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February 13, 1977 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page



a it

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 13, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Su


A word from our own
It's not often that the president shares his
thoughts with you, but tomorrow, at 7 p.m. in
the Rackham Auditorium, you'll get your chance.
Mind you now, it won't be a Southern-accented
voice addressing the crowd. We didn't mean that
president. It's our own Robben Fleming who will
be speaking his mind. His address, part of the
Future Worlds lecture series, concerns "The Role
of the University in the Future."
Cursed acros tic
Last week, we challenged you not only to solve
the acrostic puzzle in the Sunday Magazine, but
to assemble the grid yourself - which was scram-
bled. Well, in our continuing effort to bring you
a truly exclusive acrostic, and one that ge in-
creasingly more mind-boggling each week, we've
misprinted a couple of the numbers that corre-
spond with clue solutions. But for those of you
who are still a bit new at the acrostic game, we'll
tip you off on those insidious changes. Take note:
Clue D: the fifth letter is numbered "136" but
should read "126." And in Clue M, the last letter
is tagged "24" but should be changed to "29."
Please, don't give up on us. We promise to de-
liver you a flawless puzzle next week.
... on this wet and icy Sunday crystalize at
3 p.m. when the Sunday Gay Discussion debates
"Community" in the Canterbury House, corner of
Catherine and Division ... an hour later, in the
Pendleton Arts Information Center on the second
floor of the Union, Lori Sommers, accompanied
by John Gabriel and Deborah Little, will give a
violin recital ... from 4-6:30 Couzens will serve
dinner in honor of announcing the trivia contest
finals ..,. at 6:30 Hillel, at 1429 Hill, will show the
movie "Storm of Strangers" ... dorm residents and
fraternity and sorority folks whose houses don't
serve Sunday dinner are in for a break with dis-
counted buffet meals served at the University
Club on the main floor of the Union from 5 to 8
p.m. ... the Ann Arbor Libertarian League will
sponsor a taped lecture by Dr. Nathanial Bran-
den on the objectivist view of the role of philoso-
phy in society at 7 p.m. at 30812 S. State St. ..
at 7:30 there will be a discussion on "Life after
Death" in the lounge of the International Center
the student support committee for campus
AFSCME workers will meet at 8 in East Quad's
Greene Lounge ... also at 8, a men't conscious-
ness-raising group will be formed at 550 S. Ash-
ley, Apt. 2 ... on Monday, from 9:30-11:30, the
Center for the Continuing Education of Women will
hold "A Support Group for Single Parents" at
328-330 Thompson ... at 4 in the Rackham E. Con-
ference Rm., Martin Silverman of the Anthropolo-
gy Department will discuss "Culture, Kinship and
Marx" .. at 7 in rooms 4 and 5 of the League,
Ozone House will begin its training sessions for
volunteer counselors .., and don't forget Presi-
dent Fleming at 7 in Rackham Auditorium.
It had all the makings of a juicy, headline-
grabbing scandal, and members of the Urban
County Council in Lexington, Ky. were practi-
cally lining up to express indignation. The coun-
ty budget seemed to show that a woman had
been paid.$41,000 to teach belly dancing in Lex-
ington's Recreation Department. But as it turned
out, the lawmakers just weren't familiar with the
procedures involved in writing up the city's ex-
penses. Part-time and temporary workers are
listed in the budget as if they had worked 40
hours per week for a year. The belly dancing
instructor was paid $20 an hour, but only for
a couple of hpurs per week and only for a month
or so. All told, the city paid the skin-rippling
instructor about $250.
Tuned out
New York's most radical radio station, WBAI-

FM, was off the air yesterday after the staff
seized the studios and broadcasted grievances and
protest songs before being silenced. The staff be-
gan their guerrilla action Friday in a dispute with
management over plans to change the format of
the 17-year-old anti-establishment' station in an at-
tempt to halt declining support. The staff seized
the station's transmitter and barricaded them-
selves in.
On the inside...
You'll find volume two of The Daily's new
tabloid Sunday Magazine, featuring a profile of
Charles Mingus by Stephen Hersh ... the Editor-
ial Page brings you the weekly Week in Review
by editors Ann Marie Lipinski and Jim Tobin ...
the Page 3 Digest tells about Andrew Young's
return from negotiations with African leaders ...
and the final layout of retiring sports editor Bill
Stieg is found on, you guessed it, the sports page.
On the outside...
Don't leave home without your ice skates this
morning. By some fascinating chemical phenome-
non the rain that fvll iinn is: vesterdav has turn-





If you savored camping out on the steps of Angell Hall once
a semester, you're not going to like the new CRISP appointment
procedure. There will be no lines to wait in.
The Administration, concerned over the inconveniences and
inequities in the old appointment system, has shifted the schedul-
ing responsibility from the individual schools and colleges to a
centralized, University-wide scheme.
"WE BEGAN to worry last fall when it got particularly bad
with LSA (literary college) students waiting all night in line for
an oppointment card," said Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to the
vice president for academic affairs."
"I can see students doing that for football tickets, but not for
CRISP appointments," he added.

Beginning with this April's early registration, the student pop-'
ulation will be divided into eight alphabetical groupings, each group
being assigned a certain one-and-a-half day period during which
its members can register.
Individuals will CRISP at a computer-designated time within
the alphabetic group and the times will be assigned randomly
though the computer is programmed to avoid class schedule con-
flicts. The appointment will appear on the Student Verification
WITH EACH TERM, the groups will be rotated one shift. This
gives all undergraduate students the advantage of registering first,
the disappointment of registering last and the uncertainty of regis-

tering in the middle - all in the course of a four-year career at
the University.
The randomly selected group schedule for the April early reg-
istration period is as follows:
" A-Cap: April 13 (p.m.), April 14
" Caq-Fen: April 15, April 18 (a.m.)
" Feo-Her: April 18 (p.m.), April 19
" Hes-K: April 4, April 5 (a.m.)
" L-Mom: April 5 (p.m,), April 6
" Mon-Rid: April 7, April 8 (a.m.)
" Rie-Sto: April 8 (a.m.), April 11
* Stp-Z: April 12, April 13 (a.m.)
See CRISP, Page 2






East talks

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - President Anwar Sadat in-
dicated yesterday he is counting on U.S. Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance to help remove remaining' obstacles
to an early resumption of Arab-Israeli peace negotia-
tions in Geneva.
"U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim has faced
difficulties in Israel but we hope problems will be eased
after the visit of Vance to the region next week," Sadat
told a news conference.

The American secretary is scheduled
on a week-long tour of six Middle East
current prospects for hammering out a

to embark tomorrow
countries to explore
peace accord.

Sadat -added: "The Arab leaders will also meet soon to
study the situation after which things might become more
Waldheim said earlier yesterday that Israel still rejects par-


.How dry we are%=
Western states moan

hangs above the Pacific Coast
like an ominous invisible cloud.
Californians peer through it ev-
ery morning as they awake to
another miserable day of dazz-
ling sunshine.
Weather predictors call it the
Pacific high. In normal winters
it wanders up and down the
coast, bringing the occasional
sunny, dry weather that, most
years, is a welcome part of the
California lifestyle..
BUT FOR the second straight
winter, the Pacific high has
hung steady,hits center about
200 miles northwest -of San Fran-
cisco. Meteorologists say it
causes the cold and snow that

socked the East this winter as
well as back-to-back dry years
in much of the West.
"The winter cold in the East
is going to be forgotten a lot
sooner than the drought out
West," says J. Murray Mitchell,
meteorologist with the National
Oceanographic and Atmospher-
is Administration in Washington.
The prolonged dryness cer-
tainly will mean higher food
and energy prices - how much
higher remains to be seen. Bank
of America economist Eric Thor
says the drought could push the
national consumer price index
up as march as one percentage
noint, raising the inflation rate
from the five to six per cent
See DROUGHT, Page 2

ticipation by a Palestine Lib-
eration Organization (PLO) dele-
gation in the proposed Geneva
facing my mission in the Mid-
east," Waldheim said as he com-
pleted a ten-day tour of the Mid-
dle East aimed at arranging. re-
sumption of the peace talks.
Sadat reiterated his govern-
ment's position that the Pales-
tinians must be able to attend
the conference.
"The Palestinians are the core
of the problem and I cannot im-
agine any negotiations in Gene-
va without their representa-
tion," he said.
"If we had to establish peace
in, the area the Palestinians
should join the negotiations."
West German Foreign Min-
ister Hans-Dietrich Genscher,
who was also at the news con-
ference, agreed that "the Pales-
tinian problem is the key ques-
tion. The Palestinian rights
See SADAT, Page 2

AP Photo
LIFE WAS SIMPLER once in Plains, but now the tour guides -hawk the Georgia town like
so many hot dogs. Upon his return home yesterday, President Jimmy Carter was surprised
by a new tourist mini-train and even a traffic light.

Carter visits the

f oltis

PLAINS. Ga. (A) - Jimmy Carter gave two of
his relatives a folksy report yesterday on how
he's been making out in Washington as President.
They exch~nged small-town gossip and talked
about "Roo:s." Carter told them how he's been
getting along with Congress, what it's like living
in the White House, his traveling troubles and
his worries about being isolated.
THE'CHAT TOOK place in cousin Hugh Carter's
antique shop with the President leaning on the
counter in back of the store and with reporters
looking on.

Behind the counter was Hugh Carter, a cousin
who doubles as a Georgia state senator, and 88-
year-old Uncle Alton Carter, who shared laughs
and confidences with Jimmy, who is home for his
first visit since he was inaugurated three weeks
Carter brought the news that Hugh Carter, Jr.,
the senator's son whom he had made a White
House assistant, had already saved $40,000 fby
cutting back newspaper subscriptions at the
White House.
See COUNTRY, Page 2


Olga's: Trying to
break the burger,
n fast food war
Two ounces of seasoned lamb and beef, special sauce,
tomato slices, minced onion - all in a homemade ,bread shell.
A Big Mac gone Bohemian? No, that's an "original
Olga's," standard fare at Olga's Kitchen, State Street's new
eaterie. And according to that list of. ingredients, Olga's
stands a world apart from Golden Arch-type. fast-food outlets.
OLGA LOIZON, a Detroiter of Greek ancestry, charac-
terizes her creation as "fresh food" but not "fast food."
"In fast food, things are frozen and thrown on a grill or
in a microwave oven," Olga explains.
But Olga's specialties are pampered all the way to the
plate. "Here, everything is fresh," she boasts. "It doesn"t
take that much time to prepare - that's where yotf get your
fast food concept."
OLGA'S advertising agent, Greg Raab, insists the res-
taurant is not a "bun and run operation."
Some two thousand Ann Arborites per day have been
running to Olga's to sample the bizarre fare, which includes
the "originals" (based on the gyros, a Greek sandwich),
similar sandwiches featuring meat, cheese and vegetarian
fillings, "fresh fries," spinach pie and "frozen Olgurt's" -
what else, frozen yogurt - since the restaurant's December
12 opening.
RAAB CONSIDERS Ann Arbor a tough market for a new
food chain., "It's full of discerning critics," he says.
~~~~~- . - ' . .1 _ - m . a


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