Pade Six- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 8, 1977 -- ----- - --------------- INS / AV AIF Jr AW ma ............: FR R9ENT FnR RENT FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL on-campus efficiency 6-BEDROOM HOUSE, Burns Park, LOOKING for an apartment to with large kitchen and bath. Quiet, for group. Living room, dining share? We have several openings. clean graduate students preferred. room, study, kitchen, good appli- All are within walking distance $170/month, 8-month lease. Call 973- ances, 2 baths, furnished. 764-1534., to campus, immediate occupancy/ 9758. 8600111 740109 CAMPUS ANAGEMENT, INC. _____ ____ __-_- - - - ------ - --_____662-7787 - OWN ROOM. Beautiful apartment. FEMINISTS --- Two women and a cCCS 73 Must see. 2371 Lancashire. 995-9108, child' seeking housenates. We have COURSE BOOKS 23C109 room available in BP area house; COURSE BOOKS ________________ --- $110, share utilities and vegetarian ,.____-.--- .---_ ONE-BEDROOM available in modern cooking, non-smokers. 663-8376. Econ. 201, Journalism301; Denise, three bedroom apt. Air-cond., pool, 88C109 763-3821. - b0109, easy parkingOff Ston e'chool RdI ------ ---- HELP WANTED PERSON TO CLEAN house 6-7 hours every other week. $2.50/hr. Must! have car, Dexter area. 426-2584, eve- nings. 95H0112 WE ARE conducting visual experi- ments on colorblind individuals. If you are colorblind and would like to earn $2.50 per hour, call 764-0574, 7 a.m.-3 p.m. for details. 99H0111 SALESPEOPLEWANTED - Part or Uncontracted Classified Rates PERSONAL .1 WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 3 1-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 1 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.15 2.40 2.65 2.90 3.15 2 3 4 5 6 add. 2.30 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.30 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.00 5.65' 6.30 6.95 7.60 8.25 8.25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 3.80 4.60 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.80 8.60 9.40 10.20 10.20 18.20 26.20 34.20 42.20 4.55 5.50 6.45 7.40 8.35 9.30 10.25 11.20 12.15 12.15 21.65 31.15 40.65 50.15 5.30 6.40 7.50 8.60 9.70 10.80 11 .90 13.00 14.10 14.10 25.10 36.10 47.10 58.10 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 1.95 3.45 4.95 6.45 8.95 Bus line and bike route. 971-2097 evenings. $108/month. 4001091 PLEASANT 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. 15 minute walk to campus. Garage. Basement. No pets. $440* plus utilities. 665-4845. 8900114 FALL '77 EXTREMELY NICE APARTMENTS ON CAMPUS Speech 100, Antro 131, Psych 170. full time - to handle Cablevision Dave, 663-7251 d0109 orders and to market our dual} -- channel home theatre of family and LOST AND FOUND adult uncut movies without com- -- nmercials. Call or visit Mr. Calvin LOST - Brown shoulder-bag, K- Dyke, Ann Arbor Cablevision, 416 W. Mart parking lot, Tues. evening, Huron. Phone 769-4707 3-6:30 p.m. r d 764-8370. 495-R427_ Thelma- 83HO1141 INCHES 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 3.15 5.65 8.15 0.65 3 15 6.30 11.30 1,6.30 21.30 26.30 ,_..r... .. ewara . -4 64 , 4 324 , 1 e ma.v v l . ~ L .a a-.- ONE BEDROOM APT near cam- Well-furnished units in modern '76A109:----*-S__----,, ---_ _ pus. Basement. Utilities included. buildings and unique older homes. WORK-STUDY,$3.50/hr. 995-2337. j N.B.: Each group of charactersc $222.' 769-6740. 58( 111 FOR SALE 96H0115 I Hvohenated words over 5 STOP BY SOON (-- -- -- ----- ------- (this includes telephon For complete information and best COLOR TV, 25" Admiral. Only DAY CARE worker position. Mass 10 lines equals 1 inch 'selection three years old in excellent condi- meeting 3310 School of Education jA" Ar SII( lion for $150. Call Dan between 5 Building, University of Michigan, I*IA R ',f' ~ 1-CAM P-US~ R ENTA LS ,'ud 6 p m, 761-9167. 80B0113 Thnursday. January 13, 7:30 p.m. --- - -Questions call 764-3487. Minorities ROOM AND BOARD 1335 S. UNIVERSITY TANK SUIT SALE -- (Used black welcome. 800H0113 -8825 only)--Me i's and Women's sizes FREE ROOM AND BOARD in return Monday-Friday 9-5:30, Saturday 10-2 28-40 Priced $1-$5 January 12th BABYSITTER -- Reliable person t; for child care and housecleaning. cCtc and 13th. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Magaret care for 2 children, ages 3 & 6, in Near campus, private quarters. 663- Bell Pool. 42B111 my Burns Park- home. Mon. & 9885 or 764-6347. 82E0112 SROOMFOR WOMAN in 3-bdrm. Thurs., 11:15 a.m-5 p.m. References I SU P UI 6582EW~~FXCEPTIONAL BUYS-Down sleep.. i ~ ~~ ~.Rfrne SINGLE ROOM - 5 meals weekly, clean, quiet house in residential I ,& transportation. Call 761-3762. area. Short term, no lease. Wash-493H0114 $190-9 . er/dyer, yard. Sue, 763-3548 days .$20;knee-high lace-up boots. 61.. -------- -------- 300109 $20. 1-227-7791. -92B0108 BABYSITTER needed on regular ROOMS AND MEAL contracts now ------ ------ - BTZ Ibasis for short eriods, 1-4 evenings avaiable r males inter rm A R M YOU1iVersity Towers Has er 06 LAB KITRaod.e per week. 663-3593. 72108 R rates. all Mike WE CARRY Ap7rtments Was $8. new. youa a r $5.0w. Call EXPERIENCED stockperson needed7 F SOUTH UNIVERSITY AT FOREST Juti764-0552, leave f time. Apply in person: Mur- USED CARS FULL LIES INHdBO122 02 blocks t campus d~l phy's Landing, Briarwood Mali. I _ Paintfers onis 4Smnthwi"ner term lease 1947 IBM Electric typewriter. Very EW65GW112 * PanesSingleliability lease good condition. $100. 995-4168. DELIVERY DRIVERS AND TELE- E OR Piano room and studtoge -N Ltrupart hi stengine Bib O erall ®i Swimming pool y lounge 508113 PHONE- - HEP~. Mstbe1, ar -rolmswihi 0,00mle o _ _ s _. t i nlu A l y ny 11peauii aifter d counts as one word. characters count as two words e numbers) 5 words per line INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Are people important to you? Take meals at FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE 761-7435 91F0112 THE, DISTINCTION of being South U's only drugstore belongs to the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. cFtc HENRY (Hank) Golden-boy ENGLE- HARDT a poem for you: May your life be long Your stories strong, Here you belong .. . Long may you bong! HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Daily dF108 CAROL AND PHYLLIS F.-I LOVE YOU BOTH, MADLY. THEOPHILUS. cFtc JOSH is coming!! 53F108 COMMUNITY SERVICE Here's the opportunity for prac- tical experience working with; young people. Innovative Tutorial offers credit. Contact Ellen Offen, 763-3348. 31F123 ON-GOING PERSONAL GROWTH GROUP; starts Jan. 20. Thursday evenings--sliding scale ($10 mini- mum/session). Leaders: Michael Andes MSW, Catherine Lilly. Info/ registration: 662-2801. 75F119 UM STYLISTS at the Union. Open 3:30 am. to 5:15 .m., Mon.-Sat. Dave, Harold and Chet. cF108 ISRAELI FOLK Dancing. This Sunday 1-3 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill. Instruction fo rbeginners and ad- I vanced. 25c. 23F109 VISIT ANN ARBOR'S only gem lab' 1 h -----.. -ni.-- -III~OC u pl cna yuunr mney ai_-i~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Spn) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Ac.vertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- 'er of days ordered. This policy ,s also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. I.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate, on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent tie. "preferably" is still discriminatory). i * Levi's0 A FULL LINE OF SWEATERS , up to $15.00 HOODED-!ZIP SWEATSHI RTS $7.98 PULLOVER HOODED SW EATSH I RTS $6.98 SWEAT PANTS $4.49 @®24 hour security * Laundry facilities within building Visit University Towers at 536 S. Forest or call 761-2680. cC0118 -- - -- --.--- --. ... .. WHAT A BARGAIN: RCA Portable tionyOeApiar101 aftena4 srGa"gaa g years of Vega ownership are in- ,tereo. Great condition; amazing- Place. Start immediately. 57H1113 v'ted to join a collective consumer ly decent sound. It served me well. effort to obtain satisfactory resti- $30. Call 764-9671 evenings and FREE FOOD. Be a waiter at Theta I tution from GM. Call Hugh McPher- ask for Debbie. dB0109 Delta Chi. 761-5960. 7711113 son, 761-8813. -66N0118 MISCELLANEOUS PINBALL & COFFEE. The Cross Eyed Moose and Tommy's Holiday Camp invite you to enjoy free coffee every morning. cM0227 FACULTY MEMBER WITH 16 month old daughter wishes to organize cooperative play group with one to two year olds. 665=5459. 43M118 MUSICAL-MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERNANDIS GUITARS, classical and steel. 40% list. 665-7348. cXtc BAROQUE INSTRUMENTS-~Harpsi- chord, virginal, clavichord. By build- er. 761-6681. 36X113 SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN'S TOUCH available. Exper- ience in bachelor apartments. Not easily embarrassed. Only those who need cleaning person should call Camie, 761-3278. 9700114 FRUSTRATED? You haven't played pinball at the Cross Eyed Moose yet, have you? 613 E. Liberty. Open everyday. c00227 SUBLET SINGLE ROOM in friendly house available. $55/month, no lease. 1011 S. Main. 994-0307. 81U0114 FURNISHED ROOM, $95. Good cam- pus location. 973-1744. 79U0112 I, WORK STUDY SCHOLAR-Library BUSINESS SERVICES assistant up to -time for journal. $3.36/hr. Call S. Fedunok, 764-7228 FLUTE INSTRUCTOR on faculty weekdays. - 45H109 of three colleges. Member of pro- PART TIME help needed to call on fessional duo. Will teach begin- intramural team managers. Call ning-advanced students in home. A Scott Corporation, 663-2023. Tedmi4 .J drive from campus. 429- 49H112 9241. CJ417 NATURAL FOODS COOK WANTED Looking for DAY CARE or NURS- -Apply 314 E. Liberty or call 662- ERY? Call Child Care Referral 2019. 48H109 Se"vice, 662-1127 or 663-5503 (no fee). 34J109 1 1 1 i PRIME NORTHERN GOOSE DOWN JACKETS from $39.98 FULL LINtS OF WINTER COATS: Air Force Parkas Pea Coals Field Jackets LEATHER Flight Jackets DOWN & FIBERFILL PARKAS ALL BRANDS OF C=B, RADIOS (at cost) SAVE 30% OFF REG. PRICES 201 E. Washington at Fourth & Washington 994-3572 PART-TIME ASSISTANT to book- keeer for non-profit health care organization. 10 to 15 hours pee week. Responsible, meticulous per son needed. Call Linda, 769-9000. 23H1C INVENTORY CLERKS. 200 people needed for local dept. store inven- to" o lsat 1 8 \ini a 1i > 1/10, and Tues. morning 1/11. Nc experience necessary. Call Kelly Services, 973-2300. 68H1C ATTENDANT NEEDED to aid dis- abled woman part-time with meals dressing, etc. Must be strong, re- liable. Work-study preferred. Cal Yvonne, 763-3000 days or 662-2734 evenings and weekends. 63H11 FIGURE MODELS Wanted for Pho tographic opportunities, excellent income. Call now! Call for info, 1 419-865-0868, between 11:00 a.m. tc 12 midnight, Mon.-Sat. 67H0112 EARN FXTRA MONEY Part-time a: Shaklee distributor, selling top- (lualisy producis. Unlimited earn. izs, qualify for car. Call Jeff Melt 'er at 764-3680. cH0211 MASSEUSES WANTED. $8 hr. AppI in person, 215 S. Fourth Ave. 45H121 PHOTO SUPPLI ES NIKON FTN with 85 mm f 1.8 lens. Nikon case for camera and three lenses. Bellows extension and miscellaneous other accessories 662-2281. 38D10E Violin Lessons FEMALE WANTED for own room In Violinlarge, modern, furnished, 2-bdrm. Segnning through advanced. Doc- apt. Parking, laundry facilities, close torate from U of M. For information to campus, heat included. Assume call NO 3-8392. 44J109 remainder of 12 mo. lease. $140. 665- ------- -------- 0274 persistently. 90U0108 TYPING AND PRINTING. IBM 7 Selectric. 20 yrs. experience. 116 E. ROOM-$150/mo. Furnished. Heat Michigan, Ypsilanti. 485-4800. cJtc included., Near campus. Off-street --------parking. Female grad student, non- THE SECRETARIAT smoker. Nancy, 769-3862, evenings. Typing. Copying, Binding 35U109 Editing, Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 2 PERSONS WANTED for room in 11-6, 7 days/week 994-3594ctpacious 3 bdrm. apt. Free heat, cJtcl dishwasher, etc. Jan.-Aug. 995-4168. 55U113 MANUSCRIPT ROOMMATES TYPEWRITINGR SPECIALISTS GRAD FEMALE roommate wanted for modern 2-bdrm. apartment. EXCELLENCE IN TYPE Parking, A/C. Excellent location near hospital, CCRB. $141/mo. Available Personalized IBM Selectric Type immediately. 994-3516. 85Y0109 EDITING, PRINTING, LETTERING NEED FEMALE non-smoking grad TELEPHONE DICTATION stude'nt to share furnished 2.bdrm. STEPHENS apt. 995-2598. 98Y0111 PROFESSIONAL NON-SMOKING GRAD F E M A L E TYPEWRITING WANTED FOR OWN LARGE, BEAU- TIFUL ROOM IN MODERN TWO- SERVICE BEDROOM, TWO-WOMAN APART- P.O. Box 181 Ypsilanti, Mich. , MENT. $112.50. VILLAGE GREEN, Ms. Stephens 434-1984 NORTH CAMPUS. CALL 995-1909. cJtc 84Y0112 1 MIDNITE MOVER. $10 per local van load. Evenings, weekends, some days. 663-2669. - 56J109 before you spend your money need-I lessly. Fine quality diamonds and WANT TO MAKE GOOD low prices on all engagement and USE OF YOUR wedding rings. Austin Diamond, FALL-TERM BOOKS? 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc Sell them in a Michigan Daily MIXED BOWLING leagues now classified.. For only $1, your first forming. Sign up now at Union name, phone numberand course Lanes. Open 1 la.m. cF108 will appear under theproper cate- - ----gory for three days, starting today. - JAZZ IExample: ACCOUNTING 271; Denise, 764-0557 Root's Trio: Noel Cunningham, Stop in at the Daily, 420 Maynard piano; Ted Hartley, bass; Stanley or send in $1, with the correct Slaughter, drums. Friday and Sat- ,-Iformation, for, each book. dF109 urday evenings 9 p.m.-1 a.m. in" - the club cocktail lounge in the SELF - DISCOVERY THROUGH Michigan Union building. Ask hos- MOVEMENT. All-day workshop, tess for. free trial membership Sat., Jan. 15.- No dance experience card. 763-2236. cFtc ne-e-y. Margaret and Bob }'lood, 'GESTALT WOMEN'S WEEKEND. 769-0046. 70F114 Jan. 21-23 (Fri. eve-Sun, after- PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS noon). Fee: $35 ($15 deposit), Through B e h a v i o r Modification. Leaders: Jane Hassinger, MSW / Weight Control-,National, 994-0019. Catherine Lilly. Info/registration: cFtc 662-2801, 99474216. 73F119 --.--- - AN ALTERNATIVE « XEROX AND OFFSET Work with inmates. Learn of fast, low cost duplicating criminal "justice." Inmate Project COPY QUICK offers credit. Contact Susan Hilde- ! 1217 5. University 769 0560 brandt, 763-3548. 32F123 eFte PERSONAL GROWTH GROUP for men and women of all ages.,Wednes- ANSWER TO PREYIOUS PUZZLE day evenings .Bob and Margaret S A U K F R A U Blood. 769-0046. 71F112 A SHOP THE APOTHECARY Drug M R S H E A N DON GAL Store and Save. Village Apothecary, T S 0 D 1112 S. Univ. Ave. cFtc R I A A R 0 ID 1'D OS I R A N A R BUMPER STICKERS. Custom urint- E N F I N T 0 Y S ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 ENF Prospect, Ann Arbor,761-0942 , eFtc T M N C____0_KO4U T AVM R COPIES-2%c each PA D-U A L EA O R N E Lowest Prices Anywhere A T F A N K C IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 { L A F R E M O N T T O N c tc-RUCT IO 4N LEOTARD ACADEMY BOOK BINDERY has V E NS D E L A N moved. 722 Brooks, Ann Arbor, 995- A F T L U N T 4000. cF0219 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Give You a ROYAL WELCOME BACK! FRI. & SAT. at V ,I si L 01D 994-5350 516 E. Liberty I UANIAMERiCARD A NEW CHEF and a NEW MENU Combine to Bring You a New Dining Experience ! FEATURING SUCH EXCITING DISHES AS... MALE WANTED to share onebd room apartment. 995-5930. 51Y0112 PETS AND SUPPLIES REGISTERED GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, wormed, shots. $100. Call now, 971-1531. 41T109 PERSONAL NEED HELP with your term paper? Call Doug, 769-5665. 87F0111 WHO'S JOSH? 74F108j wr#4 !? I ; .... I IF .73 I S i "~'°aP" W"W I !!: <:: ,! ITV .; /, . if<'s OFFICE HOURS CIRCULATION - 764-0558 COMPLAINTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 a.m.-2 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - 764-0557 10 a.m.-4 pm. DEADLINE FOR NEXT DAY-12:00 p.m. DISPLAY ADS - 764-0554 MONDAY thru FRIDAY-9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Deadline for Sunday issue-, WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m. VEAL CONTINENTAL Our milkfed Veal medalions prepared with Mozarella cheese and the che.f's anchovy & wine sauce. $7.25 STEAK & SEAFOOD 'CONNECTION' Choice Top Sirloin with your selection from the sea: Fred Ipswich Clams, Broiled Scallops, Broiled Shrimp. $6.95 VICTOR'S SPECIALTY -I i I.. Beef Tenderloin, Icing Crabmeot, Fresh Mushrooms & Green Peppers skewered and flamed at your table! .K .. . i ., (1' .. _ - I BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S' STORE 'LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Tradi tionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SWEATERS $8.00-$15.00 BEST SELECTION of Western Shirts in town Hooded Sweatshirts $5.98 Longsleeve Sweatshir ts $2/$7 .00 Flannel Shirts reg. from $6.98; tall from $7.98 Turtle Necks from $3.98 nnw7 r-1:- $7.95 ACROSS 1 Like some cheese 7 Witty remarks 12 Half-moon at base of a fingernail 13 Talks incessantly: Colloq. 15 Ambiguous saying 16 Car part 18 Hole-making tool 19 Salisbury - 21 Balance instrument 22 Word with drop or order 24 The - (for- tunate ones) 26 Noble 27 Church group 29 Denoting a cer- tain lens 31 King's neighbor 32 Far: Prefix 34 Sultry 36 Gossip 39 Skirt's relative 40 Small interstice 41 -- one's old tricks 42 Measures: Abbr. 2 2 3 14 5 6 12 Q 1977 LOS ANGELES TIMES 43 Talk spontan- eously: Colloq. 46 Omits 50 Collections of tools 52 Red cedar 54 Wintry forecast 55 r- Flaming Gorge Dam 57 South wind. 59 -- theline 60 Attached to a stalk, in botany 62 Platter of a kind 64 Fact 65 Gershwin song 66 Push 67 Enrolls DOWN 1 Flashes 2 Part of a stage 3 Dye base 4 Draw 5 Trees 6 "--- of a Sales- man" 7 Friend 8 One of the Norse fates: Var. 9 Sacred bird of Egypt 10 Sort street 18 I RUM CAKE Homemade! Four layers laced with rum & brandy-with three exotic fillings, topped with Fresh Whipped Cream. $1.50 AND... Don't forget our Daily Specials such as "Polynesian Feast." "Steak Tournedos," and "Bouillabaisse." 23 19 20 24 28 29 33 36 '37 38 fall is . i. i4-, -=41- Wi Imi SIn I I I"' I I I T F -