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January 27, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-27

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 96 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 27, 1977 Ten Cents E

ight Pages

Daily reinder
Tonight's the night for a'1 you folks at East Quad
and Couzens (or neighboring dorms) to hear our
spiel on the thousand or so reasons you should
join The Daily. Representatives from the news,
sports, editorial page, arts, photography, and Sun-
day Magazine staffs will be around to tell you how
to go about joining The Daily. We'll be in Greene
Lounge at East Quad at 7 p.m. and in Couzens' liv-
ing room at 9 p.m.
Rape suspect
Robert Finklea, a suspect in an Oct. 13 mugging
which occurred during a rash of assaults on local
women last semester, was bound over for trial
yesterday on an unarmed robbery charge. Fifteenth
District Court Judge George Alexander ordered
Finklea to appear in Circuit Court on Feb. 10. Fink-
lea will also sand trial on an unrelated rape charge
of a woman acquaintance on Jan. 2. Two witnesses
appeared in court to identify Finklea as the man
they saw attack an Oxford Housing resident at the
corner of South University and Oxford Streets on
the night of Oct. 13. The attacker apparently
dropped a pack of cigarettes and rolling papers,
and police later matched the finger prints on the
items to Finklea's.
Could be wo~rse
it's not what he said, it's how he said it. Uni-
versity of Florida President Robert Marston this
week, in a pep talk to faculty predicting a "major
leading role" for the school in solving national
hardships, commented: "If we look like the Uni-
versity of Michigan ten years from now, I think
we've failed (in our) aspiration for greatness."
Same to you, Robert.
Happenings ...
. . . begin with ca lecture on "Morphologization
of Phonological Processes" by Wolfgang Dressler
of the University of Vienna at 4 p.m. in MLB Lec-
ture Rm. 1 . . . Brian Fall, British diplomat, speaks
on the "Helsinki Conference and Settlement of Dis-
putes" at 7 p.m. in the Law Club Lounge . . .
Guild House offers a poetry reading by Kerry
Thomas at 7:30 p.m., at 802 Monroe . . . the Inter-
Varsity Christian Fellowship meets at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union to discuss "Fishers of Men"
Judge George Alexander speaks 'on "How a Judge
Sets Bail" and "The Future of the Bail System"
at 8 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw . . . Prof. Alona Evans of Wellesley
College speaks on "Legal Controls on International
Terrorism" at 8 p.m. in the Anderson Rm. of the
Union . . .sand Jim Grondin reads poetry at 10 p.m.
in the Benzinger Library at East Quad.
Geronim o
New Jersey Humane Society officials ruffled their
feathers this week over what they feel is a clear
case of cruelty to an animal - dropping a raccoon
in a parachute from 1,500 feet. A Society director
said they may file complaints against county work-
ers who engineered the stunt in 1972 - throwing
the masked beastie out of a helicopter with a
parachute made of burlap bags. The official said
the animal was tossed out a second time after
surviving the first landing, again making a suc-
cessful touchdown. One of the perpetrators of the
incident claimed the raccoon suffered only "hu-
mility", but the Society is calling it animal abuse
just the same. Insiders said helicopters also
dropped live chickens overboard in 1971 - with-
out parachutes.
f~ O
A call. for crime?
Michiganders apparently have nothing to fear,
but following President Carter's thermostat re-
duction plea in some states could land energy-

conscious citizens in the slammer. Dropping your
thermostat to 65 degrees is illegal in parts or all
of several states - including New York City, where
landlords complying with the White House request
face fines of up to $1,000 and a year in jail. (They
used to do it to save money, not energy.) Laws in
Philadelphia,- Connecticut and the District of Co-
lumbia also forbid settings below 68 for many
types of dwellings. The problem is all rather aca-
demic. since virtually no one seems willing to with-
stand Jimmy's shivering suggestion. But it hasn't
been long since the last time some men found
themselves in jail for following presidentialorders.
On the itstlde .. .
Sports whiz John Niemeyer has a feature on
hockey team 'center Dave DeBol . . . Karen Paul
reviews Tuesday's Michael Ponti concert for the
arts page,. . . and Mike Taylor looks at the impact
of student demands for tuition rollbacks on the
editorial page.,
Ot~ lte t)Itl itII')

atle b re ws 0 1
By MIKE YELLIN Affairs Frank Rhode
Daily News Analysis that' was drawn up in
On March 24, 1976 the Regents approved the administration's tool in 1977. This wou
On Mrch20,1976theRegnts pprvedthethe largest number c1
plan to raze the Barbour/Waterman gymnasia. In the ten months
since, a classic battle has developed between top University ad- THE PLAN ISr
ministrators and the various state, local and University groups the Administration B
opposed to the destruction of these old buildings.
Today the Regents meet again to discuss the issues, and
thoughdthey say a final decision is to be made, ittis certain that
this won't be the' last word on Waterman. It is too big a battle The needt
for that.
THE ADMINISTRATORS argue the gyms cannot be adapted istry Dept. has
Ito the needs of the growing University. They have backed their stroy Barbour)
position with two studies, both conducted by the University Engi-
neering and Architecture schools. The surveys both conclude reno- cally foLLOW."
vation and continued use is not feasible.
The administration claims other sources" of guidance as well.
The Central Campus Plan, drawn up in 1963, provided a philosophy .. ...........................
(by which the central campus would be developed in the coming
decades. It leaves the "details of the physical development to be and the walkway be
shaped by emergent circumstances." among others.
Edward Dougherty, assistant to Vice-President for Academic Opponents of the
Carter asks special



es, said "We are guided by the master plan
n 1963,, which continues to be a valid planning
uld. use state dollars to the greatest benefit to
of people."
esponsible for the Regents' Plaza in front of
uilding, the Business Administration Complex,
to do something for the Chem-
turned into an obsession to de-
'Waterman. This does not logi-
onomics Prof. William Shepherd
neath the Harlan-Hatcher Graduate Library,
decision to raze the gyms have said the

erman gym
Central Campus Plan is nebulous and allows adminis rators to call
upon it whenever it serves their own ends.
They point to the fact that the plan directs administrators to
review the campus' needs and develop models and drawings every
few years. In the case of Barbour-Waterman, lit le such review has
taken place in recent years.
THE GROUPS fighting the administrators hope to force the
University to submit to a feasibility study, conducted by experts.
Larry Finfer, Environmen al Review coordinator for the Mich-
igan State Historical Division: "This office contests the University
studies. Our definition of a feasibility study is more detailed. Out-
side parties should be involved, preferably someone not connected
in any way to the controversy and i s outcome. I question whether
the University is capable of such a study.
"As part of the maneuvering," Finfer continued, "the admin-
istration has made no absolute, specific declaration as to what
this land would be used for. By not making this decision, they
have effectively prevented any ou' -of-University agency from be-
i'g called in to evaluate the problem."
IN SO DOING, the Administration has sidestepped an Executive
See FACTIONS, Page 3

i r m w


for natural

gas reallocation plan

By AP and UPI
dent Carter asked Congress
yesterday to give him emer-
gency authority to transfer
natural gas to areas with
the worst gas shortages.
The legislation sent Lo,
Congress by the new Presi-

dent also would allow intra-
state pipelines to make em-
ergency gas sales. to inter-
state lines at unregulated
prices until July 31 - a
move that could raise the
monthly gas bills of natur-
al gas consumers.
IT WOULD ALSO allow the

Will Crtrappoint
Moyers CIA 'chief?9
WASHINGTON (P) - Bill Moyers, a former top aide to Presi-
dent Lyndon Johnson, is reported to be a front runner for director
of the CIA, government sources said yesterday. But White House
Press Secretary Jody Powell discouraged speculation about the
Moyers' employer, CBS News, said he authorized the station
to say he is out of the country filming a documentary and that "he
has not been offered a job in the Carter administration by the
President or, anyone claiming to represent the President. He is
not contending for any job."
POWELL HAD SAID President Carter might announce his
choice for the job this week. But he said yesterday night: "I don't
think you should 'definitely assume there will be an announce-
ruent before the end of this week . . .
"With regard to speculation about a new CIA director, it's a
little early to be speculating about that, and I-think if you did, I
think you'd get yourself into an embarrassing situation.

pipelines to transfer gas among
themselves without fear that
this action would bring intra-
state lines under federal regu-
lation or release interstate lines
from such regulation.
Interstate pipelines are regu-
lated by the Federal Power
Commission, while intrastate
lines - those operating within
a single state - are not.
Carter told a news conference
the gas shortage caused by the
abnormally c6ld weather has
closed some 4,000 plants and
forced layoffs of an estimated
400,000 people.
HE SAID he was urging Con-
gress to act immediately but
warned that "this bill will not
end the shortages, will not,im-
prove the weather, and will not
solve the, unemployment prob-
He again urged all Americans
to turn down their thermostats
to 65 degrees Fahrenheit during
the day and.lower at night, say-
ing that such conservation could
eliminate half of the present
natural gas shortage.
Shortages of natural gas and
other fuels continued to worsen
yesterday in the Midwest and
East as a new cold wave surg-
ed southward out of Canada.
Several states faced severe en-
ergy shortages.
See CARTER, Page 3

Diners .blast, meal

Michigan Theatre projectionist Ed Wellday mans his reels.
iSpice o life: Pro jectiornst


Dorm residents are taking a
long look at their bank accounts,
but the consensus seems to be
that the inconveniences of the
proposed weekend meal consoli-
idation plan- will outweigh the
cash benefits.
The plan, suggested by the
University's Housing Rate Study
Committee, would send some
dormitory dwellers to neighbor-
ing residence halls for their
weekend meals.
ROOM AND board rates are
scheduled to go up by 8.4 per
cent next fall, but if the food
consolidation plan is approved,
the hike will be 7.6 per cent - a
"savings" of $12 per student.
"Twelve dollars isn't very sig-
nificant," complained Mosher-
Jordan resident Kathy Knob-
lauch. "Everyone I've talked to
feels the same way."
The University's Housing of-
fice is polling 10 per cent of the
residents in each of the ten
dorms that would be affected by
the plan to obtain student senti-
ments on the proposed consoli-
THE RESULTS of the survey
will be considered before the
consolidation decision is fin-

ices, with whom the final ver-
dict rests. If approved, the pro-
gram would send diners from
Alice Lloyd to Couzens, Mosher-
Jordan to Markley, and from
West Quad to South Quad each
Saturday and Sunday beginning
in September.
of Alice Lloyd Hall and the Pi-
lot Program, said she is con-
vinced Di Mattia will abide by
the students'amandate, but add-
ed that Di Mattia's decision will
depend on how the survey re-
sults are interpreted.
Morrow suggested that the

votes of residents from Alice
Lloyd, Mosher-Jordan and West
Quad - those students who
would be forced to eat week-
end meals at other dorms-be
given more weight than votes
of residents of the remaining
She added that the shift is
"not worth doing for the amount
of money."
Meanwhile, more than 30 stu-
dents at West Quad were grum-
bling about the consolidation
One resident asked if the $12
saving "is supposed to pay for
See MEAL, Page 3

In the cramped, smoke-filled projection room
of the Michigan Theatre on E. Liberty. St., Ed
Wellday sits alone, virtually hidden as he rolls
his, flicks.
"I've been working with films since I was 14
years old," said Wellday \proudly, peering out
of his booth through a rectangular window.
Wellday, 57, says the technical quality of
film-making has improved immensely, but he
has qualms about the content.
"Sex, sex, sex," he mu tered. "The produc-
ers are only hurting themselves.

years of film
"'The Exorcist?" he reflected. "Now that's
for the birds."
FOR HIS part, the projectionist prefers Gene
Kelley movies and Dick Powell musicals, circa
1930. For recent flicks, "That's Entertainment"
is his favorite, but he liked "Earthquake" for
its special effec's.
Wellday recalled the days when the sound-
track, which was recorded separately on pho-
nograph records, didn't always match the film.
"Sometimes you would have a picture of a

Exec inflation: Who 's wot more?

Even with Governor William Milliken's recent
hefty pay hike, the highest paid public employee
in the state is still University President Robben
Fleming, whose salary exceeds that of the gov-
ernor by more than $15,000, will earn $71,429 this
year. Milliken will take home $55,000.
DEFENDING his earnings, Fleming said: "I
think you have to understand that a university
president's salary, like the faculty staff salaries,

Milliken recently received a $7,750 raise from
the State Officers Compensation Commission, but
he is not expected to accept the entire amount.
No one has asked Fleming to turn down a
portion of his $3 700 raise this year, and Regents
Laro, Robert Nederlander (D-Birmingham), and
Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor) concurred that such
a qlestion is not likely to be raised in the future.
"I believe he is one of the grea est university
presidens in the country," said Power. "If it (a
pay cut) comes up for discussion, we'll discuss
it. R',i- I do~n't pv'rnprt to hring it iin~

r i

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