MILLIKEN'S BUDGET See Editorial Page Y e gA~fr i!Jat t t CLOUD Y See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 26, 1977 Ten Cents Ei ght Pages ;F-OJSEE NWS MAM1' CALAL A switch Senator Donald Riegle said Monday he won't stand for Jimmy Carter's nomination of Griffin Bell to be attorney general, and he cast a 'no' vote when the Senate met to confirm the Georgian yesterday. Now, this is an interesting state of affairs. Understand that Michigan's spanking new junior senator is a member of the Judiciary Com- mittee, which reviewed Bell's qualifications and background, and just last week Riegle refused to vote against recommending Bell to the ful Senate. He didn't support him either; he just voted "present." Riegle now says he abstained last Friday because he had told Carter he would do nothing to keep the nomination from going to the Senate floor. "The toughest one to get hold of," said Riegle, "is the degree to which, as a nominee, Bell is consistent with the basic com- mitments of the campaign. Does he keep- faith with what people were led to believe and count on?" Hard to say, Don. Bell was confirmed yes- terday. Tax relief You're worried, right Income tax season is right around the corner, and you're lying awake at night with your stomach growling and your ulcer burning, worrying about how you're going to get that ridiculous form filled out. Quit los- ing sleep; Project Community is about to come to your rescue. The group is providing volunteers, trained by the Internal Revenue Service, to help you out with your 1040 and 1040-A income tax forms. The program starts 'February 1. .Call 763- 3548 for more information. Happenings... will keep you running today ... but first, get in some skating at a Learn'n Roller Skate party sponsored by the Department of Recreational Building, with instruction starting at 1 p.m. and an open skate from 2-4 p.m. ... and after you've got the heart pumping, zip over to the Assembly Room of the Union anytime from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and give blood at the Alpha Phi Omega bloodbank ... at 3 p.m., Dan Tsang and Mary Spooner will deal with "Uncovering a Hidden Part" at 1053 Natural Science, as a part of the University course "Lesbian and Gay Experience." . then, at 4 p.m., Dr. James Teern of the Uni- versity of Chicago will lecture on (take a deep breath) "Phenotypic Variation of Potentilla Glan- dulosa of Environmental Variability" at 2111 Nat- ural Science ... then take a break until 7 p.m. when you can attend an orientation meeting for all those interested in working at the SOS Crisis Center, 114 N. River St., Ypsilanti ... at 7:30 p.m. Festival of Women in the Arts presents "Minority Women and their Art" in the Pendleton Room of the Union; distinguished guests will include Dr. Eva Jessye, Vera Embree and Maria Mitchell then at 8 p.m., take your pick of a seminar en- titled "Up-date on Argentina," sponsored by the Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin America ... or enjoy an evening of songs from many lands by Alina Brychova at the Rackham Lecture Hall, courtesy of the Music School and the Multi-Ethnic Alliance ... or hit the Jung Dis- cussion Group at Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and Division, and hear about "Androgy- ny - The Integration of the Feminine and Mas- culine Principles ... if that doesn't suit your fan- cy, trot over to the Ecumenical Campus Center Lounge at 921 Church St. and hear Father James Sinnott speak on "Korea: Oppression and Human Rights" ... and finally, you might check out Stu- dent Night at the Gay Community Services Cen- ter from 8-10 p.m. Tube wisdom A prisoner in Michigan's Marquette Prison says convicts there are using television crime shows as training courses. Grant Hendrick wrote about these avid TV fans for the latest issue of TV Guide, saying many of his fellow inmates are scanning "Kojack," "Baretta," and "Police Woman" for tips on improving their act once they leave prison. "A surprising nine out of ten told me that they have ' actually learned new tricks and improved their criminal expertise by watching crime programs," Hendrick said. "Four out of ten said that they have attempted specific crimes they saw on television crime dramas, al- though. they also admit that only about one third of these attempts were successful." Ford papers Your tuition dollars will not be used to help pay for the Ger ald Ford presidential library fund- raising campaign, University Information Services Director Joel Berger said yesterday. Officials here were unclear last week, when Ford's papers be- gan rolling into the city, whether University funds would help pay for the nation-wide, professional fund-raising project, but Berger said he has learn- ed 'U' funds "will not be used for the campaign and its expenses ... The campaign will do that." On the inside ...,., Errol Shifman pucks around on Sports Page and Charlotte Channing writes on justice in Rhodes aU top choice for Cornell 'Hate to lose him'--President Fleming By DAVID GOODMAN University Vice-President Frank Rhodes is a top candidate for the presidency of Cornell University, several members of the Cornell search committee revealed last night. "He's certainly very high on the list (of' candi- dates)," remarked Austin Kiplinger, chairman of the Trustee Presidential Search Committee at Cor- nell. "He's a man of great talent," he continued. SEARCH COMMITTEE members indicated that Rhodes was among nine people under highest con- sideration at the group's January 12 meeting. Kip- linger said the list had been further narrowed - -to eight or fewer - on February 24 with Rhodes re- maining on the highest level of consideration. "I really don't know very much about this, but I am interested," Rhodes remarked, acknowledging that he knew he was being considered. "It's news to me that I'm in the final eight," he added. Rhodes said he is "very happy here (at Michigan)" but continued, "I would certainly consider an offer from Cornell ,- it's a fine university." UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming said he had discussed the Cornell presidency with Rhodes. "I would be very sorry ?o lose him - he is a very fine man," Fleming commented. Cornell University began its presidential search after the current president, Dale R. Corson, indicat- ed last May he would resign effective July 1, 1977. The Board of Trustees appointed a ten-member Trustee Search Committee of its own members, and set up alumni, faculty and community (student and staff) committees to aid the trustee group. EACH COMMITTEE submitted nominations, and over 400 people were initially considered. Kiplinger said that Rhodes' name."came up on all of those lists. One of the reasons that he's so well See CORNELL, Page'2 Rhodes irann Carter, to gtve $50 cash tax rebate to all U.S. citizens From Wire Service Reports WASHINGTON-President Carter's economic program may in- clude a $50 cash paymelt for nearly every American, including the non-tax paying poor, Carter's budget director announced yesterday. Bert Lance said the payments would be in the form of a tax rebate for each personal exemption claimed by taxpayers for 1976. There also would be a cash payment for persons receiving Social Security benefits and for low-income persons who do not pay taxes. LANCE SAID Carter has also decided to ask Congress to en- courage business investment by raising the investment tax credit rule enipped from 10 per cent to 12 per cent. ' In other news from the Carter. * The President asked Demo- cratic congressional leaders to push for quick passage of emer- gency legislation to help ease the natural gas shortages caused by severely cold weath- er; * Vice President Walter Mon- dale' and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt agreed on the need for the U.S., West Germany and Japan to cooperate in stimulat- ing the world economy; * Andrew Young, Carter's nominee as ambassador to the United Nations, predicted the new administralion will move shortly toward "some kind of recognition" for Vietnam: and * Defense Secretary Harold Brown said he believes a stand- by draft should be restored to cover "emergency situations'. Some liberal Democrats and the AFL-CIO criticized the em- phasis of Carter's economic pro- posals and said they would try to shift the focus of the legisla- tive package to job creation and minimize the tax relief. Lance told reporters it. may not be possible to provide pay- ments to all the poor, especially those with incomes below $4,000, because it could cost nearly as much in administrative costs to reach themtas the amount of the payments themselves. THE WAY Lance outlined the rebate plan, a family of four with income of $10,000 would re- See CARTER, Page 2 Administration yesterday: Justices~rjet busing program, WASHINGTON (AP)--The Supreme Court yesterday refuned to give cerntnal suspects not officially in police custody 'the, same rights granted suspects un- der arrest. In a 6-3 decision revers- ing an Oregon Supreme Court ruling, the high court said the rights not to talk to police and to be warn- ed about the consequences are reqv~re-' only when a, criminal suspot is' arrest- ed.t In another major decision, the court indicated it wants federal judges to apply more stringent tests before, ordering widespread school desegregation, and barred a court-ordered plan to in- tegrate schools in Indian- apolis, Ind. THE COURT'S ruling takes a narrow view of one of its most controversial decisions of the 1960s. Under that ruling, most often referred to as the Miran- See SUPREME COURT, Page 2 confirms Bell From Wire Service Reports WASHINGTON - The Sen- ate yesterday confirmed Presi- dent Carter's nomination of Griffin Bell, an Atlanta lawyer and long-time Carter friend, as attorney general. The vote was 75-21. During the long, heated de- bate over Bell's confirmation, Sen. John Danforth (R-Missouri) said he had learned of FBI Di- rector Clarence Kelly's plans to retire before the end of the year. LATER, IN A letter to Bell, Kellv confirmed that he would retire on Jan. 1, 1978. He said he will co-operate in the choos- ing of a successor and "will assist in this process in order that a smooth transition is ef- fected." Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kansas) accused Bell of forcing Kelley out more than six years before expiration of his ten-year term by announcing without prior consultation that a new direc- See BELL, Page 2 AP Photo CARTER NOMINEE for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young (right), speaks at his confirmation hearing yesterday. The new diplomat indicated that the United States will soon recognize the People's Republic of Vietnam. NOW THE TIME TO LOOK: Housing expensive and scarce Inflated rates determined by size and location Students give Carter wcheme colds oulder By ENID GOLDMAN President Carter's suggestion that "all Americans" turn down their thermostats to 65 degrees in the daytime and lower at night to help cope with the pro- claimed energy "crisis" seems to have had little effect upon students here. Though an informal survey revealed that campus thermo- stats were remaining steady be- tween 68 and 72 degrees, the reasons for lack of concern and/ or negligence varied greatly. "I'D FREEZE to death at 65 Tower Plaza Apartment man- ager, Jerry Mains. Landlords of large buildings don't seem to be the only tar- gets, however. "I live on the old west side and the 93-year-old woman who lives below me, controls the heat," rationalized Phil Balla. "I guess it's good for her." HEALTH factors were cited by two students as reasons both for and against lowering their thermostat.- "If the temperature is kept down, I've heard you have a tehdencv to get sick more oft- By STU McCONNELL Before you set out to look for your dream house or apart- ment in Ann Arbor, be aware that you are shopping in the second most expensive housing market in the country. A recent study by the city found the average monthly rent, per person to be $157, and the rates rise every year. It is not unheard of to pay $280 for a one-bedroom apartment. THE PRICES for different varieties of apartments vary enormously with location, size and condition of the premises. Outside a six- to eight-block radius of campus, housing is less expensive, but it is also scarcer and eight blocks is a long way to walk in the win- ter. "Students -who , are willing to live - outside the campus area can often find a good selection of low rents," said Jo Williams average about $120 per bedroom, but they are sparse and are usually the first units to dis- appear from the market." RENTS WILL INCREASE any- where from 5 to 10 per cent, with the .average about 6 per cent. Robert Hightower, who rents 30 modern units in the city, says a 5 per cent increase in rents will barelykeep pace with inflation, and that landlords in-. terested in expanding their in- terest in the housing market will have to increase rents even more. Trony Associates is unique in that it has a contract with the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) stipulating that the agency can- not raise rent above expenses it can prove from income tax returns. Even these average prices are only for 12-month leases-eight- month leases cost 20-30 per cent more if you can find one. Tow- A 1 .'1 aaa An rm~e f __ v Annual search for fall begyins 6monthsearly By ROBERT WALT In Ann Arbor the snowy season is not only a time to gather winter fuel, but a time also to scavenge for fall housing. According to the Ann Arbor Office of Building and Safety En- gineering, there are 14,000 rental apartment units in the city - 5,000 in the central campus area. THAT FIGURE SOUNDS impressive until you realize there are 22 000 undergraduates and thousands more graduate students who need housing, not all of whom can live in dormitories. Even in dormitories the housing shortage is acute. The return of the infamous dorm lo'tery will throw many people out into the street to look for housing in an already tight market and for those who stay, there is the threat of a 7.6 per cent rate increase. "H.U.D. considers a vacancy rate of less than five per cent in a community to be a cri ical emergency," said Kim Keller, Legal Coordinator of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU). "Ann Arbor's central campus vacancy rate runs somewhere between .5 per cent and 1.5 per cent." THE WORD FROM the University's Off Campus Housing Office is not to panic. "We are very concerned about students making housing commitments before they fully analyze the housing situa- tion," said Jo Williams, Off Campus Housing advisor.