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February 15, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-02-15

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Tuesday, February 15, 1977


Tuesday, February 15, 1 9~17 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

U.S. Rep. lauds Cuban detente
HAVANA, Cuba (W)) - After at their throat." ly after taking off from Barba- caste of lifting the U.S. trade
four days in Cuba and a seven- Bingham also said he does dos on Oct. 6. embargo against Cuba. He call-
hour meeting with Fidel Cas- not expect the U.S.-Cuban anti- BINGHAM ADDED that he ed the embargo "ridiculous"
tro, Rep. Jonathan Bingham hijacking treaty to be renewed expects the Cubans to abide by and said it "serves no purpose."
says "there is a good opportun- before it expires April 15. Castro the spirit of the agreement be- He noted the United States dis-
ity" now for normalizing rela- acused the Central Intelligence yond the April 15 cutoff date approves of both the Soviet and
tions between the United States Agency (CIA) last October of even if the treaty is not formally Chinese Communist govern-
and Cuba. complicity in the crash of a Cu- renewed or extended. ments, yet trades with both
"I hope we don't miss it," the ban airplane and invoked a "I don't think they would do countries.
New York Democrat said in an treaty clause under which either anything to encourage hijack- The congressman said lifting
interview here last night. He re- side could pull out of the pact ings," he said. No U.S. aircraft the embargo, coupled with Cas-
turns to the United States today. with six months notice. have been hijacked to Cuba tro's expressed respect for Pre-
BINGHAM, WHO spent seven All 73 people aboard the C - since the treaty was signed in sident Carter, would provide "a
hours with Castro on Saturday ban Airlines jetliner perished 1973. good opportunity for normaliza-
said he brings no specific mes- when it exploded in flight short-: Bingham is a long-time advo- tion of relations."
sages to Washington from the
Cuban leadership but hopes to;
brief President Carter or Sucre- T f /( ] l ug e
tary ofState CyrusVance on thee
impressions formed during his
visit here. (Continued from Page 1) parking compared to an ordin- to plan for today's needs and by
Bingham said there are areas MANY OF THE ary basement. Fry said the cost I 1990 we won't have enough
ed coes a on whicha them nI ments are now underway. th- for the parking garage would room," Fry said.
ahead immediately, citing fish- ers are scheduled to begin with- equal that of a basement fin- Council will approve the final
eries talks and possible sports in the next four years. ished for use. fire station plans in an upcom-
and cultural exchanges. Earlier in the evening archi-i ing meeting.
"There is no reason there can- tect Dick Fry presented Coun- The current parking lot will - - -
not be direct talks on fishing," cil with plans for the new feder- be eliminated by the new struc-'
he said. Cuba and the United ally funded fire station. The new ture. U to ive
States have both established a station, which will be located at Although a 1930 addition will
200-mile fishing limit. As a re- Fifth and Ann Streets, directly
sult, much of Cuba falls within behind the current facility, will be razed, the current fire sta-
the' U.S. limit and a good part be a two story structure and in- Lion will be left itact. Plans
of Florida falls within the Cuban elude an underground parking are now underway to convert'.
BRODERISSES f US. "ehv alitdamutthe building, possibly to a res- t i a
i-BROADER ISSUES of U.S.- "We ave a limited amounttaurant or office complex.
Cuba normalization, however, of room," Fry said as he ex- T
will probably have to await lift- plained the proposed under- T p rh wr
ing of the U.S. trade embargo ground parking area. "We need tion also includes space to ex-
'against Cuba, Bingham s'aid. He groundtparkingarea. We ntedf ffer
added that the Cubans view the place fire trucks to the six trucks firePage 1)
embargo as "an act e aggres..J will lose." .e .VIEWING LAST weekend's
e o as a at ofagre- wi department officials predict will contract talks as well as those
sion" and are not prepared to I
discuss normalizing relations MAYOR Albert Wheeler ques- be needed in the future. of yesterday, University negotia-
with what they term "a knife tioned the cost of- underground "Our worst mistake would be for Neff remarked that "the

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Fleming sees austere future


(Continued from Page 1) At the question and answer
disaster." session after his address, Flem-
Elaborating on that point, he ing said his role in policy must
said lawmakers insist upon, be largely that of an advocate.
"funding formulas" - regula- He said speeches such as last
tions which recognize the needs night's serve as a signal to other
of all institutions as equal and University leaders, a stimulant
fund them accordingly. He said to discussion and reevaluation
the strings government attaches of priorities.
to appropriations have hindered The economic crunch may hit
the University's ability to es- hardest at the University's capa-
tablish its own priorities and city to keep up its equipmentl
distribute money as it wishes. for research, he said.I

"WITHOUT A base of support,
universities have had to squeeze
out of their other programs
funds to meet these guidelines."

"WE ARE running at an in-
flation rate of five or six per
cent. The significance is that
every year you have got to have

at least that much money to!
stand still. As universities grow
more sophisticated, they need0
equipment of a new kind, oftenI
of a very costly kind. You'lle
have equipment that tends te bed
more obsolete. Whether youcan
maintain the viability is a veryt
serious question."
Fleming presented a range of
things the new era of frugality
might produce:I
-"It will grow ever more dif-
ficult for the student of margin-t
al economic means to attend."
-"Our interest in the whole
environmental scene, which!
most of us applaud, will in time
slow the economic growth of the
-"I believe you'll see some
shifts in graduate level training
toward the Masters programs
(instead of doctoral programs,
due to the diminishing need for
Ph.D. scholars.)
-"There is strong likelihood
that rising costs will tend to
push freshpersons and sopho-
mores more .and more to theE
community colleges for those
first two years."j
-Hie said many private col-
leges, already tottering under
fiscal burdens, will be forced to.

talks are sliding into an area of
ess than a 50-50 chance of settle-
mnent. I'm not as optimistic as I,
was 24 hours ago."
Anderson also said his opti- President
mism for a contract agreement House Ea
was fading. page 2.
"I think we're still going to be -
out in outer space" when the
University returns with its third
economic proposal today," An-
derson said.
"But now we have the power
to pull the plug," he added.
Anderson was referring to the
outcome of Sunday's mass un-
ion meeting, where AFSCME
members voted to give their ne-
gotiating team complete power
to cut off talks anytime and call
a strike.




Save and bundle
old newspapers
for recycling

St. Joseph Hospital
to Change loc1ation
room transfers received each
(Continued from Page 1) dy
relations person Connie Velin. A $500,000 computerized axial
"Right now, patients are tomography scanner (CAT) will
stored in the hallway while be another feature of the new
they wait for x-rays. Room is' hospital. The scanner, Mack ex-
the biggest factor (in the move). plained, is "a kind of three-di-
The room has been increased mensional x-ray" which takes
by 50 per cent." cross-sectional views of the

A? Photo
Jimmy Carter shakes hands with Mexican First Lady Carmen Romano Lopez Portillo on the stage in the White
st Room last night after she played the piano following a state dinner. She is a former concert pianist. See story,






-THE NEW 213-ACRE sit
abounds with space. St. Jo
seph's officials wanted more
parking space and they got it
The new lot has double therca
pacity of the present piarking
area. The hospital also plans to
use the additional space to in
corporate several useful fea
tures not present in the olh
A system of programrirec
electric carts will deliver sup
plies throughout the facility. 9
per cent of all materials wil
be carried by the carts. Rails
buried beneath the floor wil
guidesthe vehicles along thei
The carts will deliver every
thing from laundry to patients'
meals. After each trip, the carts
will go through their own "cal
wash" in order to provide a
anitary means of transporting
BUT MACK SAID the carts
won't pose a traffic hazard tc
patients and visitors roaming
the halls. "They won't be in
the patient areas. Most of the
work will be done in the serv-
ice areas of the hospital."
A system of pneumatic tubes
will aid in the transportation of
smaller commodities like re-
ports and medicines. The net-
work will be monitored by a
computer so any bottlenecks
that occur can be located im-
Both hospitals have the same
number of beds - 558 - but in
the new building, 520 of them
A will be in single care rooms.
"RIGHT NOW, we have a lot
of semi-private rooms," Mack
said. "Sometimes the patients
weren't compatible. So people
were always requesting room
transfers." The single rooms
are expected to eliminate the
twenty to thirty requests for


A new $250,000 cardiac cath-
erization laboratory is expect-
ed to help eliminate the need
for some exploratory surgery.
With the new system, doctors
can inject a dye into a patient's I
blood and view the dye's path
through the circulatory system
on a television screen:
IF ALL GOES according to
schedule, the move to the new!
facility will take place May 14.
"M-day we call it--move
day," said Mack. "We're try-
ing to get (the patients) moved
all in one day."
Mack said 200 vans will be
needed for. the move "The
army was going to come and
move us," she explained. "They
were to do it as part of a'
field maneuver. But it didn't
come through." Other methods
for the move must now be con-
sidered because the army and
the hospital couldn't agree on a
firm date for the shift. Specific
details of the move will be an-
nounced in March.


TONIGHT in Auditorium A, Angell Hall
(OGIN-SAMA) (Kinuyo Tanaka, 1961)
The only woman director in Japan made this film about passion
and loyalty in feudal Japan. The daughter of a famous master of
the tea ceremony is desired by a powerful war lord but she loves
another-a Christian. With samurai-like strength she defies her
position as a traditional woman to question the society in which
she lives. Tanaka is a well-known actress in Japan, and starred in
SANSHO THE BAILIFF, "and UGETSUJ. Shown at the New York
Festival of Women's Films. Ann Arbor Premiere. Japanese with
English subtitles.
(Kaneto Shindo, 1963)
One of the most sensuous and terrifying horror stories ever put
on film is this grim saga of two women who live in the reed fields
and prey on unsuspecting Samurai. A dark and foreboding work
that has become a classic in the last few years. Japanese with
English subtitles.
Adatuission $1.25-single feature; $2.O-double feature
FELL IN I'S--"8/2"
continues with Alan Rudolph
AT 6:30

Tickets went on sale yesterday for a back-to-back
slate of concerts at the end of the month. On February
27, Major Events will present LEO KOTTKE and LEON
REDBONE in Hill Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Kottke's bril-
liant licks on his twelve-stringer pleased both rock and
folk followings at his last sold-out appearance here two
years ago, His delightful bits of warped wisdom be-
tween songs will compete with the absurdity of Leon
Redbone. Redbone is the most authentic interpreter of
Twenties and Thirties ragtime jazz and blues, but his
recent appearance on NBC's SATURDAY NIGHT proved
he's an enigma. On occasion he carries a baseball bat
or a tomato with him on sage, ignores it for the entire
set, then takes it back to his dressing room. When
asked what he planned to buy with his royality checks,
Leon replied dryly, "A stamp machine. A sausage fac-
tory. The pyramids of Egypt." It should be quite an
But if Kottke-Redbone is a mellow concert, the night
of February 28 should bring Ann Arbor unparallelled
will set Hill Auditorium on fire with one show at 8:00
p.m. Enjoying their greatest success to date, the Dra-
matics'have a top-10 soul single, BE MY GIRL. Deniece
Williams, former back-up singer for Stevie Wonder,
has blasted forth with a debut top-10 album and hit
single, FREE. Some hot entertainment! Reserved seats
for both shows are still available at the Michigan,
Union Box Office (11:30 to 5:30, M-Fri.).
TIDBITS: Frampton's recording a new album .
Quincy Jones released an album of music from the TV
series "Roots" . . . rock group Queen says'they like
Detroit's Cobo Hall because it's small and intimate..

Breakfast All Day
3 Eqqs, Hash Browns.
Toast & Jely-$1.35
Ham or Bacon or Sausage
with 3 Eqqs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.95
3 Eaqs, Ribe Eve Steak,
Hash Browns Toast
We make Three Eqq Omlets
-Western Omlet
-Bean Sorout Omlet

Beef Stroqanoff
Chinese Pepper Steak
Eqq Rolls
Home-made Soups, Beef,
Barley. Clam Chowder, etc.
Home-made Chili
Veqetable Tempuro
(served after 2 p.m.)
Hamburqer Steak Dinner-
Spaghetti in Wine Sauce
Beef Curry Rice
Baked Flounder Dinner
Delicious Korean Bar-b-q Beef
(Bul-ko-gee) on Kaiser Roll
Fried Fresh Bean Sprouts



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to 0 t1.

Monday-Friday 8-8
Saturday 9-8
Sunday 10-8
1313 So. University


_____ f


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Saturday, February 19; 1977-8 p.m.-2 a.m.
In the best tradition of New Orleans, the Ann Arbor Inn will
feature its First Annual Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball with
costumes, prizes, special Grand Prize drawing and much more.

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