Elr Atid-ga n :43aiI Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Saturday, February 12, 1977 , News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Co-ed johns OK as long as students approve them ONCE AGAIN, Housing Director John Feldkamp and several other Uni- versity administrators are feigning outrage over the latest "revelation" that some of the bathrooms in East Quad and Alice Lloyd are regularly used by both sexes. Actually, everyone knows that there are a few co-ed johns in these two dorms, in fact East -Quad and Alice Lloyd have had co-ed johns on various floors for some six years. Every two , years or so this issue becomes a heated topic again, and then the fun starts. Students are re- minded that it is against -University policy, and that they risk lease term-, ination if they continue this "im- moral" practice. Then, some poor building director gets yelled at, sev- eral RA's catch hell, and the students go right on doing what they choose. The only part of this process that makes any sense is the final step- "the students go right on doing what they choose." There is nothing wrong or immoral about co-ed johns. A ma- jority of students in the two dorms voted in favor of opening certain johns .to members of both sexes, and they did so because it would be more convenient - not because they are all secretly voyeurs, or because they want to have orgies in the bathrooms, there are certainly better places for such things. It is a simple matter of convenience, and should be treated as such. The righteous indignation of such administrators as Feldkamp and Uni- versity President Robben Fleming is unjustified, and insulting to the stu- dents involved. If the persons living on any individual floor, in any dorm, decide by vote that they would like to make their john co-ed that is their decision, and we support their right to make that decision. ARY POPpws .7MILLION IP I 11". SDGT- - E i Letters: I gun control To the Daily: CHRIS STANARD'S response to the Daily's editorial c o n - cerning the merits of gun con- trol leads me to question the writer's knowledge of the merits of firearm control in the Unit- ed States. Stanard cites New York City as the paradigm example of the failure of gun control. What he fails to realize is that New York's legendary "Sullivan Law" reaches only to the bard- ers of the city: as Johnny Car- son once said, "it wouldn't touch Newark, 'where the gar- bage meets the sea.'" In any event, the point is simple: Fire- arms flow into the city from other cities and states nearby. .This is not an argument against the law; rather it is an argu- ment for nationwide regulation of firearm ownership. At the same time, Standard :an demonstrate no cause and effect relationships between the brief effort of local police de- partments in Highland Park and Drlando, Florida, and where a comprehensive system of fire- arms licensing was enacted in the late 1960's, the most sophis- ticated forms of multiple regres- sion analysis demonstrated clear relationships between increas- ed controls and decreased g u n violence. THE FACTS ARE simple: A vast majority of the gun-related deaths in the United States are the result of "crimes of pas- sion." Usually, the victim is ac- :uainted with the assailant and in more than 75 per cent of the cases the assailant has no prior -riminal record. The solution is a simple one: Nationwide controls on handgun awnership. It has worked on a national basis in Japan and Eng- land and the potential benefits justify its adoption. -Frank Kimball January 23 Rose Bowl To the Daily: It gives me great pleasure to be able to relate to you how much we appreciate the exem- plary manner in which yo u r students conducted themselves during the recent Rose Bowl. It is indeed rare when compli- ments in general are expressed, especially about today's young men and women. It is a tribute to the University of Michigan, your staff, and Conlin Dodds Travel - for their organization, well mannered, and well behav- ed men and women. It is quite obvious why the University has such a tremen- dous following throughout t h e United States. -John P. Tarantini Innkeeper Holiday Inn L.A., California Letters should be typed and limited to 400 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. All parties deserve a fair chance to get on the ballot M i t:.'T' T'HE AMERICAN Civil Liberties Un- ion (ACLU) has launched a chal- lenge of Michigan's new election law which limits the number of parties that can appear on the ballot. The law is designed to discourage "bed- sheets" ballots by removing political parties from the ballot if they' do not receive one per cent of the votes cast for the successful candidate for the secretary of state in the previous election. Such parties would then be required to petition and win a pri- mary to get back on the ballot. While the intent is to make the ballot less confusing, it has the ef- fect of eliminating all but the Demo- cratis and Republican parties from the ballot. The result is to deprive voters of a full choice of candidates. Under the old law it was only necessary for a party to obtain a minimum number of signatures on petitions in order to be placed on the ballot. The new law not only re- tains this but adds the qualifying factor, making the task virtually im- possible. Those who advocate the new law point out that if more than nine par- ties qualify for ballot position, it be- comes necessary to go to paper bal- lots. THE RIGHTS of a minority have therefore been abridged to allow the convenience of technology. But, voting by paper ballots is no harder than using a machine, except that votes take longer to count. Some argue that the paper bal- lot is more confusing, but it was paper ballots that were used in the previous century - when illiteracy was far more prevalent. In the past the major parties have used the minor parties as a major source of inspiration. Roosevelt's New Deal was drawn from a large num- ber of minor party platforms. Here in Ann Arbor, it was the Human Rights party which pushed the local Democrats to a more lib- eral stance on a number of issues. And historically, once the goals of the minor parties have been ac- complished they have either been assimilated or faded into obscurity. Failure to allow access to the bal- lot by all parties cuts off the major parties from innovation, and sets the stage for the further disenfranchise- ment of other groups. Eventually such a policy can lead to violence, repres-, sion, and even revolution. We applaud the ACLU's effort to have this law thrown out. Editorial Staff Co-Editors-in -Chief ANN MARIE LIPINSKI and JIM TOBIN KEN PARZIGIAN ........ . Editorial Director Managing Editors JAYELEVIN. CNORGE LOBSENZ, MIKE NORTON, MARGARET YAO LOIS JOS.MOVICH..... Art Editor Magazine Editors SUSAN ADES and ELAINE FLETCHER STAF'F WRITERS: Gwven Barr, Susan Barry, Brian Bianchard, Michael Beckman, Phillip Bokovoy, Linda Brenners, Lori Carruthers, Ken Chotiner, Eileen Dale! Ron DeKett, LisaHFish- er, David Goodman, MJarnie Ileyn, Robb Halm- es, Michael Jones, L ni Jordan, Janet Klein, G~egg Kruppa, Steve Kursman, Dobilas Matu- oonis, Stu McConnell, Tom Meyer, Jenny M- ler, Patti Montemurri, Torn O'Connell, Jon Pan sius, Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Kim Potter, Martha Retallick, Keith Richburg, Bob Rosenbaum, Dennis Sabo, Annmarie Schiavi, Elizabeth Slowik, Tomn Stevens, Jim Stimpson, Mike Taylor, Pauline Toole, Mark wagner, Sue Warner, Shelley wolson, Mike Yelin, Laurie Young and Barb Zahs. Heavy By KEITH B. RICHBURG THE PICTURE postcards de- pict the island's p 1 a c i d beauty -the cool blue waters of the Caribbean, - the enticing beaches of post hotels. This is the Montego Bay that Harry Bel- efonte left behind, the Jah King- dom, where Bob Marley tells you to "lively up yqurself, cause reggae is another bag." In Jamaica, the island para- dise, the 1976 political murder toll was two hundred, a rash of violence that has forced Prime Minister Michael Manley to de- lare a "state of emergency." Among the incidents, on May 19, 1976, the infamous Orange Street Gang' set fire to a tene- ment building in retaliation for the stabbing of one of its mem- bers - and kept firemen at bay with gunfire while eight children and two adults burned to death inside. People's National Party Candidate Ferdie Neita was shot down in broad daylight at a Kingston shopping center. Lady Sarah Spencer-Churchill, d i s- tant cousin to the late Winston Churchill, was assaulted a n d raped when gunmen broke into her resort home, shooting t w o others during the rampage. And reggae music man Bob ("I shot the Sheriff") Marley w a s wounded when machine gun- wielding hoods broke into h i s home, the night before Marley was- to give a concert for the relection of Prime Minister Man- ley. WHY THIS RASH of unparal- leled violence in picturesque Eingstontown? The reason is partly Prime Minister Michael Manley himself, who, ever since his election in 1972, has been moving the island leftward along the path he calls "democratic socialism." Manley has stressed that "the capitalist system has MARY AW, WDAT T' \/ANT MOST F Otvj manner failed us," and his friendship with Cuba's Fidel Castro is un- disguised. Political opponents of Manley's - like Edward Seaga if Jamaica's free enterprise Jamican Labor Party (JLP) - have accused the Prime Minist- er of trying to make Jamaica a satellite of Castro's Cuba. And while Michael Manley's socialism, his friendship w i t h Castro, and his egalitaian prin- viples have brought the loathing of the middle-class, he has be- :ome the folk hero of the Ja- maican worker, who delivered him a'clear 57.3 per cent man- late over the free enterprsers in elections last December. Clearly Manley sees his win as approval for his socialist doc- trine, and Jamaica's becoming a socialist state is inevitable. MANLEY BLAMES the politi- -al unrest on the Central Intel- ligence Agency (CIA), and is quick to point out American in- tervention in Allende's C hi il e and Diem's South Vietnam. Said Manley in Time magazine last June, "I cannot prove in a court if law that the CIA is here. What I have said is that stcange things are happening in Jamaica whichwe have not seen before." U.S. Ambassador Sumner Ge- rard hias categorically denied that the CIA is present in Ja- mnaica, and the deputy assistant Secretary of State for Interna- tional Affairs William fuers, told a House Subcommittee that the CIA allegations were "tot- ally false." Meanwhile Manley stall shouts "CIA," citing his socialismPand his support of the pro-Soviet re- gime of Agostinto Neto in An- ;ola as reasons for the Amcri- can intervention. . . . And then he cites Allende's Chile, a n d Diem's South Vietnam .. . And now Jamaica is under a In postcard state of emergency, giving the army and police security forces special authority, like the njght- Ly "cordon and search" opera- tions under the Emergency Wea- pons Control Law, giving 1i f e imprisonment to anyone :aught with a firearm, a grenade, or any explosive devise. In fact, Manley campaigned - and won - on his pledge of "Heavy Man- ners," which is Jamaican slang for discipline, after a hit reggae song of the same name. BtT THE newly reelected Prime Minister has more than his share of problems, some of which "heavy manners' won't solve. Tourism and exports of sugar and bauxite are the is- lands chief source ,f income. The violence has cut tourism sharply - so sharply that *he government has had to buy sev- eral of those posh hotels to keep them from folding. On, the baux- ite scene, Manley is disrupting the market by trying to buy out S1 per cent of the American- owned firms, to further Jamai- :a's socialism. Even the most radical leftists are admitting that the government just does- n't have the know-how, 'not, to mention the resources, to na- tionalize the bauxite industry. Other problems facing Man- ley include a $370 million gov- ernment spending price tag for 1976. The trade defizit was $400 million. Over 25 per cent of Jamaica's work force is unem- ployed, and inflationis running at 15 per cent. Besides all that, Manley's recent re-election vic- tory - -- and his mandate for ,socialism - has scared away most of Jamaica's middle-class. They left, literally taking $200 million with them - smuggled out in cigarette boxes and tour- ist articles. To make uo for his losses, some expect Manley to ask money from the tional Monetary fund,, would mean devaluing maican dollar, and, lo, round of inflation. WHAT APPEARS li that Manley will keepJ under the state of em for some time. And thi left will continue. Manl even end up getting a lo the Soviet Union, in wh Jimmy Carter may be with a situation someth to President Kennedy's- uf pigs, Jamaican style rate, Manley probably' kingdom Interna- seek aid from the United States, but this just like Castro did after mak- the Ja- ing Cuba a Communist state. another This is where we have a chance to see if history really does re- peat itself. ikeiv is And as unemployment contn- Jamaica ues to reach new neights on the ergency island paradise, while inflation ie move runs rampant across Montego ley, may Bay, and while blood stains the an from beaches where Harry Belefonte ich case left his heart, Jamaicans are faced rallying behind the message of ing akin 9ne reggae artist who sings: - a bay While we fight one another At any for de power, will first Jah Kingdom goes to waste4 TO THE. RIGHT, MARCH! --.....by CHUCK ANESI rHE CIA IS NOT A RED CROSS organization. It was estab- lished thirty years ago to correlate and evaluate intelligence activities relating to national defense. Since then, its activities have successfully "bridged the gap between diplomatic protest and sending in the Marines." Because the CIA is essentially a hybrid military organiza- tion, it should be directed by a man with a thorough under- standing of military affairs. But this alone is not enough. Ad- ministrative experience, an understanding of intelligence activi- ties, and, most important, high integrity are also essential. Admiral Stansfield Turner, President Carter's new choice for the post, possesses all these qualities - First in the Annapolis class of 1947, Rhodes' Scholar, regional NATO commander, offi- cer and gentleman. Turner is military, but not martial, and will provide the CIA with the reserved and sensible, command it needs. If he follows the military credb, demanding strict obedience and integrity from his subordinates, he will eliminate the occasional abuses of which the CIA has been guilty. With men such as Turner available, why did Carter make his first choice the egregiously unqualified Theodore Sorensen? CARTER, OF COURSE, has frequently spoken of the need for a CIA housecleaning. And Sorensen was an early supporter of his nomination bid. But could Carter seriously have expected the Senate to approve Theodore Sorensen - a flap-mouthed scribbler of bombastic speeches,, a willing participant in the Chappaquiddick cover-up, a conscientious objector (I-AO in 1948 and 1952) - a man who showed his profound respect for con- fidentiality by taking seven boxes of classified information ,when he left the White House in 1964? Perhaps Carter did not know all the details. But he knew Sorensen's character, and he knew the chance of confirmation was remote. The Senate's refusal to confirm Sorensen has been called a "loss" for Carter. But Carter lost nothing. In fact, he gained. "Progressive" liberals were delighted by Sorensen's nomination, and when the unfit miscreant was finally rejected, they blamed the Senate - "The ghost of Joe McCathy," as George Mc- Govern said. Persons of balanced judgment found the Sorensen nomination anathema. But Admiral Turner satisfies them, and they will forgive Carter the error. Carter wins. Clever man, that peanut farmer. .,t... ..*. . v .V:r:.:r4":" .. ". "n +.. r::" ~ .. ti.-'dra; Contact your reps Sen. Don Riegle (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. You LPE WE'RE FlILD LiP, mSOPBEAT IT!I 1(34T COrM E '%'1 F :asr- JiffbW A. A. ^ As 0 1 TO 8CA JAMIJE? - PLPA 1 CLr~Vo~j' tcA FIRGMAN ° f'au-:~LL 1 RAT T Of iiy y . dL -4 KAREN ? >~ -~/) AI Go , JLt _., - --