See Editorial Page
m imp"
:43 tiI
Low - 20
See Today for -details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 108 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 9, 1977 Ten Cents E
ght Pages
Only the beginning
The University's latest rising star is finding the
price of power a little tough to pay. Michel Oksen-
berg, recently appointed to be the top China ad-
visor on Jimmy Carter's National Security Coun-
cil, has found life in Washington a touch more hec-
tic than the idyllic days of academe spent in the
University's Center for Chinese Studies here in Ann
Arbor. "During my first week, I only ate dinner
twice," the 38-year-old Belgian-born political scien-
tist said. Stay cool, Doc. You've got four more
years. -
Happenings ...
.will begin today with something for all you
folks who are wrestling around with your income
tax forms. From 10 a~m.-noon, 1-3 p.m., and 7-9
p.m., Project Community will hold free income tax
filing assistance in Rm. 2204 in the Union . .. then'
from 3-9:30 p.m., Rackham School of Graduate
Studies and Rackham Student Government will pre-
sent a conference on "Non-academic Job Hunting
for Graduate Students" at Rackham . . . at 4 p.m.,
as part of the Global Awareness Series, Reverend
Frisco Gilchrist will speak on "The U.S. in Latin
America" 'in Aud. A, Angell Hall . . . things pick
upaagain at 7 p.m. when the AnnRArbor Morris
Dance Group meets in the Cook Rm. of MARC
housing in the Law Quad . . . and if that doesn't
suit your fancy catch a free flick called "Night
and Fog," it'll show at 7 pm. in the Angela Davis
Lounge in Markley Hall . . . then at 8 p.m., the
Jung Discussion Group considers "Eastern Mani-
festations of Adrogyny" at Canterbury House, cor-
ner of Catherine and Division . . . there will be an
Israel Coffee House at 8 p.m. at Hebrew House,
800SLincoln on the corner of ,Hill St. There will be
music and refreshments courtesy of Hebrew House
and Union of Students for Israel . . and that's
about it.
In heat
Amid debating) caucusing, hob-nobbing, back
room cigar-smoking, and other Congressional hob-
bies, the members of our highest legislative body
have also found time to discuss the weather - in-
side the chambers. President Carter's 65-degree
edict has caused no small amount of controversy
among our elected representatives. Sen. Jennings
Randolph (D-West Virginia) held high a thermom-
eter during Senate debate and complained that
the temperature was well above 65. Senate Ma-
jority Leader Robert Byrd agreed, and sure
enough, a chill breeze could soon be felt running
through the chamber. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Ver-
mont, saying it was the first time he felt com-
fortable since coming down to Washington two
years ago, thanked Randoluh for his efforts and
added that he suspected the brisk air might have
a favorable effect on the olantity and quality of
his colleagues' speeches. However, all was far
from peaches and cream.eDring a debate on un-
.ionization of the armed services, Sen. John Culver
(D-Iowa) was heard to grumble, "Maybe if we
had a union we could get some heat in here." Two
days later, Byrd annoynced that the temperature
had stabilized at 63. He declined to say whether
this represented a warming tren.
Obscene scene
In what could become a landmark obscenity case,
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt was con-
victed yesterday of pandering obscenity - selling
material judged to be obscene - and engaging in
organized crime. Flvnt's trial had become a cause
celebre among civil libertarians because it was con-
sidered a niaior test of whether legal proceedings
cond be used to impose nioral standards on a
community. Flvnt's Hustler, perhaps the raunchiest
of raunchy girlie mags, has raised the hackles of
cititkens' groups in and around Cincinnati. Flynt and
Ihis lawyer vainly contended that any legal action
taken against the publisher would be a violation of
his First Amendment 'right to free speech. Stand-
ing before Hamilton County Common Pleas Court
Jdee William Morrissey, for sentencing yesterday,
Flvnt snoke his mind in no uncertain terms. The
judg~e, said Flynt, had "not made an intelligent
decision in the case. I don't expect one now. I
don't exnect any mercy. As Gary Gilmore said.
'Let's do it' ". Morrissey apparently got the mes-
sage and sentenced Flynt to 25 years in the Ohio
Penitentiary and a $10,000 fine.
On the inside ...
. there are all manner of goodies . . . Envir-
onmentalists who have been seeking tight controls
on strip mining seem to have found a staunch ally
in the Carter Administration. See the Daily Digest
on Page 3 . .. then on the Editorial Page, Iranian,
students write about the sixth anniversary of armed
struggle agains the regime of the Shah of Iran .. .
on the Arts Page, Susan Barry praises Jorge Bo-
let's performance at Hill last Saturday . . . finally,
Andy Glazer offers some words of wisdom on our
illustrious basketball team.
Calling the University's contract proposals "unacceptable,"
representatives of the American Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) Local 1583 yesterday be-
gan preparations for what could become the union's first cam-
pus strike since 1971.
A mandatory meeting of the union's 2,300 food service,
hospital, custodial and maintenance workers has been set for
next' Sunday, when a strike authorization vote will be taken.
University attorney William Lemmer said last night he is
not surprised at AFSCME's latest move. "They're just follow-
ing the usual procedure," Lemmer said. "It's right out of the
A SPECIAL FLYER is currently being distributed to AFSCME
members saying that negotiators for the University and the
union "are still far apart on promotions, transfers, wages, cost
of' living increases, medical benefits and many other issues."
AFSCME has set February 15 as their final negotiation
Union representative Art Anderson said last night that progress
on the contract talks had come to a halt despite the introduc-
tion of a mediator this week.
"THE UNIVERSITY'S first economic offer is totally un-
acceptable. I think the University has revealed its position on
non-economic issues and ... on economic issues, and that's where
they are going to stay."
Anderson added "there must be a big turnaround" in the
next few days of negotiations in order to avoid a walkout.
Lemmer insisted, however, that negotiations are heading to-
ward a "satisfactory solution."
'"They're very constructive."
AFSCME has always called for a strike authorization vote
during the last week of negotiations, the attorney said. He point-
ed out that at least one national union has a policy of getting
a strike authorization from its members before contract nego-
tiations even begin.
If passed by AFSCME members this Sunday, a strike authori-
zation would simply mean that the decision to strike is left up
to the union's negotiating team. If the negotiation deadline should
arrive without a settlement, workers would not have toy take a
second strike vote.
LEMMER SAID THAT, in some ways, AFSCME strike prepa-,
rations this week can be considered a pressure tactic to get
the University to concede some issues.
"I think that extra special efforts will be made to resolve
problems," he said, but "we can't be intimidated."
At Sunday's mass meeting the union's representatives at
the table will give members the specifics of the contract ne-
gotiations, but "we will give no recommendation" as to wheth-
er a future strike should be approved, said Anderson.
ments on only a few issues since bargaining began last Novem-
See STRIKE, Page 8
C arter
urged to
lay off--
no ~josh'l
Evangelist Josh McDowell
wound up his three-day Univer-
sity speaking stay last night by
telling a responsive Hill Audi-U
torium auedience that sex is bet-
ter if people wait until marriage.
"The most important sex or-
gan is your mind," said the 35-
year-old Chrisianactivist,whose
visit was sponsored by studentx
Christian groups. "Sex involves
all that you are as an individual.
If you have to have the physical
aspects of- sex to express your-
self, then you are in trouble.'.'
McDOWELL, an international
representative for the Campus ZOLTO]
Crusade for Christ, told the pre- campus
dominately student crowd of ment.
more than 1800 that physical and,
spiritual dimensions play a vi-
tal role in obtaining a good re-
lationship, or marriage with
"maximum sex."~
If one (dimension) is miss-
ing, you will have a watered-
down. relationship," he said.
McDowell said single, men are
"hypocrites" because they want "Know
to sleep with many different wo- the powe
men, but ultimately want a vir- do, we c
gin for a wife. ciate with
"A LOT OF people don't like that gnav
used furniture, but a lot (of warned
men) are in the antiquing busi- night.
ness," he said. Ferenc
"I wish every woman will mer gube
meet a man who will not take cratic Pa
what he can get from you, but dressed a
give what he can give to you." on the i
McDowell said many people He cau
misinterpret the word "love," gruss inva
See A PLEA, Page 8 integration
Defends statements
on Soviet dissidents
By AP and Reuter
ing that tIe United States
has nuclear superiority over
the Soviet Union, President
Carter said yesterday it is
"very, very important" that
both nations take fresh in-
itiatives to restrain arma-
ments while maintaining
an over-all balance of pow-
At his first White House
news conference, Carter
again expressed concern
about Soviet treatment of
dissident Russians and ar-
gued that taking Moscow
to task on human rights is-
sues should have no effect
on the search for ways to
curb the arms race.
"I THINK WE come out bet-
ter in dealing with the Soviet
Union if I am consistently and
completely dedicated to the en-
hancemenit of human rights, not
only as it deals with the Soviet
Union, but all other coubtries,"
he said.
Carter disclosed he was con-
sidering blocking the internaz
tional sale of the concussion
bomb, an extremely destructive
weapon that former President
- Ford had promised to" sell to
Noting he was pledged to re-
ducing the shipments of Ameri-
can armaments abroad, he said
he -would decide next week
whether or not to proceed with
the sale.
FORD'S DECISION to sell the
bombs, which spray and ignite
kerosene and can kill all liv-
ing things in a wide area, had
not been cleared with either the
State or Defense departments.
The President's discussion of
serious topics was laced with
occasional humor as he faced
reporters, and a national tele-
See CARTER, Page 2
N FERENCY, political activist and Michigan State University professor, warned a
audience last night of a grave threat to personal privacy posed by the govern-
rec : gov't watchdog
Pact say
new cops
mnust live
in city,
According to, a new contract
approved by City Council, it's
time for new' police to start
living inside the city -limits.
Council approved the residen-
cy rule - the first for city em-
ployes - on Monday as part of
a three-year contract with the
Police Officers Association
(POA), which represents 120 of
155 Ann Arbor police.
The rule will affect only nw
w ly-hired officers; those officers
who already live outside the
city can stay there.
Only council member Ronald
See PACT, Page 2
ing jvhat the government has done, has
r to do, and what it is equipped to
an all now feel insecure as we asso-
h each other, and that is the cancer
ms at the body of the community,"
political activist Zolton Ferency last-
y, a civil liberties advocate and for-
rnatorial candidate for both the Demo-
rty and the Human Rights Party, ad-
n audience at the School of Education
ssue of government surveillance.
tioned against the potential for a "gross,
asion of privacy" and an "absolute dis-
n of society."'
cal police have authority to engage in surveil-
lance practices. He suggested that these agen-
cies employ everything from mechanical devices
to informers to "assist on keeping an eye on
"Unless the American people become incensed
and aroused by these truths and revelations
which can now all be documented, I suspect
nothing will be done about it," said Ferency,
"and this is my greatest fear."
Ferency, a crimifal justice professor at Michi-
gan State University, was responsible for the
phase-out of the Subversive Activities Investiga-
tion Division, better known as the "Red Squad."
See FERENCY, Page 8
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She nets satisfaction
4from cager's career
The basketball player flicks off the Minnesota-Northwest-
ern game on television, moves to the edge of the couch, and
talks easily of the sacrifices and pleasures which come with
being a varsity cager..
"I don't feel .that being a basketball player threatens my
feminity at all," says Carol Komparens, 5'6" senior co-cap-
tain of the University women's basketball squad. "Basketball
is just something that I enjoy doing with my time, just like
any other person with their hobbies."
AND AFTER FOUR YEARS of court experience, the 'Hol-
land, Michigan native notes an easing of the social stigma at-.. r
}{} tached to women who use their athletic prowess in competitive
"The female jock' image is changing," Klomparens says.
"It used to be a lot worse than it is now. Today, women ath-
:,.$, ..:. ...l.~.:.> etes of all kinds are eininyoreadm /1 ~ esntini