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February 11, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-11

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See Editorial Page




High - 45*
Low - 35*
See Today for detail;

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 1, 1977 Ten Cents T

en Pages

- _

Mssing person
According to Michigan Student Agembly (MSA)
bylaws, December-elected Stewart Mandell may
be expelled. Mandell missed his third consecutive
MSA meeting Tuesday night, reason enough to be
kicked out. He explained that he is a varsity de-
bater and didn't know about the recent experi-
mental weekly (rather than the usual bi-weekly)
meetings because he was out-of-town at debate
touritaments. The governing student body will vote
on Mandell's status at next Tuesday's meeting.
Gerbil "blurb
The Gerbil Magazine makes its debut in the
Fishbowl today. Though it may sound like a pet
store publication, it's really an English Depart-
ment publication chock full of fictitious and poetic
goodies for 25 pennies. Also on sale in the Hop-
wood Rm.
Co-ed johns
Residents of East Quad's Hinsdale, Greene, Pres-
cott and Tyler Houses were reminded and mildly
reprimanded yesterday in a memo by Lee Kirk, in-
terim housing coordinator at the dorm, that "john
sex designations are to be adhered to." Mean-
while University President Robben Fleming seemed
to take reports of co-ed johns in stride, saying:
"This problem comes up once or twice a year, and
it is not confined to the University, but is a na-
tional phenomena." The situation generally
straightens itself out, he noted.
Happenings ...
. ..break bright and early at 9:15 a.m. with a
panel on job-hunting strategies, opening a full day
of job opportunity workshops for graduate students
with representatives from government, business,
and services in the Rackham Bldg. . . . from' 9:30
to 11:30 a.m. a Center for the Continuirg Educa-
tion of Women support group, will hold its weekly
meeting on "Continuing Growth for Women 45 to
60" at the CEW, 328-330 Thompson . .. for a noon
lunch, meet Judy Abner, former coordinator of the
Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, at Guild House,
802 Monroe . . . at 2:30, Dr. Stephen Bardwell of
the Fusion Energy Foundation, sponsored by the
U.S. Labor Party and UAC, will speak on "Fusion
Power and the Politics of Progress" in the Michi-
gan League, Henderson Rm., third floor. . . Learn
dhow to decorate 'Russian imperial eggs at 4 when
Pat Nisson demonstrates at the International Cen-
ter, 603 E. Madison . . . also at 4, undergraduates
interested in majoring in Linguistics will meet at
2050 Frieze Bldg. . . . Enjoy South American cui-
sine for $1.50 at the Guild House, 802 Monroe at
6 p.m. Reservations necessary . . . and after din-
ner, attend a Tyagi Ji cosmic transmitting session
at 7 at Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill.
Funny Father
We've seen the Flying Nun, we've heard the
Singing Nun, so how about the Funny Father? It's
true, garbed in clerical collar and all, Illinois
priest Father Matt Rudden moonlights as a stand-
up comedian in the Maroon Raccoon, a spot in a
Chicago suburb for aspiring comics. Rudden's main
ambition, in fact, is "to have some agent think I'm
good enough to take me as a client." Contributing
his late night earnings to a center for mentally
retarded persons, Rudden says he gets the biggest
laughs when he tells "true experiences in my
priesthood." Hardly in the Lenny Bruce or Don
Rickles tradition.
Oh deer

A school business discussion in Stevenson, Wa.sh.,
was rudely interrupted Tuesday when a black ail
fawn came crashing through the office window,
landing right in front of principal Ron Daron. The
deer, unhurt, then made itself at home on the prin-
cipal's couch. Meanwhile, Daron related, "The as-
sistant principal said this was no place for him
and left. I said. 'Close the door behind you., ,
Coaxed by officia's out of the principal's sofa, the
deer was shoved along the school corridors. It then
made a more traditional exit out the door back to
its home on the range.
Ont the inside...
Carter urges Congress to ban Rhodesian
chrome from the U.S. in the News Digest on Page
3 . Dave Burgett defends the ACLU on Edit
Page . . . Arts page critic David Masello praises
the Comic Opera Guild's version of the Merry Wi-
dow . . . and Sports Page's Rick Maddock takes
a look at the upcoming Denver hockey series.

Citing "major academic weaknesses" and a predicted mil-
lion. dollar deficit within the school, the Dean and Executive
Committee of the School of Public Health have recommended
thait the Regents consider termination of that school's Popula-
tion Planning Department (PPD).
The Regents, however, are not expected to make a final
decision on the issue until March.
FACULTY AND STUDENTS in the 11-year-old graduate de-
partment have called the February 2 announcement a "bomb-
shell." Department chairman Leslie Corsa agrees it came "out
of the blue."
Of ten full-time professors in the department, eight are ten-
ured and would be shifted to other departments if a closing
becomes necessary. Sixty-one students are working toward gradu-
ate degrees, and School of Public Health Dean Richard Reming-

ton foresees a "tailored program for each one" so they can com-
plete their studies.
In making the recommendation, the Executive Committee
took into account both financial concerns as well as the report
of the Population Planning Review Committee, submitted in
August 1976.
RON HOLROYD, one of two students on the nine-member
committee headed by Remington, says since "the Dean thought
it would be chaotic if the word got out" during deliberations,
he "just used the review finding " in making his decision
about the department.'
Holroyd defended his vote to discontinue the PPD, stressing
the financial problem. "In the '60s there was money to ex-
pand, but now we have to consolidate things."
He also recalled that the Review Committee had criticized
the department's course selection for being "too concerned with
foreign problems instead of national ones."

0 "
'ept.in peril
SINCE THE ANNOUNCEMENT, the member* of the depart-
ment have bitterly protested the proposal.
"The procedure was unethical anld unprofessional," charges
Diana Gurieva, a graduate student rand president of the PPD
Student Association. "Although the evaluation process was open;
he (Remington) has 'Sbifted the whole situation into a budget
matter." The students and faculty complain that Remington
"wouldn't discuss monetary figures with us."
An open letter from the department faculty deplores "the
secrecy with which he (Remington) has surrounded _ this mat-
ter "after leading us to believe that other actions were being
PROF. GEORGE SIMMONS accuses Dean Remington of "de-
fending his political position by putting it into economic terms."
He explained that teaching costs have been covered by outside








Ricky Wayne Wilson, the 20-year-old Kentuckian
whose gunshot slaying of University freshwoman Jean-
nine Boukai last Sept. 30;in the Arboretum cast a pall
over campus, was sentenced yesterday to a 20 to 40 year
prison term at the state facility in Jackson.
"The prosecuting attorney makes the recommenda-
tion that I imprison you for life," Circuit Court Judge
Patrick Conlin told Wilson. "lie considers you to be noth-
ing more or nothing less than a hit man."
THE JUDGE TOLD Wilson that "no matter how you look at
it," Boukai's "contract" offer of $50 and a motorcycle played a
role in the slaying.
But seconds later, Conlin said, "I'm not going to give you life


Local man charged
with fatal stabbing

A 21-year-old local man was
charged yesterday with the fa-
al stabbing of his housemate,
John Mori'is, 24. .
Steven "Jesse" McNamara
was arrested Monday night af-
ter a third roommate found
Morris' body on the back porch
of his home at 210 W. Kingsley
late that afternoon. Police be-
lieve Morris, who had been
stabbed several times in the
chest, has been dead since
about Feb. 2.

reveal the suspect's possible
motive for killing Morris. How-
ever, Ann Arbor Deputy Police
Chief Harold Olson said, "Bas-
ed on'our investigation and talk-
ing with the suspect, we had
sufficient information for a war-
rant for his arrest."
Olson said neither man was
affiliated with the University,
at the time of the alleged mur-
Olson said roommate John
Cruz discovered the body under
a sheet when he was going to
See RESIDENT, Page 10

The moment Conlin handed
down the sentence, a visibly in-
credulous Wilson glanced over
his shoulder at -his pregnant
wife, Lea, who was sobbing
quietly in the rear of the court-
Assistant Public Defender Ron
Carlson, indicated that Wilson
will probably appeal the sen-
tence next month.
Prior to the judge's decision,
Wilson made a brief address
in which he appealed to Coilin
to consider his mental state,
and refer hiT for psychiatric
evaluation to "help me under-
stand why I committed the
'I fail to conclude a reason
why it happened, not only to
the court, but to myself," Wil-
son 'said in a calm, even voice.
WILSON ASKED the judge
See BOUKAI, Page 7

Daily Photos by ANDY FREEBERG
Soviet musicians relax by shopping in the morningDY
Rusians ant o,

The Leningrad Symphony Qrchestra' de-
scended on Ann Arbor's shopping districts yes-
terday, and it was a windfall for vendors of
record albums, blue jeans, shoes - and
"Can you tell me why they're all buying
Selmer Slide Grease?" asked a puzzled Dave
Juillet of Arbor Music Company. "I must have
sold four dozen of them in the last two days."
HORN PLAYER Anatoli Sukhorukov, buy-
ing a mute at the counter, explained through

an interpreter that the slimy stuff (which lub-
ricates trombone slides) isn't available in the
Soviet Union. When the University Symphony
visited Leningrad in 1961, the slide grease they
used became an instant favorite.
"The best quality professional ,instruments
are made in America," Sukhorukov added
tersely, though not without a bit of political
The Russians were wary of being photo-
graphed, particularly when buying American
See RUSSIANS, Page 10

U', AFSCME resolve

key promotionC
By BOB ROSENBAUM CHIEF University negotiator
Negotiators for the University William Neff said last night that,
and the American Federation of with the exception of some
State, County and Municipal "odds and ends," the two sides
Employes (AFSCME, Local have totally resolved the promo-
1583) yesterday resolved a key tion issue.
non-economic issue which nas "We have moved along con-
blocked progress in their con- siderably compared to where
tract talks. we were 24 hours ago,"' Neff
The two teams reached an said.
agreement on how the promo- Both sides expressed hope that
tion and transfer of university most of today's bargaining ses-
employes will be handled under sion could be devoted to resolv-
a new contract. ing differences on employe
Rhodes finds warm
/uwelcomie at Cornell
Frank Rhodes has received enthusiastic endorsements from
Cornell University students, staff and alumni in his bid for the
presidency there.

wages and benefits.
AFSCME has set next Tues-
day as its negotiation deadline.
The deadlock was broken yes-
terday when the University of-
fered union representatives a
new proposal on promotions and
transfers, accqrding to AFSCME
negotiator Art Anderson.
"We took a look at it. We
chose our terms and they met
us," Anderson said. "We got all
that we asked for."
NEFF CALLED the agree-
ment a compromise.
"The University was able to
meet a number of the unions
interests and still maintain
enough priorities for our own
needs," he said.
The dispute centered on pro-
cedures to be used by the Uni-
versity when filling vacant posi-
tions among workers.
AFSCME contends the current
contract makes it too easy for
the University to hire from out-
side' the union when filling va-
cancies. University negotiaors
have maintained that the na m-
ber of non-union people hired
has been exaggerated by
Negotiators believe that once
wages, benefits and other econ-
omic topics come under discus-
sion the bargaining' pace will
pick up considerably. Just the
same, some officials are cau-
tious to avoid saying whether a
settlement can be reached on a
complete contract before the
present deadline.
AFSCME HAS already noti-
fied the University that its first
economic stand was "totally un-
ac'entable," but serious bar-
gaining on the matter has not
yet begun.

The endorsements followed
to Cornell's Ithaca, New York,
City Tuesday. Rhodes met withr
Committee - which consists of
ulty and Alumni Search Com-
WHILE IN New York City,
Rhodes also visited Cornell's
medical school.
The support of the Commun.
ity Search Committee had been
in doubt after that group ex-
pressed reservations last week
about Rhodes' handling of the
Jewell Cobb nomination for lit-
erary college dean in 1975.
Cobb. a 51-year-old black zool-
ogist and dean of Connecticut
Co ege, refused a two-year, no-

the Univerity vice-preident's visit
campus Monday and to New York
members of the Community Search
students and staff - and the Fac-
E. uad
ends co-ed
Residents of East Quad co-ed
bathroom halls met last night

. . . get back to practice in the afternoon.


Considerable controversy has arisen over the
recommendation -by the Dean' of the Medical
School that the Speech and Hearing Sciences


written in f973, that no one on the faculty had
been permitted to read it, and that many chang-
es had been made since then."
In addition, students argue that because the
vast majority of students in the program are
Xff'fl n . ,t-c tar4- n t;.4~ . r --... ..-.A,4--3n 1. - i-

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