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February 03, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-03

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 102 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 3, 1977 Ten Cents Eig

ht Pages

More layoffs
As Gov. Milliken called for statewide energy
harnessing, the General Motors' Assembly Divi.
sion plant at Willow Run idled some 3,650 workers,
cutting GM's auto output in half. This increases
to 4,850 the employes laid off since Monday from
GM's 10,000-employe Hydra-Matic transmission
plant at Willow Run.
Punxsutaw ney prediction
You can't count on Punxsutawney, Pa. for too
much news. bit once a year the city's most fa-
mous resident, Punxsutawney Phil, makes front
pages all over the country. And this year, as us-
ual, Phil was the bearer of bad news. The coun-
try's official weather - forecasting groundhog was
lifted from his burrow at sunrise yesterday and,
according, to Phil's interpreters, forecast six more
weeks of winter. And that's not just speculation
because Charles Erhanrd, president of the Ground-
hog Club, verified it after he and Phil exchanged a
few words in "groundhogese".
if you're nursing a hangover from your
Groundhog Day celebration you probably won't
make the tree sale that starts at 10 a.m. in the
fishbowl to celebrate Tu B'Shevat (holiday of
freedom) . . . at noon in the Pendleton Rm. of
the Union Canterbury House is sponsoring a slide
show of "Vietnam Today" as well as a presenta-
tion of songs by the cast of Hair . . . at 3 p.m.
you can muinch cookies and coffee in 1139 Nat.
Sci. in preparation for the 4 p.m. speech there by
Dr. Martyn Dibben from the Milwaukee Public
Museum on "Disjunction and Chemical Variance
Among Crustose Lichenized Fungi" . . . also at
4 in room 2501 on the C. C. Little building Prof.
Heinrich will lecture on "Australian Ore Deposits:
Mt. Morgan to Alligator River" . . . at 4:30 the
Michigan Student Environmental Council will dis-
cuss uranium cite leasing in the U. P. That's at
629 S. Division . . . at 7 p.m. the Gay Academic
Union will meet at 612 S. Forest . . . also at 7
Kurt Siehr from Germany will speak at the Law
Club Lounge on "Layers in the House of Power"
. . the Inter-Varsity Christian fellowship meet-
ing will take place at 7:30 in the Michigan League
... the International Center will review summer
job opportunities abroad from 7-9 at 603 E. Madi-
son .. . and at 7:30 there will be a poetry read-
ing by Patrick Patillo at the Guild House, 802
All for love
They say love has no bounds, and that was
obviously the case with 13-year-old Lynn Barillier
of Glendale, Cal. who was so depressed over the
suicide of comedian Freddie Prinze that she took
her life late Tuesday. She died at Vergudo Hills
Hospital about 28 hours after shooting herself
through the head with her father's .38 caliber
handgun, police said. She had left a note indicat-
ing her despondency over the death of 'Chico'.
Yes, we still have Richard Nixon to kick around.
Although the tricky former president is long gone
from the White House, his 1972 campaign fund
lingers on. All $1.2 million of it. More than four
years after his re-election and two and a half
years after his resignation, reports show that the
197? Campaign Liquidation Trust -,the successor
to CREEP - is still taking in money and paying
debts - slowly. Some persons who contributed
to the 1972 Nixon campaign have tried to get their
money back but so far the trust has not honored
any such requests. Most of the niney, according
to trust officials, is being doled out to cover legal
fees for former newsmakers Maurice Stans, John
Mitchell. John Dean et. al. No word on how much
the biggest newsraker of them all is being al-

Pay the Lord
The pastor of Miami's Central Baptist Church,
the Rev. Conrad Willard, last December offered
refunds of up to $2,000 to anyone who started
tithing - giving 10 per cent of their income to the
church - if they were dissatisfied with the church
after a week, a month or six months. So far there
have been no requests from the 400 tithers who
populate the 4,000-member parish. Apparently,
says Willard, God has only satisfied customers
among tithers. Amen.
On the inside ...
today's Page 3 Digest includes a report on
the Congressional energy message and more on
the continuing saga of Indira Gandhi ... the Edit
Page celebrates the first birthday of the rent
strike; Richard Dutka covering . . . Arts Page
offers a review of Lawrence Lieberman's' poetry
by Susan Burkhart . . . and Henry Engelhardt gives
an advance of the Indiana basketball game for
Sports Page.I

hods in topive or ornell os
By DAVID GOODMAN COBB, a black woman .and dean of Connecticut Colege, was "The committee hasn't formed a judgment on him, yet," said
the unanimous choice of the Boad of Regents for the LSA Dean- Community Committee Chairperson Mark Underber . "But," he
The Cornell University presidential searchhas narrowed to............................................ continued, "we do have doubts as to whether he is acceptable to
four or five peole, and University Vice President Frank Rhodes ...:......................:.....all...segments of:«<.:the.,:communit gy."{


remains a top contender for the job.
According to reports in the Cornell Sun (Cornell's student pa-
per), the Trustee Presidential Search Committee is looking seri-
ously at four or five names, Rhodes' among them.
THE SUN quoted a source close to the committee saying
Rhodes is very highly regarded by all members of the search
Rhodes acknowledged last Thursday that Cornell had contact-
ed him "to explore matters of mutual interest," but refused to
elaborate. Contacted last night, Rhodes wouldn't comment on fur-
ther developments: "I don't have anything to add to that state-
men," he said.
Not everyone at Cornell is happy with the Rhodes candidacy,
however. The Community Search Committee, a student aritd staff
group aiding the Trustee Search Committee expressed concern
over Rhodes' handling of Jewel Cobb's selection for literary col-
lege dean in January, 1975.

on him,

committee hasn't formed a "judgment
but we do have doubts as to whether
is acceptable to all segments of the
-Mark Underberg,
student and chairman,
- Community Search

UNDERBERG said his group was particularly concerned about
Rhodes' commitment to affirmative action for women and minori-
ties. He said the committee met earlier this week to discuss
Rhodes, and plannedo further investigate his record before mak-
ing a recommendation.
"We decided to hold off a final judgment on him till next
week," Underberg said. He indicated a decision would be made
The Trustee Search Committee, meanwhile, continues its de-
liberalions today in New York City.
ONE MAN previously named as a contender for the Cornell
presidency has removed his name from consideration. Colin Camp-
bell, president of Wesleyan University, said Monday he was not in-
terested in the Cornell job. The Cornell Sun said last week that
Campbell was a candidate for the presidency at Cornell.

ship. However, negoiations with Cobb broke down when she was
denied tenure by the Zoology Department.
A U' investigation of the incident said Rhodes had failed to
accord Cobb proper consideration during his talks with her.




sacrif ices
energy si
WASHINGTON (AP and With a portrait
Reuters) - A sweater-clad Washington over
President Carter, sitting be- tie, Garter looke
side a log fire, told the into the eyes of
American people last night vision viewers--a
that sacrifices,' thrift and dy teleprompter
cooperation are needed to struck a relaxed
weather a permanent ener- with his inform
gy shortage. lie said gov- addressing thei
ernment cannot cope with the first time sir
it "if you are not willing auguration.
to help." CARTER ASKED


of George
the rman-
cd straight
f his tele-
ind a. han-
- as he
pose to go
al garb in
nation for
nce his in-
the nation

,GEO, 'U' hearing
delayed till March
The long-awaited contract settlement between the Graduate
Employes Organization (GEO) and the University remains un-
Negotiators for both parties yesterday appeared at a special
unfair labor practice hearing before the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission (MERC) to present testimony. But at the
,last minute, both parties agreed to postpone the hearing until
March 16.
THE HEARING was originally called to discuss an unfair labor -
practice charge GEO has filed against the University. GEO is
contending that the University is holding up a settlement on an
issue which the union does not feel is crucial to a contract agree-
The issue in question is whether graduate and staff assistant4
in various schools should be included in a -contract between the'
University and the union. University negotiators felt that assist-
See GEO, Page 2

rta e'
to 'rekindle a spirit of unity like
that of World War II days, so
as to cope with 'energy, econom-
ic and an array of other prob-
lems confronting his- two-week-
old administration.
"I believe we are ready for
that same spirit again - to
plan ahead, work together and
use common sense," he said.
"Not because -of war, but be-
cause we realize that we must
act together to solve our prob-
lems and because we are ready
to trust one another."
Carter spoke first of energy,
saying the country's most ur-
gent project was to develop
a national policy, the absence
of which had contriblited to a
shortage of natural gas and a
dangerous situation brought
about by the severe winter
for its quick passage of the
emergency natural gas act he
signed hours earlier.
Carter warned that "oil and
natural gas companies must be
honest with people about their
reserves and profits. We will
find out the difference between
real shortages and artificial
"But the-Teal problem - our
failure to plan for the future
or to take energy conservation
seriously - started long before
this winter and will take much
longer to solve," he said.
THIS WINTER has made us
all realize that we have to act."
See CARTER, Page 2

Flying high
Over the front lawn of fraternity SAE, at South University and Washtenaw, Allen Welch dem-
onstartes his new-found ability to fly. His friend, David Schlageter, sings, "Why, then, oh
why can't I?"

County co-ordinator gets raise
County rejects CETA plan

The County Boardaof Con-
missioners last night defeated
a plan to make the Compre-
hensive Employment and Train-
ing Act (CETA) jobs. program
- one of county government's
largest employers - into a full-
fledged department.
However, the Board did vote
nine-to-five to raisetthe salary
of CETA Coordinator Patricia.
Bambery from $17,300 to $19,000
- $15,000 less than recommend-
ed by the Board's Administra-
tion and Ways and Means Com-
Clary (D - Ann Arbor) who
chairs the Administration com-
mittee, blamed "sexism" for
what she termed Bambery's
"inadequate" salary. McClary,
who favored setting Bambery's
pay at $2L;000, voted against the
lower increase.
CETA was created by Con-
gress in 1973. Between Febru-
ary and October of this year,
the county will receive almost
$5 million in CETA funds, the
largest part of which will go
to anti-recessionary job pro-
The county CETA office con-
trols 390 public service jobs.
Some fifty non-profit agencies

Carter's economic proposals
have included doubling the lev-
el of CETA emergency funds.
Commissioner Kathy Fojtik
(D-Ann Arbor) argued, "The
CETA Program is a department
- let's call it what is is." How-
ever, several commissioners ex-
pressed strong reservations
about making CETA a perma-
nent part of county government
whil the federal program has
only temporary authorization.
referred to the Ways and Means
Committee a proposal for beef-
ing up and reorganizing the
Friend of the Court Program.
Friend of the Court acts as an

intermediary for alimony and
child support payments ordered
by domestic relations court.
Willis Israel D-Ypsilanti
Township) said the purpose of
the changes was "to bring the
Friend of the Court up to a
level where they can get a
check and send it out the next
day. A lot of commissioners
here have received a lot of
phone calls from a lot of peo-
ple complaining -about not get-
ting their checks."
However, Commissioner Meri
Lou Murray (D-Ann Arbor) said
an outside consulting firm had
not found any need to increase
the staff in the Friend of the
Court's office.

v. .
Ann!Arbor will begin con
struction of a new $2 million
Sfirehouse in early April -- and
iwon't cost the city a ,cent.
In an 'effort to fight unem-
' $ ployment, the federal govern-
ment gave the city the money
to replace its century-old Cen-
tral Fire Station with a new fa-
cility to be completed in 1978.
BUT THE project will do
jmore than just create jobs
it will also help update the
city s antiquated fire equip
ment and facilities, reduce lo-
cal' insurance rates and pre-
serve the historic red-brick
firehouse for future generations.
The Federal Economic De-
v e 1 o p m e n t Administra-
tion agreed to pay for the new
farim.? araic it rnet -

TU, to start talks
Negotiations will begin this afternoon in the month-long
Tenants Union (TU) strike against Summit-Hamilton Manage-
ment company.
Representatives of the 103 tenants on strike since Jan. 1
against Summit-Hamilton's Arbor Forest apartments on South
Forest St. will meet with management lawyers to discuss ten-
ant complaints about heating, hot water, and general mainte-
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