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January 29, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-29

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Page Two


Saturday, January 29, 1977

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 29, '1977

How MSA uses your money

Emporium: kawking hocus-pocus


(Continued from Page 1)
fact that sudents are being of-
fered the option of not paying
the MSA fee. This practice of
".volunteer funding" began for
MSA last September.
Between 1971 and 1975, various
officers of SGC-MSA's prede-
cessor-were charged with mis-
use of more than $60,000 worth
of Council funds and fraud in
almost every election. Some de-
fended themselves virulently
against embezlement charges
with such proclamations as Bill
Schaper's, treasurer in 1972: "I
rigged- elections, I screwed peo-
ple left and right, but I never,
never took money."
SGC at theendof 1975 after a
USA rose from the ruins of
string of financial and electoral
misdoings which had most of
the campus questioning the va-
lidity of student government.
ficials prepared a $33,700 bud-
get this year, based on projec-
tions of how many students will
donate their 75 cent share.
The projected total iL sent to
the University's Student Ac-
counts Office, which loans MSA
the money. When bills are paid,
the MSA loan is paid back di-
rectly through the students. If
the total of the actual income of
funds differs from the projected
total, the figures are balanced

later, according to MSA Budget
Priorities Committee Chairman
G.. J. DiGiuseppe.
DiGiuseppe points out that
MSA's revenues and expendi-
tures are not as complex as they
FOR EXAMPLE, from a $33,-
700 budget, one-third-or $11,200
-goes into a category labeled
"o'ffice." This money covers
salaries, telephone charges, sta-
tionery, equipment, postage and
6,400 dollars, or 20 percent of
the budget, is set aside for fall
and winter MSA elections.
Money is set aside for several
internal committees, such as
the Student Organizations Board
and Central Student Judiciary,
(CSJ); and for audits and ad-
channeled into "special proj-
ects" such as the MSA News-
letter and Child Care Action
Center. Funds are also used to
finance affiliation with Michi-
gan's S.A.L.T. (Students Asso-
ciated for Lower Tuition).
The remainder of the $33,700
budget, over $8,100, is available
as a surplus. MSA uses it for
"external" allocations - money
doled out to student groups qua-
lified to receive it.
The final decision on how to
distribute the MSA budget is

left to elected representatives
on the student assembly.
There are other, more direct
benefits which students may de-
rive from contributing to the
MSA purse.
Each semester, students are
offered MSA sponsored Health
Insurance. The Assembly also
arranges for voter registration,
runs personnel selection com-
mittees which place students in
positions within the University,
and funds the Student Organiza-
tions Office - responsible for
scheduling events at University
MSA HAS its own legal staff
which not only offers personal
counsel, but works on campus
discrimination cases as well.
Last year, MSA's Housing Re-
form Project produced and cir-
culated the booklet, "How to
Evict Your Landlord".
And apart from all this, MSA
reoresentatives serve as offi-
cial liaisons between students
and administration,
Desoite the availability of the
benefits, few students take ad-
vantage of them. According to
the MSA office, about 700 stu-
dents-20 percent of the student
body-utilized the Health Insur-
ance program in the 1975-76 aca-
demic year.
Still. when it came time to
pay for MSA last semester, four
out of five students shelled out
their 75 cents.

(Continued from Page 1) magic marvels.'
An avid collector, Moorehouse M O O R E H O U S E pur-
devoted one of the Emporium's chased most of his collection
rooms to the history of magic. from friends, including Univer-
Volumes of The Tarbell Course sity Chemistry Prof. Charles
in Magic and other conjurers' Rulfs, a recognized authority on
guides cram the bookcases. An the history of magic.
extensive coin collection of fold- The shop owner says that a
ing, double-sided, and Hong variety of people practice ma-
Kong pieces are displayed near gic - and the glass showcase
intricate gold amulets. displaying his customers' busi-
The wall decor is reminiscent ness cards proves it. The array
of Harry Houdini's era. Theater includes bankers, foremen, min-
billboards advertise travelling isters and even a state senator
bands of crystal ball prophets, who regularly drops by to see
women illusionists and other what's new.

Many of the Emporium's cus-
tomers belong to local magic
clubs or visit the city for con-
ventions. But touring European
artists have also visited the
store to add to their repertoire.
magic supplies reflects its va-
ried clientele. Novices can en-
tertain themselves with the old
sponge ball tricks and Three-
Card Monte, while difficult coin
illusions are available for the
pleasure of advanced sorcerers.
"We fit the person with what
he buys," Moorehouse explains.

He employs a crew of part- Today, he spends four months
time "gremlins"-students and each year spreading his "won-
seamstresses who help manu- derment" across the country.
facture the tricks. Among them!
is Tony Chaudhuri, a University His audiences 'have included
student who also gives individ-j business conventions, banquets
ual magic instructions at the and social gatherings for adults
Emporium. and families. Moorehouse has
even appeared on televiison and
Moorehouse, a past president has performed at big name ho-
of the International Magic Deal- tels ; s well as at the New York
ers Association, has been in- Coliseum.
volved in hocus-pocus since age "You may not get rich doing
11. As a youngster, he bought magic tricks," Moorehouse ad-
his first deck' of trick cards in mits, "but you do get atten-
an Illinois magic shop. tion."

AFSCME talks co

(Continued from Page 1)
there will be some economic
discussion," he said, pointing to
a possible setback for any wage
or benefits agreements already
Local 1583 should not be sur-
prised when its initial economic
proposal is rejected by the Uni-
versity, Neff said. The Univer-
sity team has already seen the
union's proposal.

"If they've had their ears to
the wall on any of the negotia-
tions over the past months, they
would know 'what the money
situation is', Neff said.
THE UNION'S proposal "is not
reasonable based on the present
economic state of the Univer-
sity," he said.
AFSCME and University rep-
resentatives say that it is pos-

sible an agreement can be made
before the next extension ex-
pires in mid-February.
The newly - expired AFSCME
contract was signed in March,
1974. Union officials will not say
whether they are working to-t
ward a similar contract.I
Local 1583 struck the Univer-
sity for several days in 1971,
shutting down food and mainte-
nance services, which almost
caused the suspension of classes.'

Gandhi's choice for chief'
justice sets off controversy

Cu wc/

WOP4hift £en'ice4

1833 Washtenaw
Sunday Services and Sunday
School-10:30 am.
Wednesday Testimony Meet-
ing-8:00 p.m.
Child Care Sunday-under 2
Midweek Informal Worship.
Reading Room-306 E. Liber.
ty, 10- 5 Monday - Saturday;
closed Sundays.
1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday Morning Worship at
9:15 and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
at 9:15 p.m.
Midweek Worship Wednesday,
10 p.m.

Presently Meeting at the
Ann Arbor Y, 530 S. Fifth
David Graf, Minister
Students Welcome.
For information or transpor-
tation: 663-3233 or 426-3808.
10:00 a.m.-Sunday Worship.
Ministry of the Christian
Reformed Church
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
Rev. Don Postema,Pastor
Welcome to all studentsl
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship
-"The Church Is a Mystery."
6:00 p.m. - Evening Celebra-
Tuesday, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m.-
"Homosexuality" will be dis-
cussed in an open forum.
"God's people in God's world
for God's purpose."
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Worship at 9:30 and 11:00.
Student coffee hour-12:00.
4:0 Sunday-Christianity and
the Law: An Attorney's Per-
* * *
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.
* * *,
409 S. Division
M. Robert Fraser, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship-11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship-7:00 p.m.
502 E. Huron-663-9376
Ronald E. Carey,
Campus Minister
Midwest's Largest Selection of
European Charters
Canadian and U.S.
from $289
CALL 769-1776
-. Great Places 1
216 S. 4th Ave, Ann Arbor

530 W. Stadium Blvd.
(one block west of U of M
Bible Study - Sunday 9:30
a.m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Worship -Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Need transportation? Call 662-
* * *
CHAPEL (Catholic)
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekend Masses:
Saturday, 5 p.m., 11:30 p.m.
Sunday - 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m.,
10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.
(plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus).
* * *
State at Huron and Washington
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
The Rev. Fred B. Maitland
The Rev. E. Jack Lemon
Worship Services at 9:00 and
Church School at 9:00 and
Adult Enrichment at 10:00.
W. Thomas Schomaker,
10 a.m.-Morning Worship.
5:30 p.m. - Celebration/Fel-
6:15 p.m.-Shared Meal, 75c.
Extensive programming for
undergrads and grad students.
Stop in or call 668-6881 for in-
* * *
1001 E. Huron
Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice,
9:30 a.m. - Classes for all
10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship.
5:00 p.m.-Co-op Supper.
6:00 p.m.-Informal Evening
Rev. Terry N. Smith,
Senior Minister
608 E. William, corner of State
Worship Service-10:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship--10
a.m. First Baptist Church.
Bible Study-11 a.m.
Fellowship Meeting Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m.

NEW DELHI, India (P)-
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
picked a new Supreme Court
chief justice yesterday and set
off a furor by passing over the
ranking judge, who had deliv-
ered the lone dissent against her
government in a landmark civil
liberties case.
Justice Hans Raj Khanna,
whom Gandhi bypassed, re-
signed from the 13-member Su-
preme Court bench in protest
as opposition politicians alleged
he had been victimized for his
frequent independent judgments.

Supreme Court Bar Association,
which had adopted a resolution
urging the prime minister to
follow seniority and name Khan-
na, said its officers would boy-
cott the swearing in -today of
Mirza Hameedullah Beg, the
second ranking judge, as chief
Supreme Court lawers said
Beg had almost consistently
voted in the government's favor
in key cases.
Reacting to the uproar caused
by the appointment, Law Min-

ister H. R. Gokhale issued a
statement maintaining t h a t
Khanna was passed over be-
cause he was only five months
and five days from the manda-
tory retirement age of 65 while
Beg has 13 months to go.
PRESIDENT Fakhruddin Ali
Ahmed, acting on the advice of
the prime minister, formally ap-
pointed Beg on the eve of the
retirement of the outgoing chief
juitice, Ajit Nath Ray.
Gandhi had named Ray in a
similar manner in 1973, bypass-
ing three Supreme Court judges
who were senior to him. They
all resigned in protest and the
bar association boycotted the
Supreme Court for a day.
Khanna dissented last April
in a 4-1 Supreme Court ruling
that upheld the government's
contention that political prison-
ers had no right to challenge
their detention, even through a
habeas corpus petition, while
key sections of the constitution
remained suspended under the
p r i m e nminister's emergency
Beg sided with the majority
on the special five-man bench.

Regents alter
(Continued from Page 1) Student Services or the Union
centered around the "fundamen- Board, according to Kellman.
tal fairness" of the negative Both of these groups are res-
checkoff manner of raising mon- ponsible for giving away student
eyk F erri space to the University in the
Eyc . t SAB and the Union.
berofPIRhMa student mem- Kellman plans on making, "a
ber of PIRGIM, said he was comprehensive survey of every
mystified" at the Regents student organization and their
vote but "wouldn't venture to needs in the next month," to de-
guess" what impact the letters termine how Barbour/Waterman
from officers of Detroit Edison could best be used as a student
and the Consumers Power Co. center.
had on the Regents. Kellman's plan calls for mov-
PIRGIM contends the letters ing the University Cellar into
were written in in an effort to Waterman Gym and having the
"undermine student funding". It Cellar provide most of the mon-
says the letters came in res- ey for the upkeep of the build-
ponse to a petition drive PIR- ings. According to. Kellman,
GIM was conducting in Feb., "The Cellar management says
1976, to impose stricter safety it is feasable and they are in-
and economic requirements for terested. If we get Barbour/
future nuclear power plants. The Waterman, 'U' Cellar is in. '
requirement changes would have Michael Washo, Deputy Direc-
adversely affected Edison's and tor of the Michigan History Di-
the Consumer Power Company's vision of the Dept. of State, call-
plans to build new plants. ed the Regent's decision to table
Regent Baker said last night, their Barbour/Waterman vote,
"I did receive letters that may "A step in the right direction.
or may not have been from offi- This month could turn the tide."
cers of the power industry, but "A GROUNDSWELL of sup-
I never received any official port has begun in favor of let-
comments from power compan- ting Barbour/Waterman stand.
ies." Baker indicated that his As time goes on you are going
vote was not affected by these to see more than just nostalgia
letters. behind this thing," said Washo.
Washo has indicated that his
THE MSA PROPOSAL for the office will probably be able to
re-use of the gyms is directly have all central campus build-
responsible; for the Regents put- ings listed in the National Reg-
ting off their decision on Bar- ister as historical sites and pro-
bour/Waterman f o r another tected by the federal govern-
month. This proposal suggests ment before the tentative demo-
using student funds to pay for lition date of these two gyms
the renovation of the buildings, this summer.
and therefore a campus-wide re- Thomas Dunn, chairman of
ferendum would be required. the chenmistry dept., has indi-
In the past student centers rated that he is putting together
have been overrun by the grow- the specifications for a new sci-
ing University Bureaucracy. To ence facility on the site of Bar-
combat this, the student propos- bour/Waterman. Dunn says the
al requires students be in con- construction would u s w all
trol of the group overseeing the state money. Dunn is conilent
building and not the Office of that he'll get the building.

Board to Ford:
You're invited'

(Continued from Page1)
how Ford would contribute to
IPPS and the political science
department if he accepts the ap-
Jacobson would like to see
Ford lecture in classes on Con-
gress and the presidency -
speaking for a half an hour, and
then fielding students' questions
during the remaining class time.
Jacobson forsees problems
with scheduling Ford's lectures
if he accepts the invitation. If
Ford's lectures were announced
in advance, it is probable that

the auditoriums would be so
jammed with people wanting to
hear the former president that
students registered for the
classes would have difficulties
getting in.
"I just don't know how we're
going to handle it," Jacobson
Like Jacobson, Grassmuck is
hopeful that Ford will accept the
professorship, but he cautions
that the position is "still in the
offering." Ford has not made
a formal acceptance, and as
Grassmuck points out, "it takes
two to tango."

Severe blizzard, cold
cripple dozen states

CU',city sputters
during cold snap

Israel Offers Careers in
Social Work. Immediate
Positions Open.
The State of Israel has long
been a model of successful in-*
tegration. Drawing its popula-,
tion from every country in the
world quite naturally presents
myriad social work problems
and ap1 reciated, challenging
case work.
Two Progr -s are currently
being offered to people with a
Hebrew background who would
enter the Social Work Profes-
sion as a permanent resident of
I. Orientation Program
for M.S.W. Holders
A 7-9-month carefully
planned orientation program
wnich includes intensified
Hebrew Language study. Inter=
views will be conducted in
March for MSW's who wish to
continue their careers as a per-
manent rosident of Israel.
IlI. Social Work
Course specially designed for
college graduates who did not
major in social work. Bar Ilan
University program will pre-
pare you for a meaningful
career in Israel.
For further information on

(Continued from Page 1)
Consolidated Gas Co. requested
that the University cut back by
25 per cent its natural gas con-
sumption and use oil instead.
M a ny University sporting
events were snowed out last
night, including the following
" Women's swim meet in In-
" Wrestling at Purdue;
" Women's basketball in North-
*Women's gymnastics at Cen-
tral Michigan University
" and the men's swim meet,
at home.
Elsewhere in the community,
the Ann Arbor Transportation

Authority (AATA) reported that
buses ran yesterday only on
snow routes. Dial-A-Ride service
will continue its normal sched-
uile today, "contingent upon
weather reports," according to
an AATA spokesperson.
G A R B A G E collection was
halted yesterday at noon, with
no pickups slated for today.
And how did local eskimos re-
act to the New Ice Age?
"I don't like it," grumbled one
Nickels Arcade shopper. "I don't
know why it's so cold. I think
it's the coldest winter of my en-
tire life."
Bivouac employe Jeff Axelrod
disagreed, however.
"I think the cold is *a nice
change. I hope we have a lot of
Added Marshall Klaus, a local
high school student: "I don't
mind. winter, it's just the cold
I hate."

(Continued from Page 1)
ward, promising' to create still
higher consumption.
Frigid temperatures for a sec-
ond week have overtaxed fuel
reserves in most areas east of
the Rockies. The Federal Power
Commission said yesterday that
interstate gas pipelines report
an estimated 8,900 industrial
plants closed and 548,000 work-
ers laid off.
President Jimmy Carter's en-
ergy adviser, James Schlesin-
ger, urged Congress yesterday
to quickly enact a bill that
would help the gas shortage by
making it easier to move sup-
plies across state lines.
homes could start losing their
natural gas heat in the next few
days if the cold weather con-
The statement by Schlesinger
came as the House and Senate
began considering whether to
give Carter emergency authority
to ration natural gas during the
worst winter in years.
Pennsylvania Gov. M i 1 t o n
Shapp supported the legislation
but urged Carter to undertake

an investigation to determine "if
the current shortage is real or
"We want to know if produ-
cers are simply holding out for
higher prices. I am disturbed by
gas company ads I have seen
that say if you raise the price,
the gas will flow. For if that is
really the case, we are indeed
being blackmailed. . .."
AN INTERSTATE natural gas
supplier asked its utility custo-
mers along the Eastern Sea-
board-an area with a popula-
tion of 35 million-to immedi-
ately shut off services to its
nonessential customers in order
to conserve dwindling supplies.
And Michigan Gov. William
Milliken said yesterday in Lan-
sing he will not volunteer to
send Michigan fuel to neighbor-
ing Ohio' to open up industry
idled by the energy crisis there.
The nation's auto industry also
sputtered to a crawl as more
than 125,000 auto workers were
given the day off. General Mo-
tors, alone,asaid nearly 100,000
workers were affected, most of
tllem in Indiana and Ohio.
MEANWHILE, severe weather
caused the cancellation of sev-

eral sporting events scheduled
for this weekend. Last night's
National Basketball Association
game between the B u f f a l o
Braves and the Cleveland Cava-
liers was postponed.
Amtrak cancelled 28 train runs
yesterday, including several
which run through Detroit, be-
cause of heavy snows and bitter
The cancellations, which af-
feet more than 10 per cent of
Amtrak's trains, came on top
of last week's suspension of eight
lightly travelled routes because
of rigid weather.
ALSO, the Edison Electric In-
stitute reported that electric out-
put for the week ended. Jan. 22
was 45.6 billion kilowatt-hours,
the highest weekly total eve
achieved. It represented an in-
crease of nearly 12 per cent ove
the comparable week in 1976,
the institute said. The previous
record was set last week.
Canada was not spared either.
Southwestern Ontario was poind
ed for the second day by high
winds and blowing snow. Stu-
dents were sent home early in
some cities and most rural
areas, and factories closed.
Volume LXXXVII, No. 98
Saturday, January 29, 1977
is edited and managed by students
tat the University of Michigan. News
phone-,64-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a i1 y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept.. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $i3 by mail outside Ann
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann

Don't Leave It
Uto Him!!
. Do it yourself
in a Daily Classified
Valentine messages will 41
runonSun., Feb.134
rDEADLINE: Feb.11. 3:00 n.m. 41

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