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January 27, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-01-27

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Thursday, January 27, 1977


Factions clash on
Waterman razing ..i

(Continued from Page 1)
Order signed by Governor Mil-
liken in 1974. The order re-
quires, for state-funded projects
that would destroy state histor-
ical places, an environmental
review procedure which speci-
fies an impact statement and
feasibility study conducted by
an outside party.
"These buildings are re-
sources and are just as irre-
placeable as =our natural re-
sources," Finfer asserted. "We
are not insisting the buildings
be preserved; we just think you
don't dispose of something if it
can be used."
Finfer says that the State His-
torical Division has asked the
federal government to designate
central campus, including Bar-
bour/Waterman, anhistoric site.
It would then be listed in the
National Register and protected
under federal laws. -
The University says it cannot
afford to maintain the vacant
buildings - it costs $125,000 per
year - and officials fear van-
dals will pick the gyms apart.

According to Dougherty, a
building committee has been set
up to decide what is needed on
the Waterman site. The com-
mittee is made up of top Uni-
versity officials.
Many alternatives have been
bandied about concerning how
the gyms could be preserved,
while also enlarging the chem-
istry department.
Shepherd points out: "The
need to do something for the
chemistry department has
turned into an obsession to de-
stroy Barbour/Waterman. This
does not logically follow. By the
time the chemistry department
could get a new building, space
will be available to them in
West Engineering and elsewhere
on central campus."
In a November presentation
to the Regents, ,two students -
Ralph DiGaettaio and John Mc-
Kenzie -w presented an analysis
of the square-footage-per-student
of the campus' indoor recrea-
tional facilities, not including

given OK
as Labor
ate completed confirmation of,
President Carter's Cabinet yes-
terday by approving F. Ray
Marshall as secretary of labor.
The 74-20 vote came after
nearly five hours of debate,
sometimes emotional, about or-
ganized labor's role in society
and whether Marshall is too
close to labor to satisfy Senate
THE CHAIRMAN of the Sen-
ate Labor Committee, Harrison
Williams, (D-N.J.), praised
Marshall and said he had "an.
abundance of the attributes" to
make him a strong labor secre-
tary. Williams said Marshall
was sensitive to the problems of
working, people and fully under-
I stood the "scandalous condi-
tions" of the poor and the prob-
lems of urban centers.
aid more
. l ell

Deliberations at a Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) hearing
last night indicated that former
Michigan Student A s s e m b 1 y
(MSA) president Calvin Luker
may lose his current one-year
MSA seat.
Luker did not attend the meet-
ing to defend himself against
charges brought by Brian Las-
key, another MSA member, who
questioned Luker's right to sit
on the assembly. Luker graduat-
ed in December.
A DECISION on Luker's eli-
gibility by the four CSJ mem-
bers present is still pending.
The CSJ, a judicial arm of
MSA, is a ten-member body
composed entirely of students.
Two provisions of the All-
Campus Constitution dealing
with MSA membership require-
ments were in question during

the two-hour hearing.
ARTICLE THREE of the doc-
ument says that a seat becomes
vacant upon graduation, and Ar-
ticle Six says assembly\ compo-
sition will consist of currently
enrolled students or students
who were enrolled in the pre-
vious term.
Luker was enrolled in the last,
fall term. He plans to decide
today whether l1e will enroll as
a Non-Candidate For Degree
(NCFD) before CRISP regis-
tration closes this afternoon.
During open deliberation, CSJ
members informally argued
that Luker's graduation and his
failure to enroll at the begin-
ning of this term may have
cost him his MSA seat.
CSJ MEMBER Pete Wercin-
ski contended the constitution
does not contradict itself. Arti-

Page Three
Luker seat challenged

cle three "sets guidelines that
all potential representatives
must follow to be elected," he
"Article Six provides for con-
ditions that may arise, such as
graduation once a student is an
MSA member, Wercinski add-
For his part, Luker did -not
seem too concerned last night.
"For two years and nine months,
I was there (at MSA) almost
daily. I'm burned out as far as
MSA goes," he said.
"I haven't lost faith in MSA,"
he continued, "but it's time to
deal with other realities."



AP Photo
Labor Secretary Ray Marshall

Meal consolidation opposed Fleming p
(Continued from Page1) since absenteeism on weekends posed. It isn't worth the mon-
hassle." is fairly high. "ey." She added that consolida- it an Gov
W- 'O td d l ers. ex Pressd tion would be a "step towards


Tom Briskey, a student mem-
ber of the rate coimittee, de-
fended the proposed consolida-'
tion, saying "the line has to be
drawn somewhere." Briskey as-
sured fellow students that
"there'll be no inconvenience as
far as the meal lines go."
SOUTH QUAD Building Direc-
tor Max Smith said that extra'
diners could be accommodated
by the "scramble system,"

wes quay welli epru
concern that some food service
workers might lose their jobs if
the plan were enacted, but Leon
West, West Quad's building di-
rector, dismissed the possibili-
ty, noting that the turnover rate
would not necessitate firings.
Susan Harris, building direc-
tor at Mosher-Jordan, summed
up a feeling that many of her
residents expressed: "I'm op-

a breakdown in the educational'
LANSING (UPI)-Heating and
lighting bills could be cut sig-
nificantly in buildings construct-
ed under a new energy conser-
vation code, according to state
labor officials.
The code, which becomesef-
fective in June, was adopted by
the Construction Code Commis-
sion to improve the energy util-
ization in all new buildings.
Themcode provides design re-
quirements for the building's
exterior structure and the se-1
lection of its heating, ventila-
ting, air conditioning, water
heating, electrical and lighting

(Continued from Page 1)
to pay for one large marshmal-
Richard Kennedy, University
vice-president for state relations
disagreed, saying: "It's an
apples and oranges comparison.
Fleming commands a salary in
the marketplace for college
presidents. Milliken is compared
to governors of other states.
Who is -to determine the level
of responsibiilty?"
Four other university presi-
dents in Michigan receive high-
er salaries than Milliken's
Here is a run-down of the
earnings of the state's univer-
sity presidents: '
-Robben Fleming,, Univer-
sity of Michigan - $71.429.

-Raymond Smith, Michigan
Technological U n i v e r s i t y-
-George Gullen, Wayne State
University - $60,000.
-John Jamrich, N o r t h e r n
Michigan University - $59,300.
-Clifton Wharton, Michigan
State University - $58,500.
-John Bernard, W e s t e r n
Michigan University - $$52,750.
-James Brickley, Eastern
Michigan University - $50,000.
-Harold Abel, Central Michi-
gan University - 47,500.
-W.E. Moran, U-M Flint -
-Leonard Goodall, U-M Dear-
born - $46,288.
-Donald O'Dowd, Oakland
University - $46,110.

reading from his works
Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7:30
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This silent science fiction classic is famous for
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Carter eyes Moyers
for top CIA post'

(Continued from Page 1)
"My guidance is not to
speculate on Moyers or anyone
ter's second nominee to head
the Central Intelligence Agen-
cy. His first choice, Theodore
Sorensen, a former aide to
President John Kennedy, with-
drew a week ago Monday in the
face of stiff Senate opposition.
Informed sources said Moy-
ers is a top contender for the
CIA job. Moyers, presently an-
chorman and chief reporter for
"CBS Reports," was not avail-
able for comment. But an as-
sistant said it was pure "spec-
ulation" that he was a top con-
tender for the CIA.
Others mentioned for the job
have included Paul Warnke,
former Asst. Defense Secretary
for national security affairs
and retired Army Lt. Gen.
James Gavin.
IT WAS learned that Gavin,
70, who was suggested to Carter
by House Speaker Thomas O'-
Neill, is handicapped in the con-
sideration 15y his age.
Moyers, 42, coveted an im-
portant foreign policy advisory
role during the presidency of
his original political 'patron,
Lyndon Johnson.
However, Johnson chose to
use him as press secretary and
all-purpose adviser. He had

been deputy director of the
Peace Corps and became pub-
lisher of Newsday on Long Is-
land after leaving government.
M O Y E R S joined the Pub-
lic Broadcasting System in 1970
and was editor in chief of "Bill
Moyers' Journal" for five years.
He joined CBS in '1976.
It also was learned that the
front runner to become head
of ACTION, the umbrella fed-
eral agency for volunteer
groups such as the Peace Corps
and VISTA, is Sam Brown, state
treasurer in Colorado.
Brown, 33, was a war pro-
tester during the Vietnam years
and an organizer for Sen. Eu-
gene McCarthy when he ran
for president. Brown would suc-
ceed Michael Balzano.
A TOP contender to head the
Veterans Administration is Max
Cleland, a paraplegic who lost
both legs and an arm in Viet-
nam combat as an Army cap-
Cleland was a Georgia state
senator when Carter was gover-
nor. He sponsored a resolution
calling for withdrawal of U.S.
troops from Vietnam.
He was defeated for lieuten-
ant governor in 1974 and has
been an aide to the Senate Vet-
erans Affairs committee since
1975. He would succeed Rich-
ard Roudebush.

Carter asks gas


(Continued from Page 1)
MICHIGAN energy officials
urged persons using No. 1 and
No. 2 fuel oil for home heating
to "dial down" because of low
state supplies. Energy admin-
istrator Michael Dively said yes-
terday that December tempera-
tures in Michigan were 9.1 de-
grees colder than the average
and 9.8 degrees colder than De-
cember, 1975.
Dively said the state would
continue to administer a set-
aside program which makes
four per cent of all fuel oil de-
livered to Michigan available
for emergency use. He said per-
sons unable to obtain fuel oil
should contact the state' ener-
gy administration.
Pensylvania Gov. Milton
Shapp ordered all public and
private schools in the state to
close today and tomorrow to
conserve energy.
OHIO GOV. James Rhodes
called for prayers "to get, us
through the coldest days 'of our
time." He lifted environmental
regulations to allow fuel-starved
businesses and residents to burn

air-polluting, high-sulfur coal.
President Carter's energy ad-
viser, James Schlesinger, said
at least two interstate pipelines,
Southern Natural Gas and
Trunkline, already were cutting
off gas supplies to some top
priority consumers - a cate-
gory covering residences, es-
sential public services, -and fac-
tories which would be severely
damaged by a loss of gas.
Senate leaders said they would
bypass the normal committee
hearings and bring the legisla-
tion directly to the floor for de-
bate tomorrow. A Senate vote
on the bill could come as early
as Monday.
if any surplus gas is available
to be sold - would come at
higher prices, Schlesinger said
the amounts involved and the
effect on consumers would be
He estimated it would add no
more than one cent per thou-
sand cubic feet to the price of
gas on the average.
But in any case, he said, the
bill would give the President
authority to restrain excessive

price increases. The level con-
sidered excessive has not yet
been defined.
SCHLESINGER said he had
no detailed breakdown on un-
employment caused by the nat-
ural gas shortages but said the
number of unemployed was re-
ported greatest in New York,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia,
Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Ken-
tucky, Virginia', Tennessee,
North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama, and Missis-
Some 100,000 workers, one-
quarter of the estimated total,
reportedly were in Tennessee,
Schlesinger said. He predicted
the nationwide unemployment
situation could get even worse
unless fuel is conserved as Car-
ter requested.

concludes tonight with {
(Liliane de Kermadec, 1974) 7:00 only--AUD. A
Delphine Seyrig evokes the true and tragic story of a sensitive
young woman who has al nervous breakdown at the start of
World War I and remains in an insane asylum for the rest of
her life. After forty years of despair, she reconstructs a world
for herself by creating a series of remarkable paintings which
capture the attention of the art world. Ann Arbor Premiere.
Shown at the New York Festival of Women's Films. French
with English subtitles.
(Marguerite Duras, 1972) 9:00 only-AUD. A
Jeanne Moreau stars in this film describing a day in the lives
of two women, two children, and an itinerant washing ma-
chine salesman. Duras combines precise visual details and",
enigmatic verbal exchange to shape a portrait of a bourgeois
woman's paralysis and rage. Expertly photographed by Ghis-
lain Cloquet. Duras wrote the script to the influential film
HIROSHIMA, MON A MOUR. Born in 1914 in France, she
was originally a novelist, but has now written and directed
several feature films. Lucia Bose, Gerard Depardieu. ANN
ARBOR PREMIERE. French with English subtitles.
ADMISSION-$1.25 single feature, $2.00 double feature
"THE RELVERS" at 7 only
"KING OF HEARTS" at 9 only
"BEATLEMANIA" at 7 only
"CASINO ROYALE" at 9 only
in MLB 4-
"HOLIDAY" at 7 & 10:30

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(Continued fromPage 1)
guy talking* on the screen and
the sound of a jackass 'whining
on the record," he chuckled.
T O D A Y, soundtracks are
printed on the left side of the
film. The soundtrack resembles
a polygraph print, with high
peaks marking the points where
the audio level is louder than
Over the years, Wellday has
seen film size increase from
16mm to 35mm. Projectors are
now equipped with automatic
shutoff devices in case of a
break in the film.
Reels have increased from
one foot to two feet in diameter,
enabling one reel to accomo-
date as much as 6000 feet of
film - roughly an hour showing.

SINCE each reel holds just
one hour's worth of film, Well-
day has to switch from one pro-
jector to another which holds
the second hour of film. Audi-
ences, engrossed in the film,
usually don'tnotice the transfer.
But Wellday must keep a
watchful eye as the changeover
approaches. A series . of bells
warns him to watch for a mark
on the film which denotes the
end of the first reel. When he
sees the mark, he steps on a
foot pedal that stops the first
projector and starts the second
"I haven't missed a change-
over in 30 years," Wellday said.
AFTER THE switch, he re-
winds the first reel and prepares,
it for the next showing. One
time his rewind machine mal-
functioned and unwound a reel's

entire 5,400 feet of film onto the
floor. Wellday spent some des-I
perate moments gathering up
the tangled film and rewinding
it in time for the next showing.
With today's six-foot projec-
tors, films run at .a clip of 90
feet per minute, letting the audi-
ence see a smooth transition of
the movie's action from frame
to frame.
Special fireproof asbestos-
backed screens have become
necessary to handle the projec-
tors' 2500-watt bulbs.
"WHEN THEY say, 'Burn up

the screen,' they really mean
it," Wellday said. "The screen
actually gets warm."
Wellday will watch a new film
over and over until he gets tired
of it. "When I learn it, I quit,
watching it," he shrugged, light-
ing a cigarette.
Wellday is confident that auto-
mation will not force him into
the unemployment lines. "Auto
mation hasn't hurt us," he said.
"You still have to have a per-
son to get the film ready and to
be there in case the film


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