k frI$an Daity Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 PuO W~E i-YOU . T) C6 rIrAK6 CAPErR 0OC M Tuesday, February 1, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 'North Campus bus system: A discriminatory curfew c - 1 a" Qo I TKECAPE 2 'TO F1CJ T/-r I 1~ 4- GivE TO YOU. TA6 ?.)CH6. 1 i PtsrS wPmAooiw wamoSI0E Re7y ff (AvY THIS IS THE modern-age of college, right? Coed dorms, coed johns, the new mor.ality right? Certainly no one even thinks of the archaic days of 11:00 curfews anymore, right? Wrong. For the over 2,000 students who live on North Campus there is still a curfew - 12:00 on weekdays and Sunday, and 1:15 on Friday and Sat- urday. Those are the times the last University bus leaves Central Cam- pus for North Campus. The 12:00 curfew on weekdays is ridiculous. The libraries are open un- til 2:00, and all other students on campus can use them until that hour. That the North Campus students are deprived of that right is discrimina- tion, pure and simple. Even if you are just in town to visit a friend, it seems unreasonable to be forced to leave by 11:45. Even the 1:15 bus on weekends is insufficient. After a grueling week of eight o'clocks, many students en- joy a relaxing evening at one of the local watering holes, all of which close at 2:00. So why should those who live on North- Campus be forced to leave at 1:00?. And what if they choose to catch a movie before they imbibe? A 9:00 flick doesn't end until 11:00. Stu- dents then face a long line at the bar of their choice, and wind up with less than an hour to drink. Going out for a bite to eat afterward, a common custom, is clearly out of the question. True, you can always walk. But with windchill factors reminiscent of the ice age, a 30-minute hike out to Bursley or Baits can be as danger- ous .as -it is unpleasant. Since few students own cars, they are left with the bus as their only means of trans- portation. How much can it cost the Univer- sity to run one bus every half hour or even every hour from 12:00 through 2:00 on weekdays, and un- til 4:00 on Friday and Saturday? The administration treated all students equally when it raised tuition over 9 per cent last year, now it's time for the University to live up to its responsibility to treat all students equally too. a' I CAS r 60 M OUa bLIF E 6?OT1k ~'Ly PEPEW Nf k N,~O~ *0 LOCXHVfYOU146?v Vu7 15s1 E000614 ~ -r~Ars 9iOLL Ble~&ss. V " Texas' natural gas policy. Piotting profits against lives JN THE 1930's, bakers threw away countless loaves of bread rather than give the bread to the poor be- cause they felt that they weren't re- ceiving a fair price for it. Today, natural gas tycoons in Texas would rather keep their wares in storage than sell them to states in the throes of an emergency shortage becaue they feel that they won't\ receive a fair price, for it. A large deposit of natural gas has been found lying under Texas. Miner- ologists are not sure yet, but they believe that if initial estimates are correct, 10 trillion cubic feet, -then this would be the largest domestic find of natural gas ever. Great! If the estimates are cor- rect, then Texas now has in reserve enough natural gas to fuel the Unit- ed States for the next six months. The national emergency is over. Editorial Staff Co-Editors-in-Chief ANN MARIE LIPINSKI.............JIM TOBIN KEN PARSIGIAN............Editorial Director Managing Editors JAY LEVIN. GEORGE LOWSENZ, MIKE NORTON, MARGC TYAO LOIS JOSIMOVIC ................Art Editor r Magazine Editors SUSAN ACES ......n.ELAINE FLETCHR Photography Staff PAULINE LUBENS...........Chief Photographer ALAN BILINSKY ................ Picture Editor ,BRAD BENJAMIN..........Staff Photographer ANDY FREEBERG ..........Staff Photographer CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER .... Staff Photographer Sports Staff Bill Stieg ....... . Sports Editor Rich Lerner.... . Executive Sports Editor Andy Glazer............ Managing Sports Editor Rick Bonino...........Associate Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman, Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock, Bob ,Miller, Jobn Niemeyer, Mark Whitney. STAFF WRITERS: Leslie Brown, Tom Cameron, Efnie Dunbar, Henry Engelhardt, Rob Evan, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Enid Goldman, Mike Halpin, Kathy Ienneghan, Geoff Larcom, Scott Lewis, Don MacLachan, Rick Maddock, Brian Martin, Bob Miller, Brian Miller, Billy Neff, John Niemeyer, Eric Olson, Dan Perrin, Dave Renbarget, Pat Rode, Cub Schwartz, Errol Shifman ,Tom Shine, Jamie Turner, Mark Whitney, Greg Zott. Business Staff beborah Dreyfuss..............Business Manager Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator David Harlan...............Finance Manager Don Simpson.................. Sales Manager Pete Peterson ..........Advertising Coordinator Cassie St. Clair............Circulation Manager Beth Stratford ............Circulation Director Not so fast folks. There is one small problem. Texas won't sell. It seems that the Texas producers sell only to fellow Texans. This is due to the fact that Texas employs a free-market system for natural gas ' price, while the rest of the nation places price-controls on its sale. Therefore producers sell natural gas in Texas for $2 per thousand cubic feet, while the most they can sell it- for out of state is $1.42 per thousand cubic feet. So the Texas tightwads have said that it is economically unfeasible to sell their stock to the Eastern emer- gency zones. JT'S ,PEOPLE LIKE THESE who give our country and our economic sys- tem a bad name. A large portion of the United States - of which Texas is a member in good standing - is in a desperate situation caused by severe natural gas shortages induced by the worst winter in history. Al- ready, over 2 million people have been laid off from their jobs be- cause there is no fuel to run the fac- tories. Schogls are closed indefinitely in many areas, and three states have declared a state of emergency. Sitting on top of a natural gas stockpile that by itself can alleviate the dilemma and these moguls claim that they won't have a large enough, margin of profit! Whatever happened to the "help thy neighbor" policy that for years has symbolized the American way? If these heartless magnates can't be induced to sell their wares out of a feeling of generosity and human kindness, then maybe stronger forms of persuasion are needed. The Fed- eral Government should make the Texas natural gas producers an of- fer that they can't refuse. They should hang a few swords of Damo- cles over their heads; nationaliza- tion, interstate shipping increases, increase the wind-fall profits tax; there are plenty of methods avai able to a resourceful government. By not giving the rest of the coun- try a break, these Texans have brand- ed themselves as penny-pinching shy- locks. The yellow rose has wilted. Black Art.4 By KENT CADY YELLOW JOURNALISM. The ploy.of the inadequate and a plot of the obsolete. The characteristics of inadequatcy are embodied in the usage of such tech- niques and exemplified in Michael Beckman's January 29 article. The article Beckman wrote concerned the events of the Black Arts and Cultural Festival that was recently held in East Quad. The stench of incomplete information that filled Beckman's article was enough to qualify him for a Hopfoot (formally Hopwood) in comedy. To be perfectly frank I was shocked that he could not do a better job. I personally gave him all the incentive he needed; fury. For those innocent bystanders who have no idea what a Black Arts and Cultural Festival is, or a Michael Beckian for that matter, I shall try to clarify the events and incidents that surround the January 29, 1977 coloumns that smudged the editorial page of the Michigan Daily. The Black Arts and Cultural Fes- tival is a series of events put on each year by the Abeng Community, the minority community of East Quadrangle. The Festival contains various events that denote the heritage of Black Americans, such events as, poetry reading, music, dance, talent show, and fashion show. This event is usually funded by the Representative Assembly, the dorm government of East Quadrangle, and is open to all residents of East Quadrangle, as well as anyone else who is interested, (in other words it's free & it's open to all). The Abeng community of East Quad was formed to assist minority students that reside in East Quad. to the academic and social environment at the University of Michigan. The composure and social environment at the University of Michigan. The composure of this years membership has been varied, and consistant with maintaining the original purpose. The staff of Abeng, which is composed of five minority students, is structured to abet the academic success of each stu- dent is our primary purpose, and ultimate goal. The two staff members that were mentioned in Beckman's article were, Marina Shoemaker, University Service Counselor, and myself, Kent E. Cady, Academic Coun- selor, (Beckman, however, seems to forget my offic- ial title during his written diarrhea.) Shoemaker was the co-ordinator for, this year's festival and was sub- jected to various circumstances that hindered her ef- forts. THE BLACK ARTS and Cultural Festival for this year was marred by the delay in funds, due to various problems our dorm government was hiving in setting itself for the new year. The delay in funds also put a delay in time which meant having to start all over again, and in the beginning of a new semester no less. With all the responsibility of the Festival ladden upon the shoulders of Shoemaker, she did what any true blue U. of M. student is taught to do; she delegated the responsibility out and dealt with the most import- ant matters that required her time and immediate at- Fes ti val-a tention. The ending being a well prepared and well p presented festival. h Now, the problems with the Black Arts and Cultural h Festival were three; it wasn't advertised enough, She d Johnson,( and Michael Beckman. The advertising was 'i due to the negligence of one of the Abeng members. t and thus was found out at a point in time when little w could have been done to rectify the situation. However, ti the other two problems could have easily been elimi- st nated if dealt with from my stand point; we should w have invited the Mafia. The rest of the Abeng staff in being of strong moral convictions, medium to light d conservativeness, basic chicken-heartedness (if you ask Y me), who refused to send out the invitations .to either p the Mafia or the Errol Flynns. Sue Johnson, a stu- o dent who is presently on crutches and has my deepest' c sympathy, hopped from the toilet, where she first t harassed me about the lack of advertisement, to the t dance where she frequented the open bar, and finally u to our Dorm Government meeting, where she forensic- w ally displayed her displeasure of the lack of advertise- it ment, Shoemaker noted upon on occassion, "I see she C found her way to the party, on crutches no less, and o the lack of advertisement seem to in no way to impare, herenjoyment of the cocktail disco." a Thus my lady seemed to be peeved with the re- it sponse she received and ran to her knight in shining h journalism. Michael Beckman, our second major prob- a lem for the festival, and also part time what ever for the Michigan Daily, entered the scene. In the midst of a Festival Beckman could be heard telling Shoemaker B that he felt that racial overtone where implied by the a lack of advertising. Shoemaker could be heard giving t directions for a talent show, trying to get clothes for c a fashion show. giving directions for the evenings ac- p tivities, and in the midest of it all replying to Beckman i that he could either help or talk to her later. Beckman if would leave, of course, at these points. The pop amd u dough ac of Mr. Beckman, comparable only to Oopsy t the clown, persisted during the most hectic segments t of the Festival, and seemed to be no more than an o endurance test for Shoemaker to see what additional ( pressures he could apply, besides his continually road- it running subjective questions, that might make Shoe- p maker say something, almost anything, out of the way. ( As for myself, I stunned the stuttering lip of the half- r .bate author by reminding him of liable. n t THE BLACK ARTS and Cultural Festival of East q Quad is one of the most entertaining and informative c events that occurs non this campus. This years Black n Arts and Cultural Festival was no excention. The ef- t forts of certain students to mar the worth of such an o event were in some ways successful, creating a tense r atmosnhere, and in other ways, (to effect the quality), i a total flon.,s When first sneaking with Beckman I informed him n of what I knew concerning the conditions under which v the organisers of the\Festival were working, however, t this seemed to slow or hinder his intense aggravating j rebutta owers little. With this in mind I began to wonder how e could continue to pursue a matter objectively, as e countlessly stated was his attempt. I cease to won- er any longer when at our dorm government meet- ng he raised his hands in a silentgesture of applauds o signify the fact that I had symbolicily won. I had von in the sense of exposing the ludicrous accusa- on of Sue Johnson, and had been confirmed in my tance by the members of the government seeing the whole situation as humorously as I perceived it; one nterferring girl, and one half-wit reporter trying to ampen the spirits of an entire minority community. Yes, I won,, if by no more than making a reporter re- ort old news in the face of a newer and hotter piece f information. Michael Beckman ignored the major oncern of the evening in view of trivial. The issue hat presented itself was the tact that the Represen- ative Assembly of East Quad declared that it was nhappy, (or rather just mad), at the process that as used to recruit student members for the uncom- -g Director Selection Committee for the Residential ollege, but it seems that old news is the favorite of ne Beckman. It is only with great pride that I am able to reflect t the bungling of one Michael Beckman. He succeeded h writing an entire column about a Festival, to which e only attended one event out of eight, and reporting an objective story on the side of a limited perpective. DURING THE TIME that I personally spoke with Beckman I pointed out that my job was one of an academic counselor, and not a one man social direc- or. I informed Mr. Beckman that in the face of de- lining minority population at this university (and es- pecially in the R.C.) that a Festival held little to no importance to me personally. I related to him that f he were truly interested in reporting au issue that was important to the university community as a whole, hen why not relate the fact that C.U.L.S. (the Coali- ion for the Use of Learning Skills) is being negated of its importance, that the Summer Bridge Program, which as traditionally brought disadvantaged minor- ty students to this university during the summer for pre-university ,orientations), is about to be disbanded, although the program has brought many a noted and respected Black into the academic community), and more importantly why the University of Michigan, af- er so many years of .trying. can not meet a meager quota ,of ten percent minority enrollment. Beckman chose not to deal with these issues because he,,"did not have time." Yet, it seems to me that he had time o do the bidding of a personal friend, and quite thor- oughly I might. add. Beckman had the time to give racial overtones to a quite innocent mistake, and thus s life. The fault of various important issues being kirted cannot be placed solely yupon Michael Beck- man, yet, the importance of such issues in respect to what is being denoted as important, is what continues o amaze me. In so many words, if this is what future ournalist andjournalism entails, may God help us. MMWMWA chapatis To The Daily: IS A CHAPATI lunch indis- tinguishable from a Big Mac Attack? To answer this question, I re- fer you to an editorial you ran on your editorial page last week deploring some recent changes at Eden Foods. Let me empha- size that we appreciate the spir- it of your concern. We would like to make three points. I Firstly, our heaviest business' comes at lunch hour. The very feature you enjoyed so much- a smorgasbord of choices to relish in a chapati sandwich- caused a big line to form be- hind our indecisive patrons and confused new-comers. This is not a small point. When hun- gry customers saw a line reach- ing to the front door regular- ly, they naturally complained or stopped coming during their precious 30-minute lunch break. We responded after months of suggestions by simplifying the choices into six popular com- binations. These are subject to change and improvement by re- quests for other ingredients. Be- ing compared to a classless steak and eggs diner by respond- ing to our public's demand for Letters should be treated with accura- cy. To clarify, the largest price increase for free choice items is 20 cents, otherwise 15 cents or 10 cents. Now, I have been here for 20 months and since well before this time these pric- es had been unchanged. As man- ager of the deli I had oppor- tunity to observe painful price jumps in the cost of our fresh produce, services, utilities, rent and labor, not just once but many, many times. In lieu of this, please give us some credit for knowing what we have to do to continue serving the nat- ural foods community. FINALLY, we can name the different chapatis instead of numbering them - what we're trying to do is improve our efficiency. We believe we can do this without becoming inter- changeable with frozen, colored, preserved, served in a minute, "hollow" nutrition junk food. We've always been open to sug- gestions and appraisal. Thank you. Charles Nelson and the Eden Folks Hayden To The Daily: THE MICHIGAN DAILY ar- i st. the Da party convention in 1968, he is intervened to win now inside the bourgeois party a working class of the peanut boss/imperialist Revolutionaries str chief Carter and the arch-racist caucuses in 'the Wallace. Hayden's "economic dedsicated to oust democracy' is little more than tionary trade unit two-bit populism and utopian re- cy and substituting form schemes which above all ary leadership. preserve capitalist exploitation part of that strugg and oppression. At a time when the working class the confidence in the two capi- sions in the Dem talist parties is at a low ebb, and constructing a Hayden has crossed over from ty which will leaf the radical movement to shore class to state pow up the 'sagging image of the Hayden is a ct Democrats. the proletarist. As It was not, as Hayden remark- tive of the capitali ed, "secular (sic) insanity that party he takes res brought the movement to an its cops, secret end." The New Left was funda- breakers, unemp mentally flawed from the out- imperialist wars set. While containing thousands dochina). The suc of subjectively revolutionary ist revolution wil youth who were radicalized by the bourgeoisie a the fight for civil rights and resentatives, incl the imperialist butchery in Viet- gade Hayden. 'T nam, the New Left lacked a radicalism of th clear class-struggle perspective. come the pimpin The bulk of the students believ- ing class in the 7 ed the working class to be Spartacus Y bought off by imperialism and therefore wrote it off as a force against capitalism. They there- by denied the Marxist position To The Dail: that only the working class has WELL, U N I the social power and historical E M P L O Y E interests to smash capitalism trious University 0 militants to perspective. ruggle to build trade unions ing the reac- on, bureaucra- g a revolution- An important gle is to break from its illu- nocratic party a workers par- A the working wer. ass enemy to a representa- ist Democratic sponsibility for police, strike- loyment, and (including In- ccessful social- 1 sweep aside nd all its rep- uding the rene- rom Hayden's e 60s has be- g for the rul 0s. Youth League big snow VERSITIY E S the illus- has given you employee (one who .cannot be paid overtime and is usually in Salary Grade 06 and above) you get that day, in essence, as a free day. You don't have to attempt to get work and you don't have to list it as anything on your time report. If you did get to work on that day. you get no later compensation for getting there. HOW W t E R, if you are a "Non - Exempt" employee, (one who can be paid overtime and fall into the Salary grade of 05 and below plus all the clerical help) you must take that day as either a vacation day or as excused absence wvithout pay. This includes Re- search Assistants, Administra- tive Assistants, Secretaries, Clerks, etc. By having to take this as a vacation day, the contract you work under pays for this. The taxpaver pays for this. If you took it off as a sick day or some other, kind of leave day, the University would have to pay for this Out of its funds. We think that if the above list- ed kinds of employees are So in'nortant to the great Univer- sity that they must risk life and health to get here on a day when all surrounding schools and colleges (inlbding Oakland Editorial positions represent a consensus of The Daily Editorial staff. -1 i . -- I Y ..m .:%}vM ' 1 f'v °Cofi' ."m .... ' . Contact your reps .,. 9"-- b:..,.. n.... 'W2,DVOC I _ m, f42%4 m, il