Saturday, January 8, 1977 -
Page Seven
Saturday, January 8, 1977 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
Ford, Carr lead Pistons
past Buck
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - In a game that resembled
high school rather than professional basket-
ball, the Detroit Pistons defeated the Mil-
waukee Bucks 140-132 here last night. The
key to the Piston victory was guard Chris
Ford who scored 20 points, handed out 15
assists and registered 6 steals.
As usual, Herb Brown was satisfied with
the victory.
"I LIKE WINNING," he said, "It doesn't
make a difference if we win a run and shoot
game like tonight or a slower tempoed
game. I like to win."
Brown wasn't concerned with the numer-
ous mistakes (missed lay-ups and 28 turn-
overs) either.
"In a running game you always turn the
ball over more," he said.
M. L. Car rand Howard Porter were high
scorers for the Pistons, tallying 25 points
"I've scored all my life," Carr said. "Last
year I averaged 18 points a game. I can
score if I have to."
TRAILING BY SIX at the half and by as
many as 12 points in the game, the Pistons
stormed back to take the lead for goa:,
82-80, at 4:21 of the third uarrter. Detroit
outscored the Bucks 16-8 after that and led
96-88 going into the fourth quarter.
After that, it was a matter of playing out
the game. Milwaukee never came closer
than nine points and that was with 40 sec-
onds left in the contest.
Marvin Barnes continued to impress with
some outstanding baske s and rebounds.
Carr's 25 points represents a new career
high for him pnd Bob Lanier added 22 points
of his own, 18 coming in the second half.
Brown wouldn't praise any one single
"CHRIS (FORD) gave us a big lift," he
said, "but you can't single out anybody in
the second half. Eric (Money) and Kevin
(Porter) put pressure on Milwaukee. Ralph
(Simpson) and Howard (Porter) did well
sedge Tigers 6 4
By ERROL SHIFMAN penalties will be assessed in Michigan outscored Colorado pleased with Michiga's penal-- Rookie of the Year, came right
There always seems to be a tonight's game and the loss of 6-1 in the last 50 minutes of the ty killing as the olverines back and flipped a shot past
calm before the storm and Palmer made Michigan coach game and goals by Kip Maurer killed off three Ipenalties in the Palmer to deadlock the score
Michigan's 6-4 victory last Dan Farrell livid. and Dave DeBol in the second third period. at 4-4.
night was no exception. "That (the disqualificarions) stana knotted the score at 3-3. Michigan played the last four
Michigan overcame a sloppily was the worst biased call I've The Tigers seemed to be spin- minutes of the game short JOHN WAYMAN brokethe
Mihgaevrcmeasopiyi in all the years I've been nin therewhelsand ichian mnitssofthe;amerhor
played first two periods to over- seey ning their wheels and Michigan handed and CC was unable to ge bpe wn is tfrm
CC team. in the WCHA, said Farrell. was still shaky. penetrate either the tightened Tiger goalie Mitchell's legs and
Both teams appeared to be FARRELL AND his staff be- The Blue icers calmed down Blue defense or goalie Palmer. gave the'Wolverines the break
wrought with frustration, the lieved that the attack on Pilm- in the. third period and showed Dean Turner brought Michi- they needed.
Wolverines because of their in- er was a deliberate attempt to some of the enthusiasm they gan to life at 8:23 of the last Bill Thayer led Michigan with
ability to get going andaColor- disqualify him. "It was the period when he picked up a three assists and got first star
ado, unable to get by a solid! most unclass thing I've ever had displayed earlier in th os ukafe w ie Wgohnrsfr thefgame. sJohn
performance by Michigan goalie seen in thegame," said Far- season. verine scoring attempts, and McCahill had two assists. and
Rick Palmer. refl. "When I see something slapped it past Mitchell. Ths six different Wolverines scored.
THE FRUSTRATION led to a kthtIwn hd m COACH FARRELL felt that brought Michigan out of its deep Tonight'
TH RSRTO e oalike that I want to hand in my Tngts finale promises to
storm as both teams headed for and I hope the kids react o it." his team "showed a lot of char- freeze but the thaw was short be exciting and it will be inter
e ig o a th i Michigan reactions were slow acter to come back the way itiv esting to see how each team re-
el (one of three brought by early in the game as Colorado did." Farrell was extremely Dave Delich, last year's WCHA acts to last night's skirmishes.
Colorado) skatedethe length of jumped out to 3-0 lead. Dean
the ice and charged at Rick Mabee scored twice as he was SPORTS OF THE DAILY
Palmer. Michigan's number one left virtually alone in front of
goaltender. Palmer each time.
Both goalies received five The Wolverines seemed to be
minute fighting penalties and frost bitten and their slugish
' game disqualifications. These olay brought a few boos fromTiime aI rs takeW ester.
. - he also cool crowd.
Michigan's basketball team,
after shuffling Northwestern's
deck 102-65 Thursday night,
deals with Wisconsin beginning,
at 2:05' this afternoon in Cris-
ler Arena.
The Badgers, 4-5, openede
their Big Ten season in East1
Lansing against Michiganx
State Thursday night. Theyt
were on the drubbee end of an
84-61 score.
"Right now we're strug-e
gling," said a pessimisticc
Badger coach Bill Cofield,
"and you just don't come
into Michigan struggling, asV
Northwestern found out."
The rookie Big Ten coach
has, two basic worries: hisI
team, and the Wolverines.
Four of the Badger starters
are freshmen. Even though
Wisconsin had a fine recruiting
year, its inexperience tips the
scales in Michigan's favor.
Bo finds
"We've probably got the
youngest starting team in any
major conference in the coun-
try," Cofield said. "Our
players have potential. We're
getting ready for the future."
The only non-freshman start-
er is senior guard Bob' Falk.
Falk has averaged 11.3 points
per game this season and leads
the team in assists.
Rickey Green, who stunted
the point growth of Northwest-
ern's Billy McKinney, will
cover the 6-2 Falk.
Steve Wrote, Michigan's
'broken nose' guard, pairs up
with former Maryland prep
star Arnold Gaines. Gaines led!
the Badger scoring at East:
Lansing with 14 points.
Grote needs but three as-
sists to become Michigan's
all - time leader in that de-
partment. Wayman Britt
holds the record with 301 as-
At the forNwirds, the Badgers
are tall and hack a punch. Joe
Chrnelich, 6-7, and James
Gregory, 6-8, lead Wisconsin
in both scoring and rebounding.
Chrnelich, from Old Milwau-
host Badgers
edge of their seats.
To Wisconsin's credit is
victory over highly - touted De-
Paul and a hard-fought seven
point loss to Marquette on the
road. It is however, the same
team which Northern Illinois
trumped by 24 points.
Michigan coach Johnny Orr
takes no team lightly. 'I get
so nervous before the games,"
Orr said after the Northwest-'
ern game, "that if we play-
ed a junior high team I
think I'd be nervous."
Today is no exception. "Wis-
consin is a big, strong, talent-
edsvo'mg team," Orr said.
As for strategy, both teams
-r plan to employ man to man de-
joe'i Thwmpsn fenses. Offensively, the Wol-;
verines are not about to change
kee, tops the club in scoring the pace of their attack and
with a 13.6 average. will try to get Wisconsin to run
Gregory, who played his prep with them.
ball in Washington D.C., has "I don't think there's any
a, 11.7 average,'but has hit on possible way we can run with
less than a third of his shots. Michigan," said Cofield. "They
He tors Badger rebounders are the fastest team in Ameri-
with 93: Chrnelich is second, ca."
CC'S DEFENSE bottled up
Michigan un'il the 17:30 mark
when Dan Lerg snuck in on
Tiger goalie Mitchell to score a
nower-play goal. It was Michi-
gan's third power-play oppor-
tinity of the period.
Blue cmeback
First Period
Scoring - Colorado - Magee
'Reilly) 6:07. Colorado - Delich
(Pracht) 16:36. Colorado - Magee
(Tolimes) 17:00. MICH. - Lerg
(Thayer, DeBol) 17:30. Penalties -
Col. - Solitvedt (Tripping) :53
;MTILH - Blanzy (Tripping) 9:20
C.- Feamster (H gl Stick) 12:31
MICH. - Coffman (High Stick)
1>:31 Col. - Holmes (Tripping)
13:30 MICH. - Thayer (High Stick)
14:55 Col. - Knoke (Interference)
Second Period
Scoring - MiCH. - Maurer (Thay-
'-r. Turner) 3:44 MICH. - DeBol
(Rob Palmer, Brennan) 19:17 Pen-
alties - Col. Reilly (Holding) 2:26
Col. - Pracht (Holding) 8:01.
Third Period
Scoring - MICH. - Turner (Thay-
er, DeBol) 8:22 Colorado - Delich
(Pracht, Feamster) 9:06 MICH. -
Waymann (McCahill) 10:57 MICH.
- Manery (McCahsll) 13:40 Penal-
ties - Col.- Kronschnabel (El-
bowing) 6:48 MICH. - Brennan
(Charging) 12:10 MICH. - McCa-
hill (Interference) 15:56 MICH. -
Denol (Interference) 18:09 MICH. -
Rick Palmer (Fighting, Game Dis-
vtlification) 20:00 Col. - Mitchell
(Fighting, Game Disqualification)
Special To The Daily
KALAMAZOO - The Michi-
gan men's and women's gym-
nastics teams defeated their
Western Michigan counterparts
in a coed meet last night. ,
The Michigan women barely
edged Western, 83.6 to 83.5,
while the men won 193.8 to 187.7.
Coach Anne Cornell's squad
competed in only three events
as the uneven bars were broken.
"I was disappointed," said
Cornell, "because I felt that
the unevens was a very strong
event for us. It turned out to
be a really close meet."
The women failed to take first
place in vaulting, balance beam
or floor exercise, but swept sec--
ond and third place in all three
events to insure the win. Cor-
nell praised captain Ginger Ro-
bey, who took seconds in vault-
ing and floor exercise while
placing third on the beam.
"Ginger did a terrific job for
us," said Cornell. ."She was
last up in every event and really
had to pull some points for us."
Cornell termed Dot Sum-
mers' 7.3 performance in floor
exercise a "vast improvement,."
and cited freshman Beth Carl-
sen, second on the beam, as "'a
hard competitor."
"It was exciting," Cornell
concluded. "The girls really
enjoyed participating in a co-
ed meet. There were a lot
more things to watch."
Newt Loken, the Michigan
men's coach, was not so en-
thralled. "I thought our team
looked rather shaky," said Lo-
ken. "We're capable ,of scoring
over 200. But I think that's an
effect of the long layoff. Our
last competition was back on
December 4."
One bright spot. was Gordon
Higman, who placed second on
the parallel bars with an 8.5.
"I thought Higman did a great
job in his first four event of
collegiate competition," said
The next action for Loken's
squad is January 14-15 at the
Big Ten Invitational at Crisler
Arena. Competition is at 7,:30
Friday night and at 10 a.m.
on Saturday.
The women travel to the West-
ern Ontario Invitational in Lon-
don, Ontario on Jan. 22.
* * *
Grappiers resume
The Michigan wrestling team
takes to the mat again today
opposing the Southern Illinois
Salukis immediately following
the basketball game.
There will be a few new faces
in the line-up this afternoon for
the Wolverines. Coach Bill Jo-
hannessen is giving a couple of
starters a rest before the Big
Ten season resumes next Sat-
urday when the grapplers host
Karl Briggs, the 142 pounder
who is 7-3 on the campaign, in-
cluding a 26-7 decision over
Terry Schultz of Penn State, will
take the weekend off and fresh-
man Lou Joseph will substitute
for him.
At 167 pounds Ed Neiswen-
der, who is off to a superb
start with an 11-2 individual
record, will nurse his injured
shoulder and 158 pounder Brad
Holman will move up a class.
Senior George Kelly will
wrestle at 158 pounds today.
Junior Todd Schneider returns
to the line-up today for the first
time since he was injured in
the ' Southern Open in Novem-
The Wolverines are 2-0 in dual
meets thus far and are heavy
favorites to down the Salukis.
Over the holidays the Wolver-
ines wrestled in the Midlands
tournament in Evanston, Illi-
nois. Senior captain Mark John-
son (11-1-1) finished second in
the 177 pound class, losing a
close decision to his nemesis
from Iowa, Chris Campbell 3-1.
washington 99, Phoeni x89
Los Angeles 85, N.Y. Nets 82
Philadelphia 116, Cleveland 96
DETROIT 140, Milwaukee 132
Chicago 108, N.Y. Knicks 88
Denver 117, Houston 107
N.Y. Islanders 5, Atlanta 4
Cleveland 8, Vancouver 4
Penn 65, Dartmouth 46
Princeton 77, Harvard 45
Albion 89, Southern Tech 72
Adrian 69, Wayne St. 59
... ............ ' :1":' .. .....
Don Nehlen, former head
coach at Bowling Green .Uni-II Big 10 Standings
versity, has been hired by
Michigan to replace - departed Conf. All
assistant football coaches Gary W L W L
Moeller and Chuck Stobart. MICHTGAN 1 0 8 1
Nehlen is the only replace- Pnrdne 1 0 7 3
ment allowed on Bo Schem- Illinois 1 0 9 4
bechler's staff, due to new Michignn St. 1 0 4 6
NCAA rules limiting the num- Minnesota 0 0 9 0
ber of assistants allowed on a Iowa 0 0 8 1
team. Indiana 0 -1 S 5
Stobart, new head coach at I Ohio State 0 1 5 5
Toledo, announced that former Wisconsin 0 1 4 5
Michigan players Larry Gustaf- i Northwestern 0 1 2 8
son, Dave Elliot and Chuck Today's Games
Heater would be joining him as Wisconsin at MICHIGAN, 2:05
assistants. Heater had been an Iowa at Minnesota
assistant at Northen Arizona j Northwestern at Michigan
while Gustafson and Elliot State
served as graduate assistants P'irdne at Ohio State
at Michigan. 1 Illinois at Indiana
TONIGHT! Saturday, Jan. 8th, in the Modern
Languages Buildinq, Auditorium 3
Nicholas Rav. au eur extradordinaire, directed some of the most
significant films of the 50's (Rebel without a Cause, In a Lonely
Place, Johnny Guitar), A brilliant. volatile rebel himself, Ray
dropped out of Hollywood at what should have been the peak of
his career. This penetrating documentary examines that career
and includes extensive clips from his best films, conversations
with Ray, Francois Truffaut, and scenes of Ray with his film
students. "Ray may well be his own most complex hero. He's a
romantic with a fierc'ely realistic v'ew of things. I'm a Stranger
Here Myself is a fine, well thought-out, affectionate documen-
tary."-vincent Canby. Francois Truffaut, Nicholas Ray, John
Houseman, Natalie Wood.
(ELlA KAZAN, 1955) 8:00 ONLY
Kazan's adaptation of Steinbeck's novel was the film that turned
a talented stage-Tv actor named James Dean into a superstar.
Dean plays Carl Trask, a confused adolescent searching desperately
for lost love and tenderness, with a gut-wrenching sensitivity
that prompted his director to say, "Dean didn't play Cal, he was
Cal." The youth of that period immediately recognized the
honesty of his performance and flocked to the film, making Dean
-the hottest star on the warners lot. "In James Dean, today's
youth discovers itself."-Francois Truffaut.
(NICHOLAS RAY, 1955) 9:45 ONLY
James Dean was perhaps the most sensitive, intense, vulnerable,
best actor to grace the screen. Rebel without a Cause is his best
performance. Playing a young man on his first day in a new
high school, Dean portrayed the pent-up, confused frustrations
of youth perfectly. There are many reasons to see Rebel, but
James Dean overshadows them all. You'll probably never see
acting like this again.
(PHILIPPE DE BROCA, 1-967) 7 0 9
Our most popular film. A Scottish soldier during w.W. I is sent
to a French town, evacuated except for an asylum. Meanwhile, the
fleeing Germans have left a time bomb. The asylum inmates
escape, taking up varous costumes and roles. A very funny
comedy and a powerful' anti-war film-the sanity of insanity and
haulirg down 80 boards.
Joel Thompson, whose
shooting percentage is, holy-
blisters - Batman, .651, cov-
ers Gregory. John Robinson,
coming off.a season high
point nroduction of 18 against
th-e Wildcats, tangles with
Michigan center Phil Htib-
bard, who\ has led Wolverine
rehoonding in every contest,
will face av Sydnor, a 6-6
fres)-nan who replaced 6-10
Sonhoniore Al Rudd as a start-
er in the MSU contest.
T,n Wisconsin s"hs are 6-8
junior forward Bill Pearson
and 6-2 gard James Smith,
also a inior. Aces in the holes
for Michieni, Dave Baxterj
and Tom Staton, lurk on the
Crisler Arena has not been
a profitable place for the
Badgers. They've gone seven
years i 8' ",nit a win in Ann
Arbor, a 90-86 triumph in
1970 being their last.
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