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February 09, 1977 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-09

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Page Eight


Wednesday February 9, 1977

347 Maynard, Ann Arbor

Steel election: A tough battle
between rebels and moderates'

PITTSBURGH {P) - The di-
rection of the United Steelwork-
ers (USW) union's relations with
the steel industry was put to a
vote yesterday as the unign's
rank and file chose new officers.
Battling for the presidency of


Professional Theatre Program announces
for University Showcase Series
Production of BINGO by Edward Bond
Friday, Feb. 11 at 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 12 at 1:00 p.m.
Frieze Building
More Information posted in the Frieze Building

the 1.4-million-member union
are Lloyd McBride, a moderate
backed by the USW administra-
tion, and Edward Sadlowski, a
rebel who says the only way
working people will get their full
share from management is by
fighting for it.
INTEREST in the election is
widespread. As the nation's larg-
est industrial union and the most
influential member of the AFL-
CIO, the USW often sets the
pace for other labor contracts.
Control of the steelworkers could
also affect the national economy
through its effects on steel pro-
duction and prices.
In the early voting, spokesper-
sons for both candidates said
the turnout was heavy.
"We expect it to be over 600,-
000," said a McBride supporter.
A Sadlowski aide described in-
terest in the election as "enor-
mous." "It will be the biggest
vote in the history of the union,"
he said.
A complete tally of the bal-
lots was expected to take sever-
al days, but each candidate's




eel w~p


staff planned to gather unoffi-
cial results, which should show
a trend by tomorrow.
A FEW HOURS after the polls
opened, Sadlowski complained of
voting irregularities. One of his
observers alleged that the ballot
box at Local 15530 at the Bu-
chanan Contracting Co. in Bir-
mingham, Ala., was one-third
full of ballots before the polling
site opened.,
Sadlowski also accused Mc-
Bride's running mate for secre-
t ry, Lynn Williams of Toronto,
of violating union campaign
rules by appearing on television
at the polling site in his home
McBride campaigned as .the
"responsible" union veteran,
and supported the view of re-
tiring President I. W. Abel that
labor and management should
create a stable relationship that
would benefit both workers and
Sadlowski called that attitude
a "sellout" and a betrayal of
the principles of unionism.
Among other things, he wants to
do away with the union's no-
strike agreement with the steel
(Continued from Page 1)
Negotiations have thus far
dealt mainly with non-economic
issues, like grievance proce-
dures and job classifications.
For the past week, talks have
been bogged down by disagree-
ments over how employe pro-
motions will be handled under
the new contract.
Wages and benefits have only
been vaguely discussed by the
two sides despite the fact that
only six days remain for nego-
that the University's wage pro-
posals were "unacceptable"
may be a good indication of how
economic talks will go.
The mandatory AFSCME neet-
ing is scheduled for 4 p.m. in
the Rackham Auditorium.
In 1971, Local 1583 struck the
University for three days after
unsuccessful ,negotiations. .The
walkout shut down food and
maintenance services, nearly
causing a suspension of class-
es. AFSCME eventually submit-
ted to binding fact-finding to
settle the dispute.

warns of
(Continued from Page 1)
FERENCY SAID he believes
the Constitution provides suffici-
ent safeguards against surveil-
lance, but he feels the true spir-
it of the document has been
"Instead of painting toilet
seats red, white and blue this
last year, we should have re-
membered where the U. S. gov-
ernment came from. It is what
the Constitution says it is."
"But people have other things
on their mind," he continued.
"They have to survive. They
aren't interested in esoteric
Constitution questions."
FERENCY SAID that infor-
mation including blood type,
health insurance policy, and
body scars are just a few of the
types of information gathered
by government agencies and
fed through computers.
He cited three reasons for
gathering such information:
-the government needs to be
aware of extreme threats to
protect its welfare. "The Chi-
lean government under Salva-
dore Allende needed to protect
itself from such things as CIA
agents," said Ferency. "As
long as these threats survive,
you can expect governments to
be concerned."
-the government needs to
see if the people being govern-
ed are violating laws. This in-
cludes "non-complaint" crimes
such as narcotics. "As long as
these kinds of laws lend them-
selves to underscored activi-
ties, this kind of surveillance is
likely to continue," he said.
-the government's fear of
an internal threat.
Ferency finished his address
by warning the audience that
there could be a government
agent present "taking pictures,
taking down license plate num-
bers, or finding friends and fam-
ily of those in attendance . ."
If you are interest-
ed in review ki
pr, r ad mfusic
* or writing feature
stories a b o u t the
drama, dance, film
arts: Contact Arts
Editor, cyo The

Doiily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
evangelist Josh McDowell spoke last night of a need for young, unwed couples to refrain
from sex until after marriage. A large Hill Auditorium crowd heard McDowell's remarks.
A lea for sexuual restraint

(Continued from Page 1)
mistaking it only for a way
get something for oneself.
person should be able to say,
love you - period.
"LOVE IS surrender. Sex
coqus,",e d1

I McDowell advised the female' son who feared his sins would
to members of the audience to cool not be forgiven, McDowell re,
A off a fast-moving, passionate assured his audience that all
"I male who- pushes himself upon people can be saved. "I don't
them. "Tell him to run around care how gross you are, or if
is the car a few times . . . espe- you went to (Michigan State."
S cially if it's sub-degree wenth-

'. C

- pug



r UNJ.

V eve Of

conquest," he added. 1 ,a11 L0"-°s° "ap
t er."McDOWLL continually ex-
McDowell, who holds college pressed devotion for his wife,
degrees in economic theory and "CQNTROL your sex life and who was in the audience. "Ev-
theology, extended his theory of you control every aspect of your ery time that I talk to her,, I
love to the current world situa- life. You are in bondage to your treat her as if it is the last
tion, saying that relations be- passion . . . what you say is (time)."
S\could b important as to what you do." Stressing the importance of
tween countries could be im- McDowell said that a person's personal attitude and individual
proved if "countries would be key to sexual freedom was action attntrolling one's sex
more concerned with what they prayer and asking for forgive- life, McDowell admitted, "Once
can give (rather) than with what ness. you get started, it's pretty hard
they can get." Recalling a story about a per- to stop. It all depends on you."
College enrollment level drops



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CINCINNATI (/P) - College en- years, said research indicates a
rollment has declined for the national enrollment decline of
first time in 26 years, says a .1 per cent for all the nation's
University of Cincinnati enroll- post-secondary schools-or about
ment expert who sees the trend 15,000 fewer students than last
as "an agonizing preview" of year. There are presently 11.22
times ahead. million persons enrolled in
The recently-completed survey American colleges and universi-
shows a drop of .8 per cent in ties, he said.
four-year schools and a .5 per Parker said the brightest note
cent dip in two-year schools, ac-
cording to Dr. Garland Parker, EYES WERE OPEN
executive director of enrollment
policy and educational research PUTNAM, Tex. (P) - Ruel
at the university. Reynolds, who runs an antique
store here in an old 70,000-bar-
PARKER, who has supervised rel oil storage tank, always has


in the study was the increased
enrollment of women. Full-time
enrollment increased three per
cent, although part-time enroll-
ment of women declined 1.8 per
cent. Women comprise 46 per
cent of the students surveyed in
four-year schools, ,Parker said.
He said the enrollment lag
"meant a' critical loss of funds
either in feds income or state
funding, or both." He said the
loss of part-time students may
jeopardize many continuing and
adult education courses while
faculties may suffer as a result
of less money for slary in-
creases, program improvements
and fewer job openings.
ENROLLMENT analysts have
predicted a radical decline by
the mid-1980's. But most experts
had projected enrollments for
the current school year at as
high as a 4.5 per cent increase.
Parker is troubled by a 3.2 per
cent drop among part-time stu-
dents. He called it "the ludde
surprise in the enrollment pack-
age." Part-time students' in-
creased natiolally by 7.7 per
cent in the 1975-76 school year.

the survey for 17 consecutive


)(ou just can'tsWLA1"EIrlb... t

his eye open for a profit.
On the Monday after Christ-
mas he was on his way to An-
son to pick up some items he
had purchased at an auction.
He saw lying on the road the
body of a coyote that had been
killed by a passing motorist.
Thinking that it was a traffic
hazard-and that the J and L
Packing Co. a mile ahead of-
fered to buy pelts of unskinned
animals, Reynolds loaded the
body into his car. His reward
at the packing company was $7.

Just abou
Big Mac
a Big Ma
This is c
The frier
100 wor
Mac Att
award t
Mac Att
First Pri
Third Pr
28, 197
be judgE
as often

You just can't say,"LATER', to a Big Macm Attack
ut everybody loves the taste of a McDonald'ss Objective/Rules for judged by McDonald's and their advertising agency
. But, every once in a while, the urge for "Big Mac, Attack" Writing Contest 6. Three entries will be selected for prizes at each
c is almost uncontrollable. participating McDonald's" Restaurant. First prize
ommonly referred to as a "Big Mac Attack" OBJECTIVE. We at McDonald'sx realize that many is the Big Mac"" Plaque. Second prize is a lRonald
dly folks at McDonald's want to hear (in people are often subject to an irresistible urge for McDonald* wrist watch. Third prize is a $5.00
ds or less) about your "Most Unusual Big- a Big Mac;" commonly referred to as a "~Big Mac"'' McDold'' gift certificate book.
ack'. Each participating McDonald's will Attack". In order to better meet your needs, we 7. Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
he following prizes for the three best "Big hope to discover how, where, when, and why dif- a. Creativity
ack" stories. fprent people experience a "Big Mac'' Attack" Your b. Age of contestant
ze The Big Mac Plaque personal response is greatly appreciated. 8. All prizes will be awarded by March 3., 1977.
Prize A Ronald McDonald' wrist watch RULES. 1. Write the story of your "Most Unusual Any unclaimed prizes will be awarded to the next
rize A $5.00 McDonald's gift Big Mac' Attack" on an entry blank available at best entry.
-z certificate book any participating McDonald's' Restaurant and also 9. No one may win more than one prize at any one
published in local newspapers. store. Employees of McDonald's" and McDonald's
A 2. If entry forms are not available to you, submit advertising agencies, as well as members of their
your story on an 8'/" x 11" sheet of paper. Include families, are not eligible to win.
a your name, address, and telephone number. 10. No applicant will be required to prove whether
- 3. Maximum length fcr each entry is one hundred his or her Big Mac'' Attack was real or imagined.
entries by 1 pm. on Monday, February (100) words. The management of McDonald's" Restaurants and
7 at any participating McDonald's Res- 4. You may enter as often as you wish, no purchase their employees would like to
All entries must be handwritten and will is necessary. thank you for your participation.
ed by the McDonald's store manager and 5. All entries must be handwritten and be submitted We hope that you enjoy telling your
ald's advertising agency. Fee free to enter at a participating McDonald's' Restaurant no later story as much as we enjoy doing it IMcci oF1a
.^j. a;. than 11 pi. on Monday, February 28, 1977. to be all for you. m

S/He's allergic to flowers, and on a diet
TONY: Your love is the wart of my life.
Be my valentine. Y '- - -Lillie Pad
4 --Cleo________
Perfect I'm not
PABLO: Love you I do
Merry Christmas. Keep me in mind -+
_ -Mve Y as I do Vou. -Cotes
'"mmm"'""" """in"mm mm """"-"mm"mmmmm"" LINES RATE LINES RATE
VALENTINE MESSAGE: 3 $1.15 $2.10.
-_ __ _ __ __'_ 4 $1.40 8 $2.30
5 $1.65 9 $2.50
-6; $1.90 add. lines-.15
All ads printed in 6 pt. type.
- l 5 words per line.
try . .-.. .._ ... , ... ._,A ll mn ooan n-n muot ho nra nn ir l

i as you wisp no purcnase.is required.

. . r...., ..,,.. _ , ,

~------------ ~~---------------------ENTRY BLANK--""-"-


AM RrnFc'-




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