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February 15, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-15

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Latest Deadline in the State

Vol LXXXVII, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 15, 1977 Ten Cents Eg

ht Pages



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!Fr7tusf S [*YYN CAtL Z AlY
Parent watch
Some University law students at the Child Advo-
cacy Clinic are searching for the parents of a baby
left on the shelf1of a North Campus laundry room
last November 20.' The students are the tempor-
ary legal guardians for the baby and are eager for
the child's parents to get in touch with them be-
fore Thursday, when the county Probate Court will
hold a hearing to decide whether parental rights
shall be terminated. The court has ordered that the
parents attend the hearing. If they do not, their
legal right to custody of the child will be jeopard-
ized. If you can supply any information or wish to
know more details, call the clinic at 763-5000.
Our belated best
Valentine's Day has come and it's gone
The flowers, the cards the candy (bon bon)
Have all been given in exchange for a kiss
And we at the Daily want to tell you this:
Sorry we're late with this Valentine's wish,
But as you know, on Monday's we don't publish.
Louis I. Bredvold
Louis I. Bredvold, former chairman of the Uni-
versity English department, and a professor here
from 1921 until his retirement in 1958, died Febru-
ary 10 in Tucson, Arizona at the age of 88.
Professor Bredvold was recognized as one of
the foremost scholars of 17th and 18th century En-
glish literature. The publication of his book, "The
'Milieu of John Dryden" in 1934 established his re-
putation as a scholar. He was named the Henry
Russel Lecturer in 1956, the highest honor the U-M
can bestow on its faulty members.
Bredvold was known as a bastion of "enlightened
conservatism." His dry wit was admired by all
who knew him, and. the story is told of the time
a famous physicist spoke in Ann Arbor. The pro-
fessor approached him after the speech and asked
sharply, "What is man?" The physicist hestiated
for a moment and replied, "A fortuitous concourse
of atoms." Bredvold shrugged and concluded, "So
was your speech."
Happenings ...
are launched bright and early when the
Center for the Continuing Education of Women
opens their six-week workshop on "Family, Work
and Role Integration" from 9:30-11 a.m. at 328-
330 Thompson St. . . . at noon Deborah Oakley will
discuss "American Participation in the Develop-
ment of Population Policy in Japan 1945-52 also
at the CEW office . .. there will be another noon
discussion at the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921
Church St., where Isadoros Kioleoglu will address
"The Political Vision in Modern Greek Poetry"
the sixth in the series of monthly Dean's Teas
will take place at 4 p.m. in the English Faculty
Lounge, 7th floor of Haven floor . . . a free show-
ing of "Triumph of the Will" will run at 4 and
7:30 in MLB Lecture Rm I . . . celebrate Susan
B. Anthony's birthday at 4:30 in the Guild House,
802 Monroe St. Refreshments and a slide show
entitled "Turnabout" will be featured . . . from
7:30-10:30 the Games Club will play "The Middle
East Eimulation Game" in Rm 2338 of the School
of Education . . . also at 7:30 Robert Blye will give
a poetry reading in the Pendleton Rm., Mich.
Union. It is a benefit for Latin American political
prisoners . . . and finally at 8 p.m. the University
Students' World Hunger Task Force will sponsor
a world hunger film in the International Center,
603 E. Madison. . . . Fini.
Hookers host ball
Not only did New Yorkers have Valentines Day
to celebrate yesterday, but they had Hooker's Day,
New Yorkers for New York Day and Sadie Haw-
kins Day as well. In honor of the traditional Val-
entine's celebration Playboy bunnies visited a
veterans hospital in the Bronx, a young woman
from Curacao greeted the public at the Carrib-
bean Carnival in a heart-shaped bikini and Monte

Rock III hosted a discotheque marathon. And in
a fitting salute to Sadie. Hawkins Day, elderly fe-
males in western-style kerchiefs chased male sen-
ior citizens in cowboy hats at a party in the He-
brew Hospital for the Chronic Sick. And for Hook-
er's Day the prostitutes are having a ball. "It's our
one affair where everybody lets go," said Helene
Gaillet, coordinator of the hookers' masquerade
ball. "We expect everything . . . We never sched--
ule entertainment at our parties. Our people are
the entertainment."
O ~ i t e . . .
Cor the inside..
the details on a sniper dressed in a Nazi-
type uniform who has gone on a shooting binge in
' New Rochelle, N. Y. are found in the Digest on
Page 3 . . former Arts editor Jeffrey Selbst pre:-
miers a column for the Editorial Page called "Up
and Coming." Jeff examines the Farrah Fawcett
fantasy today . . . Owen Gleiberman discusses the
career of filmmaker Peter Kubelka on the Art's
Page . . . and another look is taken at Michigan's
loss to Indiana on Sunday by Tom Cameron on
the Sports Page.


F ,lems grim
financial fut-ur fo 'U
By JIM TOBIN will recommend "inevitable" tuition hikes, system, leaving greaty expanded faculties
University President Robben Fleming last and deans and department heads will spend and institutions in its wake. Many of those
night warned of a future filled with finan- more and more time scrambling to find who went to graduate school turned to aca-
... ..wtcial hardship, government manipulation of ways to fund strapped programs with dwind- demics as a career, and they now form
higher education, and stringent cutbacks in ling resources. a surplus.
University programs. "If some of the pressures are as great "We know the acaemic wrld cannot
Speaking as part of the Future Worlds as I think they are, he said, "you're going accommodate those people because it's not
lecture series, the silver-haired Fleming to have to con inue to pare away at the in- going to grow," Fleming declared. He said
also said the University must strive to es- stitution faculties will be threatened by stagnation
tablish "a really magnificent undergraduate ad stifled by an inability to hire fresh
program. It ought to be an exciting,stimu- "I'M NOT ONE of those. people who be- faces
lating program that really turns students lieve the campuses aren't going to be here
on." in 25 years, that everyone will take courses "WE'VE ALWAYS THOUGHT it was the
through their te'evisions. Physically, I think fresh young professors that kept the Univer
FLEMING, President since 1967, spoke college campuses will look very much as sity alive It's a very sobering 'rospect ard
to a quiet audience of less than 150 in the thev do today. But in character, 'you'll one that many departments 'alk about very
Rackham Auditorium and answered ques- fid the University very changed." seriously
tions at a separate session directly follow- The 60-year-old Fleming spoke of a broad. He lashed out at the state legis'atre,,
ing. historical trend which he said has led Amer oe
Fleming's grim financial predictions sum- ian higher education to the brink of great which he said has begn to estab ish "one
marized administration prophecies of re- changes. The boom in populaion following gre t common denominator for all studens.
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMiN cent months: higher inflation will force a the Second World War, he said. has com- If that takes place, it would be a great
Fleming cut in state appropriations, administrators oleted its ascent through the educational See FLEMIN, Page 3
Saudis thre aten};<} {
olpricehi 0ke
By The Associated Press other Western nations failed to December broke ranks with oth-
As Secretary of State Cyrus . provide more support for th er member nations of the Or-
Vance prepared to begin a Arabs in dealing with Israel. ganization of Petroleum-Export-
week-long Middle East trip yes ing Countries (OPEC) by oping k
terday, Saudi Arabia stepped up "OUR DECISION to increase for the five per cent oil price
pressure on the United States to oil prices by.only five per cent hike rather than a two-step 15
persuade Israel into making con- reflects our desire for the Unit- per cent increase set by the
:essions to the Arabs in return ed States and other Wsetern OPEC majority.
for Saudi restraint on oil prices. powers to apply pressure on Is- Elsewhere in the Middle East,
Prince Saud al-Faisal, Saudi rael for the sake of the Arab two Syrian tanks and a dzen
Arabia's foreign minister, indi- cause," the prince said in an in- military trucks pulled back from
cated his government might give terview published in the Saudi advance positions eight miles
up its five per cent lid on price newspaper Okaz. from Israel in southern Lehan- 2
ikes and impose a further in- Saudi Arabia and the neigh- on, travelers reported. c. u
rease if the United States and boring United Arab Emirates in
-- - -- --- - ALSO, knowledgeable sources .......
in Beirut said Syrian soldiers
manning a checkpoint near the '/
ORCt a TOU e southern Lebanese town of Nb-
atiyeh put on Lebanese .ice
uniforms and remained ini the
Tf1TO temgdhe moves apparently wore.
esigned to defuse tension in -
the border area following veiled
By LANI JORDAN Israeli threats to repel Arab
peacekeeping units if they ap- Doily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
After nearly a month's delay, Ann Arbor City Council/approved proach too near to Israel's-iyPtbyoA BNr
he $16 million Capital Improvements Budget and Program (CIB/ northern border. U.S. officials
IP) For 197-82 at a special session last night. ere reported to have mediated LAST WEEK'S VALENTINE shoppers had already made off with the day-glo Snoopy springboard
The fres978-82t ah spiseso ls nht p tthe armored pullback. picture pop-ups, but there were still enough of the staid old I-love-you-mom variety left to satisfy
The resolution, which provides funds for city projects includ- See SAUDIS, Page 8 this shopper in Logos bookstore late yesterday afternoon.




ing road repair, park improvement and sewer system expansion,
was postponed last month to allow Council's Republican and Demo-
cratic caucuses to submit approval or opposition to various seg-
DURING THE WORKING session which preceded the special
meeting, Council viewed plans for the city's new $2 million fire
station. Construction of the facility is slated to begin April 16.
Because of pre-arranged compromises, Council members did
not debate most of the segments of the CIB/CIP. Several other
compromises were also initiated during the meeting in order to
pass the resolution in its complete form.
Among the planned improvements are a foot/bicycle path for
Winewood Avenue to the downtown area, expansion of one of the
city's sewage treatment plants, and repair ofkthe Broadway bridge.


AFSCME awaits final' offer'

University negotiators will de-
liver their final economic pro-
posals at contract talks with the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employ-
es (AFSCME, Local 1583) today,
and both sides say the pioposal
will have to bridge a large gap
between them.
Meanwhile, dorms are formu-


lating contingency plans to keep
vital student services operating
in the event of a strike.
are trying to adhere to an ori-
ginal negotiating deadline of
midnighttonight, even though
AFSCME rank and file gave the
negotiators the power to extend
the deadline indefinitely at a
mass meeting Sunday.
AFSCME representative Art
Anderson was tight-lipped on
whether the union will walk out
tomorrow, saying only that the
decision wil depend on how close
the union and the University are
in their final economic propos-
Chief University negotiator
William Neff said last night that
the two teams "were able to re-'
solve a few quasi-economic mat-
ters, but on the wage-rate itself,

there has been little progress."
TODAY'S FINAL university
wage proposal "will be what we
feel is our best offer," Neff said.
"And if we put our best offer
forward, it's in their ball park
to decide how to handle it," he
Union representatives present-
ed the University with alsecond
economic proposal Sunday night
which Neff today termed "way
out in outer space."
ing notified today that negotia-
ting teams "are still far apart
on wages, cost of living pay-
m e n t s, longevity payments,
Health Insurance anal classifica-
Anderson added that-depend-
ing on what happens in today's
negotiations-employes will be
told what actions to take before
noon tomorow.

Emory see]
In a phone poll yesterday, the Cornell Univer-
sity Presidential Search Committee voted unani-
mottsly to recommend Michigan's Frank Rhodes
for Cornell's top job.
Meanwhile, Vice-President Rhodes is among
four finalists for the presidency of Emory Uni-
versity in Atlanta, Ga., and is also under con-
sideration for high administrative posts at two
or more other colleges or universities.
THE CORNELL search group's decision fol-
lowed a unanimous vote of a faculty advisory
group in favor of Rhodes late last week. The
student-staff and alumni advisory committees had
earlier given Rhodes their enthusiastic backing.
Cornell's Board of Trustees meets tomorrow
afternoon in New York City. It -is unclear, how-
ever. whether the Boaard ill -M k h'dan

ks Rhodes
sources there see Rhodes' acceptance as a vir-
tual certainty based on the interest he has shown
in the post.
Emory University, which has 5,000 .students
at its Atlanta campus, began its presidential
search when current President Sanford Atwood
said last spring he planned to retire in 1977.
Emory's presidential search process is much
like Cornell's: student, faculty and alumni groups
are advising a nine-member Trustee Search Com-
mittee, which will recommend a candidate to the
Board of Trustees.
RHODES VISITED Emory last month and was
"well received," according to Austin Kiplinger,
head of Cornell's search group.
Rhodes confirmed his visit to Emory, adding,
"They've not made me a formal offer."
"Our committee has interviewed six people,"
IT....j-...j,..., -'

University Housing Director
John Feldkamp disclosed last
night that each dormitory is
drawing up specific plans for
maintaining food and sanitary
services if AFSCME members
walk off their jobs.
said, resident staff may be com-
pellid by their supervisors to
take over the responsibilities of
another job: If the staff mem-
ber refuses to cross union picket
lines, he added, "their staff job
could be put in jeopardy."
Dorms will also by looking for
"supervisory staff and employes
who want to work" in positions
vacated by AFSCME members,
and whose pay would be deter
minde by their individual
Several dorms contacted last
night said they. will be using
student "volunteers" who would
be paid regular temporary stu-
dent employe wages for the
work they do. ,
ACCORDING TO one person,
some Hill area dorms were con-
sidering plans to use "manda-
tory" employment of resident
staff in food services operations,
but "there was so much flak
from building directors, the
housing office switched their de-
cision." Those dorms will now
ask for volunteers from their
staff; in the event of a strike.
Feldkamp said the housing of-
fice was drawine nntim-unn

St. Josepl Hospital
to chiange location
In three months, Ann Arbor will lose a 65-year-old local insti-
tution, but Washtenaw County will gain a new $57.4 million hos-
pital - one of the most modern,-facilities in the nation.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital is tentatively scheduled to move

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