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February 11, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-11

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rage i nrve


Rhodesian i
WASHINGTON - Appealing;
to Congress to impose a boy-
cott against Rhodesian ,chrome,i
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
said yesterday the Carter ad-
ministration supports a 'rapida
but peaceful transition to black
rule in Rhodesia.
"The key to peace lies in Mr.
Ian Smith's hands," Vance said,
referring to the white Rhodesian
leader. Vance went on to say
that a U.S. boycott of Rhodesian
chrome would persuade Smith
to move in that direction. -
Vance, testifying before the
Senate subcommittee on Afri-
can affairs, said the United
States would not take charge of
any negotiations looking toward'
black rule and has no intention
of becoming involved in a con-
flict in Rhodesia if Britain fails
to arrange a peaceful settle-
"In our judgment, clearly theI
British should play the leading
role," Vance said.
The United Nations has im-
posed a global boycott of Rho-
desian chrome since 1966. How-
ever, the United States has re-
fused to honor the boycott be-
cause of the congressionally im-
posed Byrd amendment, which
bars U.S. participation.
IRA gunmen
LONDON - Four Irish Repub-
lican Army gunmen were sen-
tenced yesterday to life impri-
sonment for seven killings and
a dozen bombings during an 18-
month IRA offensive in English
Authorities said they were
bracing for a possible upsurge
of IRA violence in reprisal for
the stiff sentences.
The judge in the case, Sir
Joseph Cantley, who had been
told he was on the extremists'
death list, refrained from com-
menting on the threat of an IRA
campaign as: he imposed the
sentences in Central Criminal
Court, known to Londoners as
the Old Bailey. He recommend-


FEBRUARY 11, 1977

ed that each of the four men zenship, can give hope of any'
serve no less than 30 years in safety for children, black or
prison before being paroled. white, now growing up in the
Afterward, Cantley declared: republic, and. prevent the hor-
"I have been dealing with crim- rors of civil war in the fu-
inals who called themselves ture."
soldiers and shot unarmed men, The statement was issued af-
murdered unprotected and un- ter a week-long meeting of the
suspecting women, sneaking up Southern African Catholic Bis-
and throwing a bomb through hops' Conference attended by
a restaurant window before run- prelates from South Africa, Swa-
ning away." ziland and Botswana.
Outside the court, units of
specially armed Scotland Yard
officers were posted at public National
buildings in the heart of the
British capital, while extra pre-
cautions were being taken to e .j claims
protect prominent people con-
sidered likely targets for IRAt
London's police chief, Sir PITTSBURGH - Lloyd Mc-
Robert Mark, warned the pub- Bride, backed by the United
lic: "Don't relax - be doubly Steelworkers hierarchy in the
cautious." race for the union's residenru


Catholics slam
South Africa
PRETORIA, South Africa -
The Roman Catholic Church, in
a stiff new challenge to the gov-
ernment of white-ruled South
Africa yesterday denounced the
nation's "social and political
system of oppression."
A statement by the Catholic
bishops of southern Africa call-
ed for sweeping change to avert
more bloodshed.
It urged a sharing of power
between South Africa's .5 mil-
lion whites and its 18 million
voteless blacks, condemned al-
leged police brutality against
blacks and vowed to promote
black leadership within the
The statement was issued as
students returned to school in
the black township of Soweto,
near Johannesburg, after a day !
of book burning and protest
against the government's sepa-
rate education policy for blacks.
The bishops demanded an in-
vestigation of what they describ-
ed as the "seemingly systematic
beatings and unjustifiable shoot-
ings of blacks during disturban-
ces and of cold blooded tor-
ture of detained persons."
In one of the most radical
statements ever published by
the Church in South Africa, long
a champion of black rights, it
"No temporary suppression by
violence, only a sharing of citi-

claimed victory yesterday, over
young challenger Edward Sad-
But Sadlowski would not con-
cede. defeat and his aides hint-
ed that the election for top of-
ficers in the 1.4 million- mem-
ber union would be challenged.
Based on unofficial returns
gathered by his campaign
staffs, McBride said he had a
75,000 - vote margin over his
opponent. A Sadlowski spokes-
man claimed his candidate
was ahead by a slim lead of
about 5,000 votes.
McBride's unofficial returns
gave him a lead of 281,632 to
196,263 at 4,529 locals. Sadlow-
ski's latest figures, which were
posted early Wednesday even-
ing, put him ahead 171,531 to
166,980 at 2,170 locals.
About 500,000 votes were cast
in Tuesday's election, a turn-
out considered to be about nor-
John Askins, a Sadlowski
spokesman, declined to say de-
finitely whether the election re-
sults would be challenged. But
he added; "There's been so
much vote fraud. With all the
polling places, they only had to
steal a few votes at each place
and they could get 100,000."
Gas shortage
may continue
tion's natural gas shortage may
continue until October and could
become even worse in winters

to come, a key federal energy
official said yesterday.
"We're not going to get out of
today's crisis possibly until next
October" because of the need!
to refill depleted storage sup-
plies of natural gas in prepara-
tion for next winter, said John
O'Leary, new head of the Fed-
eral Energy Administration.
"And indeed," O'Leary told
the Consumer Federation of
America, "next winter, and the
next winter, and the next win-
ter it's going to be worse."
At the same time, govern-
ment reports indicated the cur-
rent mild weather had sent back
to the job thousands of workers
laid off due to natural gas
shortages but that many more
were still out of work.
Meanwhile, President Carter
announced that Vice President
Walter Mondale and former
President Gerald Ford will head
a new energy conservation
group to minimize the waste of
fuel resources in the United
And Carter's chief energy ad-
viser, Janes Schlesinger, said
energy conservation will be the
cornerstone of the administra-
tion's comprehensive policy to
be unveiled by April 20. He hint-
ed that much of the conserva-
tion may be imposed by the gov-
ernment and may involve some
kind of price regulation as
Late Finch
niomn ated
was nominated yesterday for
Hollywood's best actor Oscar
for his role as a mad television
announcer in "Network", one
month after his death here from
a heart attack.
Finch's film, "Network," and
the sentimental boxing movie
"Rocky", took host nominations
with 10 each.

mony here on March 28.
U.S. needs

Besides Finch, the Best Actor tary rights In the Panama Ca-
nominations were Robert De- nal Zone, claims the man who
Niro ("Taxi Driver"), Gian- was governor general of the
carlo Giannini ("Seven Beau- Zone and president of the Pan-
ties"), William Holden ("Net- ama Canal Company.
work") and Sylvester Stallone Retired Maj. Gen. David
("Rocky"). Parker said the negotiations op-
Best Actress nominations ening in Panama this week
went to Marie Christine Bar- must, in the interests of the.
rault, niece of famed French safety of the United States, pro-
actor Jean Louis Barrault for tect the military rights which
"Cousin, Cousine," Faye Dun- the present treaty stipulates in
away ("Network"), Talia Shire perpetuity.
("Rocky"), Sissy Spacek ("Car- The general said, "Rather
re") and Liv Ullmann ("Face than a long - drawn - out per-
to Face"). iod of attrition, with the U. S.
The five best films named giving up points each year until
were "All the President's Men," the entire transfer has been ac-
"Bound for Glory," "Network," complished, I recommend
"Rocky," and "Taxi Driver." complete retention by the Unit-
The Oscars will be presented ed States of all present rights
at a celebrity - packed cere- for a shorter period of years.


Milliken asks

Milliken has asked state law- do not itemize, the average an-
makers to hike the gasoline tax nual increase would be $16.02."
by two cents and tax vehicles The gas tax provision would
according to their value - not hike the levy from nine to 11
weight - to fund his $145 mil- cents per gallon.
lion transportation package. "The increase in fuel taxes
The governor's taxing propos- will assist the recovery of pub-
al was presented to lawmakers lic transportation program lev-
yesterday in a special transpor- els from the austerity condi-
tation message:' tions imposed by inflated costs
t s and allow limited- program im-
"My combined revenue pack- provements," the governor said.
age - producing $144.8 million
a year-will amount to an esti- Petitions for
mated net yearly tax increase,
including both the value and M illiken recall
gas taxes, of approximately
$11.73 per passenger vehicle, CHASE - A group of PBB-
based on calculations that in- afflicted dairy farmers is pre-
lude federal tax deductions," paring a statewide petition drive
Milliken said. "For those who See PETITIONS, Page 7


fense of the United States gas tax hike
makes it mandatory for this
nation to retain all basic mili- LANSING - Gov. William
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William E. Drexler
A former attorney and Justice
of the Peace from Minnesota,
who was c h a r g e d with and
acquitted of three counts of
willful failure to file income
tax returns or social security
for eleven years.

John Joseph Matonis
A practicing attorney from Cal-
ifornia who has distinguished
himself in fighting government
agencies and is currently active
in representing t a x resisters
against government oppression.

/ I

Feb. 27
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There are also people in Michigan who have not paid
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Saturday, Feb. 12th, 1977
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.




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