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February 06, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-06

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Sunday; February 6, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Rhodes and Cornel
need to look at both siOdes







that University, Vice-President
Frank Rhodes will soon fill the presi-
dent's chair at Cornell. Despite of-
ficial caution, inside sources are con-
vinced that Rhodes' selection is a
virtual certainty.
And, despite his demure "no com-
ments" to the press, members of the
Cornell search group report Rhodes
has shown an enthusiastic interest
in the post. If offered the job, it is
highly probable that he'll take it.
Rhodes is a complex man, and it
is difficult to assess his record in
black and white terms.
Before his appointment as liter-
ary college dean in 1969, Rhodes was
very well regarded as a 'lecturer and
teacher in the geology department.
His classes were well attended and
Members of the faculty holei
Rhodes in high esteem. He is seen
as accessible and a fighter for facul-
ty interests.
As an administrator, Rhodes has
shown a flair for innovation and a
capacity for leadership. Many regard
him as the "first among equals" in
the higher echelons of the Univer-
sity administration and second-in-
command to President Robben Flem-
Those who have dealt with Rhodes
report that he is personable and at-
tentive, that he shows an interest in
what others have to say.
dows on his administrative per-
Rhodes' record does .not demon-
strate a consistent commitment to
recruitment of women and minorities

for faculty and administrative posi-
tions at the University.
Percentages of women and minori-
ties among University faculty and ad- .
ministrators are dismally low. Little
progress has been made in this area
during Rhodes' tenure in office. Even
among new appointments, minorities,
and women have been inadequately
Rhodes' efforts to block the ap-
pointment of Jewel Cobb, a highly
qualified black woman, as literary
college dean is the most visible evi-
dence of his insufficient concern for
affirmative action goals.
Dr. Rhodes has also failed to show
adequate concern for student partici-
pation in University decisions. He
commissioned a study of access to
confidential student files without ap-
pointing a single student to the pan-
el. He took no measures to involve
LSA students in the search for a per-
son who would eventually become
their dean.
Finally, Rhodes has demonstrated
a tendency to withdraw into secrecy
on important issues of University-
wide interest. While this is under-
standable in the case of his present
discussions with the Cornell Presi-
dential Search Committee, it was to-
tally inexcusable in the Jewel Cobb
affair, when the University commu-
nity had a ,,right to know what was
going on. The news blackout that
Rhodes imposed thwarted that right.
The Cornell University community
- trustees, faculty, alumni, staff and
students - needs to evaluate the to-
tal record of the candidate it selects
for the top position there. The Daily
hopes that it. will consider all as-
pects of Rhodes' record - good and
bad - in making its decision.
\ C
pY 4
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Road to Cornell
T9HIS TIME Frank Rhodes is
on the other side of the look-
ing glass. And things arte still
going his way.
In Cornell's search for a fig-
ure to wear the title of univer-
sity president, the University's
vice-president for academic af-
fairs has emerged as the north-
ern star. A rather impressive
administrative record and an
impeccable Oxford polish to
boot would make Rhodes a valu-
able commodity in the eyes of
most anyuniversity search com-
mittee. Were it not for one rath-
er uglydblemish, Rhodes could
be billed as the perfect admin-
istrative commodity. But the
legacy of Jewell Cobb will prob-
ably prevent that permanently.
However, Rhodes' handling of
the Cobb affair is apparently
not enough to discourage the
Cornell talent scouts from court-
ing the University's veep. In
fact, they've been so dazzled
that Rhodes apparently stands
as the unanimous first choice
of the presidential searchcom-
mittee. But, as we've seen in
the past, search committee
unanimity is no guarantee of
number ..
THERE ARE apparently three
things from which no Uni-
versity student can escape:
time, tide, and an increase in
dorm rents. The Housing Rate
Study Committee has made its
annual recommendation, and it
means an approximate $200 in-

crease for dorm residents next
year. The major plan to cut
costs - a meal consolidation
program which would send resi-
dents from three central cam-
pus dorms to three neighboring
ones for lunch and dinner on
weekends - was soundly re-
jected by dorm residents in a
Housing survey last week.
"I wanted to try it," said
Judy DiMattia, the Housing Of-
fice's associate director for ad-
ministration and finance. But
the students didn't, and though
the Rate Study Committee has
the final word, passage of the
transfer plan is unlikely.
Students objected to several
by-products of the consolidation,
all acknowledged by housing ad-
- Crowding in the three host
dorms would be more trouble
than the $12 per year savings
would be worth;
- Dining rooms in the three
visiting dorms would be' closed
to all weekend activities;
- Community spirit would be
Now the committee is looking
in nooks and crannies for other
ways to save. They may in-
crease laundry rates, they may
snitch the paper towels from
corridor bathrooms, and they
might just cut administrative
costs by two per cent.
* * *
Fireside chatter
next to his brand new fire-
place Wednesday night and pro-
jected an image of homespun,
neighborhood leadership. And as
he did so, he was no doubt real-
izing how hard his new job real-
ly is.

It was a casual "Fireside
Chat" modeled after those of
Franklin D. Roosevelt which
Carter had in mind, and it came
off with sincerity. But its sub-
stance showed that Carter is
acknowledging the terrible diffi-
culties of meeting the promises
of his smooth campaign for'the
presidency. He spoke of energy
conservation, of unemployment,
of inflation, and of cutting waste
in government; through it all,

his plea was for pitching in,
for self-sacrifice. There was
barely a promise in it.
"If we all cooperate and make
modest sacrifices," Carter said
of the severe energy shortages
racking the East and Midwest,
"if. we can learn to live thrifti-
ly and remember the import-
ance of helping our neighbors,
then we can find ways to ad-
just and to make our society.
more efficient and our lives,

more productive."
Carter is evidently seeing that
his administration cannot shake
the nation to its foundation all
by itself. His speech Wednesday
was an admission of sorts;' and
one which may reassure those
who thought Carter a dema-
gogue snowed by the rhetoric
of his own campaign.
-Ann ,Marie Lipinski, im Tobin


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To The Daily:
the Level" column of
was slanted.
He sanctimoniously
that Abeng - the E
minority community' -
ately underpublicized1
Arts and Cultural Fest
in East Quad so as t(
age attendance by wi
residents, yet he offer
nuendo as evidence.
would be hard presse
cern that Mr. Beckma
the Jan. 27 meeting of
resentative Assembly
Quad / Residential Co
erning body), when
was discussed. For t
me who were at the n
is impossible.
to the contrary, no
worse about the sho
of Abeng's efforts to
the festival than do th
of the Abeng commur
nade this perfectlyt
ing the Jan. 27 Repr
Assembly meeting.
does Mr. Beckman me
salient fact.
Abeng counsellor Ken
"launch(ing) a viciou
al attack" on Sue J
member of, the Repr
Assembly who c
about the lack of pu
the festival.
lieve that Mr. Beck
at the meeting.' A "vi
sonal attack" conjure
ages of diatribes ag
Johnson's ancestorsK
veiled threats. Mr.
sneech was at times
ical and perhaps ove
but it was certainly n
states that Ms. Johi
drew a resolution sh
fered, presumably a
of Mr. Cady's so-call
Had the other memb
Renresentative Assen
that Ms. Johnson's.
had substantial me
most likely would hai
the issue further in st
Johnson's retraction
was no further disci
Ms. Johnson withdrei
tion, Mr. Beckmand
port this.
thbre were three sign
East Onad publicizin
tival. This is false.
sign by a dining r
disanneared latert
dav.I am told that o
met a similar fate.
the RD's and RA's (s
Ouad were informed
tival the week befor
Sn-P of them activi
qeed all of their co
dents to become in

Abeng WHILE PUBLICITY for thes
Festival unfortunately was not7
all it could have been - as
Abeng -leaders themselves ad-i
qN'S "On mit - there is just no evidence
f Jan. 29 to support Mr. Beckman's alle-
gation that Abeng sought to ex-
implies clude or discourage white dorm
ast Quad residents from attending any
- deliber. part of the Black Arts and Cul-
the Black tural Festival.
ival with- Lee Kirk
a discour- Associate Director,
hite dorm Residential College
's only in- Director, East Quad
To the Daily:
tie, one KENT CADY'S piece in t h e
d to dis- Feb. 1 Michigan Daily entitled
fn was at "Black Cultural Festival - A
the Rep- Rebuttal", would have been
(the East more correctly called "A per-
lege gov- sonal Attack-on Michael Beck-
those like man and Sue Johnson." I
neetingkei thought that Mike Beckman
wrote a well-reasoned and ob-
jective article which deserved
posturings a more reasonable response
one feels than the vindicative personal
rtcomigs abuse expressed by Mr. Cady.
e leaders After admitting to the thesis
hity. They of Beckman's article: i.e. that
ylear dur- there was a negligence of duty
esentative on the part of the Abeng mem-
Nowhere bers in charge of advertising the
ention this festival, Mr. Cady proceeds to
heap petty insults and insinua-
accuses tions upon the characters of
tCadysosbothBeckman and Johnson.
t person- How can we take Cddy ser-
sohnson, a ionusly when he suggests that the
esentative Mafia and the Errol Flynns
osntplained should have been invited to the
blicity for festival? (And, incidentally, that
oversight wasprobably due not
rd to be- to basic chicken-heartedness, but
rda t i'as rather the same negligence
scious per- which resulted in theabsence
es upeim- of an invitation to the majority
ainst Ms. of the East Quad community.)
and thinly I, for instance, heard nothing
Cady's of the festival in the weeks pre-
scatolog- ceding it, and chose to go out of
erly windv town on that particular week-
ot vicious. end, - a decision which may
BECKMAN have been reversed had I been
nson with- informed.
ze had of- I regret that Cady felt the ne-
s a result cessity to remark upon John-
ed attack. son's character by' describing
ers of the her as being "on crutches" and
nblv found having "frequented the cocktail
arguments bar', a statement designed no
erit, , they doubt to conjure up the image
ve debated of some kind of derelect. The
rite of Ms. references to "Oopsy the clown"
n. There and half--bate author" destroy-.
ssion after ed any credibility or legitimacy
w her mo- which the rebuttal may h a v e
did not re- possessed.
It is unfortunate that Abeng
states that could not have produced a more
ns in all of responsible spokesperson to an-
ig the fes- swer the very legitimate ques-
I saw one tions posed by Michael Beck-
nom which man. It is also deplorable that
that same the Daily would allow such vindi-
)ther flyers cative personal grudges as Mr.
Cadv's to be published on the
, A L L of editorial page. In the future I
ic) in East hone that all parties concerned
of the fes- put a little more thought and
e it began. reasoning into their actions.
ely encoir- -Richard Rosenthal
rridor resi-
rnjced, as

contending that fewer Hugue-
nots had been killed in the Mas-
sacre of Saint Bartholomew than
is generally believed. But if a
Catholic writer had claimed that
no Protestants were killed I
would question his right to be a
historian at all. It is one thing
to say that Nero did not burn
Rome, and quite another to say
that he was a kind ruler!
The historical principic is that
our belief is proportioned tothe
number, kind, variety and cred-
ibility of the evidences. 0 u r
evidence of the Nazi massacre
of the Jews comes from various
sources: statements and admis
sions by many Nazi leaders
themselves: statements of sev-
eral hundred persons who man-
aged to survive; evidence by the
armies occupying Germany;
photographs of the heaps of dead
taken during such occupation;
records of the formal and open
trial of sundry' Nazi leaders, in
which they were represented bv
counsel, who could have brought
evidence that the alleged mas-
sacres had not taken p 1 a c e
at all; had there been any par-
ticular prison camp in a n y
age or country, it is historical
proof that there was a posi-
tive policy of extermiration, or
that the inmates suffered t h e
crueler fate of dying f r o m
starvation and abuse.
-Preston Slosson
(professor emeitus of
To the Daily:
MY IMMEDIATE reaction to
the article about the Northwest-
ern University professor w h o
claims that no jews were killed
by Nazi was that this was some
kind of sick spoof created by an
incredible stupid anti-Semite. A
spoof that I only wish were tre
and so could bring back a fam-
'ily half destroyed because they
could not escape these 'mysti-
cal gas chambers;" or that it
could erase the nightmares my
grandfather continuously h a d
from the years he spent in a
concentration camp - beaten
like a dog and watching .hose
around him destroyed. Vur-
ther thought about the book
raised some questions in my
mind which I strongly feel
shold should be voiced to the
Are we to discount the records
of allied soldiers who enered
the camps of Auschwitz and otn-
er concentration camps? Are we
.o ignore the camp-tattooed num-
hers on the arms of survivors
and their memories 'for t h e
statement of an assistant pro-
fessor of electrical engineering?
(He certainly seems far from
his area of training). Tf B'at
feels so strongly that this is an
anti-Nazi myth I sggest he lok
to the Nazis' own films.
As adamant as Butz seems to
be he was not sure eno igh of
himself to face an, actual con-
centration camp survivor on a

ity at MSU, but those Spartans
are certainly not one up on us
Wolverines! Photocopying ices
started here in Ann Arbor, not.
in East Lansing. Last summer,
during the Ann Arbor S t r e e t
Art Fair, Albert's Copying plac-
ed one of their IBM Photocopier
IT machines outdoors, and invi.-
ed the Art Fair visitors to stop
and photocopy their faces for
free. It was a publicity ginmk,
started by a couple of Univer-
sity students who were working
at Albert's.
Photocopying faces s h o u 1 d
not be taken lightly, eit'er. It
is a serious art form. I have de-
veloned several different stylesf
of facial xerogranhy -- f r . n t
view of face with both hands
framing the face, right profiks,
left profiles front view with
smile only, and even two facing
faces on the same page. By
controlling the lightness or dark-
ness of the print, one can creete
a wide variety of effe -S. Jrcld-
ing a luminous, ethereal ,inter-
pre'ation. I can even mike a,
person anpear to be asleep on a
dirk, mysterious night wit h
dreamy little stars in the skv.
On some photocopying machin-
es. it is possible to have one's
face copied onto a transparency.
to he later used on an overhead
The kids at MSU think their
"new fad" is funny, but if 'hey
want any real expo;ure to the
art of photocopying faces, they
should meet the Uni v'rs'ty folks
who originated and reveloped it.
' I can demonstrate virtually
anything when it comes to photo-
conying faces. The MSU people
may criticize my techniques. M'nt
that's okav, just as !olg as they
don't hurl any facial invectives.
I intend to nublish a hook
aholt the creative nonslbilides
of photoconvina - n only of
faces, but of other ;trking imn-
ages such as cigarete lighters.
matches, and basenl-i bats. te
name a few. My hook will l'e
called "creative Xerog'anhv"
and I hone it will Belo enc;i)r-
ye the establishment of a new
denartment of xeroeranhy at the
School of Art, alongsi le the de-
partments of ceramk s,print-
making; and granhic design.
-April Smith

Carter - the man who promised
to be a new type of leader -
is willing to let this . . . type
of bigotry go unpunished" and
concluded that "our new Presi-
dent. like so many other Amer-
icans, is either indifferent or
hostile toward Arabs."
Your criticism of Carter is
uncalled for.(Although members
of the Federal Trade Commis-
sion are appointed by the Presi-
dent with the advice and consent
of the Senate, they serve stain-'
tory terms of .seven years and
can be removed by the Pre=dent
only for "inefficiency, neglect of
duty, or malfeasance in office."
Unlike members of the Cabriet,
who serve entirely at the p'ea-
sure of the President, the trade
commissioners sit as an inde-
pendent board with quasi-legisla-
tive. quasi-judicial funct: ons
which' "must be free from execu-
tive control," in the words of
the Supreme Court.
While Dixon's remarks were
bigoted and ,disgusting - and
much as we might -think t h e y
morally disqualify him trom
holding an office of public trust
- it is far from obvious whethes
thev constitute any of the statu-
tory offenses that allow removal
from office. If the sixteen mem-
hers ofCongress who have urg-
ed Carter to fire Dixon. do their
homework, I think they will alo
learn that Carter is probably
powerless to do. what .hev are
asking and what you have rather
impetuously chided him for not
-Bruce Johnson


a f
.p '.



To The Daily:
IN REGARDS to your article
on the problems at 3ovinda's
Restaurant. I would like to say
that the -Hare Krishna movement
is not, and never has been, in
any way connected with the pol-
4icies politics, or profits of that
The presence of pictures of
Krishna and allusions to Indian
philosophy do not establish com-
pliance by association. We hold
no monopoly over these things
and they have been used by
such diverse figures as George
Harrison, musical "Hair", Al-
bert Einstein, and Mahatma
Gandhi. Certainly you don't
mean to infer that they ara also
agents ,and arms of our- Move-
nient? Thank you for your time
and I hope this sets the record
Badarinarayan dass,
Radha-Krishna Temple,
Ann Arbor

nO can do
To the Daily:
IN YOUR -editorial of Febru-
ary 2, you criticized President'
Carter for having failed to "dis-
miss Federal Trade Commission-
er Paul Dixon as swiftly as pos-
sible" because of Dixon's eth-
nic slur against Ralph Nader.
You suggested that "Jimmy

s t




Contact your reps
Sen. Don Riegle (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C. 20515.
e.T- m xf-, .C3 fl Rla Cantgl '1111.




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