Eie Snirdliral DUIU Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Mayna Tuesday, February 8, 1977 Edited and managed b 3rd St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 News Phone: 764-0552 by students at the University of Michigan Sec. Adams acts quickly to end oil tanker disasters Brock Adams has moved swiftly in his new job as secretary of trans- portation to attack an increasingly worrisome problem. He has tough- ened safety rules and ordered thorough study of other methods that might reduce oil tanker accidents and spills in U.S. coastal waters. Adams rightly regards as intol- erable the record number of acci- dents and spills in 1976, a record that could rise annually as the nation grows more dependent on foreign oil and Alaska's giant pipeline be- gins pumping oil to the tanker port at Valdez. Much more is at stake than pro- tection of sea birds, marine life or swimming beaches, as important as those are. Entire industries, such as fishing and recreation, can be ruin- ed by major oil spills. The govern- ment needs to serve notice on all shipping companies, foreign and do- mestic, that they, cannot do business in U.S. ports if their ships fail to meet stringent standards for equip- -ment and sailing procedure. The growing U.S. -thirst for for- eign petroleum should not be quench- ed so carelessly as to let great gobs of oil be slobbered at the nation's doorstep. Is the University pricing itself out of the market? Armed HE INFAMOUS dictatorship of the IN SPI Shah has been oppressing the Iran- serves, the ian people for well over three decades. people are Imprisonment and torture of the Iranian poverty. W people has become routine as the Shah people dyi endeavors to maintain himself in power. lines by h As the people's struggle has gained new for care, momentum, particularly over the past each winte six years, the Shah's repressive forces and housin have intensified their attempts to gain economic c total control over people's lives, adopt- tion, the S ing the most fascist means of oppres- the worldt sion. not as bad The agency most responsible for put- dependenti ting these terrorist methods into prac- lions of do tice is SAVAK, certainly one of the most regime. notorious and brutal secret police forces The mo in the world. Created in 1956, and sup- - pay rai ported and trained by the American CIA ditions - and Israeli intelligence, SAVAK carries sioh, as the out its program of terror against the tories whe Iranian people with house to house $1.70 for a searches by armed soldiers at night, strations b kidnapping suspected political dissidents, with the sh and using the most savage methods of the arrest physical and psychological torture Progressive against their unfortunate prisoners. tally suppr These methods include raping women in ters and p front of their husbands and children, or killed. Alln burning prisoners by strapping them to trolled byS a metal bed frame then heating it white- the regime hot. Through such vicious activities, SAVAK attempts to create an atmo- HAVING sphere of fear and distrust among the that shape1 Iranian people, and to force them to ian peopleh give up any idea of resistance. arms to de against the Is coffee By JOHN CIPRIANI THE UNITED STATES is faced with a crisis. This crisis has manifested itself in the form of a little bean which comes primarily from South America. I'm talking about coffee. I'm a coffee addict, like many Americans. It would have been impossible for me to make it through last year's mid-terms, finals and term-papers without the stimulant. I could have popped a few No-Doz, but I have a fear of pills. It is my particular opinion that unless I know exactly how a little pill will change my body's chemistry that it is to be avoided. But coffee is a different story. Coffee is American! And that may be the problem., The United States is the largest consumer of coffee in the world. And so, the coffee shortage hits us the hardest. Last week I went to a local A&P to buy a pound of coffee. Give or take a dime coffee is $2.59 a pound. I asked the manager why coffee was so cost- ly. He told me the reason for the 200 per cent increase (in the last year) was due to a shortage. "And per- sonally I don't believe it!" he said. And neither, I think, do most Americans. Yet coffee is still pur- chased. People complain, but they still buy it. Some- .body must buy it, because even with the "short sup- ply" there is a huge demand. But why the demand? FOR ONE THING, coffee is an intrinsic part of American life. The early pioneers drank coffee. South- erners were lost during the Civil War when coffee was unattainable south of the Mason-Dixon line. And yet struggle TE OF IRAN'S huge oil re- great majority of Iranian forced to live in extreme Ve are concerned about our ng for lack of food, dying in hospital doors while waiting and thousands more dying r for lack of proper heat g. While faced with chronic crisis and skyrocketing infla- Shah still tries to- prove to that the situation in Iran is as has been reported by in- investigators, spending mil- allars on propaganda for his st basic demands of workers ses and better working con- are met with violent repres- Shah's troops storm the fac- re workers earn only about 12-hour work day. Demon- y university students are met ooting of some students, and and torture of many more. literature and art are to- essed, and progressive wri- oets are jailed, tortured and news media are tightly con- SAVAK, and no criticism of is allowed. NO VOICE in the decisions their own -destiny, the Iran- have been forced to take up fend themselves and to fight fascist rule of the Shah and acC his terrorist secret police SAVAK. The armed struggle in Iran is now in its seventh year, under the leadership of the Organization of Iranian People's. . Fedayee Guerillas (OIPFG) and the Or- ganization of Mujahedeen of the People of Iran (OMPI), organizations which have gained support from the people of Iran, inflicting heavy losses on the ene- my while giving 600 martyrs to the cause of the people killed under torture, by firing squads, or in gun battles with the regime's forces, while hundreds more must carry on their struggle in prison. The Iranian people have a long and glorious history of now-defeated, now-vic- torious struggle against class'oppression and foreign domination. The content and farm of this struggle, however, has dif- fered from time to time, in accordance with the correspondance to the objec- tive underlying conditions of the society and the way in which the ruling class has exerted its dictatorship. WITH THE TOTAL penetration of foreign capital, the integration of Iran into the world imperialist market, the imposition of the imperialist culture on the Iranian people, the rapid capitaliza- tion of the countryside and the conse- quent conversion of Iran's socio-econom- ic formation into a dependent capitalist one; a new phase has been marked in the history of the Iranian people anti- imperialist, anti-reactionary movement. The police role assigned to the Shah by ea0ted ii 7Iran his imperialist masters in the Gulf re- gion has turned Iran into a political, economic and military base for U.S. im- perialism, (the forerunner of all the im- perialist powers in the world) and has extended the- Shah's dictatorial rule to the surrounding and nearby countries, Taking the regional role of the Shah into consideration (e.g. the existance of 30,000 Iranian troops in Oman), it be- comes ,clear that the, Iranian peoples' movement is not only destined to an- nihilate the regime which is directly re- sponsible for the oppression and exploi- tation of the Iranian people, but also the regime which has gone beyond Iran's borders in an attempt to suppress the struggle of other masses fighting against imperialism and internal reaction. As such, it is imperative for all anti-im- perialist and progressive forces to real- ize the fact that the struggle to expose the antiquated regime,-of the Shah can not be effectively done without fully and unconditionally rendering active support to the revolutionary movement in Iran, which in this stage of its development, has taken the form of armed struggle and is now gloriously advancing towards its seventh year, TOMORROW: To what socio-political conditions does the armed struggle cor- respond? This article was written by Students Organization. the Iranian LAST YEAR, students were hit with a double whammy when both dorm rates and tuition were hiked about 9 per cent. "Inflation," the ad- ministration claimed. "Not enough funding from the state," the Regents explained. "We wuz robbed," the stu- dents moaned. Well, it's beginning to look as if we're going to get "robbed" again. Last month Gov. Milliken released his proposed budget, which included a $9.7 million increase for the Uni- versity. But even that amount ap- pears not to be enough to another tuition hike. Vice-president for Aca- demic Affairs Frank Rhodes inform- ed the Regents that even the gov- ernor's seemingly generous proposed. increase would barely bring us back to the level of the 1974-75 budget, and that either drastic cuts, or an increase in tuition would be required to maintain quality education at the University. Now, we find that the housing- committee has completed a study, and will ask the Regents, at this month's meeting, to raise dorm rates by an average 8.4 per cent. This would mean that a traditional dorm double which now costs $1,511 per year, would jump to a staggering $1,650 (approximate), while a dorm 'single which costed $1,754 this year would skyrocket to over $1,900. "WHERE IS IT all going to end? When is someone important enough to change things going to come to the realization that the Uni- versity of yichigan is rapidly be- coming unaffordable? The inflation argument, which seems somewhat acceptable, falls apart when you realize that we have the highest dorm rates of any col- lege or university in the state of Michigan, and also the highest in the Big Ten. There are actually Big Ten schools that charge as much as $250 less per year for a standard double, and all those peer institutions serve 20 or 21 meals per week compared to the 13.served here. Editorial positions represent a consensus of The Daily Editorial staff. To add insult to injury, the hous- ing committee is also planning to reduce services to the students in an effort to reduce cost, in addition to the rate hike. It is difficult to believe that all these other universities can pro- vide more .services for considerably less money than it costs to live here - extremely difficult. Perhaps the answer lies in President Robben Flem- ing's $70,000-plus yearly salary, or in, the 11 per cent pay increase the fac- ulty is seeking, to be honest we really don't know. But we do know that students can't afford to continue shelling out more and more money for college degrees that are becom- ing less and less marketable. This University, and the Regents had bet- ter wake up to that fact before they price themselves right out of the market. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gwen Barr, Ken Chotner, Jay Levin, George Lobsenz, Amenie Pinski, Jim Tobin, Sue Warner, Barb Zahs Editorial: Ken Parsigion Arts: Lois Josimovich, Mike Taylor Editorial Staff Co-Editors-in-Chief ANN MARIE LIPINSKI..............JIM TOBIN KEN PARSIGIAN..............Editorial Director Managing Editors JAY LEVIN, GEORGE LOBSENZ, MIKE NORTON, MARGARET YAO LOIS JOSIMOVICH ................. Art Editor Magazine Editors SUSAN ADES .............. ELAINE FLETCHER Business Staff Deborah Dreyfuss ............ Business Manager Kathleen Muin . Assistant Adv. Coordinator David Harlan..,............:..Finance Manager Don Simpson ....................Sales Manager Pete Peterson.......... Advertising Coordinator Cassie St. Clair.. ...Circulation Manager Beth Strattord............Circulation Director Photography Staff PAULINE LUBENS.......... Chief Photographer ALAN BILINSKY................Picture Editor BRAD BENJAMIN...........Staff Photographer ANDY FREEBERG..........Staff Photographer CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER . ... Staff Photographer need? northerners were at a loss without an equally precious commodity-tobacdo. What do coffee and tobacco have in common? For that matter I suggest coffee and liquor have the same thing in common, and that similarity may be the prob- lem. Liquor prices go up steadily and cigarette prices have gone up one hundred per cent in the past decade, but nobody has stopped drinking or smoking. Remember last summer all you beer drinkers? There was a strike at Anheuser-Busch and a "beer shortage" followed. Beer drinkers did as they did two years ago when a similar shortage hit, they switched to other brands. But, just like two years ago, beer prices went up in the fall. People still guzzle brew. Now there is a coffee shortage, but that brew still sells too. What do these similarities indicate? I think they point out a fundamental weakness in the American consumer - created needs. DURING THE OIL shortage people cut back on con- sumption. During the sugar shortage people also cut black on consumption. In both cases prices dropped. But how much has consumption been cut back on cof- fee? Five per cent, ten per cent? Even so, prices haven't dropped. The demand is still there. How long" will it be before consumption decreases effectively enough to make coffee prices drop? People need coffee enough to drink it, even though they know they're being robbed. And that's where cigarettes and liquor come in. You want it, you pay for it. If coffee is related to cigarettes and alcohol, as I believe, it is a sad case indeed. This means those who control the needed items control the needy. All of this may seem too drastic an interpretation. You could argue that Americans merely like coffee a lot and are willing to pay for it. But when the cost ex- ceeds the desire we will say "enough!" That's plaus- ible, and comforting. You could point to the gas short- age and the sugar shortage and say: "We licked those problems, why not coffee?" But if you consider how much trouble created needs have caused Americans before we've said "enough", just think about the trou- ble the consumer faces when we are met with a real need. A need we cannot say "enough" to is going to be a rough road to travel. Think about how the shortages of created needs; like sugar and, coffee have affected us. Think how the energy crisis is affecting us. And here we are in Ann Arbor with a housing shortage. The sugar, beer and coffee shortages hurt, but they are not real needs. What would you do if there simply were no gas, no homes, no land, no food? Yet all these problems are staring us in the face. Reat needs «:e in short supply and in high demand. You pay for the gas, or you don't drive. You pay the second highest housing rates in the U.S., or you sleep in the streets. What happens when land is in short supply, as it is becoming, or good? The whole point is that a few control the many. I don't advocate communist or socialist politics as an answer. I am a United States citizen and proud of my country. I am a Republican.- But I'm scared as hell because I'm not free. And neither are you. TO THE RIGHT, MARCH!. by CHUCK ANESI SEVENTY PER CENT of the American people fa- vored Gary Gilmore's execution, and a solid majority thinks that the remaining 354 Death Row in- mates deserve the same fate. The Supreme Court has said that the death penalty "does not invariably vio- late the Constitution," and current state laws impos- ing the penalty are constitutional. The situation is clear-cut. The Constitution per- mits it, the people desire it, and they have provided laws to inflict it. There is a mandate to proceed. Unfortunately, certain groups are working to thwart the will of the people. The American Civil Liberties Union, that august organization devoted to "minority rule and miscreant rights," is one of them. The ACLU made two last-ditch attempts to block Gilmore's exe- cution, but both the Denver Appellate Court and the U.S. Supreme Court were unimpressed by their quib- blings. THE ACLU'S RELIANCE on cavilling legal argu- ment in federal courts reveals a great deal about that organization. It shows that their case is so pitifully weak that it cannot possibly impress the people. It also shows that the ACLU has no qualms about us- ing theAmerican legal system to defeat the will of the majority. The effete snobs of the ACLU may contend that the public is not well enough informed to make a rational decision on this important matter. But the public is very well informed. It knows that homicide rates have, nearly doubled in the past ten years, and it knows that mild treatment of criminals, by creating an atmosphere of general lawlessness, is to blame. The time has come to unsheath the two-edged sword of retribution and deterrence. The public de- mand for retribution clearly demonstrates that it serves a useful social function; and the wave of dread striking Death Row inmates after Gilmore's execu- tion gives abundant proof that criminals fear capital punishment far more than life imprisonment. Specious arguments can be made against the death penalty. Some say it is racist. And in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, in 1932, it undoubtedly was, But current laws, comporting with the Supreme Court's decisions, are indisputably non-racist. What about the possibility of executing an inno- cent person? In any legal system based on "reason- able doubt" or probability, 'convicting innocent people is unavoidable. Innocent persons have occasionally been sent to jail or prison, and in extremely rare cases, they have been executed. Such events are unfortunate, but they are the price we will have to pay for an effec- tive justice system. IF Beau ARE W FAVJOR OF CrLPY0!.. em5~w, RJ4%4As 8irit Ii ti I tOWT CARE1fi 1M 1~SING OfFICE r t,'3 I~LL W K T$ loo Al CC ~ KY ,' ,r Distributed by £os 'Zngecs nes SYNDICAT'E r -d natural gas To The Daily: I share your present concern for the natural gas shortage. However I consider your analy- sis of the problem to be very one-sided. The people of Texas are not to blame; it is our fed- eral government and the poli- tics involved. Follow my analo- gy: You are selling your car in hopes of buying a new one. A "nice'man offers you $500 and an average man offers you $1000. This second offer is just Letters dents of Texas. There is enough i demand within Texas, at a fairI price, to absorb the supply of Texas products. The only thing Texans can be blamed for (or + credited with) is taking care of themselves. Governor Milliken's statement was printed in The Daily only a few days ago to the effect that he too will pro- tect Michigan natural gas sup- plies from federal reallocation except for emergency home and hospital heating purposes. Sounds similiar doesn't, it? Our founding fathers were concerned about freedom and to illegal act. Instead our federal government has so hopelessly confused the energy situation that an emergency situation has developed. Natural gas prices have been held at an artific- ially low level for so long that now a fair price seems realis- tic. Due to allocation and spe- cial tax plans, we are now im- porting more foreign oil than ever before. If our government is so farsighted with the con- trols and allocation, why did this crisis develop in the first place? We can't hope to control the weather and therefore have onlV mild winters for lone. Our the Daily and on. Instead our federal bureaucracy involved has given us more controls and alloca- tions. The free enterprise sys- tem can take careof itself. Give. us Freedom not more controls and legislation. Robert L. Welo foreign study To The Daily: As President of one of the re- liable, ethical and financially stable institutions which ar- range international study pro- ur , m . , a ric ad t +he for Foreign Study is an estab- lished, financially solvent edu- cational concern in no way 'af- filiated with or a part of the In- ternational Cultural Exchange. Our programs are of the high- est quality and offer diversified areas of academic study at fully accredited universities. All tui- tion, housing, board and round trip transportation fees are paid for prior to the student's depar- ture foir study abroad. All Cen- ter for Foreign Study students traveling on the Center's char- ters always receive a paid round trip air ticket prior to de- nartuine j