added. Unfortu- suit and also permit their mem- more it becomes phone directory received both nately, this is not always the bers to disclose to the public ness." hearty support and fervent case for the average person. By information that will make it Another reason criticism from prominent law- making it simpler for mbst peo- easier for all people to make ple to find a lawyer to meet an informed choice." advantage to son their particular need this new l economical. The William Reamon of Grand tir patcua ne, with a fi Rapids, preiden of th tate information will broaden theI AN OPPOSING viewpoint is doe to f Rapids, president of the State availability of qualified legal maintained by chief University doesnt need to a Bar Association, called approv- services to the public." counsel Roderick Daane. He young lawyer fre a..".."."T"~S".I.MJJ":"::".:~: ': "S::"}::": J~::: ":.:::':: t":: '.".,: ............ r.,n. ....... ............. s ". .. a...:..A.,....{.. .. ...... "..., ,^ .. ".a.. S. a. ... ... y -DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN" . :<:": a. 4"::."..::4v::::.:. ...-a::.:: " ....... ... ..:: "-:.,{:;r:::::,:.:o::.v:.:r.:::::::::.::4:"'}':4::"?i:5:{sv:X: =:"3i:v:.i:<{L{"?a.4:::v: v:::::. : r:u:,:: : v. ", ..:::. : " .... .........::.:"::::: ": :::.;?S":ii?:::".. ,v.,..: .:.w: :v.v: o:. : ,;; .,............................,.. n.................,.,v:: ".; "..; ............. 'r:":r:{vii::4 :":::i"?...: r:::: : ....., ... "... ..... .... ........:4.. ~ .................................. .....................:::.,...,.. :.......,...::.,"..: ::":::,",<;"::"c":a::":.a ;:"::-xrr;:,:::«c";" r:"".::«"1xc~ t"S':; :. 4r +3'";:f~"k. ,:"f.".'"."a::>r^sa. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items appear once only. Admin. Bldg., i a.m. Guild House: luncheon, C. Hol-x lenshead, Inst. of Gerontology. "Old- or Women: Are They Getting a Fair' Share?" 802 Monroe, noon. Educ. Media. "First Signs of Was- hoe." Schoriing Aud., SEB, 12:10 p.m. Education: P. Heiler, "The Rela- Student organization notices.are ionship Between Cognitive Styles inappropriate, not accepted for publicatin. For and One Type of Logical Reason- to create hard more information, phone 764-9270. ing," Dean's Conf. Rm.. SEB, 1:30 As voiced by1 awyer in the Friday. February 18, 1977 Indoor Track: Central Collegiate Championship; Track-Tennis Bldg.,. he law prac- DAY CALENDAR 2 p.m. a profession WUoM Broadcast: "Social Re- Simpson Mem. Inst.: G. Davidoff, business. The search Methods of Technology As- "Serum & Ery hrocyte Copper Lev- ompetition the sessment," Part 2. R. Rich, Prince- els as an Index of Disease Activity! ton; S. Withey, ISR, 10 a.m. in Lymphoma," 6th fl., Amph.,! like a buisi- Regents Meeting: Regents' Rm., Hosp., 3 p.m. cited as a dis- ie is purely, established pIN1HAS1& ixed clientele advertise. The EUGENIA sh out of law aketisinsto ART INSTITUTE . Tues. Feb. 22 . 8:30 P.M. layers. An- reed with this Founders Society Concert Series; The client in- . Edith J. Freeman, Chairman kind of infor- type of client $12 0 $100A $8 Hudson's & Institute 832-2730 we islok Int'l. Ctr.: S. Nisbett, "Making; Marzipan Candies." 603 E. Madi- son. 3 p.m. Mus. of Anthropology: G: Frison,' U. of Wyoming, "Holocene Evolution of the Gnus Bison as Interpreted froni Recent Archaeological Evi-.. dence." 2009 Mus. Conf. Rm., 4 p.m.. Music School: Symphony Band, Hill A ud., 8 p.m. SUMMER PLACEMENT 3200 SAB - 763-4117 Dana Corp.. Ottawa Lake, MI.: Opening for Mech. and Metallurgical engrs. in tech. lab. Must have car to getto work. Further details available. Murray Hotel. Mackinac $sland: Opening for music student - piano. Furnish dinner and evening back- ground music. Further details avall- able. Camp Tamarack, MI. Coed: Will interview Mon., Feb. 21, from 9 to 1. Most staff positions are still open. Register in person or by phone. Lakeside Farm Camp, (Coed), Watervll~et '(Girls), MIL: Will inter- view Weds. Feb. 23, from 10 to5.r Openings Include CIT Dir., Water- front, WSI, ski-sailing in tr., mu- sic, nature, back-packing, canoeing, campcraft, theater, kitchen aids. Register in person or by phone. Read and Use Daily, Classifieds CROSS-COUNTRY POPULAR: Ski sales skyrocket sono"l can use a his advantage to awway from these other lawyer disag: view and said, "I fluenced by thisl mation is not the the established la, ing for." MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Dr. Afif A. Bulos BEIRUT UNIVERSITY "The Sound of Arabic Music A lecture with illustrations 4:00 p.m.-Modern Languages Bldg. Auditorium 4 Sponsored by the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies and the School of Music By MARTHA RETALLICK than usual bought their equip- ment in October. The big boom This winter's bitter cold and usually comes in November, he abundant snow haven't won added. The reason for the ear-' many friends among drivers and ly sales? A heavy autumn snow- students, but it has played 'host fall at northern Michigan re- to skyrocketingski sales sorts Collins said. ayrouznd Ann Arbor skis, boots, and poles - costs between $110 and $120, Collins said, while a respectable down-; hill package runs the skier $300! to $400. The lower prices lure more people into trying their feet at cross-country. "It's very good exercise," Collins said. "We haven't been able to keep the equipment in the store. It's been selling that ITS I Ql VUIU, unt rl UV. There's been a big jump in! cross-country equipment sales,I most area merchants say, but a somewhat smaller rise in sales of the more expensive downhill gear is mostly ac- countable for the money fill- ing up cash registers in sport- ing goods stores. BUT THE WEATHER evident- ly isn't the whole reason. Many people are getting started in cross-country this winter, said Bivouac employee Sharon Mills, and they all need new equip- ment. Mills' sentiments were echoed by Bob Gamez, of Schneider's Sport Shop at Briarwood Mall. His store's cross-country and. downhill equipment sales are both up over last winter's, but the increase in cross-country packages is more than twice that of the rise in sales of downhill stuff. Chris Collins of The Peak ski shop called his store's downhillI sales "spectacular," saying the' reason is simply the ever-in-j{ creasing popularity of skiing' in general. Collins said- more customers Differing from other sales- persons, Collins said the tough winter is mostly responsible for! the leap in sales, TO ROE A good cross-country outfit-fast." G-D, TORAH AND ISRAEL CI RCA 1977- "ANACHRONISMS OR NECESSITIES?" A Philosophical Perspective CDR. I. BLOCK Prof. of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario GUEST SPEAKER FRIDAY NIGHT, Feb. 18-8:30 p.m. CHABAD HOUSE-715 Hill St. 99-LEARN after the free SHABBOS MEAL E 1 I U Bass J v 4 4 r 4-16 t ; Moosers BUT ITS A SIG DEAL l5%TOANDS4XNDOF vMRYTH! sA TO 40% OFF Men's WITH 4 DAYS ONLY! a Today thru Mon. Daily 10 to 9 * Sun. 12 to 6 Wormen': Uppers of Canadian moosehide, lined with suede leather. Made with genuine plantation crepe sole a;-j ,tjdge. For the person seeking the ultimate in casual footwear. RECEIVERS SANSUI 221; suggested list price $179.95. Now......... TAPE DECKS AKAI CS34D; suggested $99 list price $199.00. Now .., 1 ACCESSORIES BLANK CASSETTES: record/ play 60 min. ea. Get 3 for...... 760 SANSUI 551; suggested $13 9 AKAI 4000 DS; suggested $ list price $259.95. Now....... list price $300.00. Now. SANSUI 8080DB; suggested TEAC A-450; suggested. list price $650.00. Now...3.....list price $479.00. Now . PIONEER SX-450; suggested $ TEAC 4070G; suggested list price $200.00. Now....... 33 list price $729.50. Now. SHURE STEREO CARTRIDGE Hi-tracking. Low price....... KOSS "PRO-4AA" HEADSET s 76 sugg. list price $65. Now..... PIONEER SE-205 HEADSET. $ 276 Sugg. list price $25.00. Now. TUNERS -AMPLIFIERS MARANTZ 104; suggested $ list price $170.00. Now. -MARANTZ1030; sugg. '11 list price $180. Now..... MARANTZ 1040; suggested list price $200.00. Now. MARANTZ 140; suggested $ list price $350.00. Now. PIONEER SX-550; suggested $ list price $250.06. Now......... PIONEER SX-650; suggested $O list price $300.00. Now........; PIONEER SX-850; suggested list price $500.00. Now......... PIONEER SX-950; suggested list price $600.00. Now......... PIONEER SX-1050; sugg list'price $700.00. Now.........$ PIONEER XL-1250; sugg list price $900.00. Now......... MARANTZ 2215; suggested $O list price $249.95. Now.........$ MARANTZ 2230; suggested list price $400.00. Now........ MARANTZ 2275; suggested list price $650.00. Now....---- MARANTZ 2325; suggested* $45 list price $799.95. Now~... PIONEER TH-30 stereo 8-track decks Reg. $49... $37 PIONEER RT-1011 L;*sugg^ list price $600.00. Now . 37 PIONEER CT-F9191; sugg list price $450.00. Now . 288 MARANTZ 5020; suggested list price $250.00. Now .... SPEAKERS MARANTZ 12M; suggested list price $50.00. Now..... EPI MT-1 MICROTOWER; sugg. list price $89.00. Now B I.C. Formula 4; suggested list price $159.00. Now.. MARANTZ 1150; suggested$29 list price $400:00. Now. PIONEER TX-6500; sugg.$ Q list price $175.00. Now... V PIONEER TX-)50; sugg list price $400. Now. $87 APPLIANCE CO. TURNTABLES BSR 4810CX: suggested list price $50.00. Now.. DUAL 1225 Just 500 to sell at this price.............. I I PIONEER PL-112D; sugg list price $100.00. Now....... X68 PIONEER P171; suggested list price $300.00. Now....... a6iQ J MARANTZ 6100; suggested list price $130.00. Now. ;pj 4 6 PIONEER Pl-117D; sugg list price $175.00. Now....... _ -I a _ r - 4=%./ -r=MK Ate ' m 1 K[4---r A K l "r ^ C] C m I'T = Errs r- r r r- a i rti r V% r