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January 30, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-30

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Low-4 below
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI-I No. 99

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 30, 1977

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



High rents, high temps
Cold as hell outside, right? Well, you can thank
your lucky stars you're 'not Leon Sompolinsky or
David Roteberg. These poor guys live up on the
top floor of University Towers on Forest Ave.,
and in the midst of a nationwide panic over energy
shortages, they're living in a steaming tropical
oasis. You're bundling up even when you're i-
side, aren't you? These guys have their windows
open almost all the time. It gets up to about 85
degrees, then they turn on their air conditioning
to get the temp down to the liveable. Building
director Morris Johnson said he hasn't heard the
complaint, but that he'd like to -get on the prob-
lem right away. Leon says he and his roomie
told the maintenance people of the heat but got
no results.
Gaies children play
Now, we kn6w it's hard to believe, but our
northern collegiate counterparts are one up on us.
Can't imagine why we never thought of this in
our quest for the ultimate orgasmic activity, but
the kids at MSU in East Lansing have discovered
they can - are you ready? - photocopy their
faces. They say the machines in libraries around
campus provide a new, painless and dirt-cheap
way to duplicate themselves. Kathy Trapp says
she's giving away copies as Valentines next month.
Clever. Veterinary student Charles Horowitz brags
that he and his roommates have decorated their
walls with pictures of their scrunched-up, flat-
nosed faces. Lovely. Library officials there-quick
to investigate this new, no doubt rebellious fad -
have concluded it's all legit. (Phew!) "Kids can
copy whatever they want to," said library direc-
tor Richard Chapin, handing down one of his
more controversial decisions during his tenue
at MSU. "It is no violation of the copyright law
for them to copy their faces." What will -those
Spartans think of next?
Happenings ...
on this Christian sabbath start out at 9:30
a.m. at the First Unitarian Church, appropriately
enough. The South African Committee. will discuss
Kissinger's policy on South Africa. That's at 1917
Washtenaw . . . at 1 p.m. the Department of Re-
creation will sponsor a Learn 'n Roller Skate party
at the Rec Building, with an open skate from 2-4
p.m. . . over at the Michigan Room in the
League, the Anthroposophical Student Association
is sponsoring a lecture by Ronald Jarman, head
of the teacher training course at Emerson Col-
lege, England, on "Waldorf Education. An Artis-
tic Approach to Child Development." That's at 3
p.m. . . . also at 3 p.m. is the Sunday Gay Dis-
cussion on "Gayness and Isolationism" at the
Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Divi-
sion . . . at 7 p.m. Dr. Raymond Whitehead will
lecture or. "The Maoist Revolution and Christian
Ethics" at the Wesley Foundation, corner of State
and Huron . . . and at 9:30 p.m. Dr. Harry Taff
and Kerry Gaynor will kick off a three-day semi-
nar on E. S. P. at Mosher-Jordan . . . Monday's
happenings inchde a seminar on "Competitive
Interactions With Moderately Complex Outcomes:
Some Models and Examples' by Dr. T. Schoener
at 4 p.m. in MLB, lecture room 2 . . . and begin-
ning square dance lessons will be given at 7
p.m. in the Union ballroom. Y'all come now, hear?
'Chico' dies
Freddie Prinze, the 22-year-old television star of
the "Chico and the Man" series, died yesterday
34 hours after shooting himself in an apparent fit
of despondency over the breakup of his marriage.
Neurosurgeons operated on Prinze for three hours
Friday after he was rushed to the University of
California Medical Center early that morning with
a bullet wound in his right temple, but Prinze
never /regained consciousness.

Help me, Fonda
James Bernhard, serving a sentence for rob-
bery in San Quentin Prison, did what many of his
fellow inmates would like to do. He walked away
from it all-with a little help from his wife. Bern-
hard, 29, was missing Friday from the cottage
where he had been allowed a "coni'igal visit" with
his wife. Ronda. overnight. Accordine to a prison
snokesnerson, Bernhard had permission for a 19-
hovr visit at one of the mininmvrm security cot-
tages near the front gate. ApnarentIv, maximium
security wouldn't have been such a had idea. Bern-
hard and his wife 'Ronda conjugally slipped out
through-a cottage windoly.
On the lnside...
In a salute to state politics, the Sinday Maza-
zine offers you a Mi-h-an legislati-e rotindlin by
George Lobsenz as well as a profile of o"r new
congressman, Carl P"rsell by Man-)uing Editor
Jeff Ristine . .. comolete details of the baskethall
game at Northwestern, bromlit to va" hv F-Av
He"neqlan axd Don MacT.achlan, can be found on
the Sports Page.




4-day work week;

3 stat
By UPI and AP
dent Jimmy Carter told- an
emergency Cabinet session
yesterday that government
and private in d u s t r y
should switch where pos-
sible to a four-day, 10-hour
a day work week to cut
consumption of dwindling
natural gas supplies.
He also said he was or-
dering federal disaster re-
lief for New York and
Pennsylvania because of
the extreme cold, snow and
ice in those states and will
sign emergency aid legis-
lation for, Florida tomor-"
row because of weather-
inflicted crop losses there.
"I DON'T WANT anybody to
be unduly alarmed," Carter told
the Cabinet. "I'd like the whole
process to be done carefully,
methodically and coordinated
with Jack Watson," the White
House assistant Carter placed
in charge of the White House
team monitoring the energy
"We could save a great deal
of fuel both in government
buildings and also in commer-
cial buildings if we could just
heat the buildings four days a
week," C a r t e r told Cabinet
"But so far we are prevented
from doing that without extra-
ordinary extra costs and I think
there is a legal prohibition. We
are investigating that now."
CARTER ALSO urged the


es ge-t
governors of 17 states to give
him assessments of their cur-
rent energy problems,
Carter pointed out that 11
states are, in "some degree of
crisis" and six states are hav-
ing problems because of bLlz-
zard conditions.
The 11 states he listed as in
the "crisis" category weref
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Ken-
tucky, "New York, Ohio, Penn-
sylvania, South Carolina, Ten-
nessee, Virginia and West Vir-
Carter and White House ailes
did not list the six others af-
fected by blizzard conditions.
Cabinet after energy aide James
Schlesinger informed him un-
needed gassin thetNorthwest
could be shifted to the be-


leaguered eastern half of the
United States.
Carter did not elaborate on
how indus' ry and government
would switch to the concentrated
work week, but White House
Press Secretary Jody Powell
said mandatory overtime for
longer work days presented one
The administration considered
amending emergency energy
legislation sent to Congress last
week to suspend overtime pi o-
visions of federal law, but
Powell said there was "reluc-
tance" to raise the issue for
fear it would delay passage of
the measure.
POWELL SAID Carter is sug-
gesting private firms switch to
the longer. work days if they can
do it without running into over-
See CARTER, Page 7


Cold ravages nation;
36 deaths reported
By AP and UPI
Frigid weather and a wind-whipped blizzard brought much of
the East and Midwest to a near standstill yesterday, closing roads,
factories, businesses and places of entertainment.
The freeing or subzero weather that hit much of the eastern
half of the nation during the early morning hours followed a
blizzard that dumped as much as 14 inches of snow on the North-
AT LEAST 36 wea her related deaths have been recorded in
eight states during the recent harsh weather.
Winter's latest sledgehammer blow left ugly scars on Mish-
igan, keeping roads closed, cars stranded and National Guard
crews working in several devastated counties struggling with the

.AP Photo
Freeway fracas
Trucks and cars on Interstate 65 near Lafayette, Indiana stand mired in drifts eight
feet high following Friday's blizzard that p aralyzed the area. Six storm-related deaths
have already been reported in Indiana.

F i
First space slruttle
set for ground tests
PALMDALE, Calif. P)-Half rocket, half airplane, at -this
point 110 tons of dead weight. It's the first space shuttle orbiter,
ready -to be towed from its hangar tomorrow through two desert
cities to a dry lake runway for flight testing.
The delta-winged cargo carrier that will zoom back and forth
from earth to orbit in a few years was hooked to a tractor to pull
it at S to 10 miles an hour to Edwards Air Force Base, 36 miles
ESCORTED BY A convoy of security and pa'rol cars, the
orbiter with its 53-foot-high vertical tail fin was expected to attract
hundreds of residents of Palmdale and Lancaster as it crept along
paved roads. Set to s'art rolling at sunrise, the convoy would
reach its temporary home at Edwards' Dryden Flight Research
Center by late afternoon, said officials of the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The re-usable orbiter craft is designed to be fired into space
by disposable rocke's, carry out sicentific work in orbit, then
soar through the atmosphere without power and land like a
Testing will begin Feb. 18. At first, the 122-foot-long craft will
be attached, pilotless, atop a Boeing 747 jumbo jet. In this piggy-
back setup, the two mated aircraft will roll along the airstrip in
See FIRST, Page 7

effec's of Friday's blizzard.
The storm packing 50-mile-
per-hour winds and prompting
Michigan's first blizard warn-
ing in 40 years left clear skies,
subzero temperatures and huge
snowdrifts in its wake.
barely reached zero, and wind
chill factors plummeted to un-
der 50 below. Authorities warn-
ed residents to stay indoors or
face a serious threat of frost-
More than 1.6 million Ameri-
cans in at least 15 states are
expected to be temporarily un-
employed by tomorrow because
n a t u r a l gas shortages have
forced the places where they
work to shut down, a UPI sur-
vey showed yesterday. '
With many new plant closings
in A'irginia and in New York,
however, the unemployment to-
tal appeared likely to climb to
2 million or more by later in
the week.
BRADFORD, PA., was the
coldest spot in the 48 contigu-
ous states with the temperature
dropping to 25 below in the
early morning.

Special to The Daily



EVANSTON - The Northwestern
led by Billy McKinney's 29 points,;
second half, upset the second-ranked
Wolverines, 99-87 yesterday, handing
its first Big Ten loss of the season.

21 in the

"This is my sweetest victory in 30 years of
coaching," said an elated Wildcat coach Tex
Winter. "I sensed it and could feel it coming."
MICHIGAN, NOW 8-1 in the conference, was
plagued by poor shooting, hitting only 39.7%
from the field.

served to win," said Michigan coach Johnny
Orr. "They shot very, very well."
Ahead 59-57 with fifteen minutes remaining,
Northwestern scored 11 consecutive points in a
span of three minutes, seven of them by Mc-
Kinney, giving the Wildcats a 70-57 lead.
ORR CALLED TIME OUT and regrouped his
forces. He installed a three-guard offense of
Dave Baxter, Steve Grote, and Rickey Green
to combine with John Robinson and Phil Hub-
"I wanted more quickness," Orr said later.
"We got within two points but couldn't quite
do it."
After 'an exchange of baskets, Michigan coun-
tered with eight straight points of its own, to pull
within fire, 72-67, with 9:25 to play in the period.
AFTER McKINNEY hit a jumper, Baxter
canned a jumper of his own, and Robinson hit
a free throw and a lay-up and Michigan only
trailed 74-72 with 8:12 left.
That was the closest Michigan could get.
With. 6:31 to play Hubbard, who pulled down
See HOW, Page 8

Northwestern' on the other
only 43% from the floor for
nected on a blistering 61.3%

hand, averaging
the season, con-
of its field goal

"I've been waiting to have a big victory at
Northwestern," Winter said. "It meant a great
deal to me.
"YOU KNOW, Michigan is capable of destroy-
ing you if you don't have a real good game,"
Winter added.
"Northwestern played a great game, and de-

"If you found someone smok-
ing marijuana, it wouldn't be
the American way to report
him, but you'd be equally guiltyo
of breaking the law if you didn't.
It seems that laws aren't al-
ways right.'
Lloyd Johnson applies this ex-
ample to defend Richard Nix-'>
on's Wa ergate-related actions.
Administrator of the Whitehall
Convalescent Home in Ann Ar-

ofe or boycott?
"We are not. going to drink that coffee. Put that cup down,"
Couzens RA Jeff Weinfeld shouts from a table top.
"If you drink it for the caffeine fix," he explained later,
"drink tea-or for a hot drink, try hot cocoa."
BUT THE COFFEE boycott is one current issue that doesn't
seem to be evoking much student activism or interest.
One student, Dave Colburn, said the boycott was important
but has been dwarfed by even greater issues, such as President
Carter's pardon for draft evaders and the execution of Gary
The principal reason for the boycott-drastic price increames
brought on by a crop-destroying frost and tariff increases by
the Brazilian government-makes the matter an economic rather
than ethical issue, unlike the lettuce and grape boycotts.

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