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January 30, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-30

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Sunday,. January 30, 1977

Sunday, January 30, 1977

._ .. r

(Continued from Page 3)
Another possible environmen-
tal action is a ban on use of
all phosphates in detergents in
Michigan. Anderson feels there
is support for such an action'
but cautions that the "total ram-
ifications" of such legislation
must be considered. "The prob-
lem is, if you take phosphates
away, you've got to give the
housdwife something else - like'
an oil-based soap. And you can
see the connotations to that."
It is expected that Representa-
tive Lynn Johndahl (D-East
Lansing) will introduce a bill
that sets up/guidelines for the
transport of radioactive wastes.
A bill designed to protect
dwindling wetlands and swamp
areas will probably be passed
during this session.' Last year,
outraged environmen t a i s t s
watched as a similar measure
slowly withered away in the
tight grasp of Senator Mack.
Legislation concerning t h e
PBB disaster will also have top
priority. Rep. George Cushing-;
berry (D-Detroit), a member of,
the special committee investi-

legislature: A
also spoke of the need for fed- Health committee, sayst
eral assistance to help farmers vised code has been in the
afflicted in the scandal regain for the last year and ;
their health and their livelihood. ceive immediate attention
"We need to push on the nation- session. According tor
al level to get recognition that the many changes involve
a major disaster has occurred ing services more ava
in Michigan." and "the licensing prod
Cushingberry's pet project is regarding certain prof
his heroin addict maintenance such as psychologists and
bill. Under his plan, all heroin practors."
addicts would be registered and In the area of higher
then supported by public funds, tion, the most exciting d
so that effective therapy might ment, aside from inc
be made available to them. Ac- funding, may be the con
cording to Cushingberry, this is regional college service.
a "brand new concept" in the ing to Senator Gary, Corb
U.S., but one which has been Clio), chairman of the
in operation in England for College and Universities
some time. mittee, he and Jackie V
"It's similar to the one they -chairman of the corresr
have in England," said C 'i s h- House committee, have
ingberry. "It recognizes that working closely with leg
heroin addiction and drug abuse from a number of surro
in general is essentially a soc- states to set -up a "co-op
ial problem." agreement in investigatin
Cushingberry said he has a educational areas."
solid foundation of support for The plan essentially ca
the measure. "We have at least an approach to higher edu
32 votes - and that's a pretty involving co-operation b
solid base when you're aiming states in an effort to avoi
at 56." lication of services- Und

tough agenda
the re- with Milliken's request t h a t For the past year, a joint
works state college Regents be appoint- House-Senate committee chaired
will re- ed by the Governor rather than by Corbin and Representative

Pursell goes to Washington
after close election victory

I i thnis,

H o o d,
cept of
biI (D-
s com-
e been
ng new
alls for
id dup-

elected, saying that the present
method seemed quite adequate.
Another Milliken recommenda-
tion, to establish a Board of
Higher Education separate from
the present Board of Education,
also met with disfavor.
"Is such a board really neces-
sary?", asked Vaughn, "Is the
present board of education lack-
ing or in some way obsolete? I
don't really think we should be
constantly be superimposing lay-
er upon layer of government."
FINALLY, "sunset" legislation
is a long-term project that
has attracted the support of both
progressives and economy-mind-
ed conservatives. First enacted
in Colorado and other western,
and southern states, sunset laws
provide a check for that mnod-
ern-day all-encompassing poli-
tical bogeyman, namely, ram-
pant bureaucracy. Sunset laws
require all state agencies to un-
dergo periodic review. At such'
time, the agency has to show
that the services it provides are
still worthwhile and that its
budgetary request is reason-
i Your3

Joe Forbes (D-Oak Park), has

er the

gating the scandal, feels m o s t plan, students would travel to
of the PBB legislation will be OTHER MAJOR legislation in other states to take advantage of
consumer-oriented. "One bill the area of health will in- programs or facilities not avail-
will lower the tolerance level dude a thorough revamping of able in their home state. "We
in products," he said. "T h e the state Health Code, Rep. would contract with those states
second will insure that all meat Raymond Hood (D-Detroit), for a certain number of seats
containing PBB is labeled." He ( chairman of the House Public (for a certain number of stu-
dents," says Corbin, adding that
recommendations for legislation
will probably be forwarded with-
HILL AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE in the next few days.
Neither Corbin or Vaughn ex-1
pressed much enthusiasm for
any of the proposals for nigher
education proposed by Milliken
Monday-Fday-12 to 4 in his State of the State mes-
sage. Both legislators disagreed

been investigating the concept.
The real meat-and-potatoes part
of their research has been direc-
ted towards constructing a re-
viewing mechanism and proper
criteria for evaluation. Corbin
notes that the states which fr t
passed sunset laws are now ex-
periencing difficulty.
"They just set termination
points for agencies," say; Cor-
bin, "they just didn't go into
developing a mechan sm. We
are the first to pursue t h i s
thing really studiously and
Now, the first states are ask-
ing us for advice on how t) set
up a reviewing proce lure."
As for the state igencies that
would be affected bj a sunset
law, Corbin says that they have
been "re-assured that this is rot
a carte blanche, all-tut attack"
on them. However, at this mo-
ment, there is really nothing
concrete for the agencies to be
opposed to. Recommendations
for sunset legislation are s t i I1:
unformed, according to Corbin.
Possibly, a legislative propesal
will take shape sometime this
fall. It is at that point that the
real controversy may begin.
The issues discussed above are
only a small part of the total
problems " which will be dealt
wi'h in this year's session. A
veritable mountain of legislation
awaits Michigan legislators. A
revision of the Single Business
Tax is deemed essential 1y Mil-
liken and many other politc-
ians, Democrat and Republican.
Labor and business are disputing
such long-time thorny issues as
unemployment compens ation
and worker's injury compensa-
tion. Ethics legislation for gov-
ernment employes and lobbyists
will complete comprehensive
political reform action begun
last year. And the list goes on.
0 o

(Continued from Page 3) cans and Democrats, Pursell now would seem almost like dis
But the endless worry over re- bought maize-andiblue n a m e connecting an umbilical cord
election has definite positive in- tages for all Michigan represen- He's already "a part of t hi
plications. "You become a good tatives. Some of the tags are House, one of 435 not-so-equa
listener," Pursell says. "You're still in his office, and the for- ly important parts, and he'
listening and you're also com- mer Army officer beams as he looking- to the long-term future
municating." Right now, he moves them out of three orderly not the pas'. A lot of differe-
adds, most people want to talk rows, like toy soldiers, calling people will have a say in tha
about taxes. off the names written on them future. The House Administra
Pursell is reluctant to con- and explaining that they'll come"tion Committee must rule o
ment negatively on almost anM in handy at informal meetings Pierce's request for a recoun
aspect of his new job. There is if not all-the participants a r e The House leadership will gra
the inevitable complaint about familiar with each other. . ially develop a feeling about th
family life falling into second or He is having a good time in second congressional district r
even third priority, and s o m e the nation's capital. He s a y s presentative. The Democrati
grumbling . over the Wash- he exercises every day in a majority can render any consei
ington cost-of-living despite Rayburn Office Building gym- vative effort on Pursll's part a
his hefty congressional sal- nasium (he does, however, ar- empty gesture. An'd then there'
ary ("You know, I think it's the ry a distinct paternal paunch), "the district".
toreign diplomats and dignitar- he is "very excited with the About a hundred weeks from
ies that drive the prices up"), city" and his'living quarters on now, Carl Pursell will know whe
but for the most part, Pursell Independence Avenue place him ther Washtenaw, Monroe, an
enjoys his work and likes his within walking distance of all that li'tle sliver of Wayne ar
colleagues. As a gesture of Capitol offices. To take n i m as pleased as he is with the way
goodwill toward both Republi- away from the Potomac scene he does his job.
Congress to deine'
first aenmnr g t


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rights of free expression of
citizens, newspapers, lobbyists
and broadcasters could be af-
fected by legislation expected
to come before Congress this
Some bills are designed to
expand freedom of speech while
others would curtail that free-
dom. It is too early to predict
which proposals have the best
chance of enactment.
mittee for Freedom of the
Press, which monitors First
Amendment - related 'legisla-
tion, says there were 64 bills af-
fecting the news media in the
last Congress.
/All but half a dozen of those
legislative proposals died in
committee. Among those which
became law were measures op-
ening federal regulatory agen-
cy meetings to the public, al-
lowing attorney's fees to be
awarded to plaintiffs in some
lawsuits brought by the media
and permitting newspapers to
publish lottery information.

citizens' lobbyist grouvs might
decide to disband" rather than
comply with the requirements.
The bill passed the House last
year, but did not clear the Sen-
ate. A House Judiciary Com-
mittee aide indicated a House
panel is likely to take it up
again soon.
Its opponents will argue that
it infringes upon the constitu-
tional right of a citizen to peti-
tion the government.
introduced is a renewal by Sen.
William Proxmire, (D-Wis.), of
his proposal to repeal the Fair-
ness Doctrine and equal time
requirements for broadcasters.
The Fairness Doctrine re-
quires broadcasters to give op-
portunities for the presentation
of contrasting viewpoints on
public issues. The equal time
rule says that when a political
candidate is given or sold
broadcast time, his opponents
must be provided an equal op-
Although the Supreme Court
has declined to strike the pro-


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A bill requiring lobbyists to visions down, Proxmire main-
meet certain registration and' tins they exclude broadcasters
-auditing requirements was un- from the full scope of the First
successful last year, but is ex- Amendment's freedom of the
pected-ito come up again in the press guarantee.
new Congress. Common Cause, M E A N W H I LE, THE
a lobbying group, fought for the staff of the Senate Intelligence
bill but the American Civil Lib- C k
erties Union (ACLU) and con- Committee is working on bills
sumer advocate Ralph Nader's to curb practices that the com-
Congress Watch.; often allied mittee has said violate the
with Common Cause on other'rights of free speech and as-
issues, opposed it. sembly.
i Those practices were the fo-
"GENERAL MOTORS could cus of a congressional report
meet these requirements with last year that recommended
the flick of an eyelash," said legislation barring the Central
Joan Claybrook of Congress Intelligence Agency from infil-
Watch, "but we're afraid many trating groups within the Unit-
-_-_ed States, prohibiting the Army
_____________ Ifrom spying on Americans as a
means of guarding against po-
U Dtential civil disorders, and pro-
hibiting the Internal Revenue
I is the day for Service from bathering inform-
ationtabout individuals for any,
BI LLIARDS - but tax purposes.


Kennedy, (D - Mass.), who is
readying one version of the
measure, said . controversial
provisions designed to suppress
publication of governmental
"secrets" would be dropped.
The aide said stiff penalties
for obscenity would be retain-
ed in the bill and were not ex-
pected to generate controversy.
However, John Shattuck, di-
rector of the Washington office
-of the ACLU, took a different
"If they are in there," said
Shattuck, "we will oppose
Flint man
~~hflies hg
inhot air
age of rockets to th, moon, a
trip across the United States in
a hot air balloon might not seem
like much of an adventure. And
there is a routine side to it,
says Karl Thomas.
"I'll go up and let the wind
take me east for about 10 o112
hours, then I'll come down and
refuel and go up again," said
the 28-year-old adventurist who
plans to leave Monday.
But Thomas knows the jour-
ney is potentially dangerous,
and that's why he's going to
have a crew of 18 following on
the ground; why he's talping
along a parachute; why he'11
wear arctic clothing for sub-
zero temperatures, and why he
plans to enjoy the entire trip
The Ford Motor Co. is spon-
soring the 2,600-mile cross-coun-
try trip, as Thomas, from Flint,
Mich., trys to set a record of
better than 41 days. Ford's spon-
sorship doesn't insure success,
he said.
Asked Thomas: "If it was
easy, why hasn't it been done
by more people? Why are bal-
loons considered so dangerous?"
Thomas should know better
than to try something foolhar-
dy. He has a master's degree in
clinical psychology and was a
practicing psychologist for five
months, "until I realized that I
hated the patients. I found only
one difference between patients
and psychologists: sometimes
the patients get well."



BRUCE DERN in 1975
11MA Caifornia beauty pageant ("Young American Miss") is
the focus of this hilarious blend of black humor and prat-
falls filmed in a near-merciless documentary style. Dern is
perfect as an all-American businessman as is Barbara Fell-
don as the pageant's organizer.
7 & 9:05 Admission: $1.25
-including- I
FIREWORKS-Kenneth Anger
NUDES-Curt McDowell


at the

(1-6 p.m.)
at the UNIO4



Legislation to put the recom-
mendations into effect is ex-
nected to be introduced. Civil
libertarians have generally ap-
ulauded the recommendations,
but would like Congress to go
even further. The legislative
program of the ACLU, for in-
stance, would do away with
FBI security checks and,, re-
strict the bureau to investigat-
ing crimes.
ONE OF THE most contro-
versial bills of the last session,
S-1, a major overhaul of the
federal criminal code, is likely
to be reintroduced but without
the features that touched off
the most heated argument.
An aide , to Sen. Edward


Seminar "FOR MEN AND WOMEN" will discuss
Presenttations on:


In i


7:30 *p.m.

one block north of
South University and Forest


TONIGHT: Sunday, Jan. 30

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