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February 08, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-08

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See Editorial Page


Ai Au

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High 29T
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 107 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 8, 1977 Ten Cents Ei

ght Pages

Criss-crossed acrostic
Aise a question if 'you r chemistry anyo in phys-
ics ore possesses no ne who knows hledge ... What
is this? Technically it's the solution to the acrostic
puzzle that ran in the Daily's Sunday Magazine,
two days ago. You guessed it, we goofed when as-
sembling the grid. So don't be discouraged, the
next puzzle sigould be well within your capacities to
figure it out. And if you're still dying to try your
hand at last week's, look for the corrected version,
to run again soon in the Sunday Magazine.
We deliver
Veterans Cab driver Austin Cary played the role
of the good samaritan late Sunday night when he
came to the rescue of nine starving University
students by carrying out a mission of mercy. Stuck
in the Student Publications building finishing week
end homework and scheduling a week of Dailys,
the stdents dispatched Cary to Sugar Bin bakery
with a seven dollar deposit and an order for three
dozen donuts. Upon calling the Main Street bakery,
they found the establishment closed. When the stu-
dents called the Veterans' dispatcher, they were
informed that "cab 13 has already been to Sugar
Bin, he's on his way to Amy Joy." Cary completed
his appointed rounds and arrived at the Publica-
tions building slightly dazed, but with the request-
ed three dozen goodies. The grateful students
awarded Cary handsomely with one of -the Amy
Joy delights and then- realized an oversight on
their part-they forgot to order some milk.
... begin at midday with a talk by Maj. Andrew
Finlayson USMC on "Recent Chinese Military De-
velopment" in the Lane Hall Commons Rm. -
at 921 Church St. in the Ecumenical Campus
Church, Bill Wilcox - the SHRP's second ward
council candidate - will deliver the Tuesday Lunch
Discussion.. . also at noon, the School of Music
presents woodwind and brass quintts in the Pen-
dleton Arts Information Center, second floor of the
Union . . . "Beep Beep" and "If You Don't Come
in Sunday, Don't Come in Monday" will be shown
at 4 (and again at 7:30 tonight) in MLB Rm. 1 as
part of the Sociocinema 100 Film Series . . . an-
other flick, "Night and Fog", will be shown at 6:30
in the Baits I Upstairs Lounge . . . anyone inter-
ested in attending the Lutheran Collegians roller
skating party at 7:00 at Skateland, give Wayne a
call at 482-0516 to arrange for a ride . . . Josh Mc-
Dowell tells about "Maximum Sex" at 7:30 in Hill
Aud. . . . "Trotskyism, the fight for revolutionary
leadership" will be discussed by the Spartacus
Youth League at 7:30 in Rm. 3209 of the Union .
Games Club invites you to play "The end of the
line" from 7:30-10:30 in Rrn 2338 of. the School of
Education . . . and at 9:00 in the Mosher Jordan
lounge, Larry Bush, science editor for the Ann Ar-
bor News, will speak to Tau Beta Pi, the national
engineering honors society.
Presidential regrets
Here's one for the hate-to-say-we-told-you-so-de-
partment. Former President Ford, practicing one
of his new found layman liberties - hindsight -
now regrets his refusal to receive exiled Soviet
author Alexander Solzhenitsyn while Ford was still
residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. "I think in re-
trospect it would have been wiser for me to have
met with him in the Oval Officed," Ford told a lec-
ture room at Yale University yesterday where he
opened a two-day lecture and discussion visit. We
think so, too.
Sing it, blokes
"In days of disillusion/however low we've been/

to fire us and inspire us/God gave to us our
Queen." That little ditty couldn't even land a Hop-
wood award but, nonetheless, author Sir John Bet-
peman, England's official royal poet, retired in a
huff over criticism of that special jubilee hymn.
"He is very upset," said Sue Freathy, agent to the
70-year-old poet laureate. The rhyme was written
in celebration of Queen Elizabeth's silver jubilee
which marks the 25th anniversary of her accession
to the throne. But Sir John's efforts have not been
appreciated by some observers who have called his
latest creative achievement simplistic and banal.
"I could do better myself," quipped one conserva-
tive member of Parliament. We trust that Mother
Goose could have, too.
On the inside... ,
Sen. Robert Griffin (R.-Mich.) asks President
Carter to make good on a campaign promise to re-
locate the Navy's Seafarer project slated to take
place' in Michigan. See the Page 3 D~igest . .. the
Iranian Students Association offers its perspective
on terrorism for the Editorial Page . . . Arts re-
porter Paul Shapiro reviews this weekends Charles
Mingus concert on his respective page . . . and
for the details of the Michigan-Minnesota bout, turn
tothe Sports Page for a word from Kathy Henne-







Picketers 7
.~ Ar
rotest ;4
sub shop
"I just walked in there one9
day, asked for a cup of coffee, "
and she refused to serve me,"
said Arthur Thompson, pacing
the icy sidewalk outside Mr. &
Tony's Restaurant with a pick-
et sign in hand.
Thompson and another man
Tom Rewoldt, have spent a
good part of the past week in
front of the State Street eatery,
trying to spur a boycott of its'
submarines, pizzas and other9
tain that they and about a dozen3
other former patrons of the res-
taurant have been told by its
manager that they will not be
served there anymore. In fact,
they say they've been told to
stay out of the restaurant alto-
Thompson claimed the 'man-
ager, Pam Miller,_ never ex- ;
plained why she instituted the
ban. She would say only that
she didn't like him, Thompson x
Rewoldt also said he could}
not understand why he was be-f
ing banned from the restau-
rant. "I used to wear an ear-
ring, but I don't think that's a Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS
reason not to serve me." Tom Rewoldt, left, takes a break from picketing while his companion, Arthur Thomp-
Rewoldt noted that while he son, continues the vigil in front of the Mr. Tony's on State Street. The two have been
personally could not get served banned from the premises by the restaurant's manager and are complainig that they
See PEEVED, Page 3 are being discriminated against.

President's choice
is former classmate
WASHINGTON (AP) - Adm. Stansfield Turner, a
Naval Academy classmate of President Carter, will be
nominated to head the Central Intelligence Agency,
the White House announced yesterday.
Turner, 53, is commander-in-chief of U.S. forces.
in southern Europe.
Secretary Jodv Powell said, "The major reason is his (Carter's)
feeling this is a person who has his complete trust."
Theodore Sorenson, Carter's first choice for the spy post,
withdrew his nomination last. month in the face of Senate


Carter informed the Cabinet
morning, saying he never knew
Turner as a midshipman, White
Holse spokesman Rex Granum
"HE WAS SO FAR ahead of
us that we never considered
him competition or even a peer
and I'm not exaggerating,"
Granum quoted Carter as tell-
ing the Cabinet. "I think you'll
all be pleased with Stan Tur-
ner. I have never known a bet-
ter military person."
Granum said Carter described
Turner as "a superior No. 1
academic, a superb all-around
athlete" and a "five-striper,"
the top rank for a midshipman.
"I think as you meet him you
will find him a military person
who in the future could be the
next George Marshall," a ref-
erence to the former Army
chief-of-staff who became secre-
tary of state under President
Harry Truman, Carter told the
members of the class of 1947
at Annapolis, graduating in 1946
because of the accelerated aca-
demic program stemming from
World War II.,
Turner finished first academi-
cally in the class. Carter rank-
ed 59th.
Turner attended Oxford Uni-
versity in England as a Rhodes
Scholar after leaving the Naval
Academy to work on a masters
HE THEN HELD various as-
signments at sea, including com-
mand of a minesweeper, a de-
See CARTER, Page 2

about his selection yesterday
caids 'U',
University and American Fed-
eration of State, County and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
bargainers met yesterday with
a state mediator in hopes of
speeding up contract talks and
reaching an agreement by a
,February 15 deadline.
For the past week, according
to one informed source, nego-
tiators have been bogged down
by disagreements over how em-
ploye promotions will be handled
under the new contract.
DESPITE hopes. by officlals
that economic issues - wages
and benefits - would be dis-
cussed before this week, nego-
tiations remain centered on non-
=economic issues, according to
University and AFSCME rep-
They emphasize that the pres-
ence of a mediator does not
See MEDIATO., Page 2

Contending a moral issue was
involved, the University Hous-
ing Council (UHC) voted again
Sunday night to continue the
dormitory system's five-year
boycott of non-union lettuce.s
For the second time since last
December's advisory student
referendum favored ending the
boycott, UHC members sup-
ported purchasing only United
Farm Workers (UFW) head let-
tuce for cafetria salad bars.
Office will abide UHC's recom-
mendation. UHC is comprised
of 14 elected student represen-
tatives from different dormitor-
Housing Director John Feld-
kamp, surprised by UHC's 8 to
4 decision, felt the boycott is-
sue was "becoming, very aca-
"The pressure is coming from
individuals who want head let-
tuce," said Feldkamp. But the
University has purchased UFW
head lettuce since early De-
cember when supplies became
available in the Detroit area.
"I F T H E boycott ended,
there's no reason to think the
lettuce will get any better than
what students have been eating
since December," said Markley
representative Mike Synk.
Synk said students are more
concerned with the quality of
the lettuce served in the dorms
than the issues behind the boy-
cott .
"We've been supporting them
(ITFW) all along," said Synk,
who voted in favor of the boy-
cott because of "my own per-
sonal conscience."

boycott continues

"PEOPLE in Markley don't
really know what's going on
with the UFW," Synk said. He
added that students only under-
stand the importance of the
boycott when they realizeshow
close the farm workers are to
the end of their union struggle.
"If 'I sit down and talk for a
half-hour with people who com-
plain about the boycott, then
they understand," Synk said.
The four UHC members who
voted against the boycott con-
tend that the Council was bound
by the results of the December
referendum, in which students
urged an end to the boycott by

a two-to-one margin.
"The Council member's who
voted to continue the boycott ig-
nored their responsibilities,"
charged Barry Lippitt, the
South Quad an'd Fletcher Hall
representative. "Their decision
can only aggravate growing dis-
satisfaction. . . with student
L I P P I T T presented to
UHC a petitign with 450 signa-
tures from South Quad resi-
dents, asking the council to re-
scind its first recommendation
to continue the boycott.
At a meeting last December

'If the boycott end-
ed, there's no reason
to think lettuce will
get any better than
what students have
been eating since De-
-UIHC member
Mike Synk

See DORM, Page 2

Council slams move to
oppose death penalty

In what one council member
called a political move aimed at
April's mayoral election, Ann
Arbor City Council last night de-
feated Mayor Albert Wheeler's
resolution to support Governor
William Milliken's stand against
re-instituting capital punishment
in Michigan.
Council also approved a Com-
munity Development Building
Grant (CDBG) for $200,000 to
fund park development and
downtown improvpment in the
coming year. Although a strug-
gle over the details of the plan
had been predicted by several
council members, the resolu-

tion was approved without
amendments. The plan will cre-
ate two new parks and several
EARLIER in the evening,
Wheeler introduced the resolu-
tion supporting Milliken's cap-
ital punishment stand, saying,
"Michigan banned capital pun-
ishment nearly 150 years ago.
Now that there's a great deal of
concern about crime among peo-
ple - I fear it will be brought
Council member Louis Belcher
(R-5th Ward) initiated the op-
position to Wheeler's resolution.
He argued, "We do have capital

punishment in Michigan for
some federal crimes (treason,
"(When) I think of contract
killers . . . I wouldn't think
twice about putting them to
death," Belcher said.
BELCHER added he felt the
death penalty question should be
placed on an upcoming state
ballot "for the people. to de-
Council member Gerald Bell,
(R-5th Ward) indicated that he
felt the resolution was a politi-
cal niove on the part of the
mayor. Rather than sup ort
Wheeler's motion,Bell said he
would circulate p e t i t i o n s
throughout the city to gather
support for minimum sentenc-
ing for convicted criminals.
ROGER Bertoia (R-3rd Ward)
who joined council members op-
posing the resolution, said only
"I am not opposed to capital
punishment and will not say
anything to the contrary."
"Once you get your foot in
the door (to re-institute capital
punishment)." Council member
Carol Jones Dwyer (D-2nd

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Vadiminr AM xiliO

Blue tops

LSA ponders lack
of iioi-resident aid
Literary college faculty members yesterday expressed
conceri that financial aid policies may discourage highly
qualified studen's from attending the University.

Sovet author tells
of journal's st rugge
Exiled Russian author Vladimir Maximov yesterday appealed
for American support to help pressure the Soviet government into
allowing the distribution of his dissident journal, Kontinent,
" It depends on people like you to open up channels to dis-
tribute Kontinent to the Russian people," Maximov told 100 listen-
ers at the Modern Language Bldg.
"FOR ALL the cruelty and lack of principle that Russia has,
they are sensitive to the lack of resnectability in the world view."

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