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January 22, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-22

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See Editorial Page


,t ~~

:43 t t

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 92 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 22, 1977 Ten Cents

Six Pages

Dateline: Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICH. - The Michigan Daily,
long known as a sanctuary for journalism-crazed
University students, and a pretty good paper, too,
re-announced its intentions yesterday to hold its
annual mass meeting for new persons next Tues-
day, Jan. 25, at 9 p.m. "We want you! We want
your talents, your dedication, your ability," said
one anonymous editor. "Besides, where else can
you drink dirt-cheap Cokes, track down elusive
sources, hob nob with the campus brass and
choose from news, sports, arts, photography and
business careers all at the same time?" Accord-
ing to sources, the meeting will be held in The
Daily's spacious second floor quarters in the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard. Students
are also urged to watch this space for announce-
ments of dormitory meetings, or to drop by The
Daily newsroom anytime. "If you pass up this
opportunity," said the anonymous editor, "then
you're passing up life!"
The folks from UAC Mediatrics have cancelled
tonight's movie, "Deliverance," which was sched-
uled for viewing at 7:30 and 9:30. So if you plan-
ned on attending, don't.
Police note
Police in Oakland County believe the body of
a young girl found yesterday in suburban Berk-
ley is that of 10-year-old Kristine Mihelich, who
has beenmissing since Dec. 26. Although police
refused to confirm the body's identity, Oakland
County Sheriff Johannes Spreen said, "Evidently,
they have found the girl who has been missing,
on 13 Mile Road and Telegraph Road ... it ap-
pears to be her." Mihelich was last seen on
another major road in Berkley purchasing a
magazine at a party store. Neighbors had amas-
sed a reward fund of more than $11,000 for in-
formation in the case.
Ford tees off
Gerald Ford was teed off yesterday - but it
Wasn't because of his recent unemployment blues.
Playing in the Bing Crosby Pro-Am Gold Tourna-
ment at Pebble Beach, Calif., Ford swatted his
first ball 40 yards off course, and into a crowd
of onlookers. But barring his usual spurt of
clumsiness, Jerry seemed to be enjoying his first
full day as Citizen Ford after almost 30 years
of government service. "I feel great, I got a
good night's sleep," Ford said as he practiced
before teaming up to play with golf great Arnold
Palmer. Meanwhile, it was reported yesterday that
the Ford's - accustomed to posh living condi-
tions after a 2 -year stint in the White House-
will move next month into a secluded home in
the ritzy Thunderbird Heights section of Rancho
Mirage, Calif. They have taken a one-year lease
on a beige, five-bedroom ranch-style house, which
is surrounded by a concrete fence and has a
rectangular swimming pool in the rear. However,
the Ford's are reportedly planning to buy or build
a permanent home in another desirable area -
Palm Springs.
todayrare singular, rather than plural.eDr.
Jerry Kotler 'and Rabbi Baruch Runds, director
of Jewish Education of Toledo, will speak on
"Hasidic Lore and Music" at Chabad House, 715
Hill. Event begins at 7:30 p.m., and they'll be re-
freshments and a slide and sound show. There's
no charge, so y'all come, heah? ... Have a nice
Johnny's john
You'd think he'd be flushed with apprecia-

tion, but "Tonight Show" star Johnny Carson
doesn't exactly think a Michigan firm's "Here's
Johnny" line of portable toilets is a good idea.
In fact, attorneys for Carson have filed a 1.1
million dollar lawsuit against Earl Braxton of
Utica, whose outhouse firm tried to capitalize
on the phrase used each night when Ed McMahon
introduces Carson to a television audience. At-
torneys contend that Carson had suffered en-
barrassment from the toilet exposure, and that.
it was "disparaging" for the entertainer's cloth-
ing company; Johnny Carson Apparel, Inc. Brax-,
ton, who vows toafightthensuit, said that Car-
son should be glad his name was associated
with the portable toilets. Carson should be able
to get at least one good monologue out of this,
On the inside*...
.Are we a republic or a democracy? Michael
Beckman examines this question on the Edit Page
Our friends from Arts have prepared for you
next week's Happenings ... and Patrick Rode has
the scoop on the Blue Wrestlers' match with pow-



cau ght



A 26-year-old man has been arrested in Mississippi and charged
with one of the muggings which took place during a rash of 17
assaults on local women in two months last semester.
Robert Finklea, a native of Mississippi, was charged only with
a Jan. 2 rape, which Police Chief Walter Krasny said was not re-
lated to the recent rash.
KRASNY WOULD NOT link Finklea to the other 16 assaults -
including three rapes and one attempted rape - but speculated
that they "could be connected."
Descriptions given of the assailant are similar to Finklea',
Krasny said.
Finklea was arrested in Pascagoula, Miss. on Jan. 12 by local
police acting on an unarmed robbery warrant sworn out in Ann
Arbor on Jan. 7.
FINKLEA AGREED to a waiver of extradition in Mississippi
and Ann Arbor police returned him here last Wednesday.
Finklea, who is being held on $120,000 bond, apparently left

Ann Arbor shorily after the Jan. 2 rape, Krasny said.
Howard Biggs, the Pascagoula arresting officer, sai
was apprehended in a Pascagoula shipyard, where he h
work on Jan. 10. He was staying in motel-like temporary
provided by the shipyard,-he added.
FINKLEA WAS ARRESTED for an Oct. 13 unarme
of a woman near South University and Oxford Strees. T
was grabbed from behind as she carried two bags ofg
The assailant allegedly tried to drag the woman acrosst
but fled wiih the bags when two men approached.
Finklea was a'so charged with the rape of a localA
knife-point on Jan. 2. The rape occurred in the 2500
Emerald Avenue.
Biggs reported that Finklea served time in a Missis
eral penitentiary for armed robbery until September, 1976
released after five years of a 15-year term.
BIGGS SAID familiarity with Miss. was one possib
why Finklea would have returned to the state in January.

d Finklea
ad begun
y housing
d robbery
he victim
the street
woman at
block of
sippi fed-
6. He was
le reason

Biggs added that Finklea, who had relatives in Ann Arbor,
came here directly upon his release from prison.
The assailant in last term's rapes and assaul s has been de-
scribed as a black man of medium build and medium complexion
with a mustache.
ACCORDING TO court records, Finklea is black, 5'11", and
weighs 171 pounds. He has a medium build and medium complex-
ion, black hair, a mustache, and a goatee. He'has a tattoo on his
right arm and his, forehead.
Police have checked hundreds of leads in the two-month search
for the person or persons responsible for the assaults.
Attacks have included a mugging in front of Universiy Pres-
ident Robben Fleming's South University residence and various
slashings in,the Kingsley Street area. Two rapes of Oxford Hous-
ing residents. occurred in the Oxford area and a 74-year-old wo-
man, robbed of less than $10 in a parking lot, was the victim of
an unsuccessful rape attempt.


;z, :

Carter s
A spokesman for Ann Arbor's
American Legion post said they
would fly their flag at half mast,
but overall campus reaction to
PresidenteCarter's pardon of
Vietnam era draft evaders was
George Harms, a member of
the American Legion's national
public relations commission,
said yesterday, "To us it's a day
of mourning, not a day of cele-
bration. I'm sure you'll see our
flag at half mast tomorrow. We
raise our flags, we don't burn
"IT'S A CRYING shame for
people who took the responsibil-
ity and served. What are you go-
ing to say to the parents of these
kids who went and were killed
or wounded?" he asked.
But a fellow Legionnaire, Ray-
mond Chauncey of the Ypsilanti
post. disagreed with Harms. "I
think (the pardon) is something
Ford should have done a long
time ago. It's the best thing Car-
ter could have done. I'm glad he
stuck to his campaign promise."
Another Vietnam veteran, for-
mer MSA president Calvin Lu-
ker, said he thought the pardon
was not sufficient in scope. "It's
a start, but only a start," he
said, "There is an unknown
number of people who decided to
obey federal law and allowed
themselves to be drafted, who
later in good conscience could
not allow themselves to support
the U.S. military and were
kicked out or dishonorably dis-
pardon for not taking into ac-
co'it the people who disobeyed
military law because "It seems
to suggest to me that military
lawris more sacred and more,.
s,,,-reme than federal law."
Barbara Fuller, director of the
1nterfaith Council in Ann Arbor
echoed Luker's dissatisfaction
with the pardon. She said there
were 800.,000 men with dishon-
orable discharges who are han-
dicapned in the job market be-
See LOCAL, Page 2

Carter orers
desertion stud
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON-President Carter yesterday uncon-
ditionally pardoned Vietnam era draft evaders and or-
dered the Pentagon to study the possibility of pardon-
ing deserters, too.
Press Secretary Jody Powell, in announcing Car-
ter's first executive order - which became effective at
9:30 a.m. yesterday - estimated that "up to hundreds
of thousands" of draft resisters might be affected by
the order. The only exceptions are a "very few" whose
actions involved force or violence and Selective Ser-
vice employes who, for in-
stance, may ' have sold
draft-exempt status.
Draft evaders who are now
overseas may return home un-
der Carter's action.

AP Photo
DRAFT EVADER STEVE GROSSMAN of Chic ago works on the next edition of Amex-Canal
in Toronto after hearing of President Carter's pa rdon. Amex-Canada is a publication for dra
dodgers in Canada.
Deserters call parsdon--1 'farce'

citizens of another country can
come home to, visit families
"without fear of prosecution,
but if they wish to regain Am-
erican citizenship they will have
to apply under the same terms
and conditions as any other
alien, Powell said.
A Pentagon official concern-
ed with former President Ford's
conditional clemency program,
said that as of lastNovember
1 there were 10,643 draft viola-
tors. But that figure could in-
crease greatly if the govern-
ment is able to identify large
numbers of unknown men be-
lieved to have failed to reg-
da ister for the draft.
Ift Carter said he had expected
no criticism of his pardon. He
said he had decided on today's
action two years ago, "and I
approved the executive order
two weeks ago." Nevertheless,.
the pardon has triggered sharp
criticism from veterans groups
1 to and some members of Congress
iden who said it would make future
military mobilization more diffi-
seg- 'cult, as well as by groups who
seg protesteddthat the pardon did
un- not extend far enough.
nor- T. COOPER HOLT, executive
director of the VFW's Washing-
heir ton office, said: "This is prob-
edu- ably one of the saddest days
sult in the history of our country,
acts even surpassing the Watergate
war days. President Carter will have
to accept the responsibility of
See CARTER, Page 2

'The most disgraceful
thing a president's
ever done.'

By AP and Reuter
TORONTO - Spokespersons for Vietnam War
resisters and deserters here and in Stockholm
rejected President Carter's selective pardon to
draft dodgers as a "farce" and called for uncon-
ditional amnesty yesterday.
Jack Calhoum, co-editor of Amex-Canada, a
Toronto-based magazine for Americans living in
exile in Canada, said the pardon was unaccept-
able because it excluded deserters, draft evaders
who commi'ted violent acts to protest the war and
abou' 203 000 who were dismissed from the armed
forces with less-than-honorable discharges.
MICHAEL POWERS, one of more than 1,000

Americans who deserted or otherwise tried
avoid military. service by fleeing to Swen
after 1967, said in a statement:
"Our demands, supported by a larges
ment of the American people, are for an
conditional general amnesty for all drafte
ders, deserters and 800,000 veterans disho
ably discharged from the armed forces.
"These people are still being denied t
rights in employment, medical care ande
cation. Carter's so-called amnesty is an in
to the millions of Americans who by theira
expressed opposition to America's offensiveN
against the people of Indochina."
See EXILED, Page 2

'A major, impressive
and compassionate

Abortion in Italy on-
the I)rl~nk of approval

R 0 M E - (P) - The Italian
Chamber of Deputies approved
one of Western Europe's most
liberal abortion laws yesterday,
despite Christian Democrat at-
tempts to block the measure
and Vatican protests that it
was, the product of "demagog-
ic pressures." -
The proposal gives women
the final choice on abortion
within the frstthrap rnnthc of

in the Italian parliament for
years. One factor in the fall of
the government last year was
a coalition of Christian Demo-
crats and Neo-fascists to block
liberalization moves. The bal-
ance of power shifted to the
left in last June's national elec-
tions, with the Communists
4aining 49 seats tothold 228 out
of the 630 total in the chamber.
The k, v nasnie of the new

>' Mum's the word on
campus hideout of
... presidential ppers
Nine vans, loaded with sealed crates containing 19 mil-
lion pages of Gerald Ford's papers and memorabilia, ar-
rived without fanfare on campus late Thursday under heavy
The materials are for the Ford Presidential Library to
be built on North Campus Temporarily stored in warehouse


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