entTHE MICHIGAN DAILY A rts & Entertain m ent Thursday, February 10, 1977 Page Five Vilm..mnk.or Ppfor FOLLOWS LONELINESS THEME FL UINN U tW uA,1/ Kubelka to speak y OWEN GLEIBERMAN Kubelka has always dealt w 'TER KUBELKA, one of the what he feels is the essence world's great experimental cinema. He once said that "e makers, Will be appearing in ery frame in a film is -3 co Natural S'cience Auditorium munication possibility, and ay evening at 8 p.m. Kubel- don't want to waste one." It ill be speaking and showing because of this meticulous m his films, including a new thod of film-making that K k entitled Pause! belka has produced onlys 6rn in 1934 in Vienna, Kubel- short films in twenty-five yea has been devoting himself to The resulting films, howev ma since 1952. The complex, are so complicated with and perfection he tries to many levels of meaning, that leve in his films is evidenc- is impossible to speak of the by the fact that he has pro in the context of virtually a ed slightly over thirty min- other form of cinema today. s of film in his entire ca- Tickets for this event W r..In addition to his film- $1.50 and will be on sale at t king activities, Kubelka has door. Don't miss this opporto ght and lectured widely, and ity to see the work of one of t he co-founder and co-director trly great figures in experime the Austrian Film Museum. tal cinema. ith of ev- mn- I Is ne.- Kt- six rs. rer, so it emn ny ire he en- he en- "li Genesis LP advanced By MIKE TAYLOR >f{EELINGS of desertion a n d desolation, and the sub- sequent quest for identity and love, have long been popular songwriter topics. With Wind and Wuthering (ATCO SD 36-144), Genesis has now devoted an en- tire album to these emotions. Often using journeys as mta- phoric expressions of loneliness, 'isolation, abandonment, home- lessness, and alienation, the songs form a melancholic whole. In some ways, the record is quite an advance over previous work by Genesis. Most of t h e tracks are quite lengthy, a n d they all combine a wide variety of remarkable melodies, shifting tempos, and novel rhythms with- in their structures. Each mem- ber of the band plays a broad assortment of instruments; tneir thickly textured playing has been mixed to the level of per- cnssionist Phil Collins' vocals, making the music and lyrics amazingly cohesive. Thanks to the imaginativeness of the lyrics and the creativ- ity of the music, the songs have a strange, dream-like quality to them. Ironically, this allows the listener to become enveloped by them, making their stories seem real. As in previous albums, each group member has contri- buted to the songwriting. SINCE the same themes are found from song to song, and more distant perspectives. Each most of the compositions are ko tells the tale of an ill-fated ex- complex as to have no real pedition, a journey without a structure, the tracks tend to destination. Possessing glittering sound somewhat similar to each words and majestic music, each other. In addition, melodies song takes on a mythical qual- come and go so fast that one ity. wonders if they couldn't h i v e An amusing variation on the been better developed. Fortun- album's predominant outlook is ately, these are only minor contained in "All in a Mouse's weigh the losses in the case Night", an ironic story of a flaws; the advances greatly out- mouse's search for identity and of Wind and Wuthering. a home (most mouses have to As in Genesis' practice, t h e live in other people's homes). songs are punctuated from time Told from four points of view, to time by instrulmental pas- including a couple in bed, the sages. In addition, two f the mouse, a cat, and an impartial numbers are wholly instrument- narrator, the mouse has to take al.,These features add depth to on the couple and the cat in his the albums, and help to counter- journey from mousehole to the act the record's lack of variety. breadbin. Two songs, "Afterglow" and "Blood on the Rooftops" is the "Your Own Special Way" have sole song not to deal with move- been written from quite personal ment and drifting. Rather, t h e points of view, making :hem characters seem frozen in static the most touching ones on the al- lives, alienated frtm the r e a I bum. Each is a love song, an world. Just as "Mad, Mad, idiom Genesis rarely engages Moon", from last year's A Trick in. "Afterglow" has a breath- of The Tsll, had contradictory taking melody, and melody, and element, "Blood on the Roof- lyrics that yearn for love and torp" contradicts all that is said a place to call home. "Yo'ir ire the remainder of Wind and Own Special Way" is quite long, Wutherirg. If moving around but has a relatively simple struc- and sitting still both make for ture and a stirring melody. It misery, then what (if anything) deals with a transient sailor See GENESIS, Page 8 who Jist wants to settle down. "ONE FOR the Vine" and "Eleventh Earl of Mar" are ex- 603 s y tended pieces, written from 1 * relude.?4 Y{ SF By ROSALYN KUTNER Lovers and Doubles is the title of this week's University{ mphony Orchestra performance. The lovers are Romeo and liet.-The doubles are Samuel Mayes and Angel Rayes - two> isic School professors who will be performing Brahms' Double ncerto for 'Cello and Violin, tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Hill Audi- s *um.S \ t F a ''y,5r Samuel Mayes made his debut with the St. Louis Symphony age eight. He was principle cellist with the Philadelphia Or estra for nearly forty years. He has concertized worldwide d performed with such noted conductors as Toscanini, Stokow- L, Leinsdorf and Ozawa. Genesis members ( to r) Steve Hackett, Tony Banks, Chester Thompson, Mike Rutherford, ANGEL RAYES began his career in the U.S. at Carnegie and Phil Collins. The group will be performing this Saturday at Detroit's Masonic Temple at lU. His reputation includes extensive concert tours with the 8 p.m. irld's major orchestras. Rayes first met Mayes when he was-- Ling with the Philadelphia Orchestra about 30 years ago. ey founded the Rackham Trio, along with violist Frances Bun- G rf1 u;nC- fwe t C r4b 6hh ;/a a, a faculty colleague. ) The Brahms Double Concerto, Op. 102 in A minor, is a rare $ h r1 L- o b s t r)f .The. P0cl im because it is scored for two solo instruments rather than $, Y , a conv en tio n al sin g le solo. T h e c on certo w as in sp ired b y th e s our b t w n th s oy oiC/1e + 'orak 'cello concerto. It features duets between the solos,! L je +0tr h alogues with solos and orchestra, and fragments of the themes CL310M o rV* ( C gun in one medium and concluded in another.. The program for tomorrow also includes Tchaikovsky'stih Y imeo and Juliet Overture and Mozart's Symphony No. 23. I Soviet Post sought -r----------- 12, OSCOW (P) - A Soviet' entator sees a need foi a ssian version of Emily Post's k of Etiquette to teach his untrymen good manners. The problem cannot be solv- I by importing books on eti- ette from abroad, Vladimir ina said in an article pub- hed by Literary Gazette. THEY MAKE interesting ading, he added, but "their surgeois spirit makes the main irt of such literature unsuit- ile for our conditions." The lack of a good book of So- et etiquette causes such prob- ms as that of the talented en- neer who is not promoted ause he's -rude to his boss thotit knowing it, Voina said. there is the young man who sn't know how to address a rade who is also a pretty man, or the promising stu- nt who causes irritation be- use he keeps interrupting his fessor. More serious occasions like aths and funerals lack prop- guidelines, he said. "Some- nes we don't know how to ow our feelings on such oc- sions or to comfort people o are grieving. 'What we need are textbooks etiquette like Emily Post- art and witty, written by au- thoritative and talented people with the qualities of a teacher, writer, sociologist, psycholo- gist and expert on morals," Vo- ina said. PETER KUBE LKN will speak and show his films f ri. feb11 8:00 - I I C sposored by: UAC, Cinemo , L Ann Arbor F m C-op nat science dud $1.50 ANN AUh0C0UFILL CC-CUD TONIGHT in Auditorium A, Angell Hall ANDY WARHOL NIGHT FLESH (Paul Morrissey, 1968) 7:00 ONLY The excessgs of sex degenerate into mannered ceremonies of flash in the decayed and seedy atmosphere of Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey's New York. Joe Dalesandro personifies the soul that grows more distant and laconic as hustling and love become increasingly indiscernible. He emerges as a living statue of Adonis, striking and desired, yet cold, aloof, and bored. Joe Dal- lesandro, Geraldine Smith, Candy Darling. WOMEN IN REVOLT (Andy Warhol' 1972), 9:00 ONLY Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey examine women's liberation through their unique perspective of systematic reversal. Unlike the slushy romantic Hollywood features of the '30's and '40's, the heroines here are trying to get away from men, not pursue them. As usual, the dalogue is hilariously acidic in its delivery by the cast, featuring Holly Woodlawn as a high fasihon model from Bayonne, N.J., Candy Darling as a society deb from Long Island, and Jackie Curtis as a self-described schoolteacher. "A madcap soap opera . . . hilarious!"-Vincent Canby. Admission-$1.25 single feature $2.00 double feature The Ann Arbor 8mm Festival I 0 I