Poge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Febt'ary' 3. 1 97 t1 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 3, 1977j I A i"t V i! f j A ' R * //. "!, fR I" ie /t f t :. f / , fi /t i / r/ r ! r" r , fr I STOP LOOKING It's coming . If your DAILY di( arrive today .. . Bear wh u We're swamped v subscriptions and working as fist a. possible to getyc parer to you. If you haven' ordered it yet- CALL 1640551 Mon-Fri 10 a m.- WASHINGTON (A)-The House voted yesterday to con- tinut its inquiry into the deaths of President John Kennedy and M Martin Luther King Jr. tempor- arily while Justice Department a lawyers said they could find no evidence of a conspiracy in King's death. By a 4I to 164 vote, the House extended the life of its Assassin- ations Committee until March d n't 31, when its work will be re- evaluated. THE HOUSE began what was to be a two-year investigation M last September. But the inquiry ran into trouble because of its price tag of $6.5 million per kith year and criticism of the chief counsel, Richard Sprague. After the vote last night, Rep. Henry Gonzalez, (D-Tex.), was S appointed chairman. House lead- ers said they were confident )ur that he would protect individual rights and present a new budget in two months. Supporters of the committee Iwere irritated by the leaking of werepor rs yesterday that a special SdJustice Department study had concluded that James Earl Ray - !acted alone in the King assas- sination. "I FIND it very irregular we uu have not been able to see the re- port," said Rep. Yvonne Burke, 4 A (D-Calif.). A team of attorneys from the department's office of profes- sional responsibility conducted a 10-month review of the King F case and concluded that there was no evidence of a conspir- acy, department sources said. House leaders endorsed a two- I month extension of the commit- tee. But Rep. Jim Collins, (R- Tex.), said in prepared remarks that "there is no proved evi- dence that has come available that would justify Congress in creating the Witch Hunt Com- mittee." THE COMMITTEE would re- sume the assassination investi- gation on an $84,000-per-month budget until March 31, when its work would be re-evaluated, un- der the proposal before the House. The committee became em- broiled in controversy last year because of its proposed two- year, $13 million budget. ions inquiry spurred Garter, ure thr ift to beat energy. crisis w w. GEO, 'U' hearing delayed till March (Continued from Page 1) ants should be excluded from the bargaining unit, and GEO has taken the argument to arbi- tration. If not for this disagreement, GEO would have had a con- tract last November, since all other clauses in the contract have been agreed upon. DESPITE the breakdown in, negotiations, GEO has present-I ed the University with several proposals which, they believe, could clear up the dispute, but, negotiators haverepeatedly re- jected the offers. Chief University negotiator John Forsyth maintains that de- termining who is covered by the agreement is an integral part of the contract, and that no settle- ment can be reached until that issue is decided. Yesterday's hearing was post- poned because GEO had pre- pared another proposal on the coverage dispute, and the Uni- versity had seen it only mo- ments before the hearing was to begin. Neither side would reveal the contents of the proposal, but GEO President Doug Moran said it was "similar to one of our previous proposals" with "a lot of additions." GEO HAS previously told the University that they would drop their unfair labor practice charge if the contract could be signed without the coverage clause. Members of the bargain- ing unit would be determined after an arbitration decision had been made. Forsyth said he could not com- ment on GEO's latest proposal because the University hadn't "had the opportunity to analyze it." The University team would get together to study the. offer within the next week, he said. Moran said the University may have been anxious to post- pone the hearing because it isn't very nice to get slapped with an unfair labor practice (ULP)." "THEY (the University) want- ed to avoid a ULP so they de- cided to consider our new pro- posal," he said. ~ Forsyth said, however, that he is not trying to avoid the hear- ing. "Our position is that we haven't committed an unfair la- bor practice," Forsyth said, "The University is willing to submit to a hearing to prove this to the community." The hearing may be held as soon as the week of February 21, if the MERC representative, Sol Sperca, can re-arrange his schedule. JOIN THE DAILY STAF (Continued from Page 1) Carter said he will complete by April 20 a long-term energy pro- gram emphasizing conservation. He said the nation now wastes more energy than it imports. "We must face the fact that the energy shortage is perma- nent," hesaid. "There is no way° we" can solve it quickly. "But if we all cooperate and make modest sacrifices, if we learn to live thriftily and re- member the importance of help- Hamilton, TU will hold talks (continued from Page 1) SUMMIT-HAMILTON lawyers were unavailable for comment on the negotiations. Conspicuously absent from TU's list of demands is the is- sue which proved the major stumbling block in the Reliable negotiations - rent control. "So far the demands have been really low key," said Kel- ler. "There was some discus- sion in the bargaining commit- tee that we ask for recognition of the union and agency shop." She added, however, that pre-l sent demands are focused on maintenance problems. "CIT'Y CODE requires the temperature to be at least 68 degrees unless it gets below ten below zero," noted Steve John- son, an Arbor Forest tenant. "Let it suffice to say that in January the temperature has met the housing code less than seven days." Johnson said Summit-Hamil- ton had sent "standard proce- dure" letters to striking tenants asking them to pay back rent, but had not yet issued eviction notices. "To me, that indicates they don't intend to take us to court," he added. TU is currently on strike against Reliable, Summit-Hamil- ton, Trony Associates, and the Traver Knoll apartments. Trony and Traver. Knoll negotiations are in progress; Reliable nego- tiations broke down last sum- mer and have not resumed. ing our neighbors, then we can find ways to adjust and to make our sqciety more efficient and our lives more productive," he said. AS HE SPOKE from a stiff- backed chair in the White House library, Carter said he takes "very seriously" hia campaign commitments and believes "they were the reason I was elected." He said: "I want you to know I intend to carry them out." "As President, I will not be able to provide everything that every one of you might like.' I am sure to make mistakes," Carter continued, "BUT I CAN promise you that you will never have the feel- ing that your needs are being ignored or that we have forgot- ten who put us in office." President Carter defended his $31 billion economic program last night, calling it an "excel- lent investment in the future" that will produce steady, bal- ancedhand sustainable economic growth. "It does not ask one group, of people to sacrifice solely for the benefit of another," he said in his fireside chat. "It asks ,all of us to contribute, participate and share to get our country on the road back to work again." HE SAID HE realizes that few Mountain climbing dinosaur bones found TOKYO (M)-Dinosaur fossils, some dating back as long as 160 million years, have been un- earthed in mountainous Tibet. In a broadcast monitored in Tokyo, Peking Radio said the find marked the first time dino- saur fossils have been discover- ed in such a high-altitude area, ranging up to more than 12,600 feet above sea level. people think his program is per- fect and that many groups could ike to change it to fit their own priorities. "But I am confident that this is the best-balanced plan we can produce for the overall eco. nomic health of the nation," he said. He repeated earlier state- ments that his "primary con- cern" is to find jobs for those who want and need them and said the $50 tax rebates he is proposing "are the only quick, effective way to get money into the economy and create those jobs." AT THE SAME TIME, he said, he also plans to keep inflation under control. His program "does not ignore inflation to solve unemployment - or vice versa," he added. Americans will be given a chance to comment on the ad- ministration's tentative tax proposals before they are sent to Congress in final form, he said. The program is facing some attempts at change, with some Democrats calling for a larger emphasis on job programs eith- er directly or througli tax in- centives, and Republicans pro- posing a $26.2 billion, two-year stimulus as an alternative. IN PROMOTING to reorgan- ize what he termed "our con- fused and wasteful system" of government, 'Carter said "the place to start is at the top - in the White House. "I am reducing the size of the White House staff by nearly one- third and have asked the mem- bers of the Cabinet to do the same at the top staff level. Soon I will put a ceiling on the num- ber of people employed by fed- eral government agencies. So we can bring the growth of gov- ernment under control." Slides of Vietnam Today, and Songs by the cast of HAIR When HAIR was running on Broadway in the late 60's, the numbers of Americans and Vietnamese killed were written on large billboards in the lobby. The Vietnam war is over but the damage to hospitals, rice fields, and entire villages remains. CANTERBURY HOUSE is sponsoring HAIR in Lydia Mendelssohn The- ater, February 17 through 20, as a benefit for Friendshipment, people to people aid for the reconstruction of Vietnam. One dollar from each ticket will go for materials to help Vietnam rebuild itself. ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 AT NOON, Barbara Fuller will present a program of slides from her recent trip to Vietnam in the Pendleton Arts Information Center on the second floor of the Michigan Union. The cast of HAIR will perform a number of songs from the show. Admission is free. Thursday, February 3-T2 noon Pendleton Room SECOND FLOOR, MICHIGAN UNION Historic firehouse to be preserved -a IHAD CAR AND I LIVED. (Continued from Page 1) rates than Ann Arbor received no federal money at all. THE FUNDING for the new station comes none too soon for the Ann Arbor Fire Depart- ment, which is now forced to make do with outdated facili- ties and equipment. "The old firehouse, which was designed for hand- and horse - drawn equipment, has been a thorn in the side of the fire department for years,", said Fire Chief Fred Schmid. "The department expanded but the building didn't,". he ex- plained. "We just don't have room to work in here." THE SMALL building, con- structed in 1882. can barely ac- commodate over 20 firefighters and several large fire en- gines. But Schmid said the pres- ent engines are 26 years old and can no longer be counted on to start in emergencies. When new engines arrive later this year to replace the old ve- hicles, they will not even fit into the firehouse. The new station, Schmid said, will not only relieve space problems and boost morale of the cramped firefighters, but will also help the denartment respond faster to the nine emergency calls it averages each day. "Any time you travel over five minutes to a fire; you've got a mess," explained Schmid. "(The problem) doesn't multiply, it cubes. just Makes It A Little Bit Easier To Get Through The Day SCHMID added that as the fire department is updated, the city's poor insurance rating should improve. Ann Arborites can then expect their unusually high insurance rates to come more into line with those of the rest of the country. But what willhappen to. the old, historic firehouse? . "We think the optimal use for it would be for the city to keep ownership to guarantee its preservation, but to maximize returns by leasing it out for commercial purposes," said Dick Fry of Fry-Peters, the 1- cal architecture firm which is designing the new facility and may renovate the old one. S C H M I D concurred. "I don't want the old firehouse to be a burden on the taxpayers- it should pay its own way." Other possible plans under consideration include convert. ing the station into an office building, restaurant, theatre, school, or museum. Schmid predicted the new firehouse to be constructed next to the old facility on the corner of E. Huron and N. Fifth streets, may itself become a historic monument some day. "It willtbe built to last well into the 21st centur'y," he said. "But this is Ann Arbor, and we'll probably keep it for a hundred." _. r .._. _..__ ..______. __ __ _ - ~ -_ ---=- -^--_ _ _ I, I HOME WORK NOT I I I 'aKEEPO"ING YOU BUSY ENOUGH? its still not too late to come down to the Daily and help.us out. The Business De- partment NEEDS PEOPLE who want to: k'i. d. d' i #k RACKHAM GRADUATE STUDENTS: IF YOU INTEND TO GRADUATE this term with either a Masters Degree or an intermediate Degree awarded by the R'ckham Graduate School, you must submit a Diploma Application to the Records Office, Room 1014, Rackham Graduate School, no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, Feb. 4, 1977, in order to be placed on the May 1977 Degree List. Diploma applications are available in the Rock- ham Graduate School, Room 1014, as well as in your Deportment or Program Office. U. Marvella Bayh I have had breast cancer and a mastectomy to cure it. But it didn't change my life-or my femininity. Of course, right after surgery,"1 was discour- aged. But then I received a visit from an American Can- cei Society volunteer. She __ 1_ ~1 a - ... _ when she gave me faith. I knew then, if other women could do it, so could I. I did. If you know a cancer pa- tient who needs help, call your Unit of the American Cancer Society. We can give people information and counseling on all kinds of cancer. We can also give them hope. I know. Because I had I ,I + i' operations of a daily paper * meet other good, frustrated people " party down once in a while * drink 5c Cokes s p44P.. f r £;..m h rI uTr z 11 The University of Michigan Family Housing Apartments For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, the Housing Divi- sion will accept transfer requests for two bed- room furnished apartments in Northwoods 1I and Ill from present tenants who previously have been only eligible for residency in one bedroom apartments. i 1111 11 I I