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February 01, 1977 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1977-02-01

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Page Eight


Tuesday, February 1, 1977


Carter sends economic
package to Congress

The Universily of Michigan
Family Housing Apartments
For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, the Housing Divi-
sion will accept transfer requests for two bed-
room furnished apartments in Northwoods II
and Ill from present tenants who previously
have been only eligible, for residency in one
bedroom apartments.
New applicants are also encouraged to apply.
Priority willl -be given to present tenants who
wish to transfer.

(Continued from Page 1)
ed Congress against trying to
move faster to create jobs, as
some lawmakers have said they
will try to do. "To force more
money, faster, into the system
would risk poor administration,"
Carter said.
Chairman Charles Schultze of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers held open the
possibility that tax rebates for
Americans could be increased,
especially if the severe winter
worsens and Americans spend
their rebate for extra fuel.
The chief components of the
program had been outlined by
administration officials in re-
cent days. They inclu'de $50 tax
rebates for nearly every Ameri-
can this year, with the total
rebate cost estimated at $11.4
- Permanent tax reductions

totalling $4 billion each year for
taxpayers in low and middle-in-
come brackets, up to an income
level of about $17,500 annually
for a married couple.
- An additional $4 billion for
emergency public works pro-
jects, on top of $2 billion al-
ready authorized.
- New spending totalling $4.1
billion to create 415,000 more
public service employment jobs
over the next two years.
- An additional $1.9 billion
for 346,000 new jobs training
and employment positions un-
der the Comprehensive Train-
ing and Employment Act (CE-
TA), with special programs for
youths, Vietnam-era veterans,
Indians and migrant workers.
- Another $1.1 billion for an
anti-recession revenue - sharing
fund to support local and state
government jobs in high unem-
ployment areas.
- Reductions in business tax-
es credit or a tax credit equal
D WOMEN" will discuss

to 4 per cent
Security tax

his campaign to reduce the job-
less rate to about 4.5 per cent
by the end of his four-year term
in office. Ie said shortly after
his election that he hoped to re-
duce it to 6.5 per cent by the
end of this year, although it now
appears he may fall short of
this goal.
But Carter told Congress,
"Our program only promises
what can realistically be done."
Carter said that tax rebate
checks can be in the mail with-
in five weeks i after Congress
gives its approval. Persons on
Social Security would get spe-
cial payments of $50 each.
The permanent tax reductions
for low and middle-income per-
sons would be accomplished by
raising the standard deduction
to a flat $2,800 for married cou-
ples and $2,400 for single tax-
payers, throwing out the more
complex deduction schedule that
now exists.
Interesting facts
The first electrolytic tin-plate
mill went into commercial op-
eration, 1936, at Midland, Pa.
Iowa became the 29th state
Fiec. 28, 1846.
Newfoundland became the
10th province of Canada, March
31, 1949.

of a firm's Social
payments for its



Seminar "FOR MEN AN

Presenttations on:

The endless winter
Drifted slopes brought out legions of snow tubers last Sunday. This enthusiast flops
down a snowy hill in Palatine, Illinois, a suburb northwest of Chicago.
Gas supply shrinks

v7M i PSN- -1

For more

information on vacancies,
Information Office, 1011
Building or call 763-3166.

visit the

7:30 p.m.

one block north of
South University and Forest


By The Associated Press
The severe cold blitz that has
left at least 75 Americans dead
and 'sliced deeply into natural
gas supplies has forced millions
of Americans off the job or out
.of school.
The gas shortage forced the
layoff of more than 1.5 million
workers in areas where plants
and businesses were ordered to
close or reduce operations so
available heating fuel could be
used for homes in the North-
east and Midwest.
STATE unemployment insur-
ance funds, already $3.6 billion
in debt, now face a new crunch

Nancy Dickerson, prominent national
correspondent, reports for Detroit Edisont
"Detroit Edison
unwraps a complete
Home Insulation
Finance Plan to help
you save up to 30% on
your heatingbil:I
Detroit Edison is a concerned participant in America's
crusade for conservation. The wise use of energy plays
one of the most important roles in that effort. Because
proper home insulation offers great energy and cost-
saving benefits, Detroit Edison has designed a plan, in
cooperation with the Michigan Public Service
Commission, to help you insulate or increase the
insulation in your home.
No matter how you heat your
home, you can benefit.
If you use gas, oil, propane, coal or electricity as your primary
heating fuel and you are a Detroit Edison customer living in
your own home anywhere in southeastern Michigan, Detroit
Edison's Home Insulation Finance Plan may help you bring
your home up to today's energy-saving standards. First, with
help in selecting a licensed insulation contractor. Second,
with convenient financing.
Even newer homes may be out of date.

from growing numbers of work-1 hit by the weather has been New
ers laid off across the country York, which has already been
because of the severe weather. declared eligible for federal dis-
and fuel shortages. aster relief funds.
Congress worked yes'erday on In Buffalo, high winds left be-
emergency legislation proposedi hind by a killer snowstorm held
by President Carter to redistrib- the area in a stranglehold yes-
ute natural gas to those areas terday, paralyzing local business
that need it moft. and industry.
Sen. Majority Leader Robert The four-day-old storm, de-
Byrd of West Virginia, whose scribed by the National Weather
state is one of those strained Service as one of the worst in
by the cold snap, warned that Buffalo's history, has already
the bill must move quickly claimed at least 12 lives. Au-
.through Congress. "I hope sen- thorities feared the toll may
ators will restrain their zest for grow as they continue to check
offering what they consider to abandoned vehicles, where most
be long-range solutions. The re- of the dead were found.
sult can be no bill at all." Weather forecasters offered
At least 11 states have ordered little hope of a let-up in the
emergency measures to deal cold ripping through the East
with the weather and energy and Midwest. : The National
crisis. Weather Service sees at least
ONE OF THE states hardest two more days of bitter cold.
New Daily edit staff
brings innovations



Start with a free home insulation check-up.
Find out how your home measures up. Contact your own
licensed insulation contractor, or call your nearest Detroit
Edison office for the names of licensed contractors who will
examine your home free of charge. They can advise you on
the amou - and type of insulation your home needs. The
cost is probably a lot less than you might think. And the
savings will mount'up every winter from now on.
Detroit Edison's Home Insulation
Finance Plan: the Plan that saves.
Insulate yourself against the increasing cost of keeping your
home comfortable. Take advantage of Detroit Edison's Home
Insulation Finance Plan one of two ways:
1. Make a down payment to Detrbit Edison of at least 15% of
the total cost of insulating your home. The company will
finance the balance of your cost up to $750 without
interest or carrying charges provided the balance is paid
within 90 days* A bill for the balance will be sent to you
by Detroit Edison, separate from your regular monthly
electric bill.
2. Make a down payment to Detroit Edison of at least 15% of
the total cost of insulating your'home. The company will
finance the balance of your cost up to $750 payable in up
to 48 equal installments (a period of 4 years) at an annual
percentage rate of 11.13 percent* A coupon book will
be provided for convenient payments.
.You must hold title to your home and have not had your electric service discontnued
for non-payment of an undisputed bill within the 12-month period preceding the
application for financing
Pick up a free copy of "Detroit Edison's Home
Insulation Finance Plan" at any customer office.
Or call Detroit Edison for more information.
Save energy for all it's worth.

(Continued from Page 1)
economics- major from Queens,
N.Y.; George Lobsenz, a history
major from Westport, Conn.;
Mike Norton, a history and jour-
nalism major from Grand Rap-
ids, Mich., and Margaret Yao,
an economics major from Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
Ken Parsigian, apoliical sci-
ence major from Bloomfield
Hills, Mich., will oversee The
Daily's editorial page.
Susan Ades and Elaine Fletch-
-er, as Sunday Magazine editors,
will bring Daily readers each
week an eight-page, tabloid
magazine full of features, pho-
tography, puzzles, and comics.
Ades, who hails from New York
City, is an English major;
Fletcher, a Chicagoan, majors
in literature and creative writ-
Lois Josimovich will remain
Ab is the fifth month of the
Jewish ecclesiastical year.

as Arts and Entertainment edi-
tor. She is a political science
major from Pittsburgh, Pa.
Rackham Trio
(Continued from Page 5)
The short Scherzo, allegro
which comprised the third move-
ment was filled with nice stac-
cato phrases that ended in hea-
vy interludes. The thriving tem-
pq of the Presto movement,
however, was too leaden.
The Brahms Quartet is a dif-
ficult piece due to its violent
outbursts and sudden decrescen-
does. Benning Dexter, the guest
pianist, was a master of tnter-
pretation; however, he tended to
jump ahead of the other play-
ers and destroy the timing.
The third movement of this-
work especially epitomized the
musicians's organizational prob-
lems. A very formal movement,
it was played with heaviness,
unnecessaryeseparations and
muffled notes.


It's true. Even newer homes may need more insulation to save
the maximum amount of money on heating bills. Homes built
before 1940 may have no insulation at all. Those built after
1940 may have some insulation but probably not enough to
meet today's higher standards.
Detroit Edison recommendations include R-44 insulation for
ceilings and R-13 for walls and floors in homes with electric
heat. In homes with gas, oil or propane heating Detroit
Edison recommends a minimum of R-19 insulation in ceilings
and R-13 in walls. Anything less isn't doing the best job.
Bundle up your home and save a bundle.
More than 50% of the energy you use in your home goes to
provide heat. So it makes sense to reduce the amount of
energy you use for heating. Depending on when your house
was built, and how it was insulated, improved insulation can
save you up to 30% on your present fuel bill. If you have air-
conditioning, you'll save on cooling costs, too. So you can
see how insulation pays for itself. And your home will be
quieter and more comfortable all year.

WEEKLY: Wed. 4 p.m. Thurs. NOON
Angell Hall Aud. "A" Lord of Light Luth. (Hill & Forest)
Feb. 2-4 p.m. Prof. Henrl'Bucher-CHURCH AND APARTHEID:
Feb. 3-noon CHURCH IN AFRICA. Prof. Bucher has a PhD in
African Studies from U. of Wisc. and is currently
working in their African Studies Program. He has
lived in Africa.
Feb. 9-4 p.m. The Rev. Frisco Gilchrist-THE U.S. AND HUMAN
Feb. 10-noon guay since 1952 at Colegia. International, the
Disciples of Christ education program, and most
recently with Friendship Mission working with
peasant/Indian communities. The current inter-
vention of the government resulted in his arrest
and expulsion.


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