Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 A tale of two Wednesday, February 16, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Spniol bl:'Urgent need TIE PBB DISASTER has haunted Michigan for nearly four years now. It is time to put it to an end. The highly toxic chemical was ac- cidentally mixed with animal feed and distributed throughout the state in 1973. This led to the slaughter of thousands of farm animals and the destruction of millions of pounds of farm produce. Recent' reports show that not all the contaminated animals were de- stroyed. Many continue to be sold; their meat continues to turn up on supermarket shelves. A state task-force report on the PBB problem was released on May 24, 1976. The panel, headed by Dr. Isatore Bernstein, a professor in the University Biochemistry program, concluded: O PBB was at least a "potential carcinogen;" O The allowable limits of PBB in meat and other produce should be lowered. to the lowest levels detect- able. But federal and state standards allow PBB-contaminated meat to be sold if it contains no more than 0.3 parts per million of PBB, a signifi- cant level. So far, the state Agricul- ture Commission -has refused to low- er the permissible level. The Commis- sion's director, B. Dale Ball, has voic- ed his opposition to any such move. THERE IS NO justification for the Agriculture Commission's - and Ball's -- failure to take action. Thou- sands of Michigan farmers, their fam- ilies, and others who have eaten con- taminated meats now show danger- ously high concentrations of PBB within their bodies. Many have be- gun to show signs of serious illness which can only be attributed to PBB, Mothers who show signs of PBB con- tamination have been recommended not to breast feed their children. In an attempt to do what the Agriculture Commission will not, Rep. Francis Spaniola, D-Corunna, has in- troduced legislation which would low- er the tolerable limits of PBB con- tamination to 0.02 parts per million. About 19,000 dairy cattle would have to be destroyed; the Spaniola bill would provide compensation to farm- ers for the slaughtered animals. We must take issue with the cal- lousness with which the Agriculture Commission has completely ignored what can only be seen as the best interests of the state's consumers. We must also condemn Governor Milli- ken for his inaction; though he has urged Ball and the Commission to take action, and though he has indi- cated his support for the Spaniola{ bill, he has refused to exercise his full power in the matter. THE SPANIOLA BILL may not elim- inate all PBB concentrations from public produce, but it does go a long way. There can only be a crisis in confidence in the foods we eat right now. It is urgent that the State Leg- islature pass the Spaniola bill with all due haste - and keep an open ear should even more drastic meas- ures become needed in the future. By KEITH B. RICHBURG IT MIGHT APTLY be called a tale of two cities; De- troit and Ann Arbor, separated by a stretch of some forty-odd miles of interstate 94. The problem-plagued metropolis and the bohemian college town. At the helm of the metropolis is Coleman A. Young. Heading the college town is Albert H. Wheeler. Both are up for reelection this year, Young in November, Wheeler in early April. And both incumbents can also expect a tough battle to hold onto their respective mayorships. Mayor Wheeler, like Mayor Young, is a Democrat. Wheeler gets a scant $10,000 as Ann Arbor's top city official, one-fourth of what Young gets as Detroit's main man. A University of Michigan professor, Wheel- er was a long time civil rights activist, until he de- feated Republican Mayor James E. Stephenson in 1974. WHEELER'S WIN came under the controversial preferential voting system, under which Stephenson ac- tually outpolled Wheeler by 2,600 votes on the first choice ballot, but Wheeler edged out the GOP incum- bent by 121 votes when the Human Rights Party vote was redistributed. Ann Arbor has since voted to do away with the preferential voting system, and the may- oral contesthcan wefl be called a vote of confidence in Mayor Wheeler. Challenging the Mayor is Ann Arbor's Mayor Pro- Tem Louis D. Belcher. The Wheeler-Belcher contest has been long in the making, and as of now the ex- perts are calling it a toss-up. Belcher hopes to appeal to Ann Arbor's Republican leanings while Wheeler -is vowing an issues campaign, "with no time for crap issues." The truth of the mat- ter is that Human Rights Party candidate Diane Lee Slaughter, a °23-year-old clerk at the U of M Graduate Library, may filter off enough liberal support from Wheeler to throw the race to the Republican. ISSUES ARE not lacking in the Ann Arbor race - rent control, public parking, and the Ann Arbor rapist have all split Wheeler and Belcher down the political, Health spectrum. Wheeler has the advantage of incumbency, and Belcher makes no bones about recapturing the throne for the GOP in this Washtenaw County bastion of conservatism. But by that token, Coleman Young would have no trouble holding onto Detroit's Manoogian Mansion. Young, the incumbent, is, like Wheeler, a civil rights activist from way back, and Detroit has a solid liberal/ Black voting block that gave Young the'win over form- er Police Commissioner John Nichols in 1973. Young's Detroit, however, has its share of problems. Since Young took office, a corruption-infested police department has seen the firing of the top cop, the "leave of absence" of the number two man, and the' suicide of another high-up. Roving East Side hoodlums have made crime- the summer headlines, forcing a cur- few and a law-and-order crackdown that's still in effect. ON THE ECONOMIC scene, unemployment in De- troit is running rampant, while city budget squeezzes and an eroding tax base have forced massive lay-offs of city workers. And Young's pet project of residency - forcing city workers to live in the city limits - has built up an antagonism between Young and thepower- ful Detroit Police Officers Association (DPOA), as well as the Detroit Fire Fighters Association, sending these two unions scrambling for opponents to take the mayor on. And opponents aren't hard to come by. Leading the pack is Wayne State University Law Professor John E. Mogk and Detroit City Councilman Earnest Browne. Mogk came out of nowhere for 1973's mayoral primary and placed fourth with 12 per cent of the vote. Browne backed out of that race, and is coming back swinging, vowing "never to do it again." Both Mogk and Browne are planning on a more conservative trend in Detroit as a response to the crime and economic chaos. They plan to appeal to the con- servative whites, the disenchanted Blacks, and the mod- erates to off-set Young's liberal support. THE TROUBLE is that in Detroit, the top two vote- getters in the primary face each other in a run-off in 5ervice H WIayors November. The conservative whites may end up voting for Mogk, who is white. while the disenchanted Blacks may end up votging for Browne, who is Black. The re- sult could be that neither Mogk nor Browne makes it out of the primary. The man best able to appeal to both whites and Blacks is Detroit City Council President Carl Levin, who swears thlat he is not a candidate. But"Levin's "Ted Kennedy-I-Am-Not-A-Candidate" syndrome still has him labelled as the front-runner and the only man who could oust Young. Young isn't exactly a sitting target for opponents either. The Mayor can look forward to a better econ- omicpicture about the time election day rolls -around. And with the opening of the new Renaissance Center downtown, complete with a new Ford Motor Company division inside, a revitalized Detroit could serve as a catalyst to economic upswing. THE POLICE Department scandals are all but past now, with the boys-in-blue behind a new competent, al- beit low-key cop, William Hart. The latest statistics show b'rglary, rave and robbery are down, thanks to -mother nature, and B.K.'s and Erroll Flynns have been keeping off the front pages of late. Young has gotten the support of Detroit's most in- fluential businessman Henry'Ford II and more import- antly, the Mayor has connections in Washington, in the form of Jimmy Carter himself. Now-President Carter has promised Young an influx of federal funds in return for the mayor's support during last year's campaign. Coleman Young has a lot going for him. He also has a lot going against him. And the state of-the city .the day before the election could well determine if Young is allowed to remain in that spacious office com- plex in the City-County Building. YOUNG ALSO has one other advantage - he can look at the mayor's campaign in Ann Arbor before em- barking on his own. Maybe the fifty-four year old Young can learn something from the sixty-one year old Wheeler about fighting a tough one for reelection. rzn dbook Moynihan seeks end to February: Why stop there? WE ARE ALL painfully aware that this has been one of the most severe winters in our nation's his- tory, but just what have any of us done about it? President Jimmy Car- ter has been ordering various states to transfer their stockpiles of nat- ural gas to the cold-ravaged North- east, and millions, of Americans have turned their thermostats down. The trouble with these efforts, though, is they concede the algid temperatures ("There's nothing we can do about Mother Nature"), and attempt only' to weather the consequences as best they can. But New York's new junior Sena- tor, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, is the only person who is attacking the real problem - how to eliminate this' godawful weather. Moynihan's solu- tion is simple - he is presently con- sidering a bill that would do away with the month of February. Just think what progressive legis- lation like this could do. We would have only two months of winter, and then bingo, right into spring. Every- one likes spring anyway, so why not have it one month earlier? Then, we could take the four weeks in Febru- ary (yes, it is the only month with exactly four weeks, another good rea- son to lay February to rest) and dis- tribute them among the more pleas- ant months. We all love June, so two weeks clearly must' be transferred to that month. Just think of what it would mean to all the couples who have always wanted a June wedding. No longer will they have to settle for early July: June 44 will do just fine. And what of all the baseball pitchers who finish the season with 19 wins, one shy of the magic num- ber of 20 victories? With an extra two weeks to the season, they'd be sure to make it. Yes, everyone would be happier with two extra weeks in June. THE REMAINING two weeks should be tacked on to the end of De- cember. That way we could have three full weeks of Christmas vaca- tion. True, the weather is usually cold, but over the holiday season no one seems to mind. Besides, you can always head for warmer climates. Wouldn't it be nice to spend three or four weeks in sunny Florida with- out missing any school - instead of March 1 on your calendar and know- ing that summer is just three months away. IWTHY, MR. MOYNIHAN has opened a whole new world.'Before you know it we progress from snuffing out months to axing days of the week as well. Certainly no one would be opposed to killing off Mondays; those are always wretched. And while we are at it, why not get rid of week days altogether? Mr. Moynihan may have succeed- ed where Thomas More and so many others have failed. He may have set us on the path to true Utopia. Not bad for a man whose only been a Senator for a month. But it will be a tough act to follow. What can we expect from you next, Daniel? We, at The Daily, can't wait to find out. 1~4r~0,14r i4 EdVtraI Staff Co-Editors-in -Chief ANN MARIE LiW'NbKI and JIM TOBIN KEN, PARCIGIAN . ... ..... Editorial Director Managing Editors IAY LEVIN. GVORGE LOBSENZ, M!KE NORTON, MARGARET YAO LOIS JO9SMOVICH Art Editor Mgazlne Editors SUSAN ADES and ELAINE FLETCHER arAF W WITERS.:oven Barr. Susan Barry, Brian Bianchard, .lichael Beckman, Philip Bokovoy, Linda Brenners, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Dale Ron DeKett Lisa Fish- er, David Goodman, Marnie Ileyn, Robb Halm- es, Michael Jones, L.ni Jordan, Janet Klein, G, egg Kruppa, Steve Kursman, Dabilas Matu- i onls, Stu McConnell, Tom Meyer, Jenny Mil'- ier, Patti Montem-rri, Torn O'Connell, Jon Pansius, Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Kim Potter, Martha Retallick, Keith Richburg, Bob Rosenbaum, Dennis Sabo, Annmarle Schiavi, Elizabeth Slowik, Torn Stevens, Jim Stimpson, Mike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Mark Wagner, Sue Warner, Shelley Wnlson, Mike Yellin, Laurie Young and Barb Zahs. Business Staff - 00 T3ORAH DREYFUSS .... Business Manager KA rHLEEN MULHERN Asst. Adv. Coordinator DAVID HARLAN. ...... ...... Finance Manager DON SIMPSON .... .... Sales Manager PETE PETERSEN .. Advertising Coordnator CA3SlE ST. CLAIR.. Circulation Manager BETH STRATFORD ... . Circulation Director Photography Staff By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK QUESTION I came to Health Service to be treated yesterday and was routed through a new procedure in the lobby. I was told this was because you were setting up a new computerized record keep- ing system. What I want to know is. how this will affect us? Will this result in another fee increase? I'm also very con- cerned about confidentiality in a computerized system. ANSWER: A clarification is in order.. The new procedure in the lobby is a patient registration system, not a medical record keeping system. The only information that we gather is billing infor- mation such as a patient's name, I. D. number, where he/ she wants a statement of charg- es sent to, and the name, ad- dress, and account number of his/her insurance company. The data within the patients' medi- cal record remains confidential between the patient and physi- cian and is not put into the com- puter. Confidentiality is of pri- mary concern to us too. Patients need only go through formal registration for Health Service once. They will then be issued a Health Service regis- tration card which they need to bring with them for all future visits for prompt service. We request that students also bring for registration their validated University I. D. card as well as insurance information. If the patient is registering as a spouse of an enrolled student he/she should bring the stu- dent's University I.D. card with him/her. Under the old system, pa- tients had to stop at our busi- ness office each time they had charges to be sent to their in- surance company. With our new system patients only need to give their insurance information when they register. The com- puter will automatically sepa- rate the charges to be sent to the insurance company and bill the student for only those charg- es to be sent to their insurance company. With our new system patients only need to give their insurance information when they register. The computer will automatically separate the charges to be sent to the insur- ance companytand bill the stu- dent for only those charges -for, which they are responsible. A patient can change any of his/ her registration information at any time (e.g., billing address, insurance information, etc.) by stopping at the registration desk and notifying us of the neces- sary change. There will be no additional cost to our patients because of the installation of this system this fiscal year since the pro- jected expenses for this project were included in the 1976-77 budget. QUESTION: I have had pierced ears now for three years. Every so often one of the lobes get red with a little pus. Why should this still happen after three years? What's'the best thing to do? ANSWER: We have referred your ques- tion to Dr. Barbara Adams, one of our physicians who in ad- dition to being well informed about such matters, has some of the finest earrings in Health Service. Her reply is as fol- lows: "Ear lobes are essentially 'made of a thick layer of con- nective tissue containing very few blood vessels, sandwiched between rather thin, delicate layers of epithelium. (Epithel- ium is the general name for the covering of internal and exter- nal surfaces of the body). When you have your ears pierced, it is everyone's hope that the lit- tle tunnel into the connective. tissue will become lined with epithelium quickly and without infection or excessive scar tis- sue. "BUT EVEN LONG after the little tunnel is well-lined and healed, the delicate epithelium can be injured - scratched by a sharp ear wire, stretched by an over-ly-large post, abraded (worn) by frequent changing of earrings, or irritated by cer- tain metals. Then the protective I- processes of the body come into play, such as the- white blood cells which "clean up" the area causing redness and inflamma- tion and pus (and pain!) of the ear lobe. (Pus is good!) "The best thing for you to do when this happens is to recognize that you have been "over-indulging" as far as your ear lobes are concerned. Shift to plain, high quality earrings (like your first pair of' gold studs) which you should leave in place for a few days. Swab your lobes (front and back) with alcohol a couple of times a day to keep them clean and dry. nickel, but also some pure met- as like sterling silver) may cause a reaction every timp you wear ,the earrings -- some peo- ple are very sensitive to every- thing but gold. If this is the case, you're better off giving the earrings to your best friend so that you can both enjoy them, without your having to suffer from draining ears." Send all health related ques- tions to: Health Educators University Health Service Division of Office of Student Services 207 Fletcher Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 "Note that metal (most+ metals such certain types of often inexpensive as chromium or Pinball wizards! Try' Sadie's Victory Garden By Marnie Heyn Letters: conservation To the Daily: Students at the University of Michigan are selfish. Evidence from your article on Wednes- day, January 26 reveals t h a t students are overly concerned with their personal comfort. The skimpy interviews also suggest- ed they are inconsiderate of the working man and his faimly. The article also indicated that these students are not concern- ed in the least with the total fate of fossil fuel energy. One student indicated his need to take a shower with three oth- er showers running. It has been my experience that tenants try to get as much heat as poisi- ble. "The landlord pays for it" is always a good reply to any questions about their lack of tent in policy to assume they would oppose the construction of nuclear power plants. Sure, there will be gasoline and heat- ing gas for as long as they .live. But at the present rate of con- sumption, how much of their children's lives will be spent in' alternative, costly and danger- Ous fuels? Several states across the Mid- west and Northeast section of the country have declared emer- gency crises. [Ohio, our neigh- bor to the south, is one such state.] Plants have closed and workers laid off. House thermo- stats have been lowered to a mandatory 55* in Erie, Pennsyl- vania. People are cold and un- employed, but the students at the University of Michigan are comfortable. Instead of being the worldly KNOW that symbolic behavior is an idea whose time has went. Even those of us who have logged the-FBI-knows-how-many hours leafletting and demonstrating, those seasoned veterans of the war for social change flee from strangers hand- ing out little pieces of mimeographed paper; the seeds of supercilious smiles sprout around our lips when we see rumpled folks carrying picket signs past gates in chain-link fences. Not only is such behavior unfashionable, it is considered unserious: the wheezing of broken teakettles. Since arguments and analogies about symbolic behavior, Gahndian principles, and moral witness are passe, let me appeal to your prejudices: I hate pinball, always have and always will. Peo- ple who play the slots at least have the alibi that they may win a bit of money, but pinball freaks seem to play for the sheer sleaze of it all. TO BE SCRUPULOUSLY fair, I do know one rather sane person who dotes on pinball, albeit her motivation is suspiciously bloodthirsty. But all the other pinball players in my acquaintance - a deliberately finite sample - have been hor- rible people, the sore who tipped over wheel chairs and gave cats solder enemas and swerved at slow pedestrians for fun. They used to hang out at the run-down amusement park in my home town, their beady little eyes growing beadier as lights flashed and their negligible brows spurting sweat as buzzers buzzed and bells dinged. They've finally come into their own. Some en- terprising arcade game manufacturer has mar- keted a new quarter-hog called "Death Race," in which the patron "wins" by whipping a steering wheel around deftly enough to "run over" quail- ing figures on a video screen. The machine keeps score with headstones. Apparently, the earnest, reforming kind of symbolic activity is gone, but the nihilistic kind is (like the poor) always with us. Could we invite this surrealism to move to a different time warp? IN THE MIDST of this perverse consumer fiting fodder for cogitation. The official line is that, even though the stock market and commod- ity exchange may collapse, the FDIC and food stamps will, pull us all through, somehow. And we all believe in the Tooth Fairy, too. Those De- pression horror stories that we have dismissed as flukey anachronisms may become the wit and wisdom of more than one toothy executive. I have enough faith in the raw cunning of most citizens and most entrepreneurs to expect that projects will arise to feed and clothe most of us. It is not that I am personally terrified by belt- tightening in my life style or standard of con- sumption - although there are hundreds of thous- ands of Americans who cannot tolerate any 'fur- ther deprivation, and these people must be pro- tected by both neighbors and social welfare pro- grams. What does frighten me is mny' certainty that the notches in our great national belt are labeled "civil rights," "free speech," "liberal education," "emancipation of women," and so on. ANY HOPE that John Steinbeck could point to at the end, of The Grapes of Wrath has dis- sipated: socialist programs seem merely to gen- erate more rapid entropy patterns based on ,a US model, and the few surviving domestic utopian experiments will not have the capacity to im- prove the lot of significant numbers of 'Ameri- cans. Things are going to be just plain rough. I'm not especially optimistic about a comfortable future, but I am doggedly convinced that, given some sane social and economic reorganization, surviving and growing out of the coming discom- fort is what we were talking about when we dedicated ourselves to "bringing the war hore." I trust that no one is seriously considering start- ing a new brouhaha just to keep the old economy ticking. Since part of the program for undoing adventurist military thinking is eradicating war toys for children, I move that we eradicate war toys for grownups. too, and replace "Death Race" with something like "Sadie's Victory Garden:" players could rack up points by growing bumper